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【input 参数】

InpMyMagic: 幻数
InpShowPanel: 是否展示面板
InpOneLot: 开单量1份[最大99.99](=0最小手,>0固定手,<0>=-1净亏比,<-1净余最小亏比)
InpAllLot: 总净单量,100%(=0最小手,>0固定手,<0>=-1净亏比,<-1净余最小亏比)
InpLotMaxMoney: 开单量计算的最大金额(=0不管,>0超过该值即限制为该值,<0超过整数值即限制为小数倍数)
InpLot1Dot1Money: 开单1手变化1点时金额变化值。(<=0自动计算(美元),>0指定)
InpDotBig: 大间隔点值(>=0点值,<1三位数点差均,<0整均比)
InpDotSml: 小间隔点值(>=0点值,<1三位数点差均,<0整均比)
==========   UD   ==========
InpUDType: 类型(=0不开,=1常规,=4偏极,=6平台,=8慢跟,=10超前,=12跟随)
InpMinWidth: 上下轨宽度最小值(>=0点值,<1三位数点差均,<0整均比)
InpHTurnThr: 平台时(6)水平转折阀值
InpOffPerMaxThr: 偏极时(4)可改轨偏极比值
==========   综合   ==========
InpDirMainOp1: 主趋势操盘线1(0不设,1近零,2近轨比)
InpDirMainOp2: 主趋操盘线2(=0不设,>0偏极比,<1三位数点差均,<0整均比)
InpDMOp2SLC: 主趋操盘线2止损初价数(0~3,推荐1)
InpJGPerThr: 近轨比时所用偏极比阀值
InpJGPerBack: 近轨比时偏极比回撤脱控值
InpIsUseMoreTF: 是否使用多周期
==========   裸K   ==========
InpZtMa: 整体均值
InpStMa: 实体均值
InpDcMa: 点差均值
==========   EA   ==========
InpIndPeriodS: 多周期组合选择(0全,1少246,2再少,3继少,8M1H1,9仅M1)
InpIsCreatInd: 是否程序创建指标
InpMinTestMoney: 净值低于该值停止测试
InpMaxTestTime: 最大测试时间(秒)
InpIndStartK: 起始周期索引(0~max-1)
InpIndEndK: 结束周期索引(0~max-1)
InpEAType: EA类型

【panel 面板】
row1: 余额 净值 单K秒数 | 已用时比 服务器时间
row2: 多单 空单 多盈利单 空盈利单 多仓量 空仓量 净仓量
row3: 当前周期整均 最大周期整均 多周期数 最小仓量时可亏损点值 当前仓量可亏损点值 指定风险比内最大净仓量 1手变化1点时对应美元金额
row4~max: 开启多周期有效
周期 | 信号2转折(信号2指示) 信号1转折(信号1指示) | 偏比 | ②开点价点值(整均比) | ②反点值(整均比) | ②多级,②空级

【buffers and plots】

op1Buffer(①标记): 1号信号
op1Color: 1号信号颜色
op1OpenFlag(①开仓): 1号信号多空指示
op1OFTurn(①转折): 1号信号多空转向值

op2Buffer(②标记): 2号信号 也作为止损价格
op2Color: 2号信号颜色
op2OpenFlag(②开仓): 2号信号多空指示
op2OFTurn(②转折): 2号信号多空转向值
op2AuxSLDot(②反点值): 2号信号止损基准点值
op2AuxBLevel(②多级): 2号信号连续看多时的级数
op2AuxSLevel(②空级): 2号信号连续看空时的级数

upBuffer(UD上轨): 上轨道价格
downBuffer(UD下轨): 下轨道价格
upColor: 上轨道颜色
downColor: 下轨道颜色
upTurn(UD上轨转折): 上轨道多空转向值
downTurn(UD下轨转折): 下轨道多空转向值
udDir(UD方向): 多空方向

upWaveDot(up浪距): 上轨连续向上整浪的点值
upHighDiff(up前高): 上轨本浪高点与前浪高点的差值
upLowDiff(up前低): 上轨本浪低点与前浪低点的差值
upBackPerCurrMax(up回本比Max): 上轨本浪中最大回调百分比
upBackPerLast(up回前比): 上轨与前浪当前回调百分比
upBackPerLastMax(up回前比Max): 上轨与前浪最大回调百分比
downWaveDot(dn浪距): 下轨连续向上整浪的点值
downHighDiff(dn前高): 下轨本浪高点与前浪高点的差值
downLowDiff(dn前低): 下轨本浪低点与前浪低点的差值

