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Utilizza le nuove funzionalità di MetaTrader 5

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I robot di trading e gli indicatori tecnici più utilizzati, i segnali di notizie, i programmi MQL5 più recenti in CodeBase e pronti all'uso, gli argomenti del forum più popolari.

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  • Robot_ADX+2MA Uses the analysis of 4 indicators.
  • Self Optimizing RSI or MFI Trader This robot optimizes the values it uses for overbought and oversold based on what would have been profitable during the Optimization periods(bars) back. Using the strategy of selling when the index indicator crosses below overbought and buying when the index indicator crosses above oversold.
  • Resistance & Support The indicator of support and resistance lines calculated based on the iFractals (Fractals) indicator values.

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  • SL&TP Values Indicator displays the value of defined stop loss and or take profit in the deposit currency.
  • Self Optimizing RSI or MFI Trader This robot optimizes the values it uses for overbought and oversold based on what would have been profitable during the Optimization periods(bars) back. Using the strategy of selling when the index indicator crosses below overbought and buying when the index indicator crosses above oversold.
  • Renko Live Charts v4.13 Trade using Renko Boxes in MetaTrader 4.

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  • SL&TP Values Indicator displays the value of defined stop loss and or take profit in the deposit currency.
  • Self Optimizing RSI or MFI Trader This robot optimizes the values it uses for overbought and oversold based on what would have been profitable during the Optimization periods(bars) back. Using the strategy of selling when the index indicator crosses below overbought and buying when the index indicator crosses above oversold.
  • Renko Live Charts v4.13 Trade using Renko Boxes in MetaTrader 4.

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