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Gold Extractor


In breve, oro/XAUUSD

L'oro è stato considerato un bene prezioso per millenni e il prezzo dell'oro è ampiamente seguito nei mercati finanziari di tutto il mondo.

Tutte le volte nel Forex, gli hedge fund e i big kids usano l'oro per coprire il proprio paniere dal rischio di mercato. e usano quest'oro come siepe. Per questo motivo, l'oro tiene bene il valore e lo rende un rifugio sicuro affidabile come il sentimento di rischio acceso e di rifiuto.
Quando il dollaro USD prende un po' di potere, i ragazzini vendono oro per comprare il dollaro USA e se gli USA scendono comprano oro per proteggere i loro beni. In generale, il prezzo dell'oro tende ad aumentare quando le azioni e le obbligazioni diminuiscono.

Stiamo parlando di coppie rifugio sul mercato FX. L'oro è come un personaggio vivo, un metallo prezioso, reagisce rapidamente alle notizie economiche e reagisce rapidamente al cambiamento delle politiche del paese e delle aspettative di inflazione degli Stati Uniti.
Quindi non è professionale scambiarlo solo con l'analisi tecnica.
Quando il mercato va su Rischio/ON - Rischio OFF, cambia la politica degli Stati Uniti, il rendimento delle obbligazioni nazionali cambia e tutte le informazioni influiscono sul prezzo dell'oro.
Gold Extractor, raccogliendo tutte le informazioni fondamentali necessarie per prendere decisioni migliori per fare trading.

Estrattore d'oro EA

EA utilizza i dati fondamentali online e US10Y e le aspettative di inflazione per intrappolare il movimento dell'oro utilizzando la strategia di Scalping e utilizza anche la strategia della martingala per recuperare gli ordini in perdita.


pannello complesso con tutte le funzioni necessarie per il trading manuale.
Puoi fare trading manualmente con una correlazione negativa tra oro e US10Y con i dati tecnici del nostro pannello e lasciare che EA lo gestisca e chiuda posizioni in profitto
Funzione trail, funzione di chiusura automatica, recupero martingala, chiusura automatica con il tuo profitto personalizzato.
Hai tutte le notizie/calendario economici elencati sul tuo grafico, sul tuo pannello + Orario di mercato della sessione
Hai tutte le aspettative di inflazione di 13 paesi principali/importanti sul grafico, sul pannello
EA utilizza i dati fondamentali in tempo reale e la correlazione negativa US10Y con l'oro per effettuare lo scalping nella direzione corretta


  • Usa il conto ECN (narrow spread) - Prezzo dell'oro a 2 cifre, EA è uno SCALPER
  • Allega EA su Timeframe M15 o M5
  • Non hai bisogno di nessun file di set. SOLO commercia con l'impostazione predefinita poiché lavoriamo anche con l'impostazione predefinita
  • Se il tuo broker utilizza un prefisso o suffisso (es. XAUUSD.a) dovresti aggiornarlo negli input di EA
  • Il saldo minimo è di 500 $
  • Nota: non dimenticare di aggiungere notizie e link alla fonte fondamentale nell'elenco Consenti richieste web per il filtro delle notizie e altri dati fondamentali

Non puoi eseguire il backtest di questo EA, poiché EA utilizza un filtro di notizie online per evitare cattivi movimenti di mercato, inoltre EA utilizza i dati online fondamentali per analizzare il movimento dell'oro e questi dati online non funzionano nel backtesting.

Quindi, se hai bisogno di test e fiducia, perché non controlli il risultato Live

Maggiori informazioni sull'EA

Ulteriori informazioni sul pannello EA

Recensioni 50
forexmania 2024.07.09 01:53 

I'm using this great EA on a two digit Broker with low spread. This EA is very adaptive we only need to change the parameters. The support has a five star quality. Kind regards from switzerland Yves Atteslander

Alfredo Idalgo
Alfredo Idalgo 2023.03.15 12:20 

%220 gain from March 2022.. Awesome!

Inyoman Setiasa
Inyoman Setiasa 2022.08.09 05:22 

great EA mantab...