upHCount(up水平数): 上轨同向时平台数
upReverse(up反价): 上轨支撑阻力价格
upRevDot(up反点): 上轨本平台回调点值
upBackPer(up回比): 上轨本平台回调百分比
downHCount(dn水平数): 下轨同向时平台数
downReverse(dn反价): 下轨支撑阻力价格
downRevDot(dn反点): 下轨本平台回调点值
downBackPer(dn回比): 下轨本平台回调百分比

udVWidth(竖宽): 上下轨之间的点差
udOffPer(偏比): 当前价格在当前宽度中点偏向百分比
udOffPerMax(偏上比): 最高价格在前个宽度中点偏向百分比
udOffPerMin(偏下比): 最低价格在前个宽度中点偏向百分比

useTimePer(已用时比): 本K柱已消耗时间百分比

ztAllBuffer: 用于保存所有整体
ztDotBuffer(整体): K柱高低价间的点差值
ztMaBuffer(整均): 指定柱数内平均整体点差值
ztMaPer(整均比): 当前K柱整体与均值之比

stAllBuffer: 用于保存所有实体
stDotBuffer(实体): K柱开收价间的点差值
stMaBuffer(实均): 指定柱数内平均实体点差值
stMaPer(实均比): 当前K柱实体与均值之比

dcAllBuffer: 用于保存所有点差
dcBuffer(点差): K柱买卖价间的点差值
dcMaBuffer(点差均): 指定柱数内平均点差点差值
dcMaPer(点差均比): 当前K柱点差与均值之比

iBuffer(索引): 所有加载K柱中当前K柱所属索引
yyBuffer(阴阳): 当前K柱是阴线还是阳线
syDotBuffer(上影): 当前K柱上影线点值
xyDotBuffer(下影): 当前K柱下影线点值

