Индикаторы: Fractal dimension


Fractal dimension:

Индикатор fractal dimension, определяет изменчивость рынка.

Author: John Smith


Уважаемый Scriptor,

Будь добр, по возможности, вставляй хоть кой нибудь комментарий к индикаторам, тем более что в тексте индикатора есть объяснение, хотя и на ИНГЛИШЕ.

Так думаю проблем с переводом не будет.

Вот копия комментария из кода к этому индикатору.

//|                                                                              fractal_dimension.mq4               |
//|                                                                              iliko [arcsin5@netscape.net]        |
//|                                                                                                                  |
//|                                                                                                                  |
//|  The Fractal Dimension Index determines the amount of market volatility. The easiest way to use this indicator is|
//|  to understand that a value of 1.5 suggests the market is acting in a completely random fashion.                 |
//|  As the market deviates from 1.5, the opportunity for earning profits is increased in proportion                 |
//|  to the amount of deviation.                                                                                     |
//|  But be carreful, the indicator does not show the direction of trends !!                                         |
//|                                                                                                                  |
//|  The indicator is RED when the market is in a trend. And it is blue when there is a high volatility.             |
//|  When the FDI changes its color from red to blue, it means that a trend is finishing, the market becomes         |
//|  erratic and a high volatility is present. Usually, these "blue times" do not go for a long time.They come before|
//|  a new trend.                                                                                                    |
//|                                                                                                                  |
//|  For more informations, see                                                                                      |
//|  http://www.forex-tsd.com/suggestions-trading-systems/6119-tasc-03-07-fractal-dimension-index.html               |
//|                                                                                                                  |
//|                                                                                                                  |   
//|  HOW TO USE INPUT PARAMETERS :                                                                                   |   
//|  -----------------------------                                                                                   |   
//|                                                                                                                  |   
//|      1) e_period [ integer >= 1 ]                                              =>  30                            |   
//|                                                                                                                  |   
//|         The indicator will compute the historical market volatility over this period.                            |   
//|         Choose its value according to the average of trend lengths.                                              |   
//|                                                                                                                  |   
//|      2) e_type_data [ int = {PRICE_CLOSE = 0,                                                                    |   
//|                              PRICE_OPEN  = 1,                                                                    |   
//|                              PRICE_HIGH  = 2,                                                                    |   
//|                              PRICE_LOW   = 3,                                                                    |   
//|                              PRICE_MEDIAN    (high+low)/2              = 4,                                      |   
//|                              PRICE_TYPICAL   (high+low+close)/3        = 5,                                      |   
//|                              PRICE_WEIGHTED  (high+low+close+close)/4  = 6}     => PRICE_CLOSE                   |   
//|                                                                                                                  |   
//|         Defines on which price type the Fractal Dimension is computed.                                           |   
//|                                                                                                                  |
//|      3) e_random_line [ 0.0 < double < 2.0 ]                                   => 1.5                            |
//|                                                                                                                  |
//|         Defines your separation betwen a trend market (red) and an erratic/high volatily one.                    |   
//|                                                                                                                  |   
//| v1.0 - February 2007                                                                                            |   
Заранее благодарен.