Andre Matthes
Andre Matthes
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2 anni
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Andre Matthes Prodotto pubblicato

FIRST: I am NOT a coder ! I am a TRADER that was forced to code, because i needed some special tools! So i am sorry for minor graphic-bugs and so on... this little free tool allows you to set 5 vertical lines at specific time. you can use it to mark london open / asia open / comex open and so on... it draws the lines in the future space - so you wont miss an important time / candle you can select color..thickness of the lines you can select only 2 or 3 of the 5 max. lines - you dont have to use

Andre Matthes Prodotto pubblicato

- simple PRICE Action Indicator/ Tool  -   SELF-Adjusting - you choose the UPPER Border of your RANGE ( Resistance) - you choose the LOWER Border of your RANGE ( Support) # Alert happens when the PRICE    CLOSES    above/below 1 of these Borders # (we released a TOUCH - Version too)  - popup Alert or custom sound  - PUSH notification  - eMAIL notification - once a Border got crossed(closed candle! )-->   it doesnt disappear   --> it

Andre Matthes Prodotto pubblicato

- simple PRICE Action Indicator/ Tool  -   SELF-Adjusting - you choose the UPPER Border of your RANGE ( Resistance) - you choose the LOWER Border of your RANGE ( Support) # Alert happens when the PRICE    TOUCHes    1 of these Borders # (we release a CLOSED above/below - Version too)  - popup Alert or custom sound  - PUSH notification ( no email - that tool is for quicker action) - once a Border got hit -->   it doesnt disappear   --> it

Andre Matthes Prodotto pubblicato

FIRST: I am NOT a coder ! I am a TRADER that was forced to code, because i needed some special tools! So i am sorry for minor graphic-bugs and so on... ############################################################################# - simple Price Action Indicator - NON Lagging ! the Alert shows instantly whats happening - there is a VOLUME-Filter (Candle-Size in points)  to avoid alerts with tiny Candles during a NON-VOLUME-Time plus you have a RANGE-Filter-Option (to make sure you get only

Andre Matthes Prodotto pubblicato

FIRST: I am NOT a coder ! I am a TRADER that was forced to code, because i needed some special tools! So i am sorry for minor graphic-bugs and so on... ############################################################################# - simple Price Action Indicator - NON Lagging ! the Alert shows instantly whats happening - there is a VOLUME-Filter (Candle-Size in points)  to avoid alerts with tiny Candles during a NON-VOLUME-Time plus you have a RANGE-Filter-Option (to make sure you get only

Andre Matthes Prodotto pubblicato

- simple Price Action Indicator - a  3 Candle Pattern (1. Direction-Candle / 2. the TRAP / 3. Trigger-Candle)    BUT every Signal needs ATTENTION to check for a clean Range - NON Lagging ! the Alert shows instantly whats happening - recommended SETUP is: - there is a VOLUME-Filter (in points for the   1. candle ) to avoid alerts with tiny Candles during a NON-VOLUME-Time - 10% off the Boobietrap-Candle as the ALERT-Level --> can easily be adjusted - user defined -

Andre Matthes Prodotto pubblicato

FIRST: I am NOT a coder ! I am a TRADER that was forced to code, because i needed some special tools! So i am sorry for minor graphic-bugs and so on... ############################################################################# - simple Price Action Indicator - we   recommend   it for   CURRENCY   and GOLD Trades - NON Lagging ! the Alert shows instantly whats happening --> thats why the ARROW   appears   at the MOMENT the REVERSAL-Candle gets   EXCEEDED

Andre Matthes
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