Wen Huang / Venditore
Prodotti pubblicati

This index is based on the secondary development of zigzag, adding high and low point arrow indication, thickening the line and changing the color. Can be a good display of the current admission trading signals, current long or short. It can be combined with other indicators to determine the trading point, which has great reference value. Compared with the general trend index or oscillation batch standard, the accurate determination is higher from the perspective of historical data research and

This index is based on the secondary development of supertrend, adding the combination index of Ma mean line user-defined algorithm, NRP, MTF three index weighted realization function.
There are two colors in the batch marking, orange for short and green for long.
Supertrend index is the first artificial intelligence indicator in the whole network --- signal light trading strategy.
It imitates the uncertain concept judgment and reasoning thinking mode of human brain. For the description

his is a custom indicator based on double-average crossing and arrow marking.
Make multiple lists when blue arrows appear up.
Make a blank list when the red arrow appears down.
When the pink line crosses the green line upwards, the pink line is above, the green line is below, the golden fork appears, and the blue arrow appears.
When the pink line crosses down through the green line, the pink line is below, the green line is above, a dead fork appears, and a red arrow appears.
This is a goo

1.tendenze dei prezzi in un mercato libero che scorre. La base di questa strategia è che la quantità di strumenti disponibili e la domanda di strumenti da parte degli acquirenti determinano il prezzo. Segna sul grafico le aree in cui la domanda supera l'offerta (regioni della domanda), spingendo i prezzi verso l'alto, o dove l'offerta supera la domanda (regioni dell'offerta), spingendo i prezzi verso il basso. La maggior parte dei trader domanda e offerta aspettano che i prezzi entrino nelle are

This is based on the double moving average cross and arrow mark under the preparation of custom indicators EA.
When the blue arrow appears, make a long order.
When the red arrow appears, short the order.
When the pink line crosses the green line upward, the pink line is above, the green line is below, the golden fork appears, and the blue arrow appears.
When the pink line crosses the green line downward, the pink line is below and the green line is above. There is a dead fork and a red arro

This index is based on the secondary development of zigzag, adding high and low point arrow indication, thickening the line and changing the color. Can be a good display of the current admission trading signals, current long or short. It can be combined with other indicators to determine the trading point, which has great reference value. Compared with the general trend index or oscillation batch standard, the accurate determination is higher from the perspective of historical data research and

his is a custom indicator based on double-average crossing and arrow marking.
Make multiple lists when blue arrows appear up.
Make a blank list when the red arrow appears down.
When the pink line crosses the green line upwards, the pink line is above, the green line is below, the golden fork appears, and the blue arrow appears.
When the pink line crosses down through the green line, the pink line is below, the green line is above, a dead fork appears, and a red arrow appears.
This is a good

1. Questo sistema documentario è un sistema documentario locale, cioè il trasmettitore e il ricevitore devono funzionare sullo stesso computer. Poiché il conto MT4 / 5 può essere registrato contemporaneamente su più computer, è necessario solo inviare la password di conto in sola lettura al cliente. La merchandising locale è molto veloce e stabile perché non coinvolge la rete.
2. Attualmente è l'estremità di ricezione. Quando si carica il grafico, è necessario cambiare il "trasmettitore" nel p

1. Questo sistema documentario è un sistema documentario locale, cioè il trasmettitore e il ricevitore devono funzionare sullo stesso computer. Poiché il conto MT4 / 5 può essere registrato contemporaneamente su più computer, è necessario solo inviare la password di conto in sola lettura al cliente. La merchandising locale è molto veloce e stabile perché non coinvolge la rete.
2. Attualmente è l'estremità di trasmissione e può funzionare normalmente quando caricato nel grafico. Inoltre, è nece

This is an EA based on arrowzigzag and the custom indicator of the arrow marking order.
When the green arrow is up, make multiple orders.
When the red arrow down, short the order.
This is a good implementation of the classic EA based on zigzag index. The arrow is used to mark the single point, which has a high accuracy. Then it is written to mark the single direction according to the arrow. There is no time and currency pair restriction.
Currently, EA can only issue one order in the same

Dies ist ein durchschnittlicher Index basierend auf einem benutzerdefinierten Algorithmus. Je nach Band können Uplink und Downlink farblich identifiziert werden. Das Pop-up-Feld kann ein- oder ausgeschaltet werden, um anzuzeigen, dass der aktuelle Kauf- oder Verkaufsauftrag platziert werden soll.
Beschreibung der Parameterliste:
Extern int price = 0; / /anfänglicher Durchschnittspreis des Indikators
Externe int length = 20; / / der Indikator berechnet den Durchschnittszeitraum, der dem Du

