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MultiMACDSignal - MetaTrader 5 için gösterge

2012.10.31 14:11
2016.11.22 07:32
MQL5 Freelance Bu koda dayalı bir robota veya göstergeye mi ihtiyacınız var? Freelance üzerinden sipariş edin Freelance'e git

MultiMACDSignal displays information on current trends using values of the six MACD indicators obtained from different time frames.

Each of the MACD indicators corresponds to one of the six indicator lines. If the MACD histogram is above its signal line, the line is green, if it is bellow, the line is pink. Colored points appear on the lines when the bar of the relevant time frame is changing.

Fig.1 The MultiMACDSignal Indicator

Fig.1 The MultiMACDSignal Indicator

MetaQuotes Ltd tarafından Rusçadan çevrilmiştir.
Orijinal kod:

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MultiX2MASignal displays information on current trends using values of the four X2MA indicators obtained from different time frames.

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MultiXRSXSignal displays information on current trends using values of the four XRSX indicators obtained from different time frames.

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MultiRVISignal displays information on current trends using values of the four RVI indicators obtained from different time frames.

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