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Trade Assistant Pro 36 in 1


Ferramenta multifuncional: 65+ funções, incluindo: calculadora de lote, Price Action, proporção R/R, gerenciamento de trade, zonas de suporte e resistência

Versão Demo  |  Manual de usuário  |  Versão MT5

O utilitário não funciona no testador de estratégia: você pode baixar a versão Demo AQUI para testar o produto.

Contate-me para perguntas / ideias de melhorias / caso encontrar algum erro

Os trades automáticos serão permitidos se estiverem habilitados na plataforma e na corretora

Simplifique, acelere e automatize seu processo de negociação. Expanda os recursos padrões do terminal com este painel

Abrir novos trades: cálculo de Lote / Risco / RR:

  • Cálculo de lote (Lote calculado com base no tamanho do risco)
  • Cálculo do risco (Valor do risco baseado no tamanho do lote)
  • Proporção Risco / Retorno (RR)
  • Gatilhos para ativação da ordem, + Buy StopLimit /  Sell StopLimit: mesmo para Mt4
  • Níveis virtuais de SL / TP (não é apregoado na corretora)
  • Níveis inteligentes de SL / Entrada: se a vela fechar depois (evita falsas operações)
  • Ordens pendentes não são exibidas (ordens virtuais)
  • Agendamento de ordens: você pode posicionar ordens mesmo com o mercado fechado
  • Multi níveis de TP adicionais (Múltiplo Take Profit)
  • Ordens OCO com diferentes IDs
  • Visualizador de trade + ajuste pelo gráficoNíveis de SL / Entrada pelo valor de Bid e não de Ask: para evitar gatilhos falsos com spread
  • Cálculo de Lote / Risco cálculo para 5 tamanhos de contas diferentes ao mesmo tempo: utilizado para gerentes de contas
  • Opção para abrir vários trades de uma só vez
  • Tempo de expiração: baseado em minutos / horas / dias / quantidade de velas

Gerenciamento de trade: Encerrar / Modificar / Trailing Stop /  Trailing Ordem / Breakeven / Encerrar automático

  • Finalize trades agrupados por categorias
  • Encerre trades parcialmente (configurar)
  • Opção para agrupar diferentes ativos: ex. todos trades com GBP: (GBP/USD, EUR/GBP e outros podem ser gerenciados simultaneamente)
  • Remover níveis SL / TP de todos os trades em apenas 1 click
  • Breakeven Automático / Manual, + opção de deslocamento
  • Trailing stop: 6 tipos de SL + 7 regras de deslocamento
  • Ordem trailing automático
  • Opção para gerenciar vários trades de uma só vez
  • Função encerramento automático: se Ganho / Perda, ou por tempo determinado

Gerencie o(s) trade(s) selecionado(s):

  • Agendamento de ordens: você pode posicionar ordens mesmo com o mercado fechado (durante a semana): mudanças serão aplicadas quando mercado abrir
  • Copiar / Reverter o trade em apenas 1 clique
  • Visualização + opção de ajustar no gráfico
  • Modificar tamanho do lote em ordens pendentes
  • Encerrar parcial: tamanho do lote / % do lote atual
  • "Encerrar por": encerra uma ordem através de outra nova ordem
  • Ajustar TP/SL: preço / pips / pontos / %
  • Rápida alteração de expiração
  • Ajuste de TP / SL baseado na proporção R/R
  • Modifique SL e preserve a % do risco inicial para ordens existentes

Estatísticas do trade + análise do mercado:

  • Medidor de força da moeda
  • Estatísticas do trading: período customizado / Ativo
  • Análise dias da semana: o melhor / pior dia para operar
  • Informação mercado, análise volatilidade
  • Visualização Máxima / Mínima, comparado com o preço atual
  • Indicador de progresso de barra
  • Anotações customizados por ativo (lembretes no gráfico)

Indicadores e utilidades auxiliares:

  • Indicador Price Action + 3 filtros de tendência
  • Zonas de suporte e resistência
  • Barra de preço futuro
  • Calendário econômino no gráfico (eventos fundamentais)
  • Temporizador de contagem regressiva
  • Indicador com barras largas
  • Níveis Máximo / Mínima de 9 tempos gráficos
  • Níveis automáticos Fibonacci (Fibo)
  • Indicador de Gap
  • Potenciais níveis de ganho / perda
  • Até 5 tempos gráficos adicionais no mesmo gráfico (Múltiplos tempos gráficos)
  • Sessões de Negociação (sessões de mercado ativas)
  • Contador de Ganho/Perda
  • Barra de status: informações de mercado on-time (Swap, Spread, mudança de preço, tempo, Ganho/Perda)
  • Direções da vela: velas em todos os tempos gráficos
  • Alertas: para Preço / Linha de tendência, + notas (notificação quando o nível é atingido)
  • Marca d'água no gráfico: Símbolo + tempo gráfico / ou seu próprio texto
  • Utilidade de Faixa de Preço: limites de negociação
  • Ferramenta Market Watch (lista de observação)
  • Tamanhos de barra em 9 tempos gráficos
  • Imagens customizadas no gráfico
  • Printscreen rápido + automático
  • Alertas Telegram
  • Atalhos no teclado
Comentários 28
8enlightenor Lumiere
8enlightenor Lumiere 2024.07.04 22:53 

Absolute best Trade Manager in the Market! I've been through many trade managers and this is the best. It has the most features, while not complicated. Easy to learn. Intuitive. The added features make trading so much easier! And the developer is very responsive to bug fixes. I love this trade manager, it's a masterpiece . Thank you Makarii!

21285752 2023.11.20 21:10 

I can't rate this EA highly enough. I use the execution and trade management elements and they are by far better than I've seen / experienced anywhere. Very easy to use and the main thing this EA gives you is the confidence to trade they way you want. Also, the developer is just amazing - on hand to answer any questions or make tweaks that helps the effectiveness of the EA. A great product with top draw support.

Ross Rodgers
Ross Rodgers 2023.08.26 22:56 

This is THE Trade Manager! Excellent feature set, that transforms MetaTrader 4 into a true professional trading platform... I won't go into all the features, but they have all transformed my trading to speed up and automate frequently required tasks, and it adds new pro-level trading features to MT4 that are just not possible on the vanilla MT4. As has been mentioned, the developer is extremely responsive, fixing minor issues and agreeably accepting new feature requests that are often programmed quickly. I can't imagine trading without this tool. One of the most supportive developers I have ever purchased software from.

