Gholamreza Masrouri
Gholamreza Masrouri
I am a professional trader. I'm more than 5 years of trading. I have my own unique strategy. You can trust me. I am sure that my approach is correct. As soon as possible to join me for your benefit. I'll trade with a minimum of risk and confidence. Soon you will see my success. I wish you good luck.
Gholamreza Masrouri
Gholamreza Masrouri
Top Forex Rules

Trading Is An Art, Not A Science.
Never Let A Winner Turn Into A Loser.
Logic Wins; Impulse Kills.
Never Risk More Than 2% Per Trade.
Use Both Technical And Fundamental Analysis.
Always Pair Strong With Weak.
Being Right And Early Means You Are Wrong.
Differentiate Between Scaling In And Adding To A Loser.
what Is Mathematically Optimal Is Psychologically Impossible.
Risk Can Be Predetermined; Reward Is Unpredictable.
No Excuses, Ever
Gholamreza Masrouri
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