Prodotti consigliati
Evgeniy Zhdan
2 copy of 10 left at this price.  Next 10 copies $549. Arda is a trading Expert Advisor based on the dissonance of technical indicators  and price patterns. Support: https://www.mql5.com/en/channels/TrendHunter The Expert Advisor was tested on real historical data of EURUSD, GBPUSD and XAUUSD (Gold). You can download a demo version of any program (for example, tickstory - there is a free version) that provides quotes with 99.9% quality and check it yourself. The trading strategy does not cont
Vadim Podoprigora
Forest is a Trend Expert Advisor based on the analysis of a unique mathematical model of trend lines, which allows you to determine the trend movement. The Expert Advisor is most suitable for the currency pair "USDCHF" on period "H1". The EA can work on any type of accounts, and with any brokers. The EA uses mathematical analysis to open trades and applies loss control to open trades. At its core, the EA does not use any risky systems with the increase in the volume or increase in the number of
Roman Meskhidze
4.67 (15)
LAUNCH PROMO Next price:        $349 The price will be rise to limit the number of users for this strategy The "Volna FX" Expert Advisor is a representative of robots trading from levels. Levels can be built automatically, or they can be rigidly set in the parameters of the Expert Advisor. CHECK REAL SIGNAL :  https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/847709 The uniqueness of the advisor is that it can work both with averaging and using the martingale principle, or without it, i.e. use a clear take profi
EA works with none of the technical indicators.   It waits for the trend and trade accordingly. No standard indicators. No grid trading. No arbitrage. No curve fitting according to back-test results No Hedge   Very low Stop Loss Ratio  Tested with 99.90% data Modelling quality. Can work with even $30 USD Recommendations : Developed for M1, EURUSD ECN Broker with 5 points Settings Spread: Need to be as low as possible. Trailing Status: trailing stop usage option Trailing stop: Pips to allow trail
AERO EA based on Adaptive Engine Range Over (AERO) trade Single Possiton with TP SL and close by signal No Marti No Grid No Hitory Reader Real Backtesting Refult strategy has backtested since 2020 - 2024 EA work on various market condition Recommendations: Minimum Deposit :$100 Pair : GBPCAD Timeframe : M1 For Better Results USE ECN/RAW/LOW SPREAD ACCOUNT Risk Warning: Before you buy AERO EA please be aware of the risks involved. Past performance is no guarantee of future profitabilit
The MelBar HedgeScalper FinTech RoboTrader MAXIMUM LOTSIZE : 100 Lots (US$10,000,000) per TRADE/POSITION FULLY TRIED, TESTED, PROVEN & VERIFIED ON A REAL LIVE TRADING ACCOUNT! TRY OUT THE DEMO! The Experienced Trader & Global Money Manager Version. 89% Trade Winning Percentage. 32.679% Profit Gain or ROI in 2 Trading Days. Profit Factor 3.59 Average Trade Length 1h 22m. The MelBar HedgeScalper FinTech RoboTrader is easy to use. Has the Advantage of Retiring Unnecessary "Debt" Positi
Price 177 is set for a limited time then price 315 The uniqueness of this expert is that he uses one common set. for most Expert Advisors, this is not applicable and will not work because most Expert Advisors have either sets that you can download yourself or embedded in the code for each currency pair. This Expert Advisor uses only 1 set for all 20 currency pairs. the adviser can work with a small deposit starting from $50. I differ from many developers in that I continue. improve your prod
RSI Intelligent is a fully automated scalping robot that uses a very efficient Relative Strength Index (RSI) breakout strategy, Probabilistic analysis with (RSI). Most effective in the price Cumulative probability of a normal distribution that occupy the bulk of the market time. Transactions happen almost every day like Scalping follow trend. A Forex robot using the Relative Strength Index (RSI) indicator combined with an artificial neural network would be an advanced automated trading system th
The Viper EA
Profalgo Limited
3.18 (11)
NOTE: only recommended for these pairs currently: EURAUD;GBPAUD;GBPCHF;EURCHF;AUDCAD and AUDUSD NEW PROMO: Only a few copies copies available at 349$ Next price: 449$ Make sure to check out our " Ultimate EA combo package " in our   promo blog ! Live monitoring :  https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/1422803 The Viper EA uses sharp and effective "mean reversion" entries during the ranging period of the trading sessions (between 23h and 1h GMT+2, US DST).    These trades already have a very high su