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Trading panel for manual trading. Has a fairly wide functionality. Allows you to automatically calculate the order size, open both market and pending orders. It has a wide range of options for closing orders, it is possible to partially close orders, close orders after reaching a certain profit or loss, separately close profitable and unprofitable, buy and sell, as well as pending orders. The panel also contains a simple implementation of a grid of pending orders, reverse and lock functions, tr
Expert Advisor for MT4 Useful utility MUST have for all traders.  With 1 click button, you're able to close all your open positions. Its come with a warning pop up notification when you click to close all your trades, to avoid an accident press the button. Just press 'Yes' to confirm or 'No' to cancel it. The expert will close all your open positions no matter what pairs you currently open or directions. Just attach the expert on 1 of your chart, and you're good to go.
This copier was originally developed for the professional order management of a team of traders and therefore, first of all, a risk manager was built into it. For simple operation, you need to configure the following settings: For the master! 1. Select the program type ''Program mode'' - master 2. Enter a new name for the ''Folder name'' folder, in which the EA will record information on working with orders. The name must be the same for both master and slave!!! 3. In the ''Feedback from the
This tool will perform Trailing stop loss and Break even management for orders. Helps you limit or reduce the time spend watching orders on the screen, especially when you need to go to sleep. Just add this EA to 1 chart, you can manage all pairs. You can filter orders by comment, magic number, symbol, and order ticket number. When Breakeven it can add shift/offset pips (to cover the commission...). You can try in strategy tester before purchase. The EA will add Buy and Sell alternately, so yo
Trade Manager Assistant é um painel de negociação profissional para gerenciamento avançado de pedidos. Trade Assistant combina ferramentas de gerenciamento de risco com recursos avançados de processamento manual de ordens comerciais. Link para   instruções completas de instalação. Com o gerenciamento inteligente de risco, você pode calcular automaticamente o tamanho ideal do lote com base na porcentagem de risco ou no valor fixo por negociação. Defina automaticamente níveis de stop loss e lucro
Syed Oarasul Islam
This utility is designed to help you with your Manual Trading. It allows different ways of closing trades. It can display total number of BUY and SELL orders individually and also their individual profits. It can enter trades without stopl loss and take profits. However upon selecting UseStopLossTakeProfit from the settings it can use best possible stop loss and take profits based on the market conditions. Upon selecting the CloseOppositeTrades  from the settings it can close opposite trades. Fo
This simple visual expert advisor allows you to trade easily from the chart. It handles risk management for you and can perform several useful tasks with your existing trades, saving time and making risk-management for each individual trade easier.  [ Installation Guide | Update Guide | Troubleshooting | FAQ | All Products ] Trade easily from the chart Trade with precise risk management, hassle free Trade pending order with drag and drop price selection Set SL and TP levels with drag and drop pr
Utility, which draws buy or sell trendlines, which can also become support or resistances able to close any position on the screen Algorithm that calculates the gain of the position, at the touch closure of the line.   The benefits you get: Works on forex and CFD, timeframe from M1 to Weekly. Easy to use screen control panel. Audible warning messages at the touch of the line. Easy to use.
It is so very disappointing when the price does not have enough points to achieve Take Profit and makes a reversal. This EA sets virtual levels near the TakeProfit levels. This EA sets virtual levels next to TakeProfit orders. If these levels are reached by price, breakeven or trailing stop is applied for an order. Features This EA does not set new orders. The aim of this EA is to manage stop losses of existing orders that are set by another EA or manually (magic number equals 0). For correct w
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Fabio Oliveira Magalhaes
1 (1)
Angry Bull Option Binary     Este é um robô Binary Options, que contém 7 estratégias, você podetestá-lo para verificar quais são as melhores estratégias Configurações Valor inicial do lote Investimento Dinâmico = Se ativado, utilizará um lote automático de acordo com seu capital Saldo ($) c/ backtest - Saldo inicial para backtest PorcRiscoInvestment = Será o valor de % para o lote automático se for ativado Expiração (em minutos) = Será o tempo de vencimento das ordens em Opções Binárias Magi
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O utilitário foi concebido para clonar transacções na sua conta de negociação - o programa abre uma transacção adicional com os seus parâmetros. Tem a capacidade de aumentar ou diminuir o lote, adicionar muito, alterar os parâmetros de stoploss e takeprofit, O programa é concebido para funcionar em "Windows PC" e "Windows VPS".  Buy a cloner and get the second version for free Parâmetros: CLONE_POSITIONS - que ordena a clonagem; MAGIC_NUMBER - número mágico; DONT_REPEAT_TRADE - se for verdade
DOWNLOAD FREE DEMO VERSION FROM HERE **TradeMonitorPro Expert Advisor** The TradeMonitorPro Expert Advisor is a powerful tool designed to help you effectively monitor and manage your trading activities in the forex market. This EA offers a range of useful features that allow you to keep track of your open trades, floating daily gains and losses (floating drawdown), as well as margin levels and the volume of open lots. For a correct counting of the Trading Volume, enable the complete history in
This is an easy-to-use trade copier with full functionality that I am using to copy my trades across multiple accounts. I use it to trade hundreds of accounts simultaneously. It can copy trades based on different magic numbers or comments from a master account. It also features time-based copying, automatic closure of trades at the end of the day or week. Additionally, it can manage prop firms according to profit targets or maximum daily loss limits Add it to the main account in master mode, and
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Trade panel manual is a multifunctional trading assistant. It allows you to open market and pending orders in one click. Value is set via button menu edit or deleted by specific buttons pending orders and the value of take profit and stop loss in one click. Through the edit menu of the button, a value is set that can be easily changed by simply moving level_tp lines for take profit or stop loss levels and for pending orders. It is possible to select orders and determine for them and set the leve
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Joel Protusada
Vizzion is a fully automated scalping Expert Advisor that can be run successfully using GBPJPY currency pair at H1 timeframe. Very Important This Expert Advisor can not run with any EAs in the same account. As part of the money management plan, it calculates and monitors the Margin Level % and assumes that all open trades are created by it. If you want an Expert Advisor that trades in a daily basis, this EA is not for you because using this requires a patience to wait for a few days or weeks on
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Auto Stop Loss (MT4 Manager) automatically adds Stop Loss and Take Profit to buy and sell orders, including pending orders. It features a break-even option and a trailing stop for easy setup. Key Features: Automatic Stop Loss Automatic Take Profit Automatic Break-even (true/false option) Automatic Trailing Stop (true/false option) You can control Multi Symbols from one chart   MT5 Version: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/132500?source=Site+Profile+Seller Input-Settings: ------ Trade
Panel "panel_kjutaMultiTerminal" for trading. Opens, modifies, closes and deletes trading and pending orders from the chart using virtual lines, buttons and the active information terminal. Automatically opens an order by indicator levels. Hints in Russian, English or disabled. It has a number of functions for trailing virtual Take Profit lines and limit orders. Displays information on the active information terminal.  Hides and includes virtual lines S/L , T / P, buttons "<>","M","X", as well a
Um assistente de negociação simples que permite comprar e vender facilmente com a alavancagem desejada. Ele foi criado para o trader eventual ou iniciante e inspirado em plataformas populares de negociação baseadas na web, como eToro ou Binary.com. Possui um conjunto de botões de negociação que implementam diferentes opções de alavancagem e um botão adicional para fechar todas as negociações. Todas as negociações são colocadas com um stop-loss de acordo com a alavancagem utilizada. Será particu
Like you when I first started trading, It was overwhelming...learning about indicators, about lotsize, leverage and many more things. Its been almost 3 years. I am more knowledgeable in trading. My trading continues to improve as I work on my strategy, technical analysis, trading psychology and trade management. One thing I am not worried about though is being able to close my trades quicky if a trade goes against me or if the trade has reached my take profit level with the help of my Close Tra
Automatic Breakeven levels Using   this   utility ,   y ou can activate the automatic SL movement, when the trade reaches a desired profit.  Especially   important   for a   short -term   traders.   Offset option is also available: some profit may be protected. My  #1 Utility : 65+ features, including this tool  |   Contact me  if you have any questions  |   MT5 version The process of activating the automatic breakeven function: 1.   Select the Symbol or Trade   for which the Auto BE function w
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A maioria dos comerciantes de varejo não consegue gerenciar riscos e explodir contas por arriscar demais ou negociar demais. Esta ferramenta automatiza totalmente o drawdown e o gerenciamento de risco, deixando o trader focado apenas em suas entradas. É o primeiro e único gerenciador de negociação que usa ação de preço com seu recurso Aggressive Risk Control para fechar automaticamente posições parciais quando o preço vai contra o comércio. Isso garante que as perdas sejam sempre mantidas meno
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Forex copier
Alexandr Bryzgalov
We offer simple and reliable software that can  copy trades  between any MT4 accounts. Easy to use MetaTrader copier which saves valuable time Reliable, so you are protected from technical issues Powerful, with a lot of features available Who can use this MT4 copier? Forex Copier is a solution for individual traders or account managers who need to execute trade signals from external sources or who need to  manage several MetaTrader 4 accounts  at the same time. We do not offer you “yet another
The product will copy all telegram signal to MT4   ( which you are member  ) , also it can work as remote copier.  Easy to set up, copy order instant, can work with almost signal formats, image signal, s upport to translate other language to English Work with all type of channel or group, even channel have "Restrict Saving Content", work with  multi channel, multi MT5 Work as remote copier: with signal have ticket number, it will copy exactly via ticket number. Support to backtest signal. How to
Engulfing Dashboard is a forex system that can help you generate forex profits easily without having to work hard to learn forex knowledge because this Dashboard is complete with all the facilities and functions that are sophisticated and effective. This system is made based on Supply and Demand techniques to measure Market Direction (trend) more accurately than using indicators such as Moving Average, MACD, trendline and so on. It is made using a certain formula so that the accuracy of the mar
News Trader Pro
Vu Trung Kien
4.41 (17)
News Trader Pro é um robô único que permite a negociação com notícias pela sua estratégia pré-definida. Ele carrega pedaços de notícias de vários sites populares de Forex. Você pode escolher qualquer notícia e programar a estratégia para negociar, então o News Trader Pro vai operar com essa notícia através de uma estratégia selecionada automaticamente quando a notícia for publicada. As notícias dão a oportunidade de ter pips desde que o preço tenha um grande movimento com a publicação. Agora, co
Telegram To MT4 Receiver
Levi Dane Benjamin
5 (4)
Copie sinais de qualquer canal do qual seja membro (incluindo privados e restritos) diretamente para o seu MT4.  Esta ferramenta foi projetada com o usuário em mente, oferecendo muitos recursos que você precisa para gerenciar e monitorar as negociações. Este produto é apresentado em uma interface gráfica fácil de usar e visualmente atraente. Personalize suas configurações e comece a usar o produto em minutos! Guia do Usuário + Demonstração  | Versão MT5 | Versão Discord Se você quiser experime
Ultimate Trailing Stop EA
4.33 (15)
This EA Utility allows you to manage (with advanced filtering) unlimited open orders (manual or EA) with 16 trailing stop methods: fixed, percent, ATR Exit, Chandelier Exit, Moving Average, Candle High Low Exit, Bollinger Bands, Parabolic, Envelope, Fractal, Ichimoku Kijun-Sen, Alligator, Exit After X Minutes or Bars, RSI and Stochastic. The trailing stop can be either real or virtual, and you can exit fully or with a partial close percent on touch or bar close.  Moreover, you can add (overrid
Ultimate Trade Copier
5 (1)
This trade copy utility allows you to instantly and seamlessly replicate and synchronize unlimited orders from multiple master accounts to multiple slave accounts on your local machine. You can create custom channels (or portfolios) with advanced filtering capabilities to copy from multiple master accounts to multiple slave accounts. Moreover, you can tailor these channels with a range of lot sizing and trade condition options to ensure that copied trades outperform the original source. You can
The Expert Advisor will help you forward all pop-up alert with screenshot from  MetaTrader 4 to Telegram channel/ group, also forward all notifications to Telegram. Parameters  -  Telegram Bot Token - create bot on Telegram and get token.  -  Telegram Chat ID  - input your Telegram user ID,  group / channel ID  -  Forward Alert - default true, to forward alert.  -  Send message as caption of Screenshot - default false, set true to send message below Screenshot  How to setup and guide  - Telegram
如果产品有任何问题或者您需要在此产品上添加功能,请联系我 Contact/message me if you encounter any issue using the product or need extra feature to add on the base version. There is a Demo version of this panel Dashboard Currency Strength Meter AdvancedDemo in my product list, please try it out to get familiar with all functionalities free, LINK . The Dashboard Currency Strength Meter Advanced gives you a quick visual guide to which currencies are strong, and which ones are weak over the customized 4 time-frames and period.
News Trapper EA
Noha Mohamed Fathy Younes Badr
4.85 (13)
Hi, all.  News trapper EA It is an expert for trading news very safe expert  Automated Trading on the news of the economic calendar. It shows stable trading during last 10  years. EA doesn't use dangerous technologies like martingale, grid. The Expert is very simple to use.      sale will end after 48 h how to install it     and set files     read the blog         after purchase contact me to add you to   VIP   channel  The program contains flexible settings for trading on the news of the econo
The product will copy all  Discord  signal   to MT4   ( which you are member  ) , also it can work as remote copier.  Easy to set up. Work with almost signal formats, support to translate other language to English Work with multi channel, multi MT4. Work with Image signal. Copy order instant, auto detect symbol. Work as remote copier: with signal have ticket number, it will copy exactly via ticket number. How to setup and guide: Let read all details about setup and download Discord To MetaTrader
Custom Ultimate Sniper Dashboard
Hispraise Chinedum Abraham
5 (2)
Este painel de atiradores personalizados Ultimate Sniper Dashboard é uma actualização EA para o indicador original Ultimate Sniper Dashboard. Trabalha com até 98 algoritmos diferentes para assegurar que capta a verdadeira natureza de uma tendência numa classe de activos com que se trabalha. É uma resposta directa a muitas das sugestões e conselhos que recebemos da maioria dos nossos clientes ao longo de vários meses.   Esta versão personalizada é totalmente personalizável. Alimentada por 98 algo
RedFox Copier Pro
Rui Manh Tien
4.73 (11)
Time saving and fast execution Whether you’re traveling or sleeping, always know that Telegram To Mt4 performs the trades for you. In other words, Our   Telegram MT4 Signal Trader  will analyze the trading signals you receive on your selected Telegram channels and execute them to your Telegram to MT4 account. Reduce The Risk Telegram To Mt4   defines the whole experience of copying signals from   Telegram signal copier to mt4 platforms. Users not only can follow all instructions from the signa
The Multiple Order Opener does Exactly what it says. It can open any number of orders  of any type with just one click. (Sell, Buy, Sell Limit, Sell Stop, Buy Limit, Buy Stop). You only have to specify     the number of orders you want to open,     specify your lot size for the orders,     take profit and stop loss pip points (optional),    and just click once the button with the type of order/orders you want to open. It is simple as a click. Note : Unfortunately the 'try demo' does not work fo
The program is use to copy trading from MT4   to MT4 and MT5  on local PC or copy  over the Internet.   Now you can easy copy trades to any where or share to friends. Only run one Flash Server on VPS, also need allow the apps if you turn on Windows Firewall. Can not add more than 20 account copier to server, include both  MT4 and MT5 Get free Copier EA for MT4 and MT5 (only  receive signal),   download here Instants copy, speed smaller 0.1 seconds, easy to setup How to setup and guide Let read a
KopirMT4 Copy trades for MT4
Alexandr Gavrilin
4.43 (67)
KopirMT4 (CopierMT4) - transaction copier for the MetaTrader 4 terminal, copies (synchronizes, duplicates) transactions from any accounts (copier, copy dealers).  Supports copying: MT4 <-> MT4, MT4 -> MT5 Hedge, MT5 Hedge -> MT4 Free version for test Why exactly our product? The copier has a high speed and is not dependent on ticks. Copy speed - less than 0.5 sec. Transactions are copied with high accuracy, the scalper mode allows you to copy only at the best price. Able to increase transactio
Unlimited Trade Copier Pro is a tool to copy trade remotely to multiple MT4, MT5 and cTrader accounts at different computers/locations over internet. This is an ideal solution for you if you are a signal provider and want to copy your trades to other receivers globally on your own rules. One provider can copy trades to multiple receivers and one receiver can get trade from multiple providers as well. The provider can even set the subscription expiry for each receiver, so that receiver will not b
Riskless Pyramid
Snapdragon Systems Ltd
5 (1)
Introduction This powerful MT4 trade mangement EA offers a way potentially to aggressively multiply trade profits in a riskfree manner. Once a trade has been entered with a defined stoploss and take profit target then the EA will add three pyramid add-on trades in order to increase the overall level of profit. The user sets the total combined profit target to be gained if everything works out. This can be specified either as a multiple of the original trade profit or as a total dollar amount. Fo
ADAM for FTMO 40
Vyacheslav Izvarin
5 (1)
ADAM EA Special Version for FTMO  Our 1st EA created using ChatGPT technology Trade only GOOD and checked PROP FIRMS  Default parameters for Challenge $100,000 Tested on EURUSD and GBPUSD only  Use 15MIN Time Frame Close all deals and Auto-trading  before Weekend at 12:00 GMT+3  Friday For Prop Firms MUST use special Protector  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/94887 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FX28 Trader
Tsvetan Tsvetanov
5 (1)
Apresentamos o FX28 Trader Dashboard: Seu Gerenciador de Operações Definitivo Desbloqueie todo o potencial de sua experiência de negociação com o FX28 Trader Dashboard, um gerenciador de operações abrangente e intuitivo projetado para elevar o seu trading de Forex a novos patamares. Seja você um trader experiente ou esteja começando sua jornada financeira, esta poderosa ferramenta foi desenvolvida para simplificar suas atividades comerciais e aprimorar seu processo de tomada de decisões. Recurs
Discord To MT4 Receiver
Levi Dane Benjamin
5 (1)
Copie sinais de qualquer canal do qual você seja membro (   sem a necessidade de um Token de Bot ou Permissões de Administrador  diretamente para o seu MT4. Foi projetado com o usuário em mente, oferecendo muitos recursos que você precisa Este produto é apresentado em uma interface gráfica fácil de usar e visualmente atraente. Personalize suas configurações e comece a usar o produto em minutos! Guia do Usuário + Demo  | Versão MT5 | Versão Telegram Se quiser experimentar uma demonstração, vá p
Trade Copier Pro
Vu Trung Kien
4.57 (14)
Trade Copier Pro é uma ferramenta poderosa para copiar remotamente comércio entre multi-contas em diferentes locais mais internet. Esta é uma solução ideal para provedor de sinais, que querem compartilhar seu comércio com os outros no mundo todo em suas próprias regras. Um provedor pode copiar comércios de multi-receptores e um receptor pode obter comércio de multi-fornecedores também. Provedor e receptor pode gerenciar sua lista de parceiros com potência sistema de gestão de banco de dados buil
Online Accounts Manager MT4
Kyra Nickaline Watson-gordon
5 (1)
OneClick Online Account Manager is a powerful utility that helps you to manage all your accounts from a centralized panel. It is suitable for all single account traders and specially for multiple accounts traders. The utility help you to : Monitor status of all accounts on a private web page. Some information such as account connection status, account profit, DD, Balance, Equity, Margin Level, Number of positions and orders, Daily and Weekly profit/loss and also overall summation of all these p
Auto Trailing Assistant
Emmanuel Lovski Ijeawele Maduagwuna
Auto Trailing Assistant (ATA) - Revolutionary Forex Trade Management Utility Core Capability Auto Trailing Assistant is a sophisticated Meta Trader utility that helps traders automatically manage and optimize trading positions with unparalleled precision and flexibility. With its comprehensive set of features, this powerful tool enables traders determine minimum guaranteed profits for each position, displayed very colorfully  on the Chart of your Meta Trader. Flexible Position Targeting - Mu
Ultimate MT4 to Telegram (UMT) sends controlled trades (via symbol, magic, comment) to your telegram channel. It sends open and closed trades, including pending orders and TP/SL modifications, along with chart screenshots, to any telegram channel. Additionally, you can send trade reports of open trades and summary profit/pip reports for day, week, or month. You can customize the design of the trade actions or reports with variables and emoticons.  A beautiful panel allows you to visualize all t
Chart Logic
D Armond Lee Speers
Chart Logic is here!  Chart automation for MT4: put your Ideas into Actions! Chart Logic is an EA for MT4 that lets you automate actions on your charts.  You define "conditions" and 'actions"; when all the conditions are true, then all the actions are triggered.  Conditions can refer to a wide range of observations, about account information, candle data, technical indicators, key levels, price, time, market data, trades and so on.  And actions can send alerts/notifications, open/close/modify tr
ATTENTION   the expert does not work in strategy tester, for a trial version visit my profile. ATTENTION the expert must remain with the operations history in " COMPLETE HISTORY " Manual to download the automatic journal visit my profile RiskGuard Management – Professional trading, without compromise RiskGuard Management is the ultimate ally for traders who want to maximize profits and minimize losses with advanced risk management. It’s not just a tool; it’s an intelligent system that helps you
Sergey Malysh
5 (1)
Uma série de produtos sob marca FiboPlusWave Um sistema comercial pronto baseado nas  ondas de Elliott e níveis de Fibonacci . Simples e de fácil acesso. Exibição de marcação das ondas de Elliott (opção geral ou alternativa) em um gráfico. Construção dos níveis horizontais, linhas de apoio e resistência, canal. Sobreposição dos níveis de Fibonacci para as ondas 1, 3, 5, A Sistema de alerta (no ecrã, E-Mail, Push notificações).    Particularidade s : sem se aprofundar na teoria das ondas de Ellio
Mais do autor
Trade Assistant 38 in 1
Makarii Gubaydullin
4.9 (21)
Ferramenta multifuncional: 65+ funções, incluindo: calculadora de lote, Price Action, proporção R/R, gerenciamento de trade, zonas de suporte e resistência Versão Demo   |   Manual de usuário   |    Versão MT4 O utilitário não funciona no testador de estratégia: você pode baixar a versão Demo AQUI para testar o produto. Contate-me   para perguntas / ideias de melhorias / caso encontrar algum erro Os trades automáticos serão permitidos se estiverem habilitados na plataforma e na corretora Simpli
Swap and Spread
Makarii Gubaydullin
Mostra a informação actual do mercado com uma actualização por segundo. Tamanho da dispersão; Tamanho da troca: para as posições curtas e longas; Hora Local (opcional); Meu Assistente # 1 : inclui 38 + funções | Contate-me se você tiver alguma dúvida Nas opções do indicador, você pode configurar: Tamanho; Cor do texto; Seleccione o posicionamento: canto esquerdo / direito do gráfico; Hora Local: on / off; O arquivo do programa deve ser colocado no diretório "indicadores".
Countdown timer till the bar closure, + % Progress status:  My   #1 Utility :   includes 65+ functions  |   Contact me  if you have any questions In the settings of the indicator, you can configure: Timeframe for Calulculation; true / false: Higher TimeFrame option (next from the currently used: M15->M30, H4->D1...) Position: 1 = Bottom Left corner; 2 = Bottom Right corner; 3 = Top Left corner; 4 = Top Right corner; Font Size; Color; Font Style;
Breakeven Pro
Makarii Gubaydullin
Breakeven levels: manual and automatic Using this utility , you can quickly move trades to breakeven in just 1 click : especially important in short -term trading. You can also set the automatic  SL  movement when the trade reaches a desired  profit.  Offset option is also available. My  #1 Utility : 65+ features, including this tool  |   Contact me  if you have any questions  |   MT4 version This tool consists of 2 subsections: 1. [Move SL to BE now]: manually move SL to a breakeven for the sp
Timer Countdown
Makarii Gubaydullin
5 (2)
Countdown timer till the bar closure, + % Progress status:  My   #1 Utility :   includes 65+ functions  |   Contact me  if you have any questions In the settings of the indicator, you can configure: Timeframe for Calulculation; true / false:   Higher TimeFrame option (next from the currently used: M15->M30, H4->D1...) Position: 1 = Bottom Left corner; 2 = Bottom Right corner; 3 = Top Left corner; 4 = Top Right corner; Font Size; Color; Font Style;
Automatic Breakeven levels Using   this   utility ,   y ou can activate the automatic SL movement, when the trade reaches a desired profit.  Especially   important   for a   short -term   traders. Offset option is also available: some profit may be protected. My  #1 Utility : 65+ features, including this tool  |   Contact me  if you have any questions  |   MT4 version The process of activating the automatic breakeven function: 1.   Select the Symbol or Trade   for which the Auto BE function wil
Spread and Swap
Makarii Gubaydullin
5 (1)
Mostra a informação actual do mercado com uma actualização por segundo. Tamanho da dispersão; Tamanho da troca: para as posições curtas e longas; Hora Local (opcional); Meu Assistente # 1 : inclui 38 + funções |   Contate-me   se você tiver alguma dúvida Nas opções do indicador, você pode configurar: Tamanho; Cor do texto; Seleccione o posicionamento: canto esquerdo / direito do gráfico; Hora Local: on / off; O arquivo do programa deve ser colocado no diretório "indicadores".
Lot Size Calc
Makarii Gubaydullin
Quickly find the lot size  directly in the terminal , to comply with risk management. My   #1 Utility : includes 65+ functions  |   Contact me  if you have any questions it works on any trading instruments: Forex, Stocks, Futures, Indices, CFD, Bonds, Cryptocurrencies; interface minimization function; flexibility of use; money management; It is especially useful for short-term traders, when they need to act  quickly . For calculation it is necessary to specify 2 parameters: The size of the risk
Price Action Pro
Makarii Gubaydullin
The indicator displays the most important Price Action Patterns that indicate a potential reversal / continuation of the trend. My   #1 Utility : includes 65+ functions  |   Contact me  if you have any questions Avaliable Patterns: Pin bar; Engulfing; Inside bar (Harami); Morning star; Evening star; Dark Cloud Cover; Piercing Line; Features: You can   select patterns   to display and disable unnecessary patterns; Notifications : alerts in the terminal, Email and Push-notifications (to the mobil
The indicator displays the levels that are extremes for the specified time frames. Resistance level is the maximum price of the last closed bar; Support level is the minimum price of the last closed bar; My   #1 Utility : includes 65+ functions  |   Contact me  if you have any questions 2 operating modes: Real bodies:  Open and Close prices will be used; Extremes:  High and Low prices will be used; This indicator: Helps to see potential reversal levels; Patterns formed near the levels have mor
Automatically plots Fibo levels, based on the High & Low prices from the specified time frame Multiple bars may be united: e.g. you can get a Fibo based on the 10-days Highs and Lows My   #1 Utility : 65+ features, including this indicator  |   Contact me  for any questions  |  MT5 version Helps to see potential reversal levels; Patterns formed at the Fibo levels tend to be stronger; Significantly reduces the time spent on manual  plotting ; Settings: Timeframe to calculate the base High & Low p
The indicator shows the operating time of the world exchanges. Help you to see which markets are currently most active. My   #1 Utility : includes 65+ functions  |   Contact me  if you have any questions Helps to select the most volatile instruments at the moment; Especially useful for an intraday traders; 1) When using on time frames 1H and below: the lines will correspond to the actual location of the bars on the chart, and when moving the chart, the lines of the trading sessions will move a
Lines of risk
Makarii Gubaydullin
The indicator displays the   specified Risk Level   on the chart, for long and short positions. My   #1 Utility : includes 65+ functions  |   Contact me  if you have any questions It may be useful when setting the Stop Loss level, the value of which is visible on the right price axis. To calculate the level of risk, a   Fixed  / or   Last used   lot size is used. Imput Settings: Last traded lot:  set " true " to make the calculation for your last used   trading lot; Lot Size: set the value of t
Candle Size
Makarii Gubaydullin
Finds bars that exceed the specified size My   #1 Utility : includes 65+ functions  |   Contact me  if you have any questions 2 operating modes: Real body:  the difference between the   open and close   prices will be used; Extremes:  the difference between the   maximum and minimum   prices will be used; This Indicator: Convenient for   filter patterns   in a period of low volatility; Indicates the   beginning of a trend ; Helps to see the most   significant bars ; Can be used when trading  
Shows the direction of the bars on all major timeframes. My #1 Utility : 65+ features, including this indicator     |     Version for MT5 The meaning of the visual signals ( squares): Red : Close price is  lower  than the Open price: Close < Open;  Green : Close price is  higher  than the Open price: Close > Open; Blue : Close price is  equal  to the Open price: Close = Open; You can set the Shift of the calculated bar, relative to the current bar: Shift = 0: the direction of the currenttly o
Informer for calculating the results of open trades. My   #1 Utility : includes 65+ functions  |   Contact me  if you have any questions The information panel groups open orders into 2 categories: Buys Sells For each category, the symbol and the current number of pips are displayed. The total result for all open trades is shown below. Notifications can be enabled or disabled by simply clicking on the button: When the notification is enabled, you will know when the profit on any symbol has excee
Indicators 14 in 1
Makarii Gubaydullin
5 (1)
14 Indicators and auxiliary tools for convenient trading This utility contains 14 additional tools that can be useful for certain actions of the trader,   thereby simplifying and speeding up the trading process. My   #1 Utility : includes 65+ functions  |   Contact me  if you have any questions Due to the different monitor resolutions, some users may encounter the fact that the labels will be displayed with an overlay or be too small. If you encounter such a problem, you can adjust the font size
Daily Pips Target
Makarii Gubaydullin
Informer for tracking daily trading results. My   #1 Utility : includes 65+ functions  |   Contact me  if you have any questions In the upper part of the panel, you set the daily profit target (in pips): Manually entering a value; Using the + and - buttons (the change step can be configured in the settings); The dashboard then groups trades into 2 categories: Current floating result; Summing up closed trades; The final result is displayed at the bottom: achievement or non-achievement of your da
Gap indicator
Makarii Gubaydullin
Displays the appearance of a gap on the chart (when the closing price of the previous bar differs from the opening price of the new bar). My   #1 Utility:  includes 65+ functions  |   Contact me  if you have any questions In the initial settings you can configure: The size of the gap (in points): only gaps that exceed this value will be displayed. Arrow color : separate for up and down gaps. When you hover the mouse over the gap arrows on the chart, their size will be displayed ; I recommend ch
Market information and detailed statistics: analysis of volatility and price bars. My   #1 Utility : includes 65+ functions  |   Contact me  if you have any questions Specify any currency pair/trading instrument to get information: Market information: Current spread; Swap for long positions (buys); Swap for short positions (sells); Select a time frame and number of periods to analyze price changes: Average volatility; Maximum volatility; Minimum volatility; Maximum price; Minimum price; Number
Market watch list
Makarii Gubaydullin
Monitor your favorite Symbols My   #1 Utility:  includes 65+ functions, including this tool  |   Contact me  if you have any questions This tool opens in a separate window: it can be moved (drag anywhere), and minimized [v]. You can adjust the Watchlist on the panel: Click [edit list] to add / remove the Symbols from the Watchlist. Calculated value: it may either be the last [closed bar], or the current [floating bar]. Select the [timeframe] for calculation. There are 2 types of the value sorti
Multi Timeframe
Makarii Gubaydullin
The indicator helps you analyze 3 different Time Intervals on a single screen to see the overall price action. My   #1 Utility : includes 65+ functions  |   Contact me  if you have any questions In the initial settings you can configure: TimeFrame 1; TimeFrame 2; TimeFrame 3; The number of bars to be shown; Colors of bullish and bearish bars; My other products: Indicators: 14 in  1
Trade statistics
Makarii Gubaydullin
Detailed statistics of your trading for the selected period My   #1 Utility : includes 65+ functions  |   Contact me  if you have any questions Statistics display modes: For the  selected   currency pair/trading instrument Statistics for  all trades   (" ALL ") You can select the period for which you want to get statistics: 1 day 1 week 1 month 2   months 3   months 6   months 1 year 2 years All trading history Displayed information:  Gross profit Gross loss Total profit/loss Number of trades
Alert Levels PRO
Makarii Gubaydullin
Utility for setting notifications when a given price level is reached. My   #1 Utility : includes 65+ functions  |   Contact me  if you have any questions The alert can be set in three ways: Manual entry of the price level; Setting the price change: in percent / in pips / in market points; By moving the level with the mouse: there is also a magnet function, when activated, the level will snap to the nearest OHLC values; Optionally, you can enable / disable each type of alert: Notifications in t
Manage trades
Makarii Gubaydullin
Management of active and pending orders: automatic breakeven, TP/SL changes, partial / full closing, visual display of levels on the chart My   #1 Utility : includes 54+ functions  |   Contact me  if you have any questions Ex4  file must be located in the "Experts" directory! Auto Trading   must be activated ! 1) Main window: to manage orders, you can set a specific symbol [Symbol], or select all symbols [ALL] Close all active positions [ALL] Close all profitable trades [profits] Close all loosi
Detailed statistics of your trading for the selected period My   #1 Utility : includes 65+ functions  |   Contact me  if you have any questions The utility includes 2 separate tools: Trade Statistics WeekDays Analyzer Statistics display modes: For the selected  currency pair/trading instrument Statistics for all trades   (" ALL ") You can select the period for which you want to get statistics: 1 day 1 week 1 month 2   months 3   months 6   months 1 year 2 years All trading history 1. Trade Stat
Future bar
Makarii Gubaydullin
The indicator shows the currently forming candle of the selected time frame Multiple bars may be optionally united into a single candle: helps to see the bigger picture My   #1 Utility : 65+ features, including this indicator  |   Contact me  for any questions  |   MT5 version In the input settings, select the timeframe  that will be used for the future bar: To the right of the current price, you will see a bar forming on the specified interval. If activated in the settings, the Countdown to the
Profit/loss statistics for each day of the week on which the trade was opened My   #1 Utility : includes 65+ functions  |   Contact me  if you have any questions Statistics display modes: For the    selected   currency pair/trading instrument Statistics for    all trades   (" ALL ") You can select the period for which you want to get statistics: 1 day 1 week 1 month 2   months 3   months 6   months 1 year 2 years All trading history Displayed information:  You will see statistics for each day of
Trend on market
Makarii Gubaydullin
Trend dashboard: multi timeframe indicator, shows you the summary of the current trend This tool  is based on the 3 major indicators: RSI,  Stochastic and Commodity Channel Index. The   alerts   option   will help  you   not   to   miss   the   beginning   of the   trend. My  #1 Utility : includes 65+ features  |   Contact me  if you have any questions  |   MT5 version A variety of options will allow you to customize the indicator according to your needs. Settings: Calculated bar: either the cu
Multi TF Charts
Makarii Gubaydullin
Analyze up to 3 additional charts of other timeframes , without switching the main chart. My   #1 Utility : includes 65+ functions  |   Contact me  if you have any questions The indicator opens in a  separate window: The window   can be moved   to any place on the chart (using the   [<M>]   button). The window can also be minimized to save space ( [ <^>]  button) In the window that appears, you can configure: The period   of the 1st chart (left); The period   of the 2nd chart (center); The perio
8enlightenor Lumiere
8enlightenor Lumiere 2024.07.04 22:53 

