Стохастик как в Advanced Get



кто то встречал вот такой индюк Стохастик, что б рисовал черные полосочки вверху и внизу?

Такой стохастик есть в Advanced Get. Интересно по какому принципу рисуются эти полоски?..

может кто то сможет сделать такой для МТ4?

Наверное что то связанное с длительностью нахождения стохастика в зонах перекупленности и перепроданности, либо с дивергенцией.сложно сказать незная как стороились черные линии.
Похоже на фрактал. Либо аналог уровней поддержки/сопротивления. Как рисуется - уже второй вопрос)
да, скорее всего это фрактальные уровни какие то..
Не вижу никакой закономерности и связи со стохастиком. В этом Advanced Get есть какое-нибдь описание этого стохастика?

Это какой-то False Bar Stochastic

The appearance of this special, built-in feature of the GET Stochastic means that the overbought / oversold indication of the standard Stochastic is questionable. So, for example, for an "overbought" market, the false bar indicates that the market actually has a chance of moving higher. Where the false (black) bar does not appear, the overbought / oversold conditions of the Stochastic can be considered higher-probability reversal areas and, thus, trading opportunities.


Вот еще:

This is where the False Bar Stochastic comes in. The False Bar was developed by Tom Joseph and is part of Advanced GET and the GET Studies in eSignal. This is the Black Line above the Stochastic in the JNJ image: When it appears, it is a warning that the overbought condition is False! In other words, we may have a trend!

Так что, врядли получится его повторить, ничего про него неизвестно.


Может что-то типа: если после выходы стохастика за уровень цена прошла дальше какой-то заданной величины, то начинает рисоваться горизонтальная линия, если вернулась на какую-то величину от максимума образовавшегося после выхода за уровень, то прекаращается рисование черной линии.

Не так, но что-то типа того.

В любом случае, вопрос к автору темы, помогают ли эти линии в торговле?


The Stochastic is designed to indicate when the market is overbought or oversold. It is based on the premise that when a market's price increases, the closing prices tend to move toward the daily highs; and, conversely, when a market's price decreases, the closing prices move toward the daily lows. A Stochastic displays two lines: %K and

%D. %K is calculated by finding the highest and lowest point in a trading period and then finding where the current close is in relation to that trading range. %K is then smoothed with a moving average. %D is a moving average of %K.

A sell signal is generated when you have a crossover of the %K and the %D, when both are above the band set at 75. A buy signal is generated when you have a crossover of the %K and the %D when both are below the band set at 25. These signals are not valid if a False Bar appears above or below the crossover signal. The False Bar is a proprietary Stochastics cycle study that can help weed out many of the false Stochastics signals. If a False Bar appears over the Stochastics signal, you should just ignore the Stochastics signal as if it never existed. (More information on the False Bar can be found later in Part 2, Applying Technical Analysis.)

An alternate, more aggressive method of using the Stochastics is by using a pyramid system of adding on positions during a strong trend. As a major trend continues, you could use all of the crossing of the %K and %D, regardless of where the Stochastics lines cross. For example, if you follow this approach in an uptrending market, you would take all the upturns by the Stochastics as additional buy signals (to pyramid your positions), regardless of whether %K or %D reached the oversold zone. The Stochastics sell signals would be ignored, except to take short-term profits. False Bar signals would be ignored. The reverse would be true in a downtrending market.

To edit a Stochastic study, right-click inside the chart and then select Edit Studies. Choose GET Stoch from the Study dropdown list.


The Length number box indicates the number of bars used to find a moving average when calculating %K.

The %K number box indicates the period of the moving average that is used to smooth %K.

The %D number box contains the period of the moving average that is applied to %K

to find %D.

The Bar Color selection list allows you to change the color of the False Bar. The %K Color selection list allows you to change the color of the %K.

The %D Color selection list allows you to change the color of the %D.

The Upper and Lower Bands number boxes indicate at what level the bands will be drawn.

The Bands Color selection list allows you to change the color of the bands drawn on the Stochastics.