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Pan PrizMA C D Phase

Pan PrizMA CD Phase is an analogue of the МetaТrader 5 indicator, and is an option based on the Pan PrizMA indicator. Details.

  • Averaging by a quadric-quartic polynomial increases the smoothness of lines, adds momentum and rhythm.
  • Extrapolation by the sinusoid function near a constant allows adjusting the delay or lead of signals.
  • The value of the phase - wave status parameter (which is close in meaning to the trigonometric phase or the angle of the radius-vector rotation in the trigonometric plane) allows digitizing each line point and use any necessary point as a trading signal in the EA. This, in turn, accelerates optimization of strategies.
  • Digitization allows you to set asymmetric permission/prohibition intervals during filtering. For instance, the interval prohibiting trading against a trend may comprise 90 degrees starting from any phase, only a quarter of the entire wave period.
  • Using synthetic bars by volume, price or their combination allows adjusting the chart scale for the strategy.

External variables

  • Line_1_power - degree of polynomial, averaging the first line (2-4).
  • Fast_line_1_leverage - leverage (an analog of period) of a short average line smoothed by a polynomial.
  • Fast_line_2_leverage - leverage of a short line extrapolated by the sinusoid near a constant.
  • Base - half of the SMA period subtracted from the price. Analog of a Slow_SMA. The value of 0 excludes subtraction from the price.
  • Synthetic_Channel - value of the synthetic bar defined as the sum of price points and the number of parts of the tick volume. The value of 0 disables synthetic bars.
  • Weight_Prices - price multiplier. It allows changing the price value weight in the sum. The parameter can be negative.
  • Weight_Volume - multiplier for the volume parts. It allows changing the volume value weight in the sum. The parameter can be negative.
  • Multiplikator - histogram multiplier.
  • Multiplikator_2 - price multiplier. -1 swaps the top and bottom lines.
  • Signal SMA Period - signal line period.

Indicator lines

  • "MACD_A0" - histogram. Plotted as the first difference on the extrapolated line. Read from the array 0.
  • "Signal_A1" - histogram signal line. Read from the array 1.
  • "Fast_line_1" - line averaged by the polynomial. Read from the array 2.
  • "Fast_line_2" - extrapolated line. Read from the array 3.
  • "Phase_A4" - phase line. Read from the array 4.
  • "-_Phase_A5" - shifted phase line drawn below 0. It allows visualizing the first line on the bends. Read from the array 5.
  • "+-2_Phase_A6" - dotted line provided by the MathArccos function converted from radians to degrees and multiplied by 2 to exclude coincidences with the phase lines. Read from the array 6.
Binary Options Support Resistance Indicator This indicator is designed for binary options trading and effectively shows retracements from support and resistance levels. Signals appear on the current candle. A red arrow pointing downwards indicates a potential selling opportunity, while a blue arrow pointing upwards suggests buying opportunities. All that needs adjustment is the color of the signal arrows. It is recommended to use it on the M1-M5 timeframes as signals are frequent on these timef
Black series MT4 - The indicator is designed for trading on binary options with Timeframe M1-M5-M15 Multicurrency (Works on cryptocurrency and currency pairs) The signal appears when the candle opens Up to 90% correct signals There is no signal redrawing at all Can be used with other indicators. Good for scalping! In Settings there is: -Indicator working methods -I Allert Arrow color Red signal down Blue signal up Also watch the video how the indicator works and signals appear or te
a tool for working with binary options well identifies the trend and possible market reversals can be used for forex scalping it works very well on binary options if used with oblique levels or wave analysis, it will be a good assistant in determining the entry point recommended expiration time from 1-15 depending on the selected timeframe the next update will add the ability to customize the tool.