Absolute best Trade Manager in the Market! I've been through many trade managers and this is the best. It has the most features, while not complicated. Easy to learn. Intuitive. The added features make trading so much easier! And the developer is very responsive to bug fixes. I love this trade manager, it's a masterpiece . Thank you Makarii!

Makarii Gubaydullin
Resposta do desenvolvedor Makarii Gubaydullin 2024.07.04 23:04
I appreciate your review!
21285752 2023.11.20 21:10 

I can't rate this EA highly enough. I use the execution and trade management elements and they are by far better than I've seen / experienced anywhere. Very easy to use and the main thing this EA gives you is the confidence to trade they way you want. Also, the developer is just amazing - on hand to answer any questions or make tweaks that helps the effectiveness of the EA. A great product with top draw support.

Makarii Gubaydullin
Resposta do desenvolvedor Makarii Gubaydullin 2023.11.20 21:26
Thank you for your review! I appreciate it
Ross Rodgers
Ross Rodgers 2023.08.26 22:56 

This is THE Trade Manager! Excellent feature set, that transforms MetaTrader 4 into a true professional trading platform... I won't go into all the features, but they have all transformed my trading to speed up and automate frequently required tasks, and it adds new pro-level trading features to MT4 that are just not possible on the vanilla MT4. As has been mentioned, the developer is extremely responsive, fixing minor issues and agreeably accepting new feature requests that are often programmed quickly. I can't imagine trading without this tool. One of the most supportive developers I have ever purchased software from.

Nizomiddin Ndr
Nizomiddin Ndr 2023.07.29 10:54 


Makarii Gubaydullin
Resposta do desenvolvedor Makarii Gubaydullin 2023.07.31 09:27
jmc8trading 2023.07.23 02:26 

Amazing tool and after purchase service! I had gone through 4 other popular trade managers prior to this one which were all good but missing they were always missing something, they all had their own unique feature but wouldn't have them all. This one has it all! What is even more impressive is the resposiveness of the developer. Some ideas I had which I wanted from the other trade managers I'd used were implemented within a day of asking before I even purchased! Needless to say I then purchased immediately and the developer has added some other things for me as well within a day or two, it's amazing. The only critisism I can give it (which isn't even a critisism) is it takes a bit of time/learning to get used to using it live and figure out all the features because it has so many! However once again the develper is very responsive and will help with anything that's unclear. Forget the other trade managers this is the one you need!

Makarii Gubaydullin
Resposta do desenvolvedor Makarii Gubaydullin 2023.07.23 09:20
I appreciate your review!
s1321791644 2023.05.05 21:52 

Phenomenal EA and the developer is very responsive and accommodating to feedback/feature requests!

Makarii Gubaydullin
Resposta do desenvolvedor Makarii Gubaydullin 2023.05.05 21:56
Thank you for your feedback! I appreciate it
Dmitrijs Ivanajevs
Dmitrijs Ivanajevs 2023.04.28 15:30 

Не стоит своих денег. Туда засунуто ОЧЕНЬ много всего, чтобы разобраться - нужно курсы проходить. Половина абсолютно не нужна. Но возможно кому то и пригодится весь спектр настроек.

