Aliaksandr Hryshyn
Aliaksandr Hryshyn
3.6 (3)
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9+ anni
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Aliaksandr Hryshyn
Argomento aggiunto Automatizzare la ricerca di strategie.
Sono interessato a conoscere le opinioni dei trader sull'automazione della ricerca di strategie, non necessariamente all'interno di MQL4/5
Aliaksandr Hryshyn Prodotto pubblicato

The utility is designed to control the update rate of the order book (or several) in the strategy tester. Management is carried out by a library, which is available here Interface description: S/P   Start and pause playback ---    Decrease the speed by one step +++   Increase speed by one step R      Updating the character list <0>  Slider, moving left/right change the playback speed, after

Aliaksandr Hryshyn Prodotto pubblicato
Recensioni: 1

Using data from the order book in the strategy tester Key features: Simultaneous use of several symbols, up to 7 pieces DOM visualization With the visualization of order books, real-time simulation is available, as well as acceleration or deceleration Working with the library: This product also requires a utility to save data: Speed control utility: Include file:  

Aliaksandr Hryshyn
Argomento aggiunto Chi possiede la Banca Centrale?
Chi possiede la Banca Centrale? Una domanda così strana
Aliaksandr Hryshyn
Argomento aggiunto Riqualificazione
Chi usa quali tecniche per minimizzare la riqualificazione del modello/consigliere
Aliaksandr Hryshyn
Argomento aggiunto Un unico indicatore di qualità per la strategia
Propongo di elaborare/sviluppare un coefficiente unico che mostri la qualità della strategia, che tenga conto delle sue molteplici caratteristiche (profitto, drawdown, numero di trade,...). In MT5 è possibile utilizzarlo. Questo tipo di compito può
Aliaksandr Hryshyn
Codice pubblicato Битовый поток
Чтение/запись последовательности бит в поток
Aliaksandr Hryshyn Prodotto pubblicato

Saving data from the order book. Data replay utility: Library for use in the strategy tester: Perhaps, then a library will appear for using the saved data in the strategy tester, depending on the interest in this development. Now there are developments of this kind using shared memory, when only one copy of the data is in RAM. This not only solves the memory issue, but gives faster initialization on each

Aliaksandr Hryshyn Prodotto pubblicato

Saving data from the order book. Data replay utility: Library for use in the strategy tester: Perhaps, then a library will appear for using the saved data in the strategy tester, depending on the interest in this development. Now there are developments of this kind using shared memory, when only one copy of the data is in RAM. This not only solves the memory issue, but gives faster initialization on each

Aliaksandr Hryshyn
Hai lasciato un feedback al cliente per il lavoro Сделать парсер с сайта в видео отдельной программы
Aliaksandr Hryshyn Prodotto pubblicato

Playback of previously saved data from the order book. Key features: Historical data navigation Adjusting the playback speed with the "---" and "+++" buttons, as well as with the mouse, you can by scrolling the wheel over the area of ​​these buttons and between them Turning Price Centering On and Off Time display accurate to thousandths of a second Attention: This product also needs a utility to save data:

Aliaksandr Hryshyn
Hai lasciato un feedback al cliente per il lavoro Требуется внести правки в индикатор ZZ
Aliaksandr Hryshyn Prodotto pubblicato

33.00 USD

Depth of market display. Up to sixteen instruments can be displayed. There is auto-scrolling of prices, which can be turned off by clicking on "A" at the top of the window. It is quite a beautiful indicator, it can act as a splash screen, it will not be so boring to look like a regular chart, just right for meditation, especially after big losses in the market. The indicator is not for trading, so your deposit will be more complete. The video displays fast playback of previously saved data

Andre Gomes
Andre Gomes 2021.07.06
Does it work with any broker? Or only brokers that provide volume data?
Aliaksandr Hryshyn
Codice pubblicato CatBoost bin continuous
Чтение и применение моделей CatBoost
1 187
Aliaksandr Hryshyn
Codice pubblicato LanguageMulti
2 76
Aliaksandr Hryshyn
Codice pubblicato Indicators saver
The script saves the values of Time, Open, High, Low, Close, Volume and standard indicators.
Aliaksandr Hryshyn
Codice pubblicato ZigZag Signal
Signal based on the ZigZag indicator.
Aliaksandr Hryshyn
Codice pubblicato Tick Chart
Tick chart of the price/spread/volume. Saves tick data in a file.
Aliaksandr Hryshyn
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