BinaryScalping is a professional indicator for trading binary options and scalping. The algorithm of the indicator is based on the calculation of pivot points for each time period separately, the location of the price of the trading instrument relative to the pivot points is analyzed and the probability of a trading operation is calculated. The indicator has a built-in filter of trading signals based on the global trend. The indicator is installed in the usual way and works with any trading inst
Manuscript is a time-tested indicator, many tests have been conducted in its use, I will tell all buyers my recommendations on using forex, cryptocurrency or binary options This indicator gives a signal exactly at the close of the candle of the selected period The arrow does not disappear after the signal, you can set up email notifications I recommend using it on the period H1,H4,daily If you are aware of its work, you will be able to trade in a plus In the future I will give you my recomm
This system created by using Corrected MACD,ADX, Different time zone support and resistant points,  tree Parabolic Sars,two Bollinger band, 3 moving average, stochastic oscillator and ADX. In this system, Using parabolic Sars reverse bar count,  Pips difference between closing price and last parabolic Sars in the direction of signal and Trend strength.   Note that this system is not martingale, this system is creating limit order.    Best result for the orders are 45 Pips in USD, 75 Pips in G
This indicator works on MT4 and is very easy to use. When you receive a signal from it, you wait for that candle with the signal to close and you enter your trade at the beginning of the next new candle . A red arrow means sell and a green arrow means buy. All arrows comes with Alert  like for easy identification of trade signal. Are you okay with that? 1 minute candle 1 minute expire
Indicator for binary options arrow is easy to use and does not require configuration works on all currency pairs, cryptocurrencies buy signal blue up arrow sell signal red down arrow tips do not trade during news and 15-30 minutes before their release, as the market is too volatile and there is a lot of noise it is worth entering trades one or two candles from the current period (recommended for 1 candle) timeframe up to m 15 recommended money management fixed lot or fixed percentage of the depo
Connect Indicator is a tool used for connecting indicators between the MQL market and MT4. The connected indicators are made by our group and can be used for other applications, such as sending messages to the Line application or Telegram application. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask us to receive support. Function and indicator buffer Buffer one is the high price of the previous candle. Buffer two is the high price of the previous candle. Usage To connect indicators to fu
Andrey Spiridonov
1 (1)
NostradamusMT4 is a powerful indicator from the set of professional trader. The indicator is based on Andrei Spiridonov's original price calculation method (ESTIMATED PRICE) for the current candle price. Advantages The indicator does not redraw. It works on any timeframes. Works with any trading instruments. Perfectly suitable for scalping and trading binary options. Parameters Color - color of the ESTIMATED PRICE FUTURE line. How to work with the indicator The indicator forms the ESTIMATED P
タイトル: ノンリペイント XY トレンドインジケーターの紹介: フォレックスとバイナリオプションで成功するための究極のガイド はじめに: ノンリペイント XY トレンドインジケーターは、複雑で常に変化する金融市場において、トレーダーが情報に基づいた意思決定を行うために設計された革新的な取引ツールです。この高度な MetaTrader 4 (MT4) インジケーターは、リペイントという一般的な問題を排除しながら、驚くほどの精度で価格トレンドを予測するそのユニークな能力により、トレーダーの間で大きな人気を集めています。 インジケーターの理解: ノンリペイント XY トレンドインジケーターを際立たせている重要な機能の一つは、その精度へのこだわりです。過去のシグナルをリペイントし、トレーダーに信頼性の低いデータを残してしまう他の多くのインジケーターとは異なり、このインジケーターは一貫性を保っています。トレーダーは、生成されたシグナルが過去の価格変動を正確に反映していることを知って、安心して取引できます。 XY トレンドインジケーターは、高度なアルゴリズムを使用して価格データを分析し、市場のト
Добрый День уважаемые трейдеры!  Вашему вниманию индикатор созданный и работающий на базе трендовика ADX,  для торговли на смене направления движения который учитывает коррекцию и даёт возможность на ней заработать.  Применяю этот индикатор для скальпинга. Рекомендую таймфреймы от 15 ти минутного(М15) до часового (Н1) периодов.  Красный кружок сигнал на продажу- Sell) Зелёный кружок  сигнал на покупку Buy) Чем меньше ваш таймфрейм тем меньше пунктов вы зарабатываете.   Важно выставлять стопы! !В