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Sergey Ermolov
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Versione MT4  |  FAQ L' indicatore Owl Smart Levels è un sistema di trading completo all'interno dell'unico indicatore che include strumenti di analisi di mercato popolari come i frattali avanzati di Bill Williams , Valable ZigZag che costruisce la corretta struttura a onde del mercato, e i livelli di Fibonacci che segnano i livelli esatti di entrata nel mercato e luoghi per prendere profitti. Descrizione dettagliata della strategia Istruzioni per lavorare con l'indicatore Consulente-assistente
Noize Absorption Index - is the manual trading system that measures the difference of pressure between bears forces and bulls forces. Green line - is a noize free index that showing curent situation. Zero value of index shows totally choppy/flat market.Values above zero level shows how powerfull bullish wave is and values below zero measures bearish forces.Up arrow appears on bearish market when it's ready to reverse, dn arrow appears on weak bullish market, as a result of reverse expectation.
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To download MT4 version please click here . - This is the exact conversion from TradingView: "Trend Direction Force Index - TDFI [wm]" By "causecelebre". - The screenshot shows similar results from tradingview and Metatrader when tested on ICMarkets on both platforms. - This indicator uses multiple levels of averaging to detect trend strength. - You can optimize filter low and filter high levels to achieve best results. - You have access to buffers to use in EAs. - This is a light-load processin
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Was: $249  Now: $149   Market Profile defines a number of day types that can help the trader to determine market behaviour. A key feature is the Value Area, representing the range of price action where 70% of trading took place. Understanding the Value Area can give traders valuable insight into market direction and establish the higher odds trade. It is an excellent addition to any system you may be using. Inspired by Jim Dalton’s book “Mind Over Markets”, this indicator is designed to suit the
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The trend is your friend! Look at the color of the indicator and trade on that direction. It does not  repaint. After each candle is closed, that's the color of the trend. You can focus on shorter faster trends or major trends, just test what's most suitable for the symbol and timeframe you trade. Simply change the "Length" parameter and the indicator will automatically adapt. You can also change the color, thickness and style of the lines. Download and give it a try! There are big movements w
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L'indicatore DYJ BoS identifica e contrassegna automaticamente gli elementi essenziali dei cambiamenti nella struttura del mercato, tra cui: Breakout of Structure (BoS): rilevato quando il prezzo effettua una mossa significativa, rompendo un precedente punto di struttura. Segna possibili linee di tendenza al rialzo e al ribasso (UP e DN, ovvero nuovi massimi e nuovi minimi continui) e una volta che il prezzo sfonda queste linee, segna frecce rosse (ORSO) e verdi (TORO) Il BoS si verifica sol
To get access to MT4 version please click here . - This is the exact conversion from TradingView: "Stochastic Momentum Index" By "UCSgears". - This is a popular version of stochastic oscillator on tradingview. - This is a light-load processing and non-repaint indicator. - Buffers are available for the lines on chart. - You can message in private chat for further changes you need. Thanks for downloading
PipFinite Exit EDGE MT5
Karlo Wilson Vendiola
4.86 (29)
Did You Have A Profitable Trade But Suddenly Reversed? In a solid strategy, exiting a trade is equally important as entering. Exit EDGE helps maximize your current trade profit and avoid turning winning trades to losers. Never Miss An Exit Signal Again Monitor all pairs and timeframes in just 1 chart www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/726558 How To Trade You can close your open trades as soon as you receive a signal Close your Buy orders if you receive an Exit Buy Signal. Close your Sell orders if
Flow Bookmap
Thalles Nascimento De Carvalho
Flow Bookmap: Visualizza il Flusso del Mercato e Proteggi le Tue Operazioni ️ VUOI DOMINARE IL MERCATO CON INFORMAZIONI PRECISE SU ACQUIRENTI E VENDITORI? Flow Bookmap è lo strumento definitivo per i trader che vogliono comprendere in profondità il comportamento del mercato. Trasforma i dati del flusso degli ordini in un'interfaccia intuitiva sul grafico MT5, evidenziando le zone di interesse critiche per prendere decisioni rapide e sicure. Come Funziona Flow Bookmap interpreta l'inter
- This is the exact conversion from TradingView: "Support/Resistance" By "BarsStallone". - This indicator lets you read the buffers for R/S values. - This is a non-repaint and light processing load indicator. - This is not a multi time frame indicator If you want the multi time frame version you should create a personal order and I deliver two files that you need them both to have the multi time frame indicator running on your system. - The MT4 version of the indicator is not light load from pr
