Would you please make an extern so that the alert displays the broker time. it currently displays the pc time and we have to convert.
Hi John,
the MT4 alert box always displays the local time, with every indicator.
It does not depend on the indicator and it can't be switched off or altered.
In other words, the PC time will always be there.
You can add broker time to the text displayed. Open the indicator in MetaEditor, scroll down to the ProcessAlerts() function and find following code:
AlertText$ = Symbol() + .......
There are 2 lines containing this. Modify both lines by inserting the highlighted:
AlertText$ = TimeToStr(TimeCurrent(), TIME_MINUTES) + "," + Symbol() + .......
Hit the F5 key to compile. Now the alert will show local and broker time at once.
Hi MaryJane,
Thank you for coding this. I had it on my agenda, but you have saved me the trouble, and you have done a much better job than I would have done. I am especially grateful that you took the time to ensure it doesn't repaint.
Best Regards,
Below is my variation on the TVI indicator. It displays a Histogram in 4 colors that shows when Positive or Negative Tick Volume matches or is divergent with Price Action. Feel free to modify & update if my code is erroneous.
//| Tick Volume Indicator v2 |
//| Copyright © William Blau |
//| Originally coded © 2006 by Profitrader |
//| Recoded © 2011 by MaryJane |
#property copyright "Profitrader, 2006 && MaryJane, 2011"
//---- properties
#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_buffers 5
#property indicator_color1 RoyalBlue // for line graph, set color1-color4
#property indicator_color2 LimeGreen // to CLR_NONE = set None in user
#property indicator_color3 Crimson // settings.
#property indicator_color4 Gold //
#property indicator_color5 Gold // set CLR_NONE to hide the line
#property indicator_width1 2
#property indicator_width2 2
#property indicator_width3 2
#property indicator_width4 2
#property indicator_width5 1
#property indicator_style5 2
//---- input parameters
extern int r = 1;
extern int s = 1;
extern int u = 2;
extern string _n1 = "_Increase for more history";
extern int BarCount = 500;
extern string _n2 = "_AlertCandle = 0: current";
extern string _n3 = "_AlertCandle = 1: closed";
extern int AlertCandle = 1;
extern bool PopupAlerts = false;
extern string _n4 = "_Leave empty for no email";
extern string AlertEmailSubject = "";
//---- globalscape
datetime LastAlertTime = -999999;
string AlertUp$ = "TVI change: UP";
string AlertDn$ = "TVI change: DOWN";
int Precision = 5;
datetime OldTime;
string ShortName$;
//---- buffers
double UpPos[], DnPos[], UpNeg[], DnNeg[];
double TVI[], TVI_Raw[], Trend[];
//---- extra buffers
double UpTicks[], DnTicks[];
double EMA_U[], EMA_D[], DEMA_U[], DEMA_D[];
//| indicator initialization |
int init()
//---- data window / tooltip precision
//---- 7 buffers used (one still free)
//---- 5 buffers for drawing
SetIndexBuffer(0, UpPos);
SetIndexBuffer(1, DnPos);
SetIndexBuffer(2, UpNeg);
SetIndexBuffer(3, DnNeg);
SetIndexBuffer(4, TVI);
SetIndexStyle(0, DRAW_HISTOGRAM);
SetIndexStyle(1, DRAW_HISTOGRAM);
SetIndexStyle(2, DRAW_HISTOGRAM);
SetIndexStyle(3, DRAW_HISTOGRAM);
SetIndexStyle(4, DRAW_LINE);
//---- 2 buffers for calculations
SetIndexBuffer(5, TVI_Raw);
SetIndexBuffer(6, Trend);
//---- 6 additional buffers for calc
ArrayResize(UpTicks, BarCount); ArraySetAsSeries(UpTicks, true);
ArrayResize(DnTicks, BarCount); ArraySetAsSeries(DnTicks, true);
ArrayResize(EMA_U, BarCount); ArraySetAsSeries(EMA_U, true);
ArrayResize(EMA_D, BarCount); ArraySetAsSeries(EMA_D, true);
ArrayResize(DEMA_U, BarCount); ArraySetAsSeries(DEMA_U, true);
ArrayResize(DEMA_D, BarCount); ArraySetAsSeries(DEMA_D, true);
// ---- disable data values for histo buffers
SetIndexLabel(0, NULL); SetIndexLabel(1, NULL); SetIndexLabel(2, NULL); SetIndexLabel(3, NULL);
// ---- enable data value for TVI
SetIndexLabel(4, "TVI Value");
//---- reset bar counter
OldTime = Time[0];
//---- collect indi name
ShortName$ = "TVI v2 (" + r + "," + s + "," + u + ") Trend is ";
//---- end init
//| indicator code |
int start()
int counted_bars = IndicatorCounted();
if (counted_bars < 0) return (-1);
if (counted_bars > 0) counted_bars--;
int limit = MathMin(BarCount, Bars - counted_bars) - 1;
double Rate1, Rate2, Rate3, Rate4, Rate5;
double inverse = 1;
double ask = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK)/100;
double bid = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID)/100;
// Market Delta = calculated by subtracting the volume transacted at the bid price from the volume transacted at the ask price.
