Off Quotes error for over 12 hours


I would like to seek the opinions of various experts regarding an issue I encountered. 

Attached is a log from my current broker, which name I will not disclose. 

As shown in the attached image, there was an [Off Quotes] error for over 12 hours, resulting in failed orders.

The times shown in the log are in UTC+9.

1. The margin was more than sufficient.

2. It was a weekday when the market was open, and other currency pairs were trading normally.

3. The spread barely widened.

Despite this, as seen in the last part of the log, even an order of just 3 lots failed.

Is it normal for such a situation to persist for over 12 hours, not just for a brief moment? 
If not, should I consider switching to another broker?

Thank you for taking the time to read this long message. I appreciate any opinions and advice you may have. 

I am writing here for the first time, so I am a bit confused.
If this post should be written somewhere else, please let me know and I will move it immediately.

Thank you.
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