Golden Spike Premium
Kwaku Bondzie Ghartey
Golden Spikes Detector Acknowledgement and Dedications:  The name of this indicator was Inspired by an Original; Mr Grant Koopman; a Knowledgeable and experienced Synthetics trader. I dedicate this indicator to Mr Grant.  Overview:   The Golden Spikes Premium is a groundbreaking trading indicator meticulously crafted for the Boom and Crash indices on the Deriv market. Tailored to meet the needs of discerning traders, this powerful tool operates exclusively on the one-minute timeframe, providing
L'indicatore mostra modelli armonici sul grafico   senza ridipingere   con il minimo ritardo possibile. La ricerca dei massimi degli indicatori si basa sul principio dell'onda dell'analisi dei prezzi. Le impostazioni avanzate ti consentono di scegliere i parametri per il tuo stile di trading. All'apertura di una candela (bar), quando si forma un nuovo pattern, viene fissata una freccia della probabile direzione del movimento del prezzo, che rimane invariata. L'indicatore riconosce i seguenti mod
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Golden Trend Indicator MT5
Noha Mohamed Fathy Younes Badr
4.88 (16)
Golden Trend indicator  is The best indicator for predicting trend movement this indicator never lags and never repaints and never back paints    and give  arrow buy and sell    before the candle appear  and it will help you and  will make your trading decisions clearer its work on all currencies and  gold and crypto and all time frame This unique  indicator uses very secret algorithms to catch the  trends, so you can trade using this indicator and see the trend clear on charts  manual guide and
CBT Quantum Maverick Sistema di Trading Binario ad Alta Efficienza CBT Quantum Maverick è un sistema di trading binario ad alte prestazioni progettato per trader che cercano precisione, semplicità e disciplina. Non è necessaria alcuna personalizzazione: il sistema è ottimizzato per fornire risultati efficaci fin dall'inizio. Con un po' di pratica, i segnali possono essere facilmente compresi. Caratteristiche principali: Precisione dei Segnali: Segnali di trading basati sulla candela attuale,
Top indicator for MT5   providing accurate signals to enter a trade without repainting! It can be applied to any financial assets:   forex, cryptocurrencies, metals, stocks, indices .  Watch  the video  (6:22) with an example of processing only one signal that paid off the indicator! MT4 version is here It will provide pretty accurate trading signals and tell you when it's best to open a trade and close it. Most traders improve their trading results during the first trading week with the help of
Roman Podpora
4.69 (16)
TPSpro TREND PRO   è un indicatore di tendenza che analizza automaticamente il mercato, fornisce informazioni sulla tendenza e sui rispettivi cambiamenti e fornisce segnali per entrare nelle operazioni senza ridisegnare. L'indicatore utilizza ciascuna candela e la analizza separatamente. Si riferisce a vari shock al rialzo o al ribasso. Punto di ingresso preciso per il trading di valute, criptovalute, metalli, azioni e indici! Versione MT5                   Descrizione completa dell'indicatore  
Quantum TrendPulse
Bogdan Ion Puscasu
5 (13)
Ecco   Quantum TrendPulse   , lo strumento di trading definitivo che combina la potenza di   SuperTrend   ,   RSI   e   Stocastico   in un unico indicatore completo per massimizzare il tuo potenziale di trading. Progettato per i trader che cercano precisione ed efficienza, questo indicatore ti aiuta a identificare con sicurezza le tendenze di mercato, i cambiamenti di momentum e i punti di entrata e uscita ottimali. Caratteristiche principali: Integrazione SuperTrend:   segui facilmente l'andame
TPSpro RFI Levels MT5
Roman Podpora
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ISTRUZIONI       RUS   -   INGLESE       Si   consiglia di utilizzare con un indicatore       -       TPSpro   TENDENZA PRO -   Versione MT4         Un elemento chiave nel trading sono le zone o i livelli da cui vengono prese le decisioni di acquisto o vendita di uno strumento di trading. Nonostante i tentativi dei principali attori di nascondere la loro presenza sul mercato, lasciano inevitabilmente delle tracce. Il nostro compito era imparare a identificare queste tracce e interpretarle corre
Bill Williams Advanced
Siarhei Vashchylka
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Bill Williams Advanced is designed for automatic chart analysis using Bill Williams' "Profitunity" system. The indicator analyzes four timeframes at once. Manual (Be sure to read before purchasing) Advantages 1. Automatically analyzes the chart using the "Profitunity" system of Bill Williams. The found signals are placed in a table in the corner of the screen. 2. Equipped with a trend filter based on the Alligator indicator. Most of the system signals are recommended to be used only according t
RelicusRoad Pro MT5
