Bernhard Schweigert
Bernhard Schweigert
4.8 (1754)
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8+ anni
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⚜️ Empower Your Trading Success with Cutting-Edge Technology ⚜️

Trading is incomplete without the right tools and resources.

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At our company, we have been dedicated to developing professional trading tools for many years. Our commitment to excellence drives us to continually refine and enhance our offerings to cater to the evolving needs of our valued customers.

Our indicators are meticulously designed to be efficient, fast, and reliable. They provide the best solution for both novice traders and seasoned experts, ensuring a seamless trading experience.

Discover the power of our advanced tools and unlock your trading potential!

Unlock the Potential of Advanced Currency Strength28 Indicator: Join Our Community of Satisfied Traders!

Discover why traders worldwide trust Advanced Currency Strength28 Indicator for their trading needs. With hundreds of enthusiastic reviews from real traders, Advanced Currency Strength28 Indicator has established itself as a leading trading tool in the market.

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Elite L: 'Author indicator is top notch with comprehensive alert and starter pack detail instruction step by step to profit, support is excellent super prompt response, well worth 5 stars!'

Experience the power of Advanced Currency Strength28 Indicator and join the league of successful traders! Visit our review page at!tab=reviews to read more testimonials from our satisfied customers.

Unlock the Power of Innovative Forex Trading Methods!

With a rich history spanning over 15 years, we are pioneers in the Forex Trading Business, dedicated to pushing the boundaries of traditional trading methods. Our team of experts is committed to researching and developing alternative approaches that deliver real results.

Serious traders know that currency strength trading is the most lucrative form of trading because of the choice of pairs combined with strength and weakness.
Advanced 28 Pairs Currency Strength Trading System
The Trading Strategy:

Scan all 28 Forex pairs with only ONE chart... Advanced Currency Strength28 Indicators

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Bernhard Schweigert
Bernhard Schweigert
!!! 21000 views until now !!!
Serious traders know that currency strength trading is the most lucrative form of trading because of the choice of pairs combined with strength and weakness.
I published for free my special Double-GAP Currency Strength Theory. Read and study my posts in forum and blogs with hundreds of trade examples and then practice. With our trading system will have you the best chances to become a profitable trader.

Bernhard Schweigert
Bernhard Schweigert
Currency Strength IMPULSE
SPEED and ACCELERATION of Currency Strength !!!
The only one!
Get it now with discount!
Advanced Currency Impulse with Alert Indicator USER MANUAL
!!! 7600+ views until now !!!
It is the first of its kind in Forex Trading to show CURRENCY STRENGTH ACCELERATION!
The blog is updated continuously and cover all frequently asked questions and how to use the indicator input parameters.

So check it out from time to time.
User manual Impulse:
A complete trading strategy! Start to make profits now!
Get the indicator now with 39% discount here:
Bernhard Schweigert
Bernhard Schweigert
The best Currency Strength Indicator in the market!
Serious traders know that currency strength trading is the most lucrative form of trading because of the choice of pairs combined with strength and weakness.
This is the one you should start with.
The special offer is still on over the holidays!
Advanced Currency Strength28 Indicator USER MANUAL
!!! 17000+ views until now !!!
The blog will be updated continuously and cover all frequestly asked questions and how to use the indicator input parameters.

So check it out from time to time.
ACS28 user manual:
A complete trading strategy! Start to make profits now!
Get the indicator now with 30% discount here:
Bernhard Schweigert
Bernhard Schweigert
Bitcoin CRASH, not Bitcoin CASH !!!
To many times of tests weakened the 5700 level!
Better stay with Forex, it's more safe!
(Golden line shows Bitcoin strength with Currency Strength Exotics Indicator)
Currency Strength Exotics (MT4)
Exotics user manual:
Get it here:
Bernhard Schweigert
Bernhard Schweigert
Bitcoin crash today!
Woah, what a move!

To many times of tests weakened the 5700 level!
Knowing which pair have the best chance to hit your target is important.
Choose the strongest against the weakest currency!
Bernhard Schweigert
Bernhard Schweigert
Strong news with great signals!
Currency Strength IMPULSE
SPEED and ACCELERATION of Currency Strength !!!
Yesterday's FOMC
5 minutes after news! USD was strongest and CAD was weakest on Impulse indicator with a dGAP on ACS28. Means buy USDCAD.
Complete your trading with above mentioned indicators:
ACS28 user manual:
Get it here:
Impulse user manual:
Get it here:
A complete trading strategy! Start to make profits now!Strong news with great signals!

Currency Strength IMPULSE 
SPEED and ACCELERATION of Currency Strength !!! 
Yesterday's FOMC

5 minutes after news! USD was strongest and CAD was weakest on Impulse indicator with a dGAP on ACS28. Means buy USDCAD.