Works to open two hedging deals, buying and selling, with a goal of each deal of 20 points With the opening of multiple cooling deals in the manner of another lot size and suspending each type of sale or purchase transaction At a profit level. Parameters: Lot1: Manual Lot Size Auto_Lot: Set true to automatically calculate optimal Lot Size based on risk preferences, Set False if you want use manual lot size. Max_Risk: Max Risk as percentage of Equity* the greater this percentage is the greater
Daytrade Pro Algo
Profalgo Limited
5 (5)
Promozione lancio: Numero limitato di copie disponibili al prezzo corrente Prezzo finale: 990$ NOVITÀ: ottieni 1 EA gratis!   (per 2 account commerciali) Ultimate Combo Deal   ->   click here LIVE RESULTS:   https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/1949810 JOIN PUBLIC GROUP:   Click here Set Files Benvenuto in DayTrade Pro Algo!   Dopo anni di studio dei mercati e programmazione di diverse strategie, ho trovato un algoritmo che ha tutto ciò di cui ha bisogno un buon sistema di trading: È indipendente d
ANSEA is a AUDNZD scalping strategy allows you to get the maximum profit on flat currency pairs. Author's indicators are used to accurately enter the market! Signal https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/2281563?source=Site+Signals+Page *Back tested in Dukascopy historical data Best case: Minimum Balance:   $500 Leverage:   1:100 Maximal Drawdown:  27 % Spread:   5 pips Net Profit:  15 % per year Low risk:   $200 Balance per 0.01 lot size High risk:   $500 Balance per 0.07 lot size The EA is installe
Works to open two hedging deals, buying and selling, with a goal of each deal of 20 points With the opening of multiple cooling deals in the manner of another lot size and suspending each type of sale or purchase transaction At a profit level. Parameters: Lot1: Manual Lot Size Auto_Lot: Set true to automatically calculate optimal Lot Size based on risk preferences, Set False if you want use manual lot size. Max_Risk: Max Risk as percentage of Equity* the greater this percentage is the greater
Luke Joel Desmaris
Join our Newsletter to also get a copy of our Optimization Settings: https://desbot.ai/#Newsletter  Input Parameters Below are all the input options (aka: Parameters) for Desbot and how to use them. You can find the best Parameters through optimization. RiskPercentage: Enter the number that represents the percent of your account balance you want Desbot to risk per trade. For example, entering 1.5 would risk 1.5% of your Account Balance. SLTicks: Enter the number of ticks you want for your stop
Phase10 EA
Antonios Mitsonis
Phase10 embodies an advanced grid system that has successfully operated on real accounts. Unlike the typical practice of retrofitting systems to historical data, Phase10 was purposefully designed to exploit existing market inefficiencies. This sets it apart from basic trial-and-error approaches that merely rely on grid strategies. Instead, Phase10 strategically harnesses genuine market mechanics to achieve a consistent monthly profit range of 4-8%, accompanied by low drawdown. Supported curre
Trend BtD
Roman Meskhidze
LAUNCH PROMO Next price:        $249 The price will be rise to limit the number of users for this strategy The "Trend BtD" Expert Advisor is a representative of robots trading breakout levels. Levels built automatically. The uniqueness of the advisor is that it work WITHOUT averaging and using the martingale principle. ALL orders have StopLoss and TakeProfit. VERY IMPORTANT: Always load SET Files for each pair! Adjust Lot size to yours deposit! HOW TO TEST: 1. Choose  H1  TimeFrame 2. Load my  
Copyright(c) 2019 Superfarabi EA Is the Scalping Forex Expert Advisor for MT4 Working on Timeframes (M5) Best Pair Recomended is EU/UChf=0.4 Calculation is based of Envelopes indicator ===========Rakyat +62 =========== Hak Cipta (c) 2019 Superfarabi EA Merupakan Scalping Forex Expert Advisor untuk MT4 Berjalan pada Time Frame Kecil (M5) Pair Rekomendasi adalah EU / UChf = 0,4 Perhitungan didasarkan pada indikator Envelopes