Relicus LLC
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Ora $ 147 (aumentando a $ 499 dopo alcuni aggiornamenti) - account illimitati (PC o MAC) Manuale utente di RelicusRoad + Video di formazione + Accesso al gruppo Discord privato + Stato VIP UN NUOVO MODO DI GUARDARE IL MERCATO RelicusRoad è l'indicatore di trading più potente al mondo per forex, futures, criptovalute, azioni e indici, fornendo ai trader tutte le informazioni e gli strumenti di cui hanno bisogno per rimanere redditizi. Forniamo analisi tecniche e piani di trading per aiutare og
Shiv Raj Kumawat
WHY IS OUR FXACCCURATE LS MT5 THE PROFITABLE ? PROTECT YOUR CAPITAL WITH RISK MANAGEMENT Gives entry, stop and target levels from time to time. It finds Trading opportunities by analyzing what the price is doing during established trends. POWERFUL INDICATOR FOR A RELIABLE STRATEGIES We have made these indicators with a lot of years of hard work. It is made at a very advanced level. Established trends provide dozens of trading opportunities, but most trend indicators completely ignore them! The
L'indicatore Quadrato di Gann è uno strumento potente di analisi di mercato basato sull'articolo "Formula Matematica per le Previsioni di Mercato" scritto da W.D. Gann. Questo strumento utilizza concetti matematici e teorie di Gann per effettuare un'analisi precisa del mercato. Utilizza i quadrati di 144, 90, 52 e anche il quadrato di 9. Inoltre, integra il metodo del  per il quadrato di 9 e la sua relazione con canali e modelli stellari di quel quadrato. Manuale Utente e Applicazione: Prima di
BookMap HeatMap
Roberto Spadim
1 (2)
This Indicator creates a heatmap based on depth of market of the current symbol or another symbol. Other symbol is useful when you trade futures market and a contract has 'mini' and 'full' split. For example, in Brazil (B3 - BMF&Bovespa), WDO and DOL are future Forex contract of BRL/USD (where 1 DOL = 5 WDO) and big banks work mostly with DOL (where liquidity is important). Please use with M1 timeframe , objects are too small to be displayed at higher timeframes (MT5 limit). The number of level
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Muhammad Elbermawi
5 (3)
L'indicatore Berma Bands (BBs) è uno strumento prezioso per i trader che cercano di identificare e capitalizzare i trend di mercato. Analizzando la relazione tra il prezzo e le BBs, i trader possono discernere se un mercato è in una fase di trend o di range. Visita il [ Berma Home Blog ] per saperne di più. Le Berma Bands sono composte da tre linee distinte: la Upper Berma Band, la Middle Berma Band e la Lower Berma Band. Queste linee sono tracciate attorno al prezzo, creando una rappresentazion
Presentazione       Quantum Breakout PRO   , l'innovativo indicatore MQL5 che sta trasformando il modo in cui scambi le zone di breakout! Sviluppato da un team di trader esperti con un'esperienza di trading di oltre 13 anni,       Quantum Breakout PRO       è progettato per spingere il tuo viaggio di trading a nuovi livelli con la sua strategia innovativa e dinamica della zona di breakout. Quantum Breakout Indicator ti fornirà frecce di segnalazione sulle zone di breakout con 5 zone target di
Advanced Supply Demand MT5
Bernhard Schweigert
4.5 (14)
La migliore soluzione per qualsiasi principiante o trader esperto! Questo indicatore è uno strumento di trading unico, di alta qualità e conveniente perché abbiamo incorporato una serie di funzionalità proprietarie e una nuova formula. Con questo aggiornamento, sarai in grado di mostrare fusi orari doppi. Non solo potrai mostrare una TF più alta, ma anche entrambe, la TF del grafico, PIÙ la TF più alta: SHOWING NESTED ZONES. Tutti i trader di domanda di offerta lo adoreranno. :) Informazioni imp
Royal Scalping Indicator M5
Vahidreza Heidar Gholami
5 (6)
Royal Scalping Indicator is an advanced price adaptive indicator designed to generate high-quality trading signals. Built-in multi-timeframe and multi-currency capabilities make it even more powerful to have configurations based on different symbols and timeframes. This indicator is perfect for scalp trades as well as swing trades. Royal Scalping is not just an indicator, but a trading strategy itself. Features Price Adaptive Trend Detector Algorithm Multi-Timeframe and Multi-Currency Trend Low
Golden Spikes Detector
Batsirayi L Marango
3.25 (4)
Golden Spikes Detector This indicator is based on an advanced strategy primarily for trading spikes on Boom and Crash Indices. Complex algorithms were implemented to detect high probability entries only. It alerts on potential Buy and Sell entries. To trade spikes on the Deriv or Binary broker, only take Buy Boom and Sell Cash alerts. It was optimised to be loaded on 5-minute timeframe although multiple timeframe analysis is done in the background. Features ·             Desktop pop up and sound
TPA True Price Action indicator reveals the true price action of the market makers through 100% non-repainting signals strictly at the close of a candle! TPA shows entries and re-entries, every time the bulls are definitely stronger than the bears and vice versa. Not to confuse with red/green candles. The shift of power gets confirmed at the earliest stage and is ONE exit strategy of several. There are available now two free parts of the TPA User Guide for our customers. The first "The Basics"