Makarii Gubaydullin
Resposta do desenvolvedor Makarii Gubaydullin 2023.04.28 19:00
Основная идея утилиты - “все в одном”. Для ознакомления есть инструкция, всплывающие подсказки в интерфейсе, и я готов помочь лично. Жаль, что обилие функций вас разочаровало: большинство из них были добавлены по запросу пользователей.
graemanmoney 2023.02.26 21:33 

I have been testing this utility for about a month. Took a little getting used to but once the functionality is understood it is a great tool. Am still finding different ways to use the features. Developer was awesome about adding in a function I suggested, am now able to pause all pending orders before news events so no need to delete them and re-enter or close down the platform over those times. Changes added within 48hrs, really great when a developer is still so committed to their software and making it work for as many people as possible.

Makarii Gubaydullin
Resposta do desenvolvedor Makarii Gubaydullin 2023.02.26 21:36
Thank you for your review! I appreciate it
Cryptoboy65 2023.02.10 23:00 

O usuário não deixou nenhum comentário para sua avaliação

Makarii Gubaydullin
Resposta do desenvolvedor Makarii Gubaydullin 2023.02.11 06:13
Please check the direct message
pro.trading 2022.10.04 22:08 

O usuário não deixou nenhum comentário para sua avaliação

Makarii Gubaydullin
Resposta do desenvolvedor Makarii Gubaydullin 2022.10.04 22:18
Thanks for your feedback!
papacuppa 2022.09.13 15:53 

Simply amazing piece of software for automating/systemising trading. I work full time and categorically could not live without this now. My trading plan used to require alerts to prompt action, so I was basically thinking about trading all day. I couldn't figure out how to trade alongside work.

I now reserve 15 minutes for setup in the morning (TA & pending orders), everything else is managed is managed by TAP. And even then, the visual lines for new orders makes the manual work a pleasure. I'm usually done for the day within 5 minutes actually. I'll follow-up on the day's activity after work with a drink, and relax.

Some of the features I use:

— Price triggers cancel so I can place multiple orders but limit risk to 1%

— Auto breakeven at 1:1

— Auto TSL 2:1

Very important to mention is developer responsiveness. Even great software is useless if you have a problem and can't talk to anyone! I'm very happy to say that Makarii is highly responsive (replies often in minutes). And he's open to feedback. One feature I requested was published in just 2 days. Both the product and developer are a treasure to this community, and I just know many more features are currently being planned and implemented. This guy is passionate about his creations, and money doesn't buy that. Unfortunate as it is, it's not a common quality (especially online). If you trade with tight risk management through a prop firm, TAP is a no brainer to add to your trading toolkit. And if over-trading still trips you up, honestly, it's probably going to save your account. Kudos!!

Makarii Gubaydullin
Resposta do desenvolvedor Makarii Gubaydullin 2022.09.13 16:03
Thank you very much for your review! I appreciate it
Francisco Garcia
Francisco Garcia 2022.09.12 18:26 

Herramienta muy completa, estoy empezando a usarla, tiene bastantes funciones y empiezo a conocerla poco a poco, pero me sorprende agradablemente, hasta la presente todo perfecto y buen soporte del desarrollador. Gracias

Makarii Gubaydullin
Resposta do desenvolvedor Makarii Gubaydullin 2022.09.12 18:34
¡Gracias por tu reseña!
Andre Gomes
Andre Gomes 2022.09.08 23:35 

This is the best panel I have ever used. I use it every day.

Makarii Gubaydullin
Resposta do desenvolvedor Makarii Gubaydullin 2022.09.09 00:08
Thank you for your feedback! I appreciate it
lecmark 2022.09.05 03:51 

This utility is the most powerful and loaded utility that I have ever tested. Just add your favorite indicator and set your trades! It does come with excellent tools that you can trade from like S/R, High/Low, Large bar, and others. Clear, and easy to read charts. It has taken me about 2 weeks to get familiar with many of the tools and I still have more to learn! Very powerful and complete. Thanks for such a powerful tool!

Makarii Gubaydullin
Resposta do desenvolvedor Makarii Gubaydullin 2022.09.05 07:43
Thanks for your review!
Trevor Chan
Trevor Chan 2022.09.04 08:49 

Excellent, I have been testing a number of tools in the Mql5 market, this one clearly is by far the best.

Makarii Gubaydullin
Resposta do desenvolvedor Makarii Gubaydullin 2022.09.04 10:22
Thank you!
fxcommentary 2022.08.16 17:40 

The tool is exceptional. All recomendations and reviews are FULLY justified. I will buy after my rental period is over. The history is simple i have looked for such a tool - Trade Manager - for ages, truly. Every time i found a better one i started using a better one. Finally i got to the point where the best one i used WAS NOT ENOUGH. I needed more options to practice my routine of placing multiple orders more easily. So recently i started to review all best tools i found on the internet. I also tried some new tools from the market, out of desperation. And that is how i found this GREAT tool. End of story. Now, before putting into real work you will have to practice. This tool is exceptional, its logic is designed unusually in order to provide smooth operations. It took me 2 weeks to start operating but when you learn the tool you will be satisfied. So i can recommend this tool to people seriously interested in trading management on multiple assets. By the way the developer is a very friendly guy. If you suggest changes that will give undoubtedly benefits to users, i suppose he will implement it. Just like mine suggestions. Makarii - well done !


edited 22.09.2022 - time pass by and the Tool is getting better EVERY WEEK (section: Whats New)


edited 20.10.2022 - multi TP function enables auto trailing SL (with or without TP) based on your personal manually chosen levels ex. levels you decide from structure of price.


edited 1.11.2022 - i want to share my experience with TradeManager. It truly improved my routines hugely, especially in TakeProfit , Alerts and multi trades operations (SL modification, partially closing). I would call it 100% improvement. And I did not even started to use other functions for auto management provided by TradeManager like: trailing etc. Great Tool.


edited 10.11.2022 - 1000 transactions in 5 weeks with this Tool. Easily placed orders. Of course with micro-management of positions, splitting orders, active in-out environment. This kind of management was never possible for me before unless i found the Tool.


edited 02.02.2023 - Great new amazing features. The tool is getting better and better.


edited 24.08.2024 - IMHO, this tool is so good i would pay 3x the price for it. Sooner or later every MT4 trader needs best tools possible and this tool is one of them. The tool is easy to use when you establish your routines, however at the same time the tool can serve to arrange routines for any kind of trader. HOWEVER to create and develope this Tool I imagine that the highest coding skills, experience and coding effort - is required. The level of complexity of design/code of that tool - is unbelievable. I can only imagine it, as I code myself simple stuff.

Makarii Gubaydullin
Resposta do desenvolvedor Makarii Gubaydullin 2022.08.16 18:42
Thank you for your feedback, I appreciate it!
Edward 2022.08.09 10:17 

O usuário não deixou nenhum comentário para sua avaliação

Makarii Gubaydullin
Resposta do desenvolvedor Makarii Gubaydullin 2022.08.09 10:56
I appreciate your review!
multinat 2022.08.05 11:31 

Excellent utility

Makarii Gubaydullin
Resposta do desenvolvedor Makarii Gubaydullin 2022.08.05 13:15
huythai85 2022.08.02 14:06 

this is a good product made by someone who is very passionate about the product, he exchanged and helped improve the product when I suggested it, many thanks to the author

BunnY Style
BunnY Style 2022.07.30 10:07 

This is the best and most complete panels manager I have every found. I has so many function even I dont really need to use all but its good for advance trader Dev is very responsive and very supportive He helped me out alot and never refuse to reply me

Makarii Gubaydullin
Resposta do desenvolvedor Makarii Gubaydullin 2022.07.30 10:39
Thank you for your feedback!
Responder ao comentário
Versão 6.28 2025.03.30
Technical update: optimization, minor improvements and bug fixing
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 6.27 2025.02.04
New feature:
• 2 new methods of calculating the Lot size have been added for Grid orders.

+ other improvements, bug fixes and optimization.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 6.26 2025.01.31
New feature:
• Grid orders are now available when setting a pending order on the [new] tab: check out a new blue [G] button (below the RR line).
Clicking on it will open an additional panel where you can activate Grid orders and set their parameters.

Changed on the [new] tab:
• If the Lot size is set manually, the risk value (on the 1st line) is now displayed for only one trade.
But if you open several trades at once, the total potential loss for all trades is displayed above the execution buttons.

P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 6.25 2025.01.26
New features:
• [new] tab: When choosing the Entry / SL /TP method, you can now set the timeframe that will be used for the ATR indicator.
Thus, the ATR value can be calculated from any other TF, not just the current one.

• [manage] > [Groups]: Option to filter the trades by their virtual color.

• [manage] > [Order]: To select several trades for their subsequent management, you can now draw a Time interval on the chart:
only those trades that were opened during the specified period will be included.

• [manage] > [Order]: While managing multiple pending orders, you can now change the entry price simultaneously for all of them.
Check out the new blue selector [v] on the second line.

• [manage] > [TR] > [Trailing Stop]: The missing option for setting a timeframe has been added for the ATR trailing method.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 6.24 2025.01.04
Technical update: optimization, minor improvements and bug fixing
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 6.23 2024.11.21
IMPORTANT: before the initial launch after upgrading from previous versions:
make sure that you have loaded your preset of the input settings (mostly line colors).
These settings will be synchronized only once, and then you can change them only through the settings tabs [s] on the panel.

New features:
• Redesigned settings: all the main values from the inputs are now synchronized between charts.
Changes are now possible only through the settings tab: the input values are left only for the initial synchronization
(they will be removed in the next update).

• The color settings of the indicator lines have been moved to the settings of the indicator itself ("tool" tab), and are now synchronized between charts.

• The settings from the "manage" tab have been moved to a settings panel on the "new" tab.

• The "confirm critical actions" settings have been merged from both "manage" and "new" tabs.

• Now you can limit the maximum number of trades to avoid overtrading: "Limit trade amount" in the settings [s] > Risk management.
Just like for the Lot Limit: the execution of new trades through the utility will be restricted when the limit is reached.

+ other improvements, bug fixes and optimization.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 6.22 2024.10.25
New features:
• Redesigned "info" tab:

• The volatility of the bars is now visualized, making it possible to compare the values. The volatility of the current bar is now also calculated.

• If you have enabled the "Limit total Lot" option in the main settings of the utility: you'll see a visualization of the current Lot on all trades, compared to your limit.

• The "only active" / "active + pending" parameter from the settings is now taken into account for calculating the deposit load, making it possible to exclude pending orders.

• The number of all trades is now also counted.

• When managing multiple trades at once ('manage' > 'order'), you can now set or remove a common color for all selected orders: to do this, click on the text where information about the number of selected trades is displayed.

+ other improvements, bug fixes and optimization.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 6.21 2024.10.21
Technical update: minor improvements and bug fixing
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 6.20 2024.10.20
New features:
• Improved algorithm for searching trades on the "manage" > "order" tab.
The filter (blue selector) can now be applied not only when selecting several trades at once, but also to search for a specific trade through the input field. As a result of the search query, trades that match all selected filters will be displayed.

• A filter based on the set color has also been added for quick search (to reset the selected color, click on it again).

• Keep in mind that all filters are summed up: e.g. if you have selected the "pending orders" category, and at the same time selected the red color, then orders without a specified color will be ignored.

• New option to display all trades in the list: enter "ALL" in the input field.

+ other improvements, bug fixes and optimization.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 6.19 2024.09.06
New features:
• After the trade execution, you can now set the identification color: this can be convenient for its quick recognition on the chart.
The color can also be changed or removed in the quick management panel, or during trade management on the 'Order' tab.

• Now you can get a report on all active automated functions (Auto BE, Trailing Stop, Order Trailing, Auto-Close and Auto-Levels).
Check out a new 'report' button in the status section. This may be useful for those who trade on a lot of Symbols.

• 'tool' tab: the positions of the indicator panels can now be saved to a preset, and then you can quickly select a convenient one.
Check out a new 'L' (Location) button at the top of the panel.

+ other improvements, bug fixes and optimization.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 6.18 2024.08.29
Technical update: optimization, minor improvements and bug fixing
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 6.17 2024.08.27
New features:
• 'new' tab: the size of the SL / TP levels can now be set in terms of the potential loss / profit of the trade, based on the lot size used.
For the SL level, this option is available only if the lot size is set manually (the 'Lot:' method).

• 'manage' > 'order' tab: if the managed trade has an OCO id, then you can expand the list of all existing trades with the same ID.
Check out the new blue button on the OCO status line.

+ other improvements, bug fixes and optimization.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 6.12 2024.08.07
Technical update: optimization, minor improvements and bug fixing
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 6.11 2024.08.02
New features:
• Trailing Stop, new method: "Reduce SL by".
With this option: at each trailing event, if the market has moved further in the trade direction, the existing SL size will decrease by the specified value.
Thus, it is now possible to reduce the distance to the SL level, rather than keep it fixed.

• "new" tab, when using [bar price] method for a SL / TP / Entry / Trigger:
now you can optionally set an additional offset from the calculated bar price.

+ other improvements, bug fixes and optimization.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 6.1 2024.07.03
New feature:
• Trailing Stop: when using the "Moving Average" method, you can set the shift of the calculated bar relative to the current (floating) one.

+ other improvements, bug fixes and optimization.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 6.0 2024.07.02
Technical update: optimization, minor improvements and bug fixing
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 5.99 2024.06.25
New feature:
• [new] tab, settings:
When using the "Limit total Lot" option, you can now choose the calculation method:
trades of only the current Symbol, or trades on the entire account.

+ other improvements, bug fixes and optimization.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 5.98 2024.06.14
New features:
• [new] tab, settings: a "relocate" option has been added.
If active: after returning back to the chart, your previous Entry, SL, TP values will not be remembered, but will be repositioned in accordance with the market prices, so that they become visible on the chart.

• [Sessions] indicator, setings:
Now you can choose which time will be displayed on the lower timeline:
[Local computer time] / [Broker time] / [GMT].

+ other improvements, bug fixes and optimization.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 5.96 2024.06.08
New feature:
• [manage, Order]: when managing a trade, its opening time is now visualized on the chart.

+ other improvements, bug fixes and optimization.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 5.95 2024.06.07
New feature:
• Introducing Symbol presets: you can save the ones you use frequently and then quickly switch between them.
Check out the blue [v] button at the top of the panel (next to the "D" button).

When saving a Symbol to the list, you can also activate the "remember TF" option: if activated, the current chart timeframe will also be remembered, and will be applied when selecting a preset.

+ other improvements, bug fixes and optimization.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 5.94 2024.06.04
New features:
• [new] tab: the R/R visualization areas can now be moved around the entire chart.
You can also temporarily fix their horizontal position: a blue [ ! ] button has appeared to the left of the entry level block.

