The online ECN broker LiteFinance (ex. LiteForex) has been providing its clients access to Tier 1 liquidity in the currency, commodity, and stock market since 2005. All major currency pairs and cross rates, oil, precious metals, stock indexes, blue chips, and the largest set of cryptocurrency pairs can be traded at LiteFinance (ex. LiteForex).
Short-term analysis for BTCUSD, XRPUSD, and ETHUSD for 18.06.2024

We have prepared a short-term cryptocurrency forecast based on the Elliott wave analysis of Bitcoin, Ripple, and Ethereum.
The article covers the following subjects:

Elliott wave Bitcoin analysis
Elliott wave Ripple analysis
Elliott wave Ethereum analysis

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Short-term analysis for BTCUSD, XRPUSD, and ETHUSD for 14.06.2024

We have prepared a short-term cryptocurrency forecast based on the Elliott wave analysis of Bitcoin, Ripple, and Ethereum.
The article covers the following subjects:

Elliott wave Bitcoin analysis
Elliott wave Ripple analysis
Elliott wave Ethereum analysis

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Short-term analysis for BTCUSD, XRPUSD, and ETHUSD for 13.06.2024

We have prepared a short-term cryptocurrency forecast based on the Elliott wave analysis of Bitcoin, Ripple, and Ethereum.
The article covers the following subjects:

Elliott wave Bitcoin analysis
Elliott wave Ripple analysis
Elliott wave Ethereum analysis

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Short-term analysis for BTCUSD, XRPUSD, and ETHUSD for 11.06.2024

We have prepared a short-term cryptocurrency forecast based on the Elliott wave analysis of Bitcoin, Ripple, and Ethereum.
The article covers the following subjects:

Elliott wave Bitcoin analysis
Elliott wave Ripple analysis
Elliott wave Ethereum analysis

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Short-term analysis for BTCUSD, XRPUSD, and ETHUSD for 10.06.2024

We have prepared a short-term cryptocurrency forecast based on the Elliott wave analysis of Bitcoin, Ripple, and Ethereum.
The article covers the following subjects:

Elliott wave Bitcoin analysis
Elliott wave Ripple analysis
Elliott wave Ethereum analysis

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Short-term analysis for BTCUSD, XRPUSD, and ETHUSD for 07.06.2024

We have prepared a short-term cryptocurrency forecast based on the Elliott wave analysis of Bitcoin, Ripple, and Ethereum.
The article covers the following subjects:

Elliott wave Bitcoin analysis
Elliott wave Ripple analysis
Elliott wave Ethereum analysis

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Short-term analysis for BTCUSD, XRPUSD, and ETHUSD for 05.06.2024

We have prepared a short-term cryptocurrency forecast based on the Elliott wave analysis of Bitcoin, Ripple, and Ethereum.
The article covers the following subjects:

Elliott wave Bitcoin analysis
Elliott wave Ripple analysis
Elliott wave Ethereum analysis

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Short-term analysis for BTCUSD, XRPUSD, and ETHUSD for 03.06.2024

We have prepared a short-term cryptocurrency forecast based on the Elliott wave analysis of Bitcoin, Ripple, and Ethereum.
The article covers the following subjects:

Elliott wave Bitcoin analysis
Elliott wave Ripple analysis
Elliott wave Ethereum analysis

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Short-term analysis for BTCUSD, XRPUSD, and ETHUSD for 30.05.2024
We have prepared a short-term cryptocurrency forecast based on the Elliott wave analysis of Bitcoin, Ripple, and Ethereum.
The article covers the following subjects:

Elliott wave Bitcoin analysis
Elliott wave Ripple analysis
Elliott wave Ethereum analysis

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Short-term analysis for BTCUSD, XRPUSD, and ETHUSD for 23.05.2024
We have prepared a short-term cryptocurrency forecast based on the Elliott wave analysis of Bitcoin, Ripple, and Ethereum.
The article covers the following subjects:

Elliott wave Bitcoin analysis
Elliott wave Ripple analysis
Elliott wave Ethereum analysis

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Short-term analysis for BTCUSD, XRPUSD, and ETHUSD for 22.05.2024

We have prepared a short-term cryptocurrency forecast based on the Elliott wave analysis of Bitcoin, Ripple, and Ethereum. I offer entry signals to trade each cryptocurrency.

The article covers the following subjects:

Elliott wave Bitcoin analysis
Elliott wave Ripple analysis
Elliott wave Ethereum analysis

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Short-term analysis for BTCUSD, XRPUSD, and ETHUSD for 21.05.2024

We have prepared a short-term cryptocurrency forecast based on the Elliott wave analysis of Bitcoin, Ripple, and Ethereum. I offer entry signals to trade each cryptocurrency.