Complete your trading with above mentioned indicators: 
ACS28 user manual: 
Get it here: 
Impulse user manual: 
Get it here: 
A complete trading strategy! Start to make profits now!
Bernhard Schweigert
Bernhard Schweigert
Hello friends,
Wishing you and your loved ones a Happy Thanksgiving!!
Have you had a good trading week?
I wanted to send you another reminder message about something very special.
Our 5 star rated Advanced Supply Demand indicator can now find and alert nested zones with 2 different timeframes on a single chart!
Check the new article on Supply Demand and how to use important price levels and zones in your trading. It reveals some secrets!
If you own the indicator already update now for free to the newer version and test it out.

To Your Trading Success,
A complete trading strategy!
========SINCE 2016========
Start to make profits now!
Bernhard Schweigert
Bernhard Schweigert
!!! 18900 views until now !!!
Serious traders know that currency strength trading is the most lucrative form of trading because of the choice of pairs combined with strength and weakness.
I published for free my special Double-GAP Currency Strength Theory. Read and study my posts in forum and blogs with hundreds of trade examples and then practice. With our trading system will have you the best chances to become a profitable trader.

!!! 18900 views until now !!! 
Serious traders know that currency strength trading is the most lucrative form of trading because of the choice of pairs combined with strength and weakness. 
I published for free my special Double-GAP Currency Strength Theory. Read and study my posts in forum and blogs with hundreds of trade examples and then practice. With our trading system will have you the best chances to become a profitable trader. 

A complete trading strategy! Start to make profits now!
Bernhard Schweigert
Bernhard Schweigert
A special tool/indicator will be free for loyal clients!
CS28 Combo Signals (MT4) is a tool which works together with Advanced Currency Strength28 Indicator (ACS28) and Advanced Currency Impulse with Alert Indicator (Impulse). ACS28 and Impulse will communicate with the "CS28 Combo Signals" indicator. Then it will filter signals of ACS28 and Impulse and do different alerts. With several input parameters, the trader has now more options to configure alerts to his needs. For example, we got alerts for double-GAP or currency speed if currency strength is within the special dynamic Market Fibonacci line 100/-100, or it can check if two currency lines have already crossed. It can also alert Impulse signals if both sides hit the trigger line and not only one side.
"CS28 Combo Signals"-tool is available for loyal clients. Email or send me a message for detailed description.
The tool is ready with a limited number of clients. You can reserve your place.
Requirement for "CS28 Combo Signals":
+ You own Advanced Currency Strength28 Indicator. (needed)
+ You own Advanced Currency IMPULSE with ALERT. (optional)
+ You have at least basic experience with the above indicators and studied my trading system. You studied the user manuals and know how to use each input parameters. You are happy with the indicators and our service.
Send me an email on
Please wait for answer within 24-48 hours.
Complete your trading with above mentioned indicators:
ACS28 user manual:
Get it here:
Impulse user manual:
Get it here:
A complete trading strategy! Start to make profits now!A special tool/indicator will be free for loyal clients! 
CS28 Combo Signals (MT4) is a tool which works together with Advanced Currency Strength28 Indicator (ACS28) and Advanced Currency Impulse with Alert Indicator (Impulse). ACS28 and Impulse will communicate with the "CS28 Combo Signals" indicator. Then it will filter signals of ACS28 and Impulse and do different alerts. With several input parameters, the trader has now more options to configure alerts to his needs. For example, we got alerts for double-GAP or currency speed if currency strength is within the special dynamic Market Fibonacci line 100/-100, or it can check if two currency lines have already crossed. It can also alert Impulse signals if both sides hit the trigger line and not only one side. 
"CS28 Combo Signals"-tool is available for loyal clients. Email or send me a message for detailed description. 
The tool is ready with a limited number of clients. You can reserve your place. 
Requirement for "CS28 Combo Signals": 
+ You own Advanced Currency Strength28 Indicator. (needed) 
+ You own Advanced Currency IMPULSE with ALERT. (optional) 
+ You have at least basic experience with the above indicators and studied my trading system. You studied the user manuals and know how to use each input parameters. You are happy with the indicators and our service. 
Send me an email on 
Please wait for answer within 24-48 hours. 
Complete your trading with above mentioned indicators: 
ACS28 user manual: 
Get it here: 
Impulse user manual: 
Get it here: 
A complete trading strategy! Start to make profits now!
Thank you very much for your review, friend! Wish you many green pips!
Recensione per prodotto Advanced Currency IMPULSE with ALERT
Dear Bernhard, I have bought both Currency Impulse and ACS28 last month and I am very pleased using them as they are perfectly complementary to select the best entries and filtering the weakest one's
Currency Strength IMPULSE
SPEED and ACCELERATION of Currency Strength !!!
The only one!
Get it now with discount!
Bernhard Schweigert
Bernhard Schweigert
Advanced Currency Impulse with Alert Indicator USER MANUAL
!!! 6700+ views until now !!!
It is the first of its kind in Forex Trading to show CURRENCY STRENGTH ACCELERATION!
The blog is updated continuously and cover all frequently asked questions and how to use the indicator input parameters.