But if you prefer to always keep the areas at the right edge as before, go to settings [s] on the 'new' tab, and activate the "fix" option (chart colors section).

• [manage] tab: when activating the auto BE level, trailing stop and order trailing for a specific ticket:
now you can preview the key levels on the chart (only if the ticket Symbol matches the chart Symbol).

+ other improvements, bug fixes and optimization.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 5.93 2024.05.26
Technical update: optimization, minor improvements and bug fixing
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 5.92 2024.05.14
New features:
• An indicator of your trading sentiment. When the panel is minimized, you can use the new colored toggle to choose between [neutral / bullish/ bearish].
If a non-neutral direction is selected, the [^] button (panel collapse button) will be colored in the appropriate color.
This way, you can always keep in mind your preferred trading direction.

• Customizable [ Shift + Q ] hotkey. You can choose 1 of the 6 actions in the settings [s] on the [new] tab.
Be careful when choosing the [Apply current BE] action, as additional confirmation is not required (unless the confirmation option is enabled on the [manage] tab).

• When using the "smart" option for the entry price, trigger or stop loss, you can now optionally set the number of bars that must be closed beyond the specified level in order for it to be considered triggered. To do this, open the timeframe selection window in the smart option row.

+ other improvements, bug fixes and optimization.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 5.89 2024.01.14
Technical update: optimization, minor improvements and bug fixing
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 5.88 2024.01.10
Technical update: optimization, minor improvements and bug fixing
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 5.87 2024.01.09
Technical update: optimization, minor improvements and bug fixing
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 5.86 2024.01.08
Technical update: optimization, minor improvements and bug fixing
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 5.85 2023.12.10
Technical update: optimization, minor improvements and bug fixing
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 5.84 2023.12.07
Technical update: optimization, minor improvements and bug fixing
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 5.82 2023.11.29
New features:
• Trailing Stop: a new SL method: [% / initial SL size]. It will only work if the trade has a SL level.
• [Status bar] tool: the time can now be optionally displayed in AM/PM format.

+ other improvements, bug fixes and optimization.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 5.81 2023.11.17
Technical update: optimization, minor improvements and bug fixing
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 5.73 2023.10.17
Technical update: optimization, minor improvements and bug fixing
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 5.72 2023.10.11
Technical update: optimization, minor improvements and bug fixing
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 5.71 2023.10.08
Technical update: optimization, minor improvements and bug fixing
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 5.70 2023.10.04
Technical update: optimization, minor improvements and bug fixing
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 5.69 2023.10.04
Technical update: optimization, minor improvements and bug fixing
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 5.68 2023.09.22
Technical update: optimization, minor improvements and bug fixing
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 5.67 2023.09.21
Technical update: optimization and bug fixing
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 5.66 2023.09.19
Technical update: optimization and bug fixing
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 5.65 2023.09.19
New features:
• [$$ Meter] tool: levels can now be calculated from a given fixed price, not just from the current market price.

+ other improvements, bug fixes and optimization.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 5.64 2023.09.06
New features:
• New Trailing Stop method: Parabolic SAR.

• Multi TF tool: added 2 additional timeframes, now there are 5 in total.

+ other minor improvements, bug fixes and optimization.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 5.63 2023.08.24
• IMPORTANT: if you trade on non-forex instruments (CFD) and if you have previously used the Lot Multiplier in the input settings (F7), then you probably don't need the Lot Multiplier anymore. The lot calculation method has been improved, but some brokers provide incorrect data on non-forex symbols (CFD). Therefore, after downloading this update, I recommend conducting a one-time check of the correctness of calculations with your broker. In case of any problems - contact me via direct message.

New features:
• Multi TP: now you can use up to 6 levels, not just 3.

• [manage -> AL]: when activating Auto-Levels: you can optionally set the time period, if you want the levels to be applied not immediately after the execution, but only after the specified time.

• [info -> stat]: new [% account] method for calculating trade statistics.

+ other minor improvements, bug fixes and optimization.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 5.54 2023.08.09
Technical update: optimization and bug fixing
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 5.53 2023.08.08
Technical update: optimization and bug fixing
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 5.52 2023.07.25
Technical update: optimization and bug fixing
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 5.51 2023.07.20
New features:
• [Auto Breakeven], [Trailing Stop] and [Order Trailing] can now be activated separately for the required trade, by its ticket number.
Check out the new "Ticket" switch on the corresponding tabs.
If these auto functions are also active for [ALL] Symbols or for a specific [Symbol], then the existing rule for a separate [Ticket] will be prioritized.

• [new] tab: if the [Entry / SL / TP / Trigger] levels are set as a distance (pips / points / % / ATR), you can fix each of the levels on the chart.
If the level is fixed: the price of the level will not change with the market, but the current distance will be updated.
To lock/unlock a level - use the new blue "!" button on the right of the chart: available when the levels are visualized [L].

+ other minor improvements, bug fixes and optimization.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 5.50 2023.07.14
New features:
• When using the Trigger on the 'new' tab, its distance can now be calculated not only from the Market price, but also from the Entry price.
To activate this option: open the Entry level type selector, and activate the [TR from EN] switch.
Available if Entry/Trigger levels are set as [pips, points, %, ATR].

• The distance for Order Trailing can now be set manually: in [pips / points / %].
It may be useful if you use delayed activation when the actual [Entry-Market] distance cannot be known in advance.

+ other minor improvements.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 5.49 2023.07.13
New features:
• The calculator is now available for all the main input fields on the 'manage' -> 'Order' tab.

• Smart [Trigger / Cancellation] option: order will be triggered / cancelled only if the bar on the selected TF is CLSOED beyond the level. Available for Hidden Orders.

+ other minor improvements.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 5.48 2023.07.12
New features:
• Now you can make calculations when you enter a value in the input field.
To activate the calculator, start typing with the "=" symbol.
Available operators: * / + - % ( ) .
When entering a price value, you can also use the keywords: 'points', 'bid', 'ask', 'spread': (e.g. '= bid +100 points' ).
The calculator is available for the main input fields on the 'new' tab, and for the 'Alerts' tool.

• 'tool' > [f]: now you can draw custom Fibonacci levels with precise positioning of start and end points.
When using the new Fibo tool - the color and width of the levels will depend on the settings you selected for the 'draw' tool.
The values of the levels are synchronized with your settings for the automatic 'Fibonacci' tool.
For precise positioning, the magnet is enabled by default, but you can pause its action by holding the <TAB> key.

+ other minor improvements, bug fixes and optimization.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 5.45 2023.07.01
New features:
• In the settings (s) on the 'new' tab, you can limit the total Lot size of all trades on the account.
When the limit is reached, the calculated Lot will either be reduced, or trading through the assistant will be restricted if the limit is exceeded.
This can be convenient for those who trade according to the rules of the challenge, or on a funded account.

• When selecting multiple trades at once on the "manage" > "Order" tab, the Average Entry Price is now visualized on the chart.

• An additional 5 colors have been added for the 'Alerts', 'Highs & Lows' and 'Draw' tools.
The central color #8 can also be customized in the input settings (F7).

+ other minor improvements, optimization and bug fixing.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 5.41 2023.05.31
Technical update: optimization and bug fixing
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 5.40 2023.05.26
New features:
• Now you can make the chart buttons transparent (Entry, SL, TP visualization, and others): "Fill chart buttons?" selector in the Settings [s] on the 'new' tab.

• New tool: "Highs & Lows": up to 4 different timeframes and periods for visualization on the chart, with the notification option.

• On the "tool" tab, you can choose which tools need to be active when using the "Always on" option.
Thus, the unnecessary tools will not take up space while working on the other tabs, but will still be automatically activated when switching back to the "tool" tab. To select the tools, use the blue "v" button next to the "Always on" button.

• 'Multi TF' tool: option to specify any Symbol for calculation, and visualization of Bid levels has been added.

• New 'Shift+H' shortcut: press to Hide or show the main panel.

• "info" > "info" tab: improved visualization of the bar progress line: the size of the floating bar of the selected TF is displayed.

• To save space, [x] buttons for deleting alerts are no longer displayed on the chart. You can delete an alert from the list on the panel, but if it's not visible - click on the alert description on the chart, and the panel will appear.

+ other minor improvements, optimization and bug fixing.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 5.35 2023.05.22
New feature:
• When managing several trades at once (manage > order), you can check the average Entry price: hover the mouse over the text object where the number of selected trades is displayed.

+ other minor improvements, optimization and bug fixing.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 5.32 2023.05.10
New feature:
• In the settings of the "Fibonacci" tool, you can now enable or disable the entire group of levels at once.

+ other minor improvements and optimization.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 5.31 2023.05.09
Technical update: optimization and bug fixing
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 5.30 2023.05.09
New features:
• Now you can set a unique slippage size for each Symbol: in the settings [s] on the 'new' tab.
If it is not set, the default slippage will still be used (from the input settings [F7]).

• When managing a pending order on the 'manage' > 'order' tab, you can drag the TP/SL zone to move all existing levels (Entry, SL, TP) at once (just like on the 'new' tab).

• On the 'tool' tab, now you can temporarily Hide all drawings from the chart. However, they will not be deleted, and you will be able to Show them again. Check out the new blue 'H' / 'S' button.

• The floating P/L on the 'Status Bar' tool is now displayed in accordance with the calculation type selected on the 'new' tab: either the account currency or the percentage value.

+ other minor improvements and bug fixes.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 5.28 2023.04.30
Fixed the calculation of points on some non-forex Symbols.
If 'points' was your main way of setting the levels, I suggest you check the current values before using it for the first time after this update.

+ other minor improvements and optimization.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 5.27 2023.04.25
Technical update: minor improvements, optimization and bug fixing
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 5.25 2023.04.20
Technical update: optimization and bug fixing
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 5.24 2023.04.07
Bug fix for the "News" tool. The resource has been changed: don't forget to add a new URL to the list (check out the new address in the utility settings: blue "v" button).

+ other minor improvements and optimization
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 5.23 2023.04.04
Technical update: optimization and bug fixing
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 5.22 2023.04.04
New feature:
• In the input settings (F7), you can activate the option to update data on current trades at each price tick. The CPU load will increase, but it may be useful for short-term traders.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 5.21 2023.04.04
Fixed a problem with the "News" tool that stopped working.
Don't forget to add a new URL to the list (check out the new address in the utility settings: blue "v" button).
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 5.20 2023.03.14
New features:
[tool tab]:
• For the "Countdown" and "Status Bar" tools, you can now choose the location on the chart (settings on the panel), and the font size (input settings [F7]).

• An eraser [e] is now available for the drawing tool. Its size corresponds to the brush size, and can be adjusted using the +/- buttons.
• You can also delete the last group of objects while drawing: the '<' button, or 'Shift+Z'.

+ other minor improvements and bug fixes.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 5.10 2023.03.02
New features:
[New tab]:
• New "-" button on the chart to move the Entry/SL/TP level closer by the current spread size; "+s" button has been renamed to "+".
• When activating the hidden SL levels, you can enable the option to monitor the SL level of Long trades at the ASK price, instead of BID.
• If the lot size is calculated incorrectly when trading non-forex instruments (CFD) with your broker: you can set the Lot Multiplier in the input settings (F7).

• When managing a hidden order ('Manage' -> 'Order' tab), you can pause/activate it again: Check out the new orange button.

+ other minor improvements and bug fixes.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 5.0 2023.02.24
New features:
• [Manage -> Order -> Manage several] : A new type of P/L calculation, for the "if profit >" / "if loss >" trade filtering methods: "x Spread size".
The trade will be taken into account if the floating profit/loss exceeds the size of the current spread multiplied by the specified value.

• The new type "x Spread size" is also available on the "BE" tab:
the trade will be moved to BE only if the floating profit exceeds the specified value.

• You can use the ESC button to stop managing the trade(s), to hide the active selector, to stop drawing trend lines / chart zones.
This will speed up your trading.

+ visual interface improvements, significant optimization and bug fixes.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 4.80 2023.02.22
Important: if you trade on non-forex instruments (CFD): previously, there may have been difficulties with calculating the lot size on some brokers on cfd. Now the algorithm has been improved, so after downloading this update, make sure that the calculation is performed correctly. In case of any problems - contact me via direct message.

New features:
[New] tab:
• A new type of expiration of a pending order: "today": order will be deleted when the current daily candle closes.

• Input fields now have +/- buttons to adjust the values;

[Manage -> Order] tab:
• Now you can click on an existing chart range to adjust or delete it.

Visual interface improvements:
• When moving additional indicator panels, if you bring them close to the border of the main panel, they will "stick" to the edge.
After that, when moving the main panel, the "pinned" windows will also be moved.

• The minimized window of the main panel and the "Alerts" panel can now be moved.

• Redesigned 4 main utility tabs.

+ other minor improvements, optimization and bug fixes.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 4.74 2023.02.14
Technical update: optimization and bug fixing
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 4.73 2023.02.12
Technical update: optimization and bug fixing
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 4.72 2023.02.07
New features:
• [Manage, Groups]: Now you can pause hidden orders: in this case, they will not be triggered until you activate them again.
Convenient if you want to avoid false price fluctuations during fundamental events, while maintaining the orders.
A blue selector has now appeared on the last line: you can choose either actions with scheduled trades (which have an activation time: activate/delete), or actions with hidden orders (pause/un-pause);

• [info, info]: When the High/Low lines are visible: you can click on the line (or description) to create a price alert at the line level.

+ other minor improvements and bug fixes.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 4.71 2023.02.03
Technical update: optimization and bug fixing
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 4.70 2023.02.02
New features:
• Some values can now be calculated based on the value of the ATR indicator. Specify the indicator period in the right input field, and in the left - the % of the received value. 100% will mean matching the indicator value, 200% = 2 times larger than the indicator value.
[New tab]: Entry, SL, TP, Trigger levels;
[Tool tab]: Large Bars, Gaps;
Also, a Trailing Stop by the value of the ATR indicator is now available.

• [Manage, Groups]: option to delete all pending orders at once, regardless of their type: check out the new parameter using the blue selector (line 3 from the bottom).

• [Manage, Order]: when managing a hidden pending order, you can now change its type when you move the Entry level on the chart: e.g. if the order was originally a Sell Limit, you can move the Entry price below the market, and the order will become a Sell Stop.

• [Tool, Gaps]: option to calculate the Gap size as a % of the previous bar size.

+ other minor improvements and bug fixes.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 4.62 2023.01.31
New feature, [New] tab:
• When using scheduled orders ("Place later"), you can now specify the Entry price within the current spread (between Bid and Ask): the actual order type will be determined when the activation time comes (Limit/Stop/Market order).

This is especially convenient for those who trade stocks and want to place an order near the last closing price.

At the moment of activation, either a pending order will be placed (its type will be determined by the location of the entry price: Limit or Stop), or the trade will be executed by market, at a given or better price.