AT Forex Indicator MT5
Marzena Maria Szmit
5 (5)
The AT Forex Indicator MT5 is a sophisticated trading tool designed to provide traders with a comprehensive analysis of multiple currency pairs. This powerful indicator simplifies the complex nature of the forex market, making it accessible for both novice and experienced traders. AT Forex Indicator uses advanced algorithms to detect trends, patterns and is an essential tool for traders aiming to enhance their forex trading performance. With its robust features, ease of use, and reliable signal
Quantum Trend Sniper
Bogdan Ion Puscasu
4.73 (51)
Presentazione       Quantum Trend Sniper Indicator   , l'innovativo indicatore MQL5 che sta trasformando il modo in cui identifichi e scambi le inversioni di tendenza! Sviluppato da un team di trader esperti con un'esperienza di trading di oltre 13 anni,       Indicatore Quantum Trend Sniper       è progettato per spingere il tuo viaggio di trading verso nuove vette con il suo modo innovativo di identificare le inversioni di tendenza con una precisione estremamente elevata. *** Acquista Quantum
Royal Wave Pro M5
Vahidreza Heidar Gholami
3.5 (4)
Royal Wave is a Trend-Power oscillator which has been programmed to locate and signal low-risk entry and exit zones. Its core algorithm statistically analyzes the market and generates trading signals for overbought, oversold and low volatile areas. By using a well-designed alerting system, this indicator makes it easier to make proper decisions regarding where to enter and where to exit trades. Features Trend-Power Algorithm Low risk Entry Zones and Exit Zones Predictions for Overbought and Over
CONTACT US  after purchase to get the Indicator Manual. Try Now—Limited 50% Discount for First 10 Buyers! Download the  Metatrader 4 Version Read the product description carefully before purchasing the product.  Due to regulatory restrictions, our service is unavailable in certain countries such as India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. William Delbert Gann (W.D. Gann) was an exceptional market analyst, whose trading technique was based on a complex blend of mathematics, geometry, astrology, and anc
Blahtech Supply Demand MT5
Blahtech Limited
4.54 (13)
Was: $299  Now: $149  Supply Demand uses previous price action to identify potential imbalances between buyers and sellers. The key is to identify the better odds zones, not just the untouched ones. Blahtech Supply Demand indicator delivers functionality previously unavailable on any trading platform. This 4-in-1 indicator not only highlights the higher probability zones using a multi-criteria strength engine, but also combines it with multi-timeframe trend analysis, previously confirmed swings
Stefano Frisetti
nota: questo indicatore e' per METATRADER5, se vuoi la versione per  METATRADER4 questo e' il link:   https://www.mql5.com/it/market/product/108106 TRENDMAESTRO ver 2.4 TRENDMAESTRO   riconosce un nuovo TREND sul nascere, non sbaglia mai. La sicurezza di identificare un nuovo TREND non ha prezzo. DESCRIZIONE TRENDMAESTRO identifica un nuovo TREND sul nascere, questo indicatore prende in esame la volatilita' i volumi ed il momentum per identificare il momento in cui c'e' un'esplosione di uno  o
Trade smarter, not harder: Empower your trading with Harmonacci Patterns Special Offer: Purchase now to receive free bonuses worth $165! (Read more for details) This is arguably the most complete harmonic price formation auto-recognition indicator you can find for the MetaTrader Platform. It detects 19 different patterns, takes fibonacci projections as seriously as you do, displays the Potential Reversal Zone (PRZ) and finds suitable stop-loss and take-profit levels. [ Installation Guide | Upd
Trend Forecaster
Alexey Minkov
5 (6)
!SPECIAL SALE!  The Trend Forecaster indicator utilizes a unique proprietary algorithm to determine entry points for a breakout trading strategy. The indicator identifies price clusters, analyzes price movement near levels, and provides a signal when the price breaks through a level. The Trend Forecaster indicator is suitable for all financial assets, including currencies (Forex), metals, stocks, indices, and cryptocurrencies. You can also adjust the indicator to work on any time frames, althoug
MetaForecast M5
Vahidreza Heidar Gholami
5 (2)
MetaForecast predice e visualizza il futuro di qualsiasi mercato basandosi sull'armonia dei dati dei prezzi. Sebbene il mercato non sia sempre prevedibile, se esiste un modello nei prezzi, MetaForecast può prevedere il futuro con la massima precisione possibile. Rispetto ad altri prodotti simili, MetaForecast può generare risultati più accurati analizzando le tendenze di mercato. Parametri di input Past size (Dimensione passata) Specifica il numero di barre che MetaForecast utilizza per creare
PZ Mean Reversion MT5
3 (2)
