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Uzman Danışmanlar

Exp_CHOWithFlat - MetaTrader 5 için Uzman Danışman

2015.12.04 08:53
2023.03.29 13:45
\MQL5\Experts\ \MQL5\Include\ \MQL5\Indicators\
cho.mq5 (6.98 KB) görüntüle
MQL5 Freelance Bu koda dayalı bir robota veya göstergeye mi ihtiyacınız var? Freelance üzerinden sipariş edin Freelance'e git

The Exp_CHOWithFlat Expert Advisor is based on the change of color of the CHOWithFlat indicator. The signal is formed when a bar is closing if there is change in cloud color of the indicator.

Place CHO.ex5 and CHOWithFlat.ex5 compiled files to the <terminal_data_folder>\MQL5\Indicators.

Note that the TradeAlgorithms.mqh library file allows using Expert Advisors with brokers who offer nonzero spread and the option of setting Stop Loss and Take Profit together with position opening. You can download more variants of the library at the following link: Trade Algorithms.

Default Expert Advisor's input parameters have been used during the tests shown below. Stop Loss and Take Profit have not been used during the tests.

Fig.1. Trade examples on the chart

Fig.1. Trade examples on the chart

Testing results for 2014 on USDJPY H8:

Fig. 2. Chart of testing results

Fig. 2. Chart of testing results

MetaQuotes Ltd tarafından Rusçadan çevrilmiştir.
Orijinal kod:

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