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1 nuovo segnale ora disponibile in abbonamento:

R Factor Mean Reversal
1 312% 20530 scambi commerciali
Crescita:1 312.48%
Equity:6 788.22AUD
Saldo:6 835.83AUD

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I codici sorgente più scaricati questa settimana

  • Power of USD Power of USD indicator shows actual strength of currency USD calculated of 7 pairs that contain USD. Indicator can be used for strategies based on mean reversion and/or correlation. Included pairs: EUR USD, AUD USD, NZD USD, GBP USD, USD JPY, USD CAD, USD CHF.
  • MACD_Histogram The indicator displays MACD histogram and price divergence on a chart.
  • McGinley Dynamic Indicator The McGinley Dynamic indicator was developed by John McGinley and outlined in the Market Technicians Association's "Journal Of Technical Analysis" in 1991. The purpose of this indicator is to address flaws found in conventional moving averages, such as price separation and whipsaws. The result is a remarkable indicator that follows the average price of an instrument while adapting to current market speeds.

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  • b-clock Show minutes and seconds left before new candle is appeared.
  • engulfing MA Simple indicators detect engulfing candle patterns, but with a moving average filter
  • PivotPoint This indicator draws pivot points, resistances and supports.

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1 nuovo segnale ora disponibile in abbonamento:

NightVisionEA ICM
425% 5322 scambi commerciali
Equity:3 427.38USD
Saldo:3 471.94USD

Nuove pubblicazioni nel CodeBase

  • Power of USD Power of USD indicator shows actual strength of currency USD calculated of 7 pairs that contain USD. Indicator can be used for strategies based on mean reversion and/or correlation. Included pairs: EUR USD, AUD USD, NZD USD, GBP USD, USD JPY, USD CAD, USD CHF.
  • Power of NZD Power of NZD indicator shows actual strength of currency NZD calculated of 7 pairs that contain NZD. Indicator can be used for strategies based on mean reversion and/or correlation. Included pairs: EUR NZD, GBP NZD, AUD NZD, NZD USD, NZD CAD, NZD JPY, NZD CHF.
  • Power of JPY Power of JPY indicator shows actual strength of currency JPY calculated of 7 pairs that contain JPY. Indicator can be used for strategies based on mean reversion and/or correlation. Included pairs: USD JPY, EUR JPY, GBP JPY, AUD JPY, CAD JPY, NZD JPY, CHF JPY.
  • Power of GBP Power of GBP indicator shows actual strength of currency GBP calculated of 7 pairs that contain GBP. Indicator can be used for strategies based on mean reversion and/or correlation. Included pairs: EUR GBP, GBP USD, GBP JPY, GBP AUD, GBP CAD, GBP NZD, GBP CHF.
  • Power of CHF Power of CHF indicator shows actual strength of currency CHF calculated of 7 pairs that contain CHF. Indicator can be used for strategies based on mean reversion and/or correlation. Included pairs: EUR CHF, USD CHF, GBP CHF, CAD CHF, AUD CHF, NZD CHF, CHF JPY.
  • Power of EUR Power of EUR indicator shows actual strength of currency EUR calculated of 7 pairs that contain EUR. Indicator can be used for strategies based on mean reversion and/or correlation. Included pairs: EUR USD, EUR GBP, EUR JPY, EUR AUD, EUR CHF, EUR CAD, EUR NZD.
  • Power of CAD Power of CAD indicator shows actual strength of currency CAD calculated of 7 pairs that contain CAD. Indicator can be used for strategies based on mean reversion and/or correlation. Included pairs: USD CAD, AUD CAD, CAD JPY, EUR CAD, GBP CAD, NZD CAD, CAD CHF.
  • Power of AUD Power of AUD indicator shows actual strength of currency AUD calculated of 7 pairs that contain AUD. Indicator can be used for strategies based on mean reversion and/or correlation. Included pairs: EUR AUD, GBP AUD, AUD USD, AUD CAD, AUD NZD, AUD JPY, AUD CHF.

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I codici sorgente più scaricati questa settimana

  • b-clock Show minutes and seconds left before new candle is appeared.
  • PivotPoint This indicator draws pivot points, resistances and supports.
  • Candle Time End and Spread The indicator displays the current spread and the time till closing the bar (candlestick) at the same time.

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Nuove pubblicazioni nel CodeBase

  • Volume Profile + Range v6.0 - indicator for MetaTrader 5 (Fixed iBarShift Issue) Volume Profile + Range v6.0 (former TPO). Distribution of deals by price levels at a given time interval. Displayed as a histogram. The width of the histogram at the level means the number of transactions carried out on it. All Credits of this Amazing indicator to Olexiy Polyakov. I have just fixed the iBarShift and iTime issues, since this is such a great indicator for traders ! Now it is working fine with this files.
  • Tick Chart in MQL4 This will create an offline chart for the ticks.

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I codici sorgente più scaricati questo mese

  • Urban Towers The indicator shows the arrows point of entry into the position according to the Urban Towers Scalping Strategy.
  • b-clock Show minutes and seconds left before new candle is appeared.
  • Basic Moving Average template A ready made expert adviser template to use for further development or use 'as is'

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