驚異的なFXインジケーター「Miraculous」をご紹介します。完璧な結果を得るための1時間足を含むすべてのタイムフレームで効果的に機能する、最強の強力な特殊MT4フォレックスインジケーターです。 すべてのタイムフレームで優れた結果を提供する最高のFXインジケーターを探し続けるのに疲れましたか?これ以上探す必要はありません!「Miraculous」フォレックスインジケーターをご紹介します。このインジケーターは、トレーディングの経験を変革し、収益を新たなレベルに引き上げるために設計されました。 先進のテクノロジーと長年にわたる緻密な開発に基づいて構築された「Miraculous」フォレックスインジケーターは、FX市場における力と正確さの頂点となります。この素晴らしいツールは、すべてのレベルのトレーダーのニーズを満たすように設計されており、一貫した収益性を追求する上で比類のない優位性を提供します。 「Miraculous」フォレックスインジケーターの他との違いは、その非常に適応性にあります。デイトレーダー、スウィングトレーダーであろうと、長期ポジションを好む方であろうと、このインジケータ
「Auto FIBO Pro」Crypto_Forex インジケーターは、取引の補助ツールとして最適です。 - インジケーターは、フィボナッチ レベルとローカル トレンド ライン (赤色) を自動的に計算してチャート上に配置します。 - フィボナッチ レベルは、価格が反転する可能性のある重要な領域を示します。 - 最も重要なレベルは、23.6%、38.2%、50%、61.8% です。 - リバーサル スキャルピングやゾーン グリッド取引に使用できます。 - Auto FIBO Pro インジケーターを使用して、現在のシステムを改善する機会も多数あります。 - Info Spread Swap Display があり、接続されている外国為替ペアの現在のスプレッドとスワップを表示します。 - ディスプレイには、アカウントの残高、エクイティ、マージンも表示されます。 - Info Spread Swap Display は、チャートのどのコーナーにも配置できます。 0 - 左上コーナー、1 - 右上、2 - 左下、3 - 右下。 // 素晴らしいトレーディング ロボットとインジケーター
Mars 5     is a powerful indicator of   TREND   for any par and any timeframe. It doesn't requires any additional indicators for the trading setup.The indicator gives clear signals about opening and closing trades.This Indicator is a unique, high quality and affordable trading tool. Perfect For New Traders And Expert Traders Low risk entries. Never repaints signal. Never backpaints signal. Never recalculates signal. For MT4 Only Great For Scalping Great For Swing Trading Arrow Entry Alerts Pop
The Hurricane Cave Indicator shows different trade areas based on price action. It looks in the past and works out patterns that can enforce support and resistance as targets. When price breaks out of a trade area you can target just inside the next trade area. If you can't see the target just go to a slower time frame, it means the price hasn't been there for a long time. The Hurricane Cave Indicator is designed to be an add on to The Hurricane Forex Indicator also available in the Meta Trader
The King of Forex Trend Cloud Indicator is a trend following indicator based on moving averages. The Indicator is meant to Capture both the beginning and the end of a trend. This indicator can be used to predict both short and long terms market trends.  The king of Forex Trend Cloud if paired together with the King of Forex Trend Indicator can give a broad picture in market analysis and forecasts. I have attached images for both the  The king of Forex Trend Cloud on its own and  The king of Fore
Reliable Tool for the Financial Market This tool delivers high-performance results in trading on financial markets. Advantages: Fast and Accurate Signals: The arrow signals of this tool are easily and accurately analyzed, providing quality signals that you can rely on. No Repainting: This tool does not have any repainting, ensuring reliable trading signals. Quality Guarantee: If any signal repainting is detected, which we cannot correct, we will refund your money without commission. Recommendat
Batsukh Sumchin Khuyagbaatar
Only work on Crude Oil H1  time frame  Swing follow trend.  do not trade against trends Specifies the first destination and entry and exit points For 16 years, I only traded on CrudeOil. Crude oil is one of the most extreme combinations in the world and it is safe to say that such a good indicator has never been made before.   This indicator will save you a lot of money because it introduces a new type of approach, Good luck
The Generic Trend indicator is a trend type indicator. It smooths out price fluctuations when generating a signal by averaging the data and the signal only at certain moments! In those moments when you need to make a decision to enter a position and give the trader a direction. The indicator gives the trader the opportunity to visually determine which trend will be present at a particular time interval. This indicator was created to quickly determine the situation in the market, reflect the st