1. Questo sistema documentario è un sistema documentario locale, cioè il trasmettitore e il ricevitore devono funzionare sullo stesso computer. Poiché il conto MT4 / 5 può essere registrato contemporaneamente su più computer, è necessario solo inviare la password di conto in sola lettura al cliente. La merchandising locale è molto veloce e stabile perché non coinvolge la rete.
2. Attualmente è l'estremità di ricezione. Quando si carica il grafico, è necessario cambiare il "trasmettitore" nel p

1. Questo sistema documentario è un sistema documentario locale, cioè il trasmettitore e il ricevitore devono funzionare sullo stesso computer. Poiché il conto MT4 / 5 può essere registrato contemporaneamente su più computer, è necessario solo inviare la password di conto in sola lettura al cliente. La merchandising locale è molto veloce e stabile perché non coinvolge la rete.
2. Attualmente è l'estremità di trasmissione e può funzionare normalmente quando caricato nel grafico. Inoltre, è nece

This is a user-defined algorithm based on MACD, which adds a signal line to make this indicator look like the MACD style popular in mainland China. At the same time, a pop-up box is added to indicate the buying or selling signal when two signal lines cross.
The yellow signal line shall wear the pink signal line, the pink signal line below, and the yellow signal line above, indicating long.
Under the yellow signal line, wear the pink signal line, under the yellow signal line, and above the p

This is an EA based on arrowzigzag and the custom indicator of the arrow marking order. When the green arrow is up, make multiple orders. When the red arrow down, short the order.
This is a good implementation of the classic EA based on zigzag index. The arrow is used to mark the single point, which has a high accuracy. Then it is written to mark the single direction according to the arrow. There is no time and currency pair restriction. Currently, EA can only issue one order in the same cur

· This indicator generates trading signals based on the color of the line. · When the line shows green color, executes only long orders based on your own trading strategy · When the line shows red color, executes only short orders. · If the line turns yellow, it signifies a reversal is imminent. You can either close all your open positions and stay out; or alternatively you can devise a trading strategy to catch a reversal at its very early stage.

This is EA based on custom index of color recognition.
Make many orders when the color is green.
Make a blank list when the color is red.
When the color is yellow, it means that the market is about to reverse. It is better to close or empty the position.
Detailed parameters: lotS: The number of hands placed by EA sL: Stop Loss Points tP: stop-earnings points magic: The current EA order identification, which is different from other EA or manual order identification number, is not recommended

This EA is based on the customized indicators under the double-average crossing and arrow marking. Make multiple lists when blue arrows appear up. Make a blank list when the red arrow appears down. When the pink line crosses the green line upwards, the pink line is above, the green line is below, the golden fork appears, and the blue arrow appears. When the pink line crosses down through the green line, the pink line is below, the green line is above, a dead fork appears, and a red arrow appear

Hamster NC
CN Hamster è un EA completamente automatizzato, che non utilizza Martin, la strategia di aggiunta del magazzino, e si basa su indicatori BOLL e zigzag.
Raccomandazioni generali
Quando l'importo minimo del deposito è di $ 100, è meglio impostare lotti a 0,01 e maxopenorder=1. L'impostazione predefinita è Greenwich Mean Time+2. Utilizza broker che funzionano bene e hanno spread bassi. Si consiglia di utilizzare solo conti ECN o STP con una differenza di prezzo ridotta e una forte

This is EA based on custom index of color recognition. Make many orders when the color is green. Make a blank list when the color is red. Currently EA has built-in third-party custom indicator Follow The Line.
Detailed parameters: lotS: The number of hands placed by EA sL: Stop Loss Points tP: stop-earnings points magic: The current EA order identification, which is different from other EA or manual order identification number, is not recommended to change. Usemovingtp: turn on or off the mobi

This EA is based on the supertrend indicator signal.
The indicator line is divided into two colors, orange for short and green for long.
Parameter setting:
External double LotSize = 0.01; / / number of hands
External int magic = 20201114; / / magic, which mainly distinguishes the order difference from other EA, and generally does not need to be concerned
External int SL = 300; / / stop loss
External int TP = 500; / / stop profit
External int period = 10; / / indicator period
extern E

This is an EA based on the class average index of the user-defined algorithm. The uplink and downlink are identified by color according to the band, and the pop-up box can be opened or closed to prompt that the current purchase or sale order should be listed.
Parameter list description:
External double LotSize = 0.01
External int magic = 20201124; magic logo, generally does not need to be changed
External int SL = 150; stop loss
External int TP = 300
extern bool USE_ Lock_ In_ P