The article covers the following subjects:

Elliott wave Bitcoin analysis
Elliott wave Ripple analysis
Elliott wave Ethereum analysis

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Short-term analysis for BTCUSD, XRPUSD, and ETHUSD for 20.05.2024

We have prepared a short-term cryptocurrency forecast based on the Elliott wave analysis of Bitcoin, Ripple, and Ethereum. I offer entry signals to trade each cryptocurrency.

The article covers the following subjects:

Elliott wave Bitcoin analysis
Elliott wave Ripple analysis
Elliott wave Ethereum analysis

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Short-term analysis for BTCUSD, XRPUSD, and ETHUSD for 17.05.2024

We have prepared a short-term cryptocurrency forecast based on the Elliott wave analysis of Bitcoin, Ripple, and Ethereum. I offer entry signals to trade each cryptocurrency.

The article covers the following subjects:

Elliott wave Bitcoin analysis
Elliott wave Ripple analysis
Elliott wave Ethereum analysis

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Short-term analysis for BTCUSD, XRPUSD, and ETHUSD for 16.05.2024

We have prepared a short-term cryptocurrency forecast based on the Elliott wave analysis of Bitcoin, Ripple, and Ethereum. I offer entry signals to trade each cryptocurrency.

The article covers the following subjects:

Elliott wave Bitcoin analysis
Elliott wave Ripple analysis
Elliott wave Ethereum analysis

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Short-term analysis for BTCUSD, XRPUSD, and ETHUSD for 14.05.2024
We have prepared a short-term cryptocurrency forecast based on the Elliott wave analysis of Bitcoin, Ripple, and Ethereum. I offer entry signals to trade each cryptocurrency.

The article covers the following subjects:

Elliott wave Bitcoin analysis
Elliott wave Ripple analysis
Elliott wave Ethereum analysis

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Short-term analysis for BTCUSD, XRPUSD, and ETHUSD for 07.05.2024
We have prepared a short-term cryptocurrency forecast based on the Elliott wave analysis of Bitcoin, Ripple, and Ethereum. I offer entry signals to trade each cryptocurrency.

The article covers the following subjects:

Elliott wave Bitcoin analysis
Elliott wave Ripple analysis
Elliott wave Ethereum analysis

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Euro is positive. Forecast as of 18.05.2021
Fundamental euro forecast for six months
Silence is consent. When in February the ECB actively resented the growth of European bond yields, threatening to increase the volume of asset purchases under the QE (which ultimately happened), the bond yields of the EU countries grew not as fast as now. In May, German bond yields should return to a level above zero for the first time since 2019, and Natwest expects the interest rate to hit 0.25% by the end of 2021. What's the matter? Why is the European Central Bank silent? After all, the ECB understands that the euro is strengthening amid the euro-area bond yields rally.

In fact, a rally in bond yields can happen for right and wrong reasons. Due to slow vaccinations, a worsening epidemiological situation, and related lockdowns in the first quarter, the euro-area economy faced a double-dip recession. Now, thanks to the vaccination campaign acceleration (the EU plans that 70% of the adult population should receive at least one dose of the vaccine by the end of the summer) and the belief in the opening and the rebound of the economy, the situation looks very different.

For the ECB, inflationary expectations and real yields are important. In February, the first remained practically unchanged, while 10-year Germany’s real yield grew faster than the nominal. Today, German inflation expectations have jumped to 1.6%, the highest since 2018, while real yield is down. Three months ago, euro-area bond yields were rising for the wrong reasons. They were pushed up by the news from the USA. In May, positive economic data in the euro area became the main growth driver.

Yes, the inflation growth in the USA is much faster than in the euro area. Considering the difference between the inflation rates in the US and Europe, some analysts suggest shocking forecasts for the EURUSD drop below parity. However, let us be reasonable. The pandemic “was an unprecedented shock, it led to an unprecedented collapse, and we may have an unprecedented recovery," Fed Vice Chair Richard Clarida said. It is hard to argue, especially looking at the controversial reports on US inflation and employment.
Just as Treasury yields supported the US dollar in January-March, European bond yields have strengthened the euro in April-May. But this is not the only advantage of the euro.

The White House has begun to speculate about a reduction in tariffs set by Donald Trump. The average US import tariffs in trade with China are currently 19.3%, with the rest of the world - 3%. The tariffs are clearly accelerating inflation, which reduces the likelihood that Congress will approve the new fiscal stimulus package proposed by Joe Biden. In April, import prices in the US jumped to 10.6%, the highest since October 2011.

EURUSD trading plan for six months
Lowering tariffs is good for export-led countries. Earlier, trade wars created obstacles not only for China but for the EURUSD bulls as well. I suppose some negative is still priced into the pair’s quotes. That is why the reduction in tariffs could support the euro rise to the previously indicated targets at $1.24 and $1.255.
For more information follow the link to the website of the LiteForex
Dynamics of EURUSD and core inflation difference
Dollar: from boom to scandal. Forecast as of 17.05.2021
Weekly US dollar fundamental forecast
The US economic recovery looks like a scandal rather than a boom. Controversial economic data create problems for the White House because its previous fiscal stimulus turned into an acceleration of inflation and pressed down the employment growth. Republicans compare the current situation to the era of stagflation under President Jimmy Carter, and Democrats are forced to admit that this will be a chaotic recovery. So, the US economic rebound may not be as fast as the Fed and IMF expect. The USA could lose its exclusivity, setting back the EURUSD bears.