+ other minor improvements and bug fixes.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 4.61 2023.01.26
New feature:
[Manage -> BE] tab: when selecting the "Move SL to BE now" option, you can see the potential BE levels on the chart: check out the new 'L' button.

+ other minor improvements and bug fixes.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 4.60 2023.01.24
New features:
[New] tab:
• Entry, SL, TP and Trigger levels can now be set at the bar price level: Open / High / Low / Close. Check out the new "bar price" method, using the blue selector. You can also set the offset of the calculated bar relative to the current one (0 means a floating bar).
• "Place later", "at market open": you can set the time delay with which scheduled orders will be placed after the market opens.
Input settings (F7) -> "Scheduled orders..." value (at the end of the list).
May be useful if you want to wait for the lower spread, or to avoid "off quotes" / "common" errors.
• The size of the SL/TP chart zones can now be reduced: [<>]. With a smaller size, less info will be displayed on the chart buttons.

[Manage -> Order] tab:
• If you started adjusting the Entry, SL, TP or Trigger on the chart: you can abort it by pressing the new [x] red button on the chart.
• When managing a single trade, the extended copy trade option is now available: check out the new [v] blue button on the [open copy/reverse...] line.
Now you can set the number of new trades, adjust the lot size, set a custom entry price and check the potential P/L.

[Trailing Stop]:
• Trailing based on a custom Trend Line is now available (only when configured for a single Symbol).
You can also set an offset from the TL: positive values will mean that the SL should be shifted closer to the TP level, negative values will mean an offset further from the TP level.
• Please note that the offset for trailing on the Moving Average can now also be negative or positive.
• "Chart Bars" method: now you can set the trailing by High/Low values, depending on the trade direction.
"wick: near" = H/L value, closer to the TP level; "wick: far" = H/L value, further from the TP level.

• [Tool -> Fibonacci]: now you can [include a floating bar] in the calculations of Fibo levels.

+ other minor improvements and optimization.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 4.51 2022.12.19
Technical update: internal improvements and optimization
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 4.50 2022.12.10
New features:
• Multi TP levels option for the Auto-Levels function.
• In the [s] settings on the [New] tab, you can optionally turn off pop-up notifications when executing a new trades.
Check out the new green [show info] button on the first line of settings: if diabled, you'll see only brief info in the lower right corner of the screen: it will not interfere with your subsequent actions if you need to trade quickly.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 4.49 2022.12.02
Technical update: optimization and bug fixing
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 4.48 2022.12.01
Technical update: optimization and bug fixing
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 4.45 2022.11.07
New feature:
• When typing the risk size for a new trade, you will be invited to use the floating profit or floating loss size of all trades.
This feature may be convenient for risk management strategies when it is necessary to cover a loss, or when you want to use the floating profit size.

+ other minor improvements and optimization.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 4.44 2022.11.03
New features:
• When the active Alert levels are displayed on the chart, you can click on the level description to start the modification.
• [Info] tab: if you select [C] from the Symbol hotkeys: the Current Symbol will be automatically set if you change the Symbol of the chart.

+ other minor improvements and optimization.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 4.43 2022.10.29
New features:
• [New] tab: if the calculated Lot size exceeds the maximum allowed value, the trade will be automatically divided into several orders with a smaller lot size.

In the list of active alerts:
• Click on the Symbol to apply it for the current chart;
• Click on the Price to modify the alert: parameters can be adjusted above, and the alert can be dragged on the chart (if visible);
• Click on the Distance value to use the alert price as the entry price for a new trade;
• Click on the Note to edit or add it;
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 4.41 2022.10.28
Technical update: internal improvements and optimization
Versão 4.40 2022.10.28
New features:
• Introducing the automated Auto-Levels: if the trade doesn't have SL/TP yet, the utility will set it automatically according to the value you set. Check out the new [AL] sub-tab on the [Manage] tab.

• Quick trade management panel: now you can not only partially close the trade, but also increase the current lot (% button). For active trades, an additional position will be opened by market, with the same SL/TP levels.

New hotkeys:
• Shift+V: make all levels Visible while working on the [New] tab. Convenient if the prices have changed and the levels are outside the chart.
• Shift+I: show/hide all previously active Indicators (when working on tabs other than [Tool]).

• [A-Close] sub-tab has been renamed to [AC].
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 4.31 2022.10.26
New feature:
• [Manage] tab: use the ESC button to exit the advanced trade management, or to close the Quick management panel.

+ other minor improvements and optimization.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 4.30 2022.10.25
New features:
• Supply and Demand tool: now you can choose the timeframe that will be used when calculating the zones (e.g. you can select a higher timeframe option).
• Large Bars tool: new "% of the previous bar size" option (e.g. you can visualize only those bars that are at least 2 times larger than the previous bar).
• Alerts: option to select a color to visualize the alert on the chart. 1 of the 10 colors can be customized in the input settings (F7). The color must be selected before the alert is saved.
• Alerts: option to show "ALL" alerts in the list.
• Info -> Info: the total Lot size of all trades is now shown in the deposit load section.
• Introducing the chart themes: in the settings of the [New] tab, you can choose from 6 built-in themes. It can be applied simply to the current chart, or it can be saved for white and dark themes (check out the 3 new green buttons).

• When activating the Quick trade management panel, you can now set a new SL/TP level in just 2 clicks, without going into advanced trade management. The [sl X] and [tp X] buttons have been changed, and now they are 4 separate buttons: [sl] [x], [tp] [x].
To remove the level — use the [x] buttons, and to quickly set a new level, do the following:
1) Make sure that the desired level is visible on the chart.
2) Activate the level setting by pressing the green [sl] or [tp] button.
3) Next, be careful and click on the chart level where the new sl/tp should be located.
4) After clicking on the chart, the new level will be applied and you will see a message.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 4.27 2022.09.15
Technical update: internal improvements and optimization
Versão 4.26 2022.09.13
Improved and optimized trailing stop algorithm.
+ other minor improvements and bug fixes.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 4.25 2022.09.08
The hotkey for enabling/disabling the visibility of the trade levels has been changed from Shift+L to Shift+T.

+Optimization, bug fixes and minor improvements of the existing functions.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 4.24 2022.08.25
Technical update: internal improvements and optimization
Versão 4.23 2022.08.25
Technical update: optimization, bug fixes and minor improvements of the existing functions.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 4.22 2022.08.24
Technical update
Versão 4.21 2022.08.24
Technical update
Versão 4.20 2022.08.24
New features:
• Quick management panel for a pending order: you can use the new [M] button to activate a pending order by the market.
• The trade management chart buttons can be activated even when the main panel is minimized.
• When the 'Market Watch' utility is active, you can use the left/right keyboard buttons to switch through the list of favorite Symbols. You can also click on the Symbol name to open its chart.
• If you typed a Symbol on the [Manage -> Order] tab when searching for a trade, the current P/L will be displayed for active trades.

Updated Alerts:
• Alerts are now synchronized between the charts.
• In the alert list, not only the levels for the current chart are now visible: you can also type any other Symbol, or a group of Symbols, e.g. 'EUR'.
• The distance to the level is now visible in the list, so you can observe how close the market is to the monitored level.
• Now you can see all the triggered alerts in the list: by clicking on any of them, you can use the level as the entry price for a new trade.
• The utility will remember your recent notes, so you can quickly select it when setting a new alert.

Slightly redesigned interface of the [New] tab:
• To enable/disable the placement of SL / TP levels - click on the green [SL] / [TP] buttons.

• Please note: due to the update of the Alerts utility, the old alerts will not be loaded after the update: therefore, if you have any important alerts, you can leave the chart with the old version of the assistant until the alerts are needed, and run the updated version on a separate chart.

+ other minor improvements and optimization.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 4.13 2022.08.18
New feature:
• Before opening a new trade, you can optionally set its ID (at the top of the panel).
This identifier can later be used on the [Manage -> Groups / Order] tabs to quickly select a group of trades with the required ID.
This way you can group your trades to manage them together.

+ other minor improvements and optimization.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 4.12 2022.08.17
New feature:
• Using the up/down buttons on the keyboard, you can switch the timeframe of the current chart.

+ other minor improvements and optimization.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 4.11 2022.08.17
Technical update: internal improvements and optimization
Versão 4.10 2022.08.16
New features:
• Quick trade management:
Check out the new green 'T' button: when active, existing trades will be visualized on the chart. When you click on the chart button, the quick control panel will open, where you can perform the most important actions without switching to another tab. If you need advanced trade management, click on the '<>' button.

[New] tab:
• Presets: blue 'P' button. The setup for a new trade can be saved and later used for faster trading.
• A note for the trade can be selected from the history: available when you click on the input field.

When managing multiple trades on the [Manage] tab:
• The total Lot size is now visible at the top. If some pending orders are selected - you can click on the 'v' selector to change their lot size.
• If some active trades are selected - you can close them partially: check out the new 'v' button, next to the 'Close all' button.
• Now you can see the potential profit/loss of all selected trades.
• Average breakeven level. If can be applied - you can select this option using the new [separate] / [average] selector. The average BE means the same SL level for all trades, so the total result will be = 0.
• With the new blue 'L' button, you can hide all trade levels and leave only the levels of those trades that are selected for management.

Improved interaction with Multi-TP levels:
• The volume to close can now be calculated as a % of the remaining lot: not just as a % of the total lot.
• Presets for Multi TP: to save/select - use blue 'TP' button on the Multi TP window.
• More information is now displayed on the chart levels.

• Offset option for the BE / Auto BE: thus, the SL level can be moved not only to breakeven, but also with a given shift towards the TP level.
• When the triggered alert is displayed on the chart, you can click on the 'EN' to use the triggered level as the entry price for a new trade. But if you just want to delete the triggered alert - click on the line itself, or on the description.
• Shift+L keyboard shortcut: press to hide/show trade levels on the chart.
• When adjusting the Lot of the selected pending order, you can set the new size as a % of the current Lot.

Interface changes: some buttons have changed their name / location:
• Hide 'SL' / 'TP' / 'Order' on the [New] tab: now the buttons for hidden levels are called 'H' and are marked in red.
• Hidden SL levels: the button is located on the SL line.
• Hidden TP levels: the button is located on the TP line.
• Hidden orders: the button is located on the same line as the expiration time, and is displayed only when the pending order is active.
• [Line] button on the 'New' tab: renamed to 'L'.
• [Chart buttons] on the 'Manage' tab -> 'T'.
• [drk] -> 'D'.

• Please note: templates option ( [Tool] -> [s] ) will be removed in the next update, since all presets are now available separately. Therefore, if you have used templates when executing new trades, please save your presets using the new [P] option on the [New] tab.

+ other minor improvements and optimization.
P.S. The ideas for the new features of this update were from you guys, so thanks for the feedback!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 4.0 2022.08.08
New features:
[Tool] tab:
• Supply / Demand indicator.
• Economic calendar.
• Utility for drawing on the chart.
• Countdown: option to show it near the floating bar.
• High / Low indicator (previously Support / Resistance): now it can be calculated for the floating bar.

• [Info] tab: Currency strength meter ( 'Power' button). Don't forget to set the suffix / postfix of currency pair in the input settings (F7).

• When managing multiple trades on the [Modify] tab: when you set a new SL/TP level for the trades, a chart button will be displayed with information about the potential P/L (available only if all trades can have a common level, and if the "price" level type is selected).

• [Info] tab: volatility panel now can be moved.
• [Tool] tab, movement of separate panels: Instead of the [<M>] button, you can now move them by dragging the panel itself.
• Price Range indicator: optionally, you can disable the zone filling.
• Auto screenshot: the trade comment is now added to the file name.

+ other minor improvements and optimization.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 3.72 2022.08.03
New features:
• Automatic screenshot option when opening new trades. To activate it, go to the settings [S] of the [New] tab.
• New Keyboard shortcuts to switch between the main tabs: Shift+1, Shift+2, Shift+3, Shift+4.

+ other minor improvements and optimization.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 3.71 2022.08.02
Technical update: optimization and minor improvements of the existing functions
Versão 3.70 2022.08.01
New features:
• [New] tab: when working with Market Orders (if the "Entry" button is disabled), additional information is now displayed at the bottom of the panel: the last tick size and the current spread size.
• There is also a new button so you can quickly close the last open trade without switching to another tab.
You can also use the keyboard shortcut "Shift+C" to close it.

• [Tool -> Fibonacci]: now you can set the amount of bars based on the values of which Fibo levels will be calculated.

• Optimization of automatic Trailing Stop, Auto BE and Auto-Close functions: reduced CPU load, especially when working with multiple charts.
Please note: if you now have these Auto functions active, you'll need to activate them again after this update. For convenience, you can save the current settings to presets.

+ other minor improvements and optimization.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 3.61 2022.07.28
New features:
• [Modify -> Order]: the comment to the selected trade is now displayed in the lower right corner of the chart.
A note can be created before executing a trade on the [New] tab.
Comments are now also saved for hidden orders, and subsequently applied to real orders.
This way, you can always remember important information about the trade.

+ other minor improvements and optimization.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 3.60 2022.07.26
New features:
• [Modify -> Groups]: Now you can partially close active trades grouped by categories.
Check out the new [Close Full / Close %] switch.
In the settings [Modify] -> [S] you can choose the method of accounting for trades whose lot cannot be divided exactly.

• More keyboard shortcuts for faster trading: check out the updated commands in the settings [S] of the [New] tab.

+ other improvements, optimization and bug fixing.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on the MQL5 website
Versão 3.51 2022.07.25
New features:
• Automatic trailing of pending orders: [Modify -> TR]. The [TS] tab has been redesigned and now contains 2 sub-tabs: for Trailing Stop and Order Trailing.

• Keyboard shortcuts for faster trading: you can activate it and check the commands in the settings [S] of the [New] tab: Hotkeys -> Actions.

• [New] tab: Added the [R] button for a quick reversal of the trading setup: it's displayed near the Entry button on the chart.

• [Tool -> Alerts]: now you can add a comment to the alerts to remember what needs to be done when the price/trend line is reached.

• [Modify -> Order]: now you can schedule an adjustment of the Entry price and Lot size when managing a pending order on the weekend. The task will be performed automatically when the market opens.

+ other improvements, optimization and bug fixing.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on MQL5 website
Versão 3.50 2022.07.25
New features:
• Automatic trailing of pending orders: [Modify -> TR]. The [TS] tab has been redesigned and now contains 2 sub-tabs: for Trailing Stop and Order Trailing.

• Keyboard shortcuts for faster trading: you can activate it and check the commands in the settings [S] of the [New] tab: Hotkeys -> Actions.

• [New] tab: Added the [R] button for a quick reversal of the trading setup: it's displayed near the Entry button on the chart.

• [Tool -> Alerts]: now you can add a comment to the alerts to remember what needs to be done when the price/trend line is reached.