EARLY REMINDER: The Starting price is 65 price will rise soon up to 365$ and then 750$ after first 10 copies of sales. Grab this offer now! Introduction Hello, traders! Welcome to the demonstration of the Forex Beast Indicator , a comprehensive tool designed to assist aspiring traders in navigating the complexities of the forex market. This indicator incorporates seven essential components to provide a well-rounded trading experience: Moving Averages Colored Zones Support and Resistance Levels
The indicator is designed for binary options and short-term transactions on Forex To enter a trade when a signal appears blue up arrow buy red down arrow sell signal For Forex enter on a signal exit on the opposite signal or take profit For binary options Enter on 1 candle, if the deal goes negative, set a catch on the next candle Works on all timeframes If you apply a filter like Rsi, you will get a good reliable strategy.. The algorithm is at the stage of improvement and will be further develo
Indicator which identifies Trend and also buy/sell opportunities. Use for entries aligned to the Trend.  Although Diamond Trend is very accurate identifying entry points, it is always recommended to use a support indicator in order to reconfirm the operation. Remind to look for those Assets and Timeframes which best fit to your trader behavior/need... Valid for Scalping and Long Term operations. Please, set up a Bars Chart to be able to visualize the indicator properly...  ...And remind to give
The indicator is designed to trade binary options on small time frames up to m 30 Signals The blue up arrow is a buy signal. The red dn arrow is a sell signal. The signal will appear together with the advent of a new candle  and during formation Signals on the current candle Expiration time one candle from the timeframe on which you are trading You can use moving average to filter out false signals. Or escort support levels. This tool is reliable in trading.
Idea: RSI ( Relative Strength Index) and CCI ( Commodity Channel Index ) are powerfull to solved the market.  This indicator has Smoothed Algorithmic signal of RSI and CCI. So that, it separates the market into buy and sell zones, these areas are marked with arrows, red for downtrend, green for uptrend. This algorithm has the effect of predicting the next trend based on the historical trend, so users need to be cautious when the trend has gone many candles. Please visit screenshots
The arrows are calculated with: -     2 Parabolic  parameters -     2 ADX parameters -     4 Stochastic parameters We recommend to combine it with Parabolic, ZigZag or Elliot waves indicator. Always trade the trend! If you make sure to draw your trend lines and support/resistance zones you will just have to wait for the signal to appear. Take the trade. For Binary Options it is advisable to set the expiry time to 5-15 min in M1 chart. THIS INDICATOR IS ZERO REPAINT Best assets to trade: - EUR
ナイト ゴースト - バイナリ オプションの矢印インジケーター。 これからのあなたの頼もしいアシスタントです! 11 - チャートの再描画なし - すべての通貨ペアで大活躍! -インジケータの精度は最大 90% (特に夜間) ・長時間の設定不要(バイナリーオプションに最適な設定) - 信号が遅れない - 現在のローソク足でのシグナルの出現 ・M1期にピッタリ(No More!) ・目に優しいキャンドルカラー(赤・青) -インストールされたアラート それを扱う: - 青い矢印は信号アップを示します -赤い下向き矢印 M1 以上のインジケーターをチャートに配置しないでください. シグナルの精度が低下します! インジケーターのスクリーンショットとビデオを見る
バイナリーハッカーインジケーター 金融市場の高速な世界では、1秒も無駄にできません。すべての意思決定が、取引の成否を分けるのです。そこで登場するのが、バイナリーハッカーインジケーターです。これは、トレーダーに貴重な洞察を提供するために、チャート上の1分ごとに分析を提供する画期的なツールです。 バイナリーハッカーは、手動による広範な分析が必要な従来のインジケーターとは異なり、トレーディングストラテジーから推測作業を取り除き、純粋なデータに基づいた計算されたアプローチを提供します。 取引における精度の向上: バイナリーハッカーインジケーターは、一般的なトレーディングツールではありません。チャート上の各分を分析し、トレーダーに貴重な洞察を提供するリアルタイムアナライザーとして機能します。 バイナリーハッカーを使用すると、売買圧力の微妙なバランスを理解しながら、取引の1分ごとに分析する機能を備えています。この機能により、常に市場の勢いに沿った取引を行うことができます。 1分ごとのパワー: 取引の1分ごとに分析し、売り買い圧力の微妙なバランスを理解する能力を想像してみてください。バイナリーハッカ
Trend Arrow Super The indicator not repaint or change its data. A professional, yet very easy to use Forex system. The indicator gives accurate BUY\SELL signals. Trend Arrow Super is very easy to use, you just need to attach it to the chart and follow simple trading recommendations. Buy signal: Arrow + Histogram in green color, enter immediately on the market to buy. Sell signal: Arrow + Histogram of red color, enter immediately on the market to sell.