Indicatore unico che implementa un approccio professionale e quantitativo al trading di reversione. Sfrutta il fatto che il prezzo devia e ritorna alla media in modo prevedibile e misurabile, il che consente regole di entrata e uscita chiare che superano di gran lunga le strategie di trading non quantitative. [ Installation Guide | Update Guide | Troubleshooting | FAQ | All Products ] Segnali di trading chiari Incredibilmente facile da scambiare Colori e dimensioni personalizzabili Implementa l
Elliot Waves Analyzer Pro
Viktor Weidenthal
2.67 (3)
Elliot Waves Analyzer Pro calculates Elliot Waves to Help Identify Trend direction and Entry Levels. Mainly for Swing Trading Strategies. Usually one would open a Position in trend direction for Wave 3 or a Correction for Wave C . This Indicator draws Target Levels for the current and next wave. Most important Rules for Elliot Wave Analysis are verified by the Indicator.  The Pro version analyzes Multiple Timeframes and shows the Subwaves and Target-Levels.   For an Overview  " Elliot Waves Anal
Arman Belassarov
AriMax   – AI-Powered Trading Robot AriMax is a cutting-edge AI-powered trading robot designed to help traders maximize profits while minimizing risk. Utilizing advanced machine learning algorithms and real-time market analysis, AriMax identifies high-probability trade opportunities with precision and speed. Key Features:     AI-Driven Market Analysis   – Analyzes market trends and patterns to make data-driven trading decisions.     Automated Execution   – Places trades seamlessly with optimiz
Mega Spikes Max
Niccyril Chirindo
5 (1)
Are you tired of missing out on the biggest opportunities in Boom and Crash trading? Mega Spikes Max is your ultimate tool for dominating the markets, giving you the precision and confidence you need to succeed. Why Choose Mega Spikes Max? Stay Ahead with Real-Time Alerts Never miss a profitable trade again. Get instant notifications directly to your mobile or desktop when a spike is imminent, even if you're away from your screen. Accurate Spike Detection Engineered for pinpoint accuracy, Mega
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根据高开低收价格确定反转点位,画出的极点折线。 The pole polyline is drawn according to the high opening and low closing price to determine the reversal point. 参数(Args): 1.周期数(Period)。参与界限计算的K柱数量。 2.界限(Divide)。计算方式包括:         t1,顺高低价 (Buy min H,Sell max L)           t2,逆高低价 (Buy min L,Sell max H)           t3,收盘价 (Buy min C,Sell max C)           t4,开盘价 (Buy min O,Sell max O)           t5,高开低收价的一半 (HOLC/2)           t6,高开低收价的一半+1 (HOLC/2+1)           t7,高开低收价的一半+2 (HOLC/2+2) 3.跨越界限使用的价格(Price)。包括收盘价(C)和高低价(HL) 4.偏移(Of
A cross - track indicator that visually shows the current bullish/bearish trend of the market through the midline (mid track), main line (upper track), and sub-lines (lower track). Intersections or upper rail turns can be used as buying and selling positions. Parameter description: period:10 price: WEIGHTED //HIGH //LOW //OPEN //CLOSE //MEDIAN //TYPICAL //AVERAGE //WEIGHTED method:Linear weighted //Simple //Exponential //Smoothed // Linear weighted main offset:1.5 sub offset:1 base:2 counts add
In the Forex trading system, the Pivot Points trading method is a classic trading strategy. Pivot Points is a very simple resistance support system. Based on yesterday’s highest, lowest and closing prices, seven price points are calculated, including one pivot point, three resistance levels and three support levels. The resistance line and the support line are one of the tools that are often used in technical analysis, and the role of the support line and the pressure line can be mutually trans
Type(1EMA,2DEMA,3TEMA) FastPeriod SlowPeriod SignalPeriod PriceApplied ( HIGH(H) LOW(L) OPEN(O) CLOSE(C) MEDIAN(HL) TYPICAL(HLC) WEIGHTED(HLCC) ) Deviate Up Deviate Down Deviate Bar What Is Moving Average Convergence/Divergence (MACD)? Moving average convergence/divergence (MACD, or MAC-D) is a   trend-following   momentum   indicator that shows the relationship between two   exponential moving averages (EMAs)   of a   security’s   price. The MACD line is calculated by subtracting the 26-peri
The parabolic SAR indicator, developed by J. Welles Wilder Jr., is used by traders to determine trend direction and potential reversals in price. The technical indicator uses a trailing stop and reverse method called "SAR," or stop and reverse, to identify suitable exit and entry points.  The parabolic SAR indicator appears on a chart as a series of dots, either above or below an asset's price, depending on the direction the price is moving. A dot is placed below the price when it is trending u
What Is the Relative Vigor Index? The Relative Vigor Index (RVI) is a   momentum indicator   used in technical analysis that measures the strength of a trend by comparing a security's closing price to its trading range while smoothing the results using a   simple moving average   (SMA). The RVI's usefulness is based on the observed tendency for prices to close higher than they open during uptrends, and to close lower than they open in downtrends. KEY TAKEAWAYS The Relative Vigor Index (RVI) is a
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