It is one thing when financial markets test Fed’s strength, but it is different when the White House loses touch with the electorate. According to the University of Michigan, the US consumer sentiment index dropped to its three-month low of 82.3, lower than the most pessimistic forecasts of Bloomberg experts. Consumer inflation expectations for the next year increased to 4.6%, while 43% of the survey’s respondents said prices could rise by at least 5%. The last time such inflation was in 1991. Consumers are concerned that the era of low prices has finished. That is why Congress may not adopt new fiscal stimulus packages of $4 trillion proposed by Joe Biden. If the stimulus plans are rejected, the US economy won’t be rising as fast as the EURUSD bears wish.
The euro bulls bet on the increase in the euro-area inflation and PMI. Consumer prices in the euro area could jump up to 2% over the next few months, encouraging the Governing Council’s hawks to go ahead. The minutes of the ECB April meeting highlighted encouraging signs of the global demand recovery, fiscal stimulus in the US, and an acceleration in the vaccine rollouts across the EU. Therefore, the ECB believes the euro-area economy could recover sooner than earlier expected.

The evidence of a faster growth could be the euro-area PMI report. Other highlights of the week ending May 21 are the report on the European inflation and the FOMC meeting’s minutes. According to Bloomberg experts, the euro-area services PMI will continue rising, proving that the euro-area economy can manage the double-dip recession. Although skeptics claim that the difference between the US and euro-area PMI could be the widest over many years, who will guarantee following a series of chaotic data in the USA?

Weekly EURUSD trading plan
Of course, the supply will catch up with the demand. However, until it happens, the discrepancy between the recovery of industries will continue to manifest itself most unexpectedly. The theory of the US economic boom may not work out, which, amid positive economic data in the euro-area, will encourage the EURUSD bulls to go ahead. If the euro price consolidates above $1.211, it could continue rallying up to $1.22 and $1.226. If it doesn’t consolidate, there should be short-term consolidation in the range of $1.198-$1.218.
For more information follow the link to the website of the LiteForex
Dynamics of Treasury yield and inflation expectations
Dollar leads the bulls to a slaughter
Without the growth in Treasury yield, the greenback won’t strengthen
Forecasting is an ungrateful thing; it could be dangerous at the time of the pandemic. Economic patterns do not accurately forecast pivot points, but they determine the trends well. The COVID-19 pandemic and its economic fallout imply a number of pivot points. That is why the discrepancies between the forecasts and actual data on US unemployment and inflation for April have been so great. Bloomberg experts have been wrong, and the markets have been jumping up and down. I am jumping with a parachute today and tell you about the experience tomorrow. The status was updated 84 days ago.
Unfortunately, experience teaches only to make new mistakes. A surge in Treasury yields and the consumer prices increase to 4.2% made investors buy dollars. Markets remembered about March events when the greenback strengthened amid the talks that the Treasury bull market had turned down (the price is moving opposite the yields). The bets on the trend reversal have ended up in losses over the decades. Will this time the Treasury bulls go the slaughter?
Friendship with the brains serves the good. Following the Treasury yield stabilization in April – early May, many analysts suggested that the yields do not grow because the Fed is unwilling to normalize the monetary policy. The real reason is that there are a lot of buyers in the US bond market. The US Treasury yield is still much higher than that of the government bonds in Japan or Germany. The Federal Reserve doesn’t want to raise the interest rates, contributing to a faster shift from euros to dollars. After all, Jerome Powell and his fellow central bankers have poured so much money into the financial system that investors do not know what to do with it. The Treasury bulls seem unlikely to go to the slaughter, and traders should closely watch the bond markets in other countries. Otherwise, they can lose their heads. Or money. Anyway, you can’t lose more than you have.
How repulsive insincere people are! They pretend to believe when you tell a lie! The Fed used to pledge not to correct the federal funds rate and changed it, so it could be lying this time. The Fed is willing to be patient, but any patience has its limits. Reuters experts say the core PCE at 2.8% should be the limit. All investors try to catch any word from the Fed’s officials, but the US central bank is not a magic goldfish fulfilling the wishes. I do not think the tests for the Fed’s strength will result in meeting the market expectations.

If you won, somebody must have lost. That is the Forex law. Today you enjoy your profit, and tomorrow, you are sad because of a loss. News is not what you should rely on when making your trading decision. Good news and expectations may not do any good.
For more information follow the link to the website of the LiteForex