Target Striking - One of the best binary options trading tools! It is set up so powerfully that you can trade not only on currency pairs, but also on raw gold oil! You can also try on cryptocurrency! Ideal for trading on currency pairs, the percentage of reliable transactions is more than + 75% The trading tool is already set for the best profit! Only Target Striking can unlock the potential of the trading market for you! With it, the signals are even and accurate without redrawing, a sig
TRANSACTION SPEEDは、大口注文がいつどこで市場に集積され、その恩恵を受けているかを示す最高品質の指標です。トレンドの変化を非常に早い段階で検知します。インジケーターであると同時にトレーディングシステムでもあります。そのコンセプトはユニークで、驚くほど収益性が高い。 FXでは、ティックボリュームはボリュームと呼ばれ、誤解を招きやすい。実際は、単位時間当たりの価格変動であり、事実上、取引速度(TRANSACTION SPEED)です。 このインジケーターは、FXにおける出来高の概念を完全に見直し、正しい方法で論理的に定義し、このロジックを適用することで、ユニークで正確なトップレベルの収益ツールになります。 スピードが上がれば、それはより大きな関心とそれに対応するエントリーとエグジットのサインです。 使い方は? このインジケーターは、市場の取引スピードを測定・比較するため、まず最初に行うべきことは以下の通りです。 比較を行う期間を選択することです。 通常、15日前が比較の出発点となります。 インジケータに日付を入力して実行する。 30分または1時間のタイムフレームで、
Oni Scalper
Goh Cheng Wai
3.67 (3)
Dear Onis, This Indicator is used for   GBPUSD, US30 and GOLD on 1-Min Chart . For US30 , Depending on your broker, Minimum Lot Size will differ from 0.01 to 1.0 lots. My Current Account is trading at 1.0 lots at $1 per point . Please check with your Broker what's the Margin Required for your Minimum lot sizes before you trade on your Real account. I have Forward Tested the indicator for around 6 months before releasing it to the public. ( No Demo is available for the Indicator, Strategy Teste
Automatic, live & interactive picture of all trendlines. Assign push, email and sound alerts to the lines of your choice and be informed about price rollback, breakout, rollback after breakout, number of rollbacks, line expiration by double breakout. Correct, drag or delete the lines and interactively tune the line system. https://youtu.be/EJUo9pYiHFA . Chart examples https: //www.mql5.com/en/users/efficientforex Price Interaction Events All events are effective immediately and only after one
サポート と 抵抗レベルインジケーター( Support and resistance )をダウンロードできます。 インジケーターは、水平とトレンドのサポートと抵抗レベルを 表示します 。 インジケーター設定: トレンド( Trends ) トレンド又は水平のサポートと抵抗レベルの表示モード設定 はい( Yes )-トレンドレベルしか表示しない いいえ( No )- 水平 レベルしか表示しない リソース使用( UseResource ) インジケーターに組み込まれているリソースの使用モード設定。 はい( Yes )-商品リソースからのジグザグ( ZigZag )インジケーターを使用すること。 いいえ( No )-ジグザグ( ZigZag )ユーザーインジケーターを使用すること。 履歴バー( HistoryBar ) レベルが表示される履歴バーの数 バー数( CountBar ) 現在のバーを始め、サポートと 抵抗レベル が検索されるバーの数 商品で使用されている ジグザグ ( ZigZag ) インジケーターの設定 : デプス( Depth ) 前の値 より 偏差( Deviatio
The [GRAFF] III manual trading system is based on multiple MetaTrader (MT4) indicators. Together, the entire PACK of GRAFF III indicators makes an advanced trading tool. The system consists of over 20 different custom-built indicators which have been carefully selected and tested in the long term to produce strong and efficient trading signals. The particular indicators are based on different mathematical formulas, so the entire system is calibrated to remove false signals from its own indicator
You can fins our other products from link : https://www.mql5.com/en/users/drbastem/seller   Also, you can ask all your questins from email : haskayafx@gmail.com or mobile : +90 530 867 5076 or @MehmetBastem    on telegram application This indicator is used to determine the trend. Standard Three Moving Average and ADX indicators are used. It has the indicator warning system (audio, e-mail) and three types of alerts, including messages to mobile phone. It shows the best performance on M5. When
This indicator is used to determine the trend. Standard Three Moving Average and ADX indicators are used. It has the indicator warning system (audio, e-mail) and three types of alerts, including messages to mobile phone. It shows the best performance on M5. When the trend value reaches the value set, the warning system is activated. This indicator works only with Forex symbols. Inputs SoundAlarm = true - Sound Alert Sendmail=true - Send an e-mail in case of a buy or sell signal Sendnotification