/*Delta = Ask - Bid
Buy Volume (Ask Volume) = volume that traded at or above the ask price.
Sell Volume (Bid Volume) = volume that traded at or below the bid price.
Red - negative histogram bar. Delta is positive, but current price is below opening price.
Green - positive histogram bar. Delta is negative, but current price is above opening price.
Blue - positive histogram bar. Delta is positive, and current price is above opening price.
Yellow - negative histogram bar. Delta is negative, and current price is below opening price.
double delta = ask-bid;
//---- resize/shift extra buffers on first and every next bar
if (Time[0] != OldTime) SyncExtraBuffers(BarCount);
//---- calculate ticks
for(int i = limit; i >= 0; i--)
UpTicks[i] = (delta + (Close[i] - Open[i]) / Point)/100;
//DnTicks[i] = 0;
DnTicks[i] = (delta + (Open[i] - Close[i]) / Point)/100;
//---- 1st pass smoothing
/*for(i = limit; i >= 0; i--)
EMA_U[i] = iMAOnArray(UpTicks, 0, r, 0, MODE_EMA, i);
EMA_D[i] = iMAOnArray(DnTicks, 0, r, 0, MODE_EMA, i);
//---- 2nd pass smoothing
for(i = limit; i >= 0; i--)
DEMA_U[i] = iMAOnArray(UpTicks, 0, s, 0, MODE_EMA, i)/100;
DEMA_D[i] = iMAOnArray(DnTicks, 0, s, 0, MODE_EMA, i)/100;
//---- calculate the ratio
for(i = limit; i >= 0; i--)
TVI_Raw[i] = 1.0 * (DEMA_U[i] - DEMA_D[i]) / (DEMA_U[i] + DEMA_D[i]);
//---- final smoothing
for(i = limit; i >= 0; i--)
TVI[i] = iMAOnArray(TVI_Raw, 0, u, 0, MODE_EMA, i);
//---- make histogram
for(i = limit; i >= 0; i--)
// ---- keep previous direction
Trend[i] = Trend[i + 1];
// ---- ...until there's a change
if (TVI[i] > TVI[i + 1]) Trend[i] = 1;
else if (TVI[i] < TVI[i + 1]) Trend[i] = -1;
// ---- paint the buffers accordingly
if (Trend[i] > 0)
if (TVI[i] >= 0) {UpPos[i] = TVI[i]; DnPos[i] = EMPTY_VALUE;}
else {UpNeg[i] = TVI[i]; DnNeg[i] = EMPTY_VALUE;}
else if (Trend[i] < 0)
if (TVI[i] >= 0) {DnPos[i] = TVI[i]; UpPos[i] = EMPTY_VALUE;}
else {DnNeg[i] = TVI[i]; UpNeg[i] = EMPTY_VALUE;}
//---- trend display update
if (Trend[0] == 1) string t$ = "UP"; else t$ = "DOWN";
IndicatorShortName(ShortName$ + t$);
//---- do alerts
//---- end of loop
//| shift extra buffers on new bar |
void SyncExtraBuffers(int count)
for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
UpTicks[i + 1] = UpTicks[i];
DnTicks[i + 1] = DnTicks[i];
EMA_U[i + 1] = EMA_U[i];
EMA_D[i + 1] = EMA_D[i];
DEMA_U[i + 1] = DEMA_U[i];
DEMA_D[i + 1] = DEMA_D[i];
//---- reset bar counter
OldTime = Time[0];
//| alert routine (thank you hanover :-) |
//| http://www.forexfactory.com/showthread.php?t=299520 |
void ProcessAlerts()
if (AlertCandle >= 0 && Time[0] > LastAlertTime)
//---- alert UP
if (Trend[AlertCandle] == 1 && Trend[AlertCandle + 1] != 1)
string AlertText$ = Symbol() + "," + TFToStr(Period()) + ": " + AlertUp$;
if (PopupAlerts) Alert(AlertText$);
if (AlertEmailSubject > "") SendMail(AlertEmailSubject, AlertText$);
LastAlertTime = Time[0];
//---- alert DOWN
if (Trend[AlertCandle] == - 1 && Trend[AlertCandle + 1] != -1)
AlertText$ = Symbol() + "," + TFToStr(Period()) + ": " + AlertDn$;
if (PopupAlerts) Alert(AlertText$);
if (AlertEmailSubject > "") SendMail(AlertEmailSubject, AlertText$);
LastAlertTime = Time[0];
string TFToStr(int tf)
if (tf == 0) tf = Period();
if (tf >= 43200) return("MN");
if (tf >= 10080) return("W1");
if (tf >= 1440) return("D1");
if (tf >= 240) return("H4");
if (tf >= 60) return("H1");
if (tf >= 30) return("M30");
if (tf >= 15) return("M15");
if (tf >= 5) return("M5");
if (tf >= 1) return("M1");
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Tick Volume Indicator v2:
Author: MaryJane