Shark Surfer is a new generation Expert Advisor applying a well-established trend-following trading. The trade period recommended by the developer is H1. The product is good both for scalping, as well as medium- and long-term trading. Shark Surfer always sets take profit and stop loss to its deals. It provides the option to force close all open trades at the specified time before the market closes, which helps avoid unnecessary gaps on Monday. Shark Surfer trades on all symbols and timeframes. I
An adaptive and under fitted trading system like no other The best settings of one symbol also work on a majority of other symbols The majority of settings within the optimization parameters test well Deep Takeover MT4 now comes with a 2nd EA for free : "Agility" EA!  See comment section for details Three versions for different types of accounts This MT4 version respects FIFO rules The MT5 netting version :    https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/52725 The MT5 hedge version :  https://www.mql
Jet Punch
Didit Haryadi Saputra
Jet Punch is another best expert advisor for MT4,  can help you make money while you sleep by automatically entering and exiting trades. It trades by opening trades every day and closing them at the right time to ensure you always earn a profit. The software is very simple and can be used by both beginner and experienced traders.  Jet Punch was tested and has successfully passed the stress test with slippage and commission approximate to the real market condition. Recommendations: Currency pair:
Khayelihle Tosh
AutoTraderEA Description As the name says, this is an autotrading robot.   It trades on H1 timeframe.  It looks for clear trades, and is very accurate, yet still will take a couple of trades per week. Otherwise losses are minimised through a 130 pip StopLoss which can be modified. AutoTrader gives the user the ability to choose whether to keep trading volumes the same or change in direct proportion to the change in the account equity.   The EA has been backtested only on the EURUSD pair over a
Andrey Kolmogorov
4.18 (22)
Scalper uses the model of a quantum set of algorithms and can work on any financial instruments. Due to the optimal number of parameters necessary for optimization, you can create unique trading strategies based on quantum models. Signals:   https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/author/old_padre New sets are in the "Comments" section comments #504-509. Time settings #33 and 245. Key Advantages The EA does not use Martingale; All orders are opened with a strictly fixed Stop Loss; The minimum starting d
GS smart
Aleksander Gladkov
5 (1)
Best price, read GS smart channel ! 3 copy left for $250. Next price --> $350 Traders who purchase GS smart receive a personal bonus. After purchase contact me for assistance GS smart is 3 in 1 = Superior Grid Expert Advisor + News feed + Trend indicator. (for MT5: GS smart5 ) You don't need to follow the trend, the EA uses the trend indicator in the trading algorithm. Automatically adjusts its parameters to work on any Forex instrument (including cryptocurrencies, indices and CFDs) for USD a
Impuls Pro MT4
Sergey Batudayev
5 (3)
La strategia di EA si basa sullo Swing trading , con entrate dopo forti impulsi calcolate dall'indicatore iPump. Come accennato in precedenza, l'EA ha la capacità di aprire operazioni manuali con supporto automatico. - per un trend ribassista ↓ entriamo in un trade dopo un rialzo correttivo del prezzo, l'asset cade nella zona di ipercomprato, vendiamo lungo il trend. - per un trend rialzista ↑, entriamo in un'operazione dopo un calo correttivo del prezzo, l'asset cade nella zona di ipervenduto,
Mahmoud Karkeh Abadi
The price will increase by $ 1 per day or reach a maximum of $ 300 This is not a marketing technique, it is just an incentive for you to value your time more There is an important but very simple rule To succeed in any market, this condition must be met            ️ Minimum Winrate = 1 / (1 + Reward:Risk) So how can we use this condition? The first step is to choose the ratio of profit to loss I like the value 1 How to determine the amount of stop loss and take profit? I will teach you a
Scalper MultiCharts
Denis Nikolaev
5 (1)
ScalperMultiChartsMT5   is a fully automatic multi-currency trading system for night scalping.  Features The Expert Advisor trades on 28 major majors and crosses   , Gold, Silver   . The Expert Advisor does not use risky methods The Expert Advisor uses the minimum number of input parameters available for understanding The Expert Advisor sets a fixed and hidden stop loss and take profit for all orders from the broker The Expert Advisor uses the magic number Magic to identify its orders Recommend