• [Modify -> Order]: now you can schedule an adjustment of the Entry price and Lot size when managing a pending order on the weekend. The task will be performed automatically when the market opens.

+ other improvements, optimization and bug fixing.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on MQL5 website
Versão 3.44 2022.07.20
New feature:
• Option to confirm critical actions (when opening new and changing existing trades): so you can protect yourself from accidentally pressing the button.
• PLEASE NOTE: By default, this option is enabled in the new update, but if you need faster trading and you don't want to confirm the actions, then you can disable it in the [S] settings: separately for the [New] and [Modify] tabs.

+ Improved interaction with Multi TP levels, other improvements and optimization.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message on MQL5
Versão 3.42 2022.07.20
Improved interaction with Multi TP levels, when managing an existing trade.

+ other minor improvements and optimization.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message or Telegram (@fx_bоss).
Versão 3.41 2022.07.18
New features:
[Modify -> Order]:
• Now you can modify the Lot Size for the existing pending orders. A new Lot can also be calculated based on the desired risk size if the trade already has a SL level.
• Option to keep the current R/R ratio when changing the existing SL / TP levels: check out the new [RR] button on the 6th line.
• [Modify -> Groups]: now you can see the total Lot Size for each of the categories of active trades. Use the blue switch to select this option.
• [Modify -> A-Close]: 'P / L' option for the floating trades: position will be closed if the profit OR loss exceeds the specified value.
• A button for taking a screenshot when the interface is minimized.

+ minor improvements, optimization and bug fixing.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message or Telegram (@fx_bоss).
Versão 3.40 2022.07.18
New features:
[Modify -> Order]:
• Now you can modify the Lot Size for the existing pending orders. A new Lot can also be calculated based on the desired risk size if the trade already has a SL level.
• Option to keep the current R/R ratio when changing the existing SL / TP levels: check out the new [RR] button on the 6th line.
• [Modify -> Groups]: now you can see the total Lot Size for each of the categories of active trades. Use the blue switch to select this option.
• [Modify -> A-Close]: 'P / L' option for the floating trades: position will be closed if the profit OR loss exceeds the specified value.
• A button for taking a screenshot when the interface is minimized.

+ minor improvements, optimization and bug fixing.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message or Telegram (@fx_bоss).
Versão 3.30 2022.07.14
New features:
• [Modify -> Order]: Option to modify the pending order and keep the initial % of risk, when adjusting the existing SL / Entry level. A new order will be opened, the original one will be deleted. Check out the new [Preserve Risk %] button.
• [Modify -> A-Close]: Option to automatically close the trades at a specified time.

+ minor improvements, optimization and bug fixing.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message or Telegram (@fx_bоss).
Versão 3.12 2022.07.11
New features:
[Tool -> Alerts]:
• Alerts based on the custom Trend Lines;
• A new type of trigger: when the bar on the selected timeframe closes beyond the level / line;
• Expiration based on the bars count;

+ minor improvements, optimization and bug fixing.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message or Telegram (@fx_bоss).
Versão 3.0 2022.07.01
New features:
• Smart SL levels: trade will be closed only if the bar on the selected TF is closed beyond the SL: so you can avoid false SL triggering due to the spread. Available when the Hidden SL is activated.

• Smart Entry levels: order will be opened only if the bar on the selected TF is closed beyond the Entry price: so you can avoid false entries due to the spread. Available for Hidden Orders.

Option to control the levels @Bid prices, instead of Ask prices: so you can avoid false triggering due to the spread:
• SL on Sell trades: position will be closed when Bid hit SL (avoid false SL triggering);
• Entry prices on BuyLimit / BuyStop orders: trade will be opened when Bid hit Entry (avoid false entries);
• TP on Sell trades: position will be closed when Bid hit TP (even with a high spread TP will work);
The option is available when activating hidden SL / Orders / TP.

• Option to show [Entry, SL, TP] lines on all charts of the same Symbol: convenient if you use different TFs. You can activate this option in the settings [S]. The lines will be displayed on those charts where the utility is not running.

• The trigger for activating pending orders can now also be set for SellStop / BuyStop orders.

P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message or Telegram (@fx_bоss).
Versão 2.81 2022.06.27
New feature:
• [Status bar] tool: optionally, you can now display the floating profit/loss of the entire account.

+ minor improvements, optimization and bug fixing.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message.
Versão 2.79 2022.06.23
Technical update: optimization and minor improvements of the existing functions
Versão 2.78 2022.06.16
New feature:
• In the settings [S] of the [Modify] tab, you can enable the new option 'Also close the selected trade when it's done'.
If it is active, then with manually copying / reversing the selected trade [Modify -> Order], the initial trade will be automatically closed: thus, only the newly opened copy will remain.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message or Telegram (@fx_bоss).
Versão 2.76 2022.06.14
• If the SL/TP placement is disabled, this information will be displayed above the BUY/SELL buttons.
• Improved calculation of levels if TP/SL zones are moved to the bottom of the chart.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message or Telegram (@fx_bоss).
Versão 2.75 2022.06.14
Technical update: optimization and minor improvements of the existing functions.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message or Telegram (@fx_bоss).
Versão 2.74 2022.06.10
Technical update: optimization and minor improvements of the existing functions
Versão 2.73 2022.06.09
Technical update: optimization and minor improvements of the existing functions
Versão 2.72 2022.06.06
Technical update: internal improvements and optimization
Versão 2.71 2022.06.04
New feature:
• [New] tab: check out the new [+s] buttons on the chart. You can move the TP/SL/Entry level further by the size of the current spread. Especially useful when trading on low timeframes.

• When changing the type of TP/SL/Entry levels, their position will not be changed, but the size will be recalculated.

P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message or Telegram (@fx_bоss).
Versão 2.70 2022.06.01
New features:
• Telegram Alerts. You can recieve the notifications to your Telegram group/channel from the following tools: Price Action, Large Bars, Gaps, Profit Count, Price Alerts.
You can also activate the Telegram alerts on the Auto Management actions: [Modify] tab -> Settings.
Detailed guide on how to setup the alerts you can find in the Telegram channel: @alerts_tg

• Email and push notifications for the Large Bars tool.

• [Modify, Order] tab: option to Move SL to BE, Copy / Reverse the trade even when the market is closed.
When trying to save the changes — you will be invited to schedule the task. All changes will be applied automatically when the market opens.

P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message or Telegram (@fx_bоss).
Versão 2.60 2022.05.31
New features:
• [Modify] tab: Trade management even when the market is closed.
When trying to save the changes — you will be asked to schedule the task. All changes will be applied automatically when the market opens.
Available for: changing/canceling of the SL/TP/Expiration, full/partial closing of the trade.
(The utility must remain active, since changes are not yet sent to the broker when the market is closed).

• The floating P/L of the trade is now displayed on the chart in the selected [new TP level] type: price/pips/points/%.

• [Info] tab: 'Always on' option for the High/Low lines:
If active — the lines will remain on the chart when switching to another tab.

P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message or Telegram (@fx_bоss).
Versão 2.50 2022.05.26
New features:
• Query history for windows: [Modify] Groups, BE, Order, [Info], [Stats].

• Presets for [Tools]: there are a lot of settings, so now you can save it to a preset and then quickly load it as needed.

• Email and Push notifications for [Tools]: Gaps, Profit Counter.

• [Tools, Profit Counter]: Option to remove Prefix / Suffix from the Symbol (EURUSD.pro -> EURUSD).

• TP / SL sizes on the adjustable chart buttons are now displayed in the selected calculation type (price / pips / points / %).

P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message or Telegram (@fx_bоss).
Versão 2.41 2022.05.20
Technical update: internal improvements and optimization
Versão 2.40 2022.05.19
New features:
• Option to open multiple trades at once: there's a new window where you can set the number of positions [ x1 Entry ].

[Modify] tab:
• You can manage multiple trades at once.
There are 3 ways to choose trades to manage:
1) Group by type;
2) Select trades individually on the chart;
3) Select the zone(s) on the chart where the entry prices are located;

• You can quickly start managing a trade that has been saved to a hotkey. After the trade(s) execution, you will be prompted to save the ticket(s) to the hotkey(s).

• When managing a pending order, there is now an option to change / delete the OCO id.

• Screenshot function: simultaneously hold down the 'Tab' and 'Shift' keys until the notification appears.
Screenshots are saved to the following directory: File -> Open Data Folder -> MQL4 -> Files.

P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message or Telegram (@fx_bоss).
Versão 2.30 2022.04.29
New features:
• [Info -> Info] tab: Create your own notes for the Symbol: when analyzing the chart, you will remember what you should pay attention to.

[Tool] tab:
• "Market Watch" utility. Data about your favorite Symbols, in a single window: current price and price change for the selected period.
• "Bar Sizes" utility: Data on the size of the [current / last closed] bars on 9 timeframes.
• When the countdown timer is active, the progress of the bar is now also displayed (as a percentage).
• Market Sessions utility: added a local time scale.

• Presets for [Auto BE], [Trailing Stop], [Auto-Close] and [Price Action]. To use them, you need to set quite a lot of settings, so now you can save it to presets and then quickly load it as needed.

• When managing the active trade in the [Modify -> Order] section, you can now set SL in profit, or TP in loss.
• Improved countdown timers when the market is closed.
• All the basic settings (not related to the Symbol) are now synchronized globally on all charts. When changes are made, they will be synchronized on other charts after the timeframe is changed.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message or Telegram (@fx_bоss).
Versão 2.20 2022.04.21
New features:
• [Info -> Info]: Visualization of the Bar progress on the selected timeframe. The time to closure is also displayed as a percentage of the total duration.

• Price Range indicator: the trading range for the selected period. The color of the Price Range zone, and the color of the "Watermark" utility can be set in the initial settings (F7).

• Now you can set the size of the arrows for the Price Action and Gap indicators.

• Higher timeframe for the Fibonacci: the levels will be calculated based on the period following the current one.

• Option to show/hide trade levels with the green [line] button. Thus, the levels will be shown on the chart when you turn on the visualization of the trade. To use this option, go to the settings [••] of the [New] sector. Levels should not be forcibly hidden to use the new feature.

P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message or Telegram (@fx_bоss).
Versão 2.11 2022.04.14
New feature:
• The Watermark tool. In the background of the chart, you can display its Symbol + Timeframe, or your own text.

+ Fixed some bugs.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message or Telegram (@fx_bоss).
Versão 2.1 2022.04.13
New features:
• Dark/White modes are now synced globally: as soon as you change the theme on the chart, it will immediately be applied to all other windows.

• The main settings are now synchronized globally on all charts: hotkeys (except for the specified lot sizes), notification settings, themes of the charts.

+ Fixed a bug with an incorrect Symbol that could occur on some currency pairs whose Symbol has a suffix.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message or Telegram (@fx_bоss).
Versão 2.0 2022.04.12
New features:
• Scheduled pending orders, including the "Place at market opening" option.
This way you can do all the analysis on the weekend, and when the market opens, all created pedning orders will be automatically sent to the server. //Green [Place later:] button in the expiration settings section, at the bottom of the panel).

• Hidden pending orders: they will become visible to the broker only when the entry price is reached. //Hide: [Order] button, at the top of the panel).

• Cancellation levels for pending orders: if the price moves in the opposite direction, the order will be automatically canceled upon reaching the specified level. //When the entry price is active, you can activate the [trigger] button: now it can be either a cancellation trigger, or a trigger for StopLimit orders.

Once placed, all Hidden/Sheduled orders and Cancellation levels can be changed/deleted in the [Modify] section.

• Global OCO id option: you can set cancellation rules for pending orders with the same OCO ID on ALL SYMBOLS, not just on the same one. This can be convenient when trading on correlating currency pairs: as soon as one of the orders is triggered, all the others with the same ID will be automatically canceled. //To activate this option, go to the [New] sector settings (blue [S] button).

• After clicking on the input price windows, you can quickly set the price with a simple left-click on the chart. This can be applied to the following input windows: TP/SL/Entry/Trigger/Multi TP and Alert.

• When using the "Profit counter" tool, you can start managing the trade by simply clicking on the Symbol / financial result.

• When you change the Symbol in the [Info] or [Modify] sections, you can activate the new [Also set chart] option. After its activation, when selecting a Symbol for analysis/management - the Symbol of the current chart will also be changed. This way you can manage all assets in a single window. //Click the [v] hotkey button, to the right of the input window.

• [Info --> Info] section: Visualization of the High / Low levels, compared with the current market price.

• [Tool --> Sessions]: The name of the current session is now displayed at the top of the panel, even in a collapsed mode.

+ Fixed some bugs, improved Multi TP algorithm, improved visualization and significantly reduced CPU load, especially when working on multiple charts.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message or Telegram (@fx_bоss).
Versão 1.45 2022.03.22
Technical update: internal improvements and optimizations.

P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message or Telegram (@fx_bоss).
Versão 1.44 2022.03.18
• [Modify --> Order]: When managing the selected order, you can now adjust the SL/TP levels based on the specified R/R ratio: (check out the new interface elements on the R/R line).

You can enter the R/R ratio into the window manually, or use the shortcuts.

Using the blue switch (sl/tp), you can either adjust the SL level based on the current TP level (when selecting "sl"),
or adjust the TP level based on the current SL level (when selecting "tp").

If the order has no existing SL/TP levels, the green "Set" button will be inactive.
P.S. If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message or Telegram (@fx_bоss).
Versão 1.43 2022.03.16
• When the utility is minimized, the local time is now displayed on the panel.

• Fixed some bugs, optimized performance.
P.S. If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message or Telegram (@fx_bоss).
Versão 1.42 2022.03.03
• Before opening a new trade, you can now calculate the Lot / Risk size for 5 different accounts at the same time.
To view the calculated lot/risk for additional accounts, click the new "v" button next to the "Lot" / "Risk" buttons.
You can set the size of each of the 4 additional accounts in the settings: "New" -> [•••] -> "Hotkeys" -> "Accounts".

• Added the Auto-Close function: auto close when the specified condition is triggered: [Modify] -> [A-Close]:
Brief description of the settings:
2) if single / if total (blue selector):
"Single": a single trade will be closed if its floating profit/loss exceeds the specified value.
"Total": The total profit/loss of all open/pending trades will be maintained.
3) Potential / Floating (blue selector)
"Potential": If the trade has a set SL/TP level, its potential loss/profit will be calculated. If the trade does not have a set SL/TP level, it will not be taken into account.

Keep in mind that after activating the Auto-Close function, the chart on which the function was activated should remain active (it can be minimized).

• "Info" -> "Info" section: now you can view a detailed statistics of the volatility of the trading instrument, for each day over the past 4 weeks. To display the volatility, click the green "Volatility" button at the top of the utility.
The type of volatility calculation will match the selected type for the main calculations (blue selector).

• The status of active automatic functions is now visible in the upper line of the [Modify] sector.