You can fins our other products from link : https://www.mql5.com/en/users/drbastem/seller   Also, you can ask all your questins from email : haskayafx@gmail.com or mobile : +90 530 867 5076 or @MehmetBastem    on telegram application This indicator is used to determine the trend. Standard MACD indicator is used. It has the indicator warning system: beep, e-mail and has three types of alerts, including messages to mobile phone. It shows the best performance on the chart of 5 minutes. When the
A simplistic indicator informing a user on RSI divergence by sending messages to mobile device and email. The indicator draws 2 vertical lines, marking two RSI extrema that formed the divergence. You get the alert, open the charts and make a decision. The indicator does not show past divergences, thus when you attach it to a chart for the first time you see nothing. Graphics and alerts will appear as soon as divergences do. Drop it in Tester to see how it works. Parameters: RSIPeriod - number of
This is the complete REX package. It consists of the lite, pro and ULTRA version.  Perfect for beginners and intermediates. REX complete is 100% non repaint. The strategy is based on a mix of different strategies, statistics, including pivot points, oscillators and patterns.  As the trading idea consists of a variety of some classic indicators like Momentum, Williams Percent Range, CCI, Force Index, WPR, DeMarker, CCI, RSI and Stochastic, it is clear that the fundamental indicators have being u
Let´s try to make some real money! Call me profit addicted. I thought why not try to make THE dream come reality. With discipline, a clear strategy and this indicator I focus on entering the perfect trades. This indicator is very easy to use as you will get perfect entry points for Put or Call trades. The arrows are calculated with: -     Momentum  parameters -     Candle stick patterns -     Fundamental Price action We recommend to combine it with Parabolic, ZigZag or Elliot waves indicator
Pisces TheProfitZone "Pisces TheProfitZone MT4 Indicator Powered byFxGangster" This indicator will calculate new support and resistant zone everyday, and that give us a trading zone such as thats telling us TP and SL, So it still telling us for where should the price will go reach? Fore Example. Uptrend : If Price can stay upper a Line and price close higher above a Line, then the price will continue go up to reach next Line. Downtrend : If Price can't pass to stay upper a Line and the price
Golden Chip provides Basic Market Structure, Fibonacci, supply and Demand Zones. Letting you identify when a sell off point is approaching or whne a buy opportunity is arriving. The awesome thing about Golden Chip is that, you will see rejection levels or continuation before ANYBODY ! This indicator moves directly with price and lines up perfectly with the Chart. Some indicators would lag but NOT this one ! Golden Chip is amazing for Clean chart (Naked Chart). GOLDEN CHIP IS ONLY ON METATRADER (
mql5を通じて私との連絡を購入したらお願いします。そのため、ダッシュボードがプラットフォームで正しく機能することを確認できます。 ネストされた外国為替ゾーンは、バウンスとブレイクアウトエリアを見つけるために1つのチャートですべてのキーレベルをフェッチするように設計されています。 想像できるすべてのものが複数の時間枠から1つのダッシュボードにフェッチされ、ネストされた合流点を見つけて需要と供給の領域を供給します。 ダッシュボードが高得点を示している場合、その領域から反応を得る可能性が高いサポートと抵抗および価格の明確な識別。明確な理解のために他の例を確認するか、私にメッセージを送ってください それは何を計算しますか:     サポート抵抗     需要と供給     概数     フラクタル     ボリンジャー     偏差ゾーン     買われ過ぎと売られ過ぎのエリア     勢いの指標     方向指示器     移動平均     RSI     STOCH     日平均     週平均     月平均     ダブルトップス     ダブルボトムス     デイリーハイロ
You can fins our other products from link : https://www.mql5.com/en/users/drbastem/seller   Also, you can ask all your questins from email : haskayafx@gmail.com or mobile : +90 530 867 5076 or @MehmetBastem    on telegram application This system created by using Corrected MACD, Different time zone support and resistant points,  Parabolic Sars, Bollinger band, 4 moving average, stochastic oscillator and ADX. In this system, Using parabolic Sars reverse bar count,  Pips difference between clos