So check it out from time to time.
User manual Impulse:
A complete trading strategy! Start to make profits now!
Get the indicator now with 20% discount here: Currency Impulse with Alert Indicator USER MANUAL 
!!! 6700+ views until now !!! 
It is the first of its kind in Forex Trading to show CURRENCY STRENGTH ACCELERATION! 
The blog is updated continuously and cover all frequently asked questions and how to use the indicator input parameters. 

So check it out from time to time. 
User manual Impulse: 
A complete trading strategy! Start to make profits now! 
Get the indicator now with 20% discount here:
The best Currency Strength Indicator in the market!
Serious traders know that currency strength trading is the most lucrative form of trading because of the choice of pairs combined with strength and weakness.
This is the one you should start with.
Get it now. The discount is still on.
Bernhard Schweigert
Bernhard Schweigert
Advanced Currency Strength28 Indicator USER MANUAL
!!! 15200+ views until now !!!
The blog will be updated continuously and cover all frequestly asked questions and how to use the indicator input parameters.

So check it out from time to time.
ACS28 user manual:
A complete trading strategy! Start to make profits now!
Get the indicator now with 30% discount here: Currency Strength28 Indicator USER MANUAL 
!!! 15200+ views until now !!! 
The blog will be updated continuously and cover all frequestly asked questions and how to use the indicator input parameters. 

So check it out from time to time. 
ACS28 user manual: 
A complete trading strategy! Start to make profits now! 
Get the indicator now with 30% discount here:
Thank you for your feedback!
Chyi Ren Lim
Chyi Ren Lim
Recensione per prodotto Advanced Currency Strength28 Indicator
Just what I've been looking for
Thank you very much for your review, friend! Wish you more success in your trading.
Recensione per prodotto Advanced Currency IMPULSE with ALERT
Impulse and ACS28 compliment each other and are undoubtedly the two most important indicators when manual trading
Thank you very much for your review, friend! Wish you many green pips!
Fallet Willy
Fallet Willy
Recensione per prodotto Advanced Currency Strength28 Indicator
I just bought I will test and I will give an opinion thereafter the indicator seems really complete
Thank you for your feedback!
Recensione per prodotto Advanced Supply Demand
With this Indicator, I have completed, for now, my Kit to attack the Market with the strategy: "28 Pairs Currency Strength with Impulse Trading System". It is a complement to this Strategy, however
Bernhard Schweigert
Bernhard Schweigert
Strong news with great signals!
Currency Strength IMPULSE
SPEED and ACCELERATION of Currency Strength !!!
Yesterday's FOMC
5 minutes after news! USD was strongest and CAD was weakest on Impulse indicator with a dGAP on ACS28. Means buy USDCAD.
Complete your trading with above mentioned indicators:
ACS28 user manual:
Get it here:
Impulse user manual:
Get it here:
A complete trading strategy! Start to make profits now!
Thank you very much for your review, friend! Wish you more success in your trading.
Recensione per prodotto Advanced Currency Strength28 Indicator
ACS28 and Impulse compliment each other and are undoubtedly the two most important indicators when manual trading
Thank you very much for your review, friend! Wish you many green pips!
Recensione per prodotto Advanced Currency Strength28 Indicator
Great addition to my trading strategy
Bernhard Schweigert
Bernhard Schweigert
New features added to Advanced Supply Demand indicator Version 2.30. It can now detect nested S/D zones!
One more great update! Who owns the indicator can now update for free!

Advanced Supply Demand Indicator USER MANUAL
!!! NEW !!!

click here

The blog will be updated continuously and cover all frequently asked questions and how to use the indicator input parameters. So check it out from time to time.
Advanced Supply Demand (MT4) gives answers to questions like: where to put stop loss and take profit. Important levels and zones cannot be ignored.
It is a new formula that has two zone strength functions XY adjustable by user input. Weak zones will be filtered. Also, it keeps old broken zones visual on the chart and has 3 alerts. Showing 2 timeframes. Please read the User manual Advanced Supply Demand:
Get it here:
At the moment we have an offer on mql5 with discount 30% OFF.

It is now the best supply demand indicator in the market, Get it now! Probably next week we will set prices higher.