• Bugs fixed, improved Multi TP algorithm: thanks for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
P.S. If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message or Telegram (@fx_bоss).
Versão 1.41 2022.02.19
• NEW: Now you can quickly hide / show trade levels on the chart (Entry, SL, TP levels of the existing trades): [New] --> [•••].
• Bugs fixed: thanks for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
P.S. If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message or Telegram (@fx_bоss).
Versão 1.40 2022.02.17
• Added the option to adjust the size of the interface and text size.
The setup window will be shown at the first initialization.
In the future, to change the size, go to the [New] sector settings [•••], and click the green [Adjust the panel / text sizes] button on the top line.
Thus, now the utility will be comfortable to use on all types of monitors.

• Calculation of the TP value after changing them with the mouse on the chart, if the value was set in pips/% value.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message or Telegram (@fx_bоss).
Versão 1.32 2022.02.14
• Before executing a new trade, now you can hide the SL/TP levels from the broker separately: new [SL], [TP] buttons are added at the top row.
• 'Spread Lock' option has now been moved to advanced settings [•••].
• Now you can turn off the visualization of SL/TP zones on the chart: go to the advanced settings [•••].

• Fixed incorrect calculation of TP/SL levels after changing them with the mouse on the chart, if their value was set in pips/points/%.

• Optimization and performance improvement.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message or Telegram (@fx_bоss).
Versão 1.31 2022.02.10
•Fixed a bug that could cause the program to crash if the previously selected StopLimit order in the [Close->Order] sector was executed or deleted.
•Fixed incorrect calculation of potential profit for Multi TP levels if the volume for closing was specified as a % of the total trading lot.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message or Telegram (@fx_bоss).
Versão 1.30 2022.02.09
•[Info -> Info]: Added calculation of the deposit load: for the selected Symbol, and for all trades.
This is a potential loss if all placed trades will reach the SL level (including pending orders).
If the trade has no SL level: its floating profit/loss will be calculated.
The calculation type will be the same as selected for volatility analysis (blue switch).
If the "Price" method is selected: the calculation will be in the deposit currency.
If the "%" method is selected: the calculation will be as a % of the amount that is set in the "Open" sector settings.

•[Tools -> Countdown]: now you can choose the higher timeframe for the calculation (the next to the chart TF: for example, when working on H1 - the calculation will be for H4).
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message or Telegram (@fx_bоss).
Versão 1.29 2022.02.08
•[Tools -> Future Bar]: now you can choose the higher timeframe for the calculation (the next to the chart TF, for example, when working on H1 - the calculation will be for H4).

•[Info-> Stats]: added display of the number of profitable trades compared to the total number of trades.

--Improvements when working with SL/TP levels, hidden from the broker:
•[Close -> Close grouped]: a new row has been added at the bottom of the interface, where you can quickly hide all existing SL/TP levels from the broker, or send all hidden levels back to the server.

•[Close -> Order]: if the selected trade has the specified SL/TP levels: now you can hide them or send them back to the server (green [hide] / [unhide] buttons).

•[Close -> Order]: now when you change the hidden SL/TP levels, they will also remain hidden after they are changed.

Keep in mind that hidden levels are monitored on the terminal side, so for proper operation you must have a stable connection and the utility must always be active.
Versão 1.28 2022.02.07
•[Close->Order]: added the function to quickly open a copy of the selected trade, or an inverted copy.
A new line has been added at the bottom of the interface, where you can also choose the price of opening a copy:
a) the same Entry price / b) execution at the Market price.
SL, TP, Expiration Time, OCO id and Multi TP levels will also be copied.
To execute, click the new green "Open" button.

•[Open]: added hotkeys to quickly set the risk level when calculating the lot size (blue [1], [2], [3], [4] buttons).

•Added hotkeys for quick Symbol selection when working with the selected trading instrument.

-->To configure hotkeys: go to settings of the "Open" section (blue [Set] button).

• Added calculation of lot size and risk level based on custom amount of money.
-->To activate this option and set the amount of money: go to settings of the "Open" section (blue [Set] button).

•[Open]: fixed reset of the entered risk amount after switching between the lot calculation and risk calculation.
•Fixed a bug that could occur when running the utility on an account with a zero balance.

•The Symbol selection rows have been redesigned: to switch between [All Symbols] and the [selected Symbol], click the blue switch to the left of the input window.
Versão 1.27 2022.02.03
•[Close -> Order]: improved visualization of the Multi TP chart elements.
•[Tool -> Alert]: the label of the number of alerts remained on the chart even after the tool was turned off: fixed.
•[Tool -> Alert]: fixed positioning of the buttons when changing the price type on the chart.
•The trailing stop algorithm has been optimized, especially when working only with orders opened through an assistant.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message or Telegram (@fx_bоss).
Versão 1.26 2021.12.24
Internal improvements.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message or Telegram (@fx_bоss).
I would be grateful for your public feedback and rating of the product on the MQL5 website.
Versão 1.25 2021.12.24
Fixed some bugs that could occur when changing Multi-TP levels for existing orders ( [Close -> Order] section ).
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message or Telegram (@fx_bоss).
I would be grateful for your public feedback and rating of the product on the MQL5 website.
Versão 1.24 2021.12.14
New Features:

1) [Open -> Settings] (Blue [Set] button): now you can associate the chart view with each of the modes: dark / light.
If you activate this setting, then when you switch the "Dark" button, not only the appearance of the panel will change, but also the appearance of the chart.
To save the chart design, you need to first configure it (F8), and then click "Save current design" in the settings (Set).
Don't forget to choose the appearance of the SL / TP areas for each of the modes.
This function will allow you to switch quickly when working at night.

2) [Tool -> Future bar]: in the indicator settings: the ability to combine several bars into one has been added.
Activate "unite" and set the number of bars.
P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message or Telegram (@fx_bоss).
I would be grateful for your public feedback and rating of the product on the MQL5 website.
Versão 1.23 2021.12.12
New Features:
[Close -> Order]:
1) Now you can manage Multi TP levels not only for an active trade, but also for a pending orders.
2) If the selected trade has active Multi TP levels, they will always be visible on the chart (if the "chart buttons" are active).
If you change the Multi TP levels by dragging them on the chart - after moving, the Multi TP settings window will appear, where you will need to save the changes.

[Tool -> Profit Count]:
3) Added the function of setting the count for: All Symbols / or only for the current Symbol:
there is a new blue button in the redesigned first line.
4) Added the function of selecting the method of grouping trades: By direction / or by profit.
The blue texts "BUYS" / "SELLS" are now buttons: by clicking on them, the grouping will change.

5) [Tool -> Bar Direction]: added the function of setting the SHIFT of calculated bars, relative to the current one:
0 = current (open) bar, 1 = last closed bar, 2 = 2 bars ago... (A new window appeared on the Bar Direction panel).

1) [Close -> Order]: Improved visualization of some Multi TP elements, when managing the selected trade.

P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message or Telegram (@fx_bоss).
I would be grateful for your public review and rate of the product on the MQL5 website.
Versão 1.22 2021.12.10
New Features:
1) [Close -> Close Grouped]: now you can close orders that are pending for LESS than the specified time period.
The line "If pending >" has been redesigned: now you can switch between "If pending more" / "If pending less" using the blue switch.
1) For the [Close] and [Info] sectors: now the utility will remember the Symbol you entered, even if you close the assistant and open it again.
1) [Close -> Order]: Fixed positioning of the "Set" button when changing the SL level on the chart.
P.S. Version for MT5 is now available: link in the product description.
Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message or Telegram (@fx_bоss).
I would be grateful for your public feedback and rating of the product on the MQL5 website.
Versão 1.21 2021.12.09
New Features:
1) Now you can choose for which trades the utility needs to perform Auto BE and Trailing Stop: for ALL trades / or only for those that were opened through an assistant.
Go to [Close -> Set];
This may be convenient for those who also run Expert Advisors on the same account and do not want the utility to change the positions of the EA.
Keep in mind that the "magic" number of your EA must be less than 530000: otherwise, the position will be considered as the one that is opened through the assistant.

[Tool -> Alerts] improvements:
2) The alerts panel has been redesigned: now the number of active alerts is displayed on the 1st row,
and all settings are now placed on the main panel (the "v" button has been added to the right of the "Alerts" button);

[Alerts -> Settings] (v):
3) The "Always On" function has been added: if it is enabled, alerts will be active even if you switch the main panel to another tab, and even if the main [Tools] -> "Always On" parameter is turned off.

4) The "Bring to front" function has been added: if it is active, the chart will be moved to the foreground at the moment when the alert is triggered.
This is convenient if you work with multiple charts, so you will see exactly where the alert was triggered.

5) The "Leave a line" function has been added: if it is active, then after the alert is triggered, the alert line will remain on the chart: it will be visible until you cancel it manually (works if the "lines" are also active);

6) On the main [Tool] panel, to the left of the "Alerts" button, a green indicator has been added: it shows if there are currently active alerts on this chart;

1) When working with the quick alert line, the "M" button (magnet) was removed: to activate the magnet (sticking to the nearest price values) - hold the <TAB> button;
(The magnet works when dragging ANY objects of the assistant);

2) The calculation of the percentage price change (%) during the addition of a new alert now occurs with increased accuracy (3 decimal points instead of 2);

P.S. Version for MT5 is now available: link in the product description.
Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message or Telegram (@fx_bоss).
I would be grateful for your public feedback and rating of the product on the MQL5 website.
Versão 1.20 2021.12.07
New Features:

1) Tool -> Multi TF: added the current (open) bar for each timeframe;
2) Info -> Info: volatility analysis can now be calculated as a percentage of price change (%);

P.S. Version for MT5 is now available: link in the product description.

Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message or Telegram (@fx_bоss).
I would be grateful for your public feedback and rating of the product on the MQL5 website.
Versão 1.19 2021.12.05
1) The trailing stop algorithm has been improved for hidden SL levels, some bugs have been fixed;
2) Improved visualization of graphical objects when managing an order;
3) Improved algorithm for Profit Count utility;
4) Optimization and performance improvement;

1) [Close->Order]: When changing the entry levels of pending orders on the chart, now the utility in some cases will tell you the sequence in which you need to save the changes (for example, if you moved the new entry level further than the existing TP/SL levels).

P.S. MT5 version will be available tomorrow, December 6.

Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message or Telegram (@fx_bоss).
I would be grateful for your public feedback and rating of the product on the MQL5 website.
Versão 1.18 2021.12.02
New Features:

[Close > Close grouped] sector:
1) The first 2 lines of the lower section were redesigned, new functions became available:
Now you can remove in just 2 clicks:
a) SL/TP levels for all selected active trades;
b) Expiration time for all selected pending orders,
c) SL/TP levels for all selected pending orders.
This feature will save you a LOT of time, and can be useful, for example, when preparing for a volatile market;

1) Milti TP: the potential profit for each level is now displayed with increased accuracy if you have chosen the percentage calculation method (3 decimal points instead of 2);

1) The trailing stop algorithm has been improved and some bugs have been fixed;
2) If you change the price of a pending order on the chart [Close>Order] sector: added price control based on the type of order;
3) Improved visualization of some interface elements;

P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message or Telegram (@fx_bоss).
I would be grateful for your public feedback and rating of the product on the MQL5 website.
Versão 1.17 2021.11.30
Technical update: internal improvements and optimizations.

P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
I would be grateful for your public feedback and rating of the product on the MQL5 website.
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message or Telegram (@fx_bоss).
Versão 1.16 2021.11.29
New Features:

[Open] sector:
1) Now you can add your comment to the trade (above the execution buttons);

[Close > Close grouped] sector:
2) Now you can close pending BUY orders or pending SELL orders separately (the last row has been redesigned);

[Info > Info] sector:
3) Information about market volatility can now be calculated in: Price values / Pips / Market points;

[Info > Stats] sector:
4) Trading statistics can now be calculated in: Account currency / Pips / Market points;

1) [Info > Stats]: The symbol selection row has been redesigned;

1) [Info > Profit Count]: fixed calculation of profit in pips, for some non-standard symbols;

P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message or Telegram (@fx_bоss).
I would be grateful for your public feedback and rating of the product on the MQL5 website.
Versão 1.15 2021.11.28
New Features:

1) Added the function of saving the current settings to the template: this will significantly save your time when adding the utility to a new chart.
To save or load a template, go to the [Tools] section, and click the blue "Set" button.

[Open] sector:
2) The Expiration Time can now be set in the number of new bars (on the current timeframe);

[Info] sector:
3) Added the option to select the Current Timeframe when viewing market information [Info -> Info];

4) When viewing the trading history [Info -> Stats], any time period can now be set;

[Tool] sector:
5) Bar Size indicator: the size of the bar can now be set in the price value;

6) Bar Size indicator: added the function of displaying both bar sizes on the chart (High-Low and Open-Close);

7) Status Bar: added a Price Change Status indicator: it is useful to see the size of the currently forming bar.
You can choose any timeframe, and 1 of 4 size types: (Price / Pips / Points / % );

8) Status Bar: now you can choose which information to display and which not: for example, now you can disable the display of the current time.


1) If the hidden SL/TP levels are active, and if the order has a visible SL/TP level when changing the SL/TP level (manual or automatic), then the visible (to the broker) SL / TP will be canceled;

2) [Open] sector: The amount of risk as a percentage is now displayed with increased accuracy (3 digits after the decimal point)

1) When you change the timeframe in the [Info > Info] sector, the information will be updated immediately, even if the market is closed.

2) Other minor improvements and optimization;

P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the utility!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message or Telegram (@fx_boss).
I would be grateful for your public feedback and rating of the product on the MQL5 website.
Versão 1.14 2021.11.18
1) When moving the SL level to breakeven, now you can optionally include the cost of the commission, swap and spread: thus, the SL level can be moved not only to the entry price, but also so that the final financial result will not benegative.
To activate, go to the settings of the "Close" sector (blue "Set" button).

2) When working with multiple TP levels, potential profit for each level is now displayed on the chart.

3) Hdden TP/SL levels now also work for additional TP levels.

1) Fixed button colors when displaying pending orders on the chart for the "Close" sector.

2)The logic of calculating Lots for closing when using multiple TP levels has been changed:
now you can activate closing at any TP level, even if the previous ones are inactive.

P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the product!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message or Telegram (@fx_boss).
And I would be grateful for your public feedback and rating of the product on the site.
Versão 1.13 2021.11.17
1) In the settings of the "Open" sector (blue [Set] button), now you can enable/disable accounting for the cost of the COMMISSION when calculating the lot size / risk amount.

1) Improved visualization of the "Future Bar" indicator.
2) Improved tooltips for some buttons;
3) Improved performance;

P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the product!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message.
And I would be grateful for your public feedback and rating of the product on the site.
Versão 1.11 2021.09.23
Internal improvemens and optimization.

P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the assistant!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message.
Versão 1.1 2021.09.22
Internal improvemens and optimization.

P.S. Thank you all for your feedback, it helps me to improve the assistant!
If you notice any bugs / have any ideas for improvement - please let me know via direct message.