This indicator prepared by using 57 days moving averagr and least square method. It can only work for 1 hr time interval. Once a signal created. It is creating order and 2 limit orders. It works in CFD pairs as well as in Forex pairs. You can fins our other products from link : https://www.mql5.com/en/users/drbastem/seller Also, you can ask all your questins from email : haskayafx@gmail.com or mobile : +90 530 867 5076 or @MehmetBastem on telegram application This system is for Long term and pr
This system created by using Corrected MACD,ADX, Different time zone support and resistant points,  Parabolic Sars, Bollinger band, 9 moving average, stochastic oscillator and ADX. In this system, Using parabolic Sars reverse bar count,  Pips difference between closing price and last parabolic Sars in the direction of signal and Trend strength.   Note that this system is not martingale, this system is creating limit order.    Best result for the orders are 25 Pips in USD, 50 Pips in GBP. Best
This system created by using  Stochastic oscillator and moving average.  Entrance value and take profit values can be seen by system.  This is system for Long term and profitable. this system can be used for 15 minutes time frame. This system is not  repaints.         This system is for Long term and profitable.  Signals are shown as arrows. as an optional,  you can set a voice alarm or email notification  You can fins our other products from link : https://www.mql5.com/en/users/drbastem/seller
This indicator prepared by using 311,1298 days moving average and Calculates the Envelopes.    This system can be used for 5M time frame.     This system is for Long term and profitable.    Signals are shown as arrows. as an optional,    you can set a voice alarm or email notification    You can fins our other products from link : https://www.mql5.com/en/users/drbastem/seller    Also, you can ask all your questins from email : haskayafx@gmail.com or mobile : +90 530 867 5076 or @MehmetBastem   
This indicator prepared by using 311,1298 days Haskaya Trend Bandse and Calculates the strand ADX.    This system can be used for 5M time frame.     This system is for Long term and profitable.    Signals are shown as arrows. as an optional,    you can set a voice alarm or email notification    You can fins our other products from link : https://www.mql5.com/en/users/drbastem/seller    Also, you can ask all your questins from email : haskayafx@gmail.com or mobile : +90 530 867 5076 or @Mehm
This indicator is created by considering volume divergence with price that is outcome of Bollinger band and Envolpes indicators crossing. It won’t repaint.  It is providing 1 market and three pending orders.  If it is followed with patient, it is providing remarkable profit at the end.  This indicator will be on sale soon on expert advisor. Target is calculated for buy orders as follow 1. 50 pips standard 2. Top Bollinger band 3. Sell Signal Target is calculated for buy orders as follow 1. 50
https://youtu.be/t3SLLgcEEPM This indicator prepared by  using Moving Averages, Bollingers Bands .    This system can be used for 5M time frame and Gold Symbols (XAUUSD).     This system is for Long term and profitable.    Signals are shown as arrows. as an optional,    you can set a voice alarm or email notification    You can fins our other products from link : https://www.mql5.com/en/users/drbastem/seller    Also, you can ask all your questins from email : haskayafx@gmail.com or mobile : +90
This indicator prepared by  using Haskayafx Target Line Indicators .    This system can be used for 30M time frame and All Symbols.     This system is for Long term and profitable.    Signals are shown as arrows. as an optional,    you can set a voice alarm or email notification    You can fins our other products from link : https://www.mql5.com/en/users/drbastem/seller    Also, you can ask all your questins from email : haskayafx@gmail.com or mobile : +90 530 867 5076 or @MehmetBastem 
Seconds timeframe generator for MT4  (S1, S5, S10, S15, S20, S30). Features  1. Indicator generates timeframes in real time, with each new tick on the spot. 2. Indicator is also measuring point distance from extreme to extreme when hovered "This additionally shows us how strong movements are". Advantages 1. Easy to spot best entry and exit points. 2. You can easily trade news releases where market is very volatile. 3. You can also easily trade very slow market conditions and spot tre
This system never paints.   This system created by using Envolpes bands and reverse bar count.   This indicator is only working in M5 period.   This system is for long term and profitable.   Signals are shown as arrows. as an optional limit orders.   You can set a voice alarm or email notification.   You can fins our other products from link : https://www.mql5.com/en/users/drbastem/seller   Also, you can ask all your questins from email : haskayafx@gmail.com or mobile : +90 530 867 5076 or @Meh
This system never paints.   This system uses 30 standard MT4 indicators.   This indicator is only working in M5 period.   This system is for long term and profitable.   Signals are shown as arrows. as an optional limit orders.   You can set a voice alarm or email notification.   You can fins our other products from link : https://www.mql5.com/en/users/drbastem/seller   Also, you can ask all your questins from email : haskayafx@gmail.com or mobile : +90 530 867 5076 or @MehmetBastem    on teleg
ZO SIGNAL analysis on multiple time frames with ZO check setup. Combining other products of ZO SYSTEM :  https://www.mql5.com/en/users/lht2341990/seller These are indicators of thinking and require you to understand ZO System. For more details please see the wiki or contact the Zo Trader team. Wiki :  http://zoindicator.com/ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This is a Dashboard Indicator based on Bruce's Price Predictor Indicator . This Dashboard will Give you a visual to see the trend direction without having to flip through timeframes, so you can always be trading in direction of the trend, with little effort.  I Recommend   www.CoinexxBroker.com  as a great broker and the one I personally use *Non-Repainting Dashboard Arrows *For Desktop MT4 Only *Great For Scalping *Great For Swing Trading *Dashboard Arrow Entry Alerts *Dashboard Arrow Signals
デイリートレンドスカルパー(DTS) このインジケーターはRPTradeProSolutionsシステムの一部です。 DTSは、プライスアクション、ダイナミックサポート、レジスタンスを使用した毎日のトレンドインジケーターです。 誰でも使用できるように設計されており、トレーディングの初心者でも使用できます。 決して塗り直さないでください。 表示は近いものから近いものへと示されます。 単独で使用するように設計されているため、他のインジケーターは必要ありません。 一日の初めにトレンドと潜在的なテイクプロフィットを提供します。 どのように機能しますか DTSは、価格アクションと動的なサポートおよびレジスタンスを組み合わせたブレイクアウト戦略を使用しています。 夜のトレンドとボラティリティが分析され、翌日に使用されます。 この分析から、ブレイクアウト制限(青と濃いオレンジの線)とTakeProfitが決定されます 履歴データのおかげで、戦略と設定の「成功」を即座に確認できます。 履歴部分では、戦略に「穴」があるかどうかをすぐに確認し、最終的にはより適切な別のタイムフレームまたはシンボルを
At the very least, this indicator is able to entertain you. It builds a moving line based on interpolation by a polynomial of 1-4 powers and/or a function consisting of a sum of 1-5 sine curves. Various combinations are possible, for example, a sum of three sine curves about a second order parabola. The resulting line can be extrapolated by any of the specified functions and for various distances both as a single point at each indicator step (unchangeable line), and as a specified (re-painted) f
The indicator builds a moving line based on interpolation by a polynomial of 1-4 powers and/or a function consisting of a sum of 1-5 sine curves. Various combinations are possible, for example, a sum of three sine curves about a second order parabola. The resulting line can be extrapolated by any of the specified functions and for various distances both as a single point at each indicator step (unchangeable line), and as a specified (re-painted) function segment for visualization. More details:
The Expert Advisor and the video are attached in the Discussion tab . The robot applies only one order and strictly follows the signals to evaluate the indicator efficiency. Pan PrizMA CD Phase is an option based on the Pan PrizMA indicator. Details (in Russian). Averaging by a quadric-quartic polynomial increases the smoothness of lines, adds momentum and rhythm. Extrapolation by the sinusoid function near a constant allows adjusting the delay or lead of signals. The value of the phase - wave s
Makarios  Yacoubian
Makarios Yacoubian 2019.01.29 05:55 