Un consulente facile da usare, ma con un complesso algoritmo interno per prendere decisioni di trading e successivo supporto delle posizioni aperte. L'advisor non richiede apparecchiature e velocità di connessione di rete. Può funzionare perfettamente anche con una connessione Internet wireless. L'algoritmo di trading cerca le migliori voci per aprire posizioni di mercato, ma in questo mondo non esiste una fortuna costante al 100%. Pertanto, il volume degli scambi non viene utilizzato tutto in
Sonata MT4
Evgeniy Zhdan
The Expert Advisor's strategy is based on proactive forecasting of the most likely price movement. The method for determining this movement is the calculation and ratio of such factors as: short-term OHLC candlestick patterns, the direction of the microtrend, the rate of price change. Only 1 deal on one trading instrument can be opened at a time. Support:   https://www.mql5.com/en/channels/TrendHunter No hazardous trading methods are used. The Expert Advisor has minimal settings, which allow
Ilan Universal   is an automatic advisor (trading robot) used for trading in all financial markets. It is in demand among beginners and experienced traders due to such advantages as the exact execution of the trading rules of the chosen strategy, the reduction in the number of subjective errors, and the release of the user's time.  The recommended deposit is $10,000. The great value of this algorithm is the possibility of optimizing by opening prices and correctness after such optimization of w
Fitpro 10 Scalper Expert Advisor  is a automated forex trading robot designed to work on the most traded currency any pair. The strategy is based on using several MT4 indicators , each entry point is calculated using an advanced input filter based on the analysis of the movement of the price chart. Each order is secured by a fixed stop-loss while, no martingale, no grid, scalp or hedge.   Paramater •    Magic Order - is a special number that the EA assigns to its orders •    Take Profit - take p
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Gold Scalping AI
Ho Tuan Thang
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SOLO 3 COPIE SU 10 RIMASTI A $399! Dopodiché, il prezzo salirà a $499. - REAL SIGNAL (Real Signal attivo da oltre 6 mesi): Impostazione predefinita:  https://www.mql5.com/it/signals/2276213 Oro Scalping AI è un EA che utilizza la tecnologia di intelligenza artificiale per analizzare i dati di molti indicatori. Da lì, EA avrà la migliore opzione per immettere ordini. La differenza più grande di Gold Scalping   AI è che l'EA può controllare il rapporto rischio/rendimento molto meglio di altri EA.
Scalping Robot MT4
Marzena Maria Szmit
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Introducing our advanced Scalping Forex Robot. The scalping algorithm is built to spot high-probability entry and exit points, ensuring that every trade is executed with the highest chance of success within the   M1 timeframe . The best pair to use with the Scalping Robot is   XAUUSD .  This robot is perfect for traders who prefer the   scalping method   and want to take advantage of rapid price movements without having to manually monitor the charts. It is suitable for both beginners looking fo
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Marzena Maria Szmit
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The GBPUSD Robot MT4 is an advanced automated trading system meticulously designed for the specific dynamics of the  GBP/USD  currency pair. Utilizing advanced technical analysis, the robot assesses historical and real-time data to  identify potential trends , key support and resistance levels, and other relevant market signals specific to GBP/USD. The Robot opens positions  every day,  from Monday to Friday, and  all positions are secured  with Take Profit, Stop Loss, Trailing Stop, Break-Even
Ai General EA MT4
Indra Maulana
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43% off for 48 hours only (Original price: $1,595) 50% bonus by purchasing this Robot, Contact us "after purchase" to receive the bonus A fully automatic expert Designed and produced 100% by artificial intelligence, with the world's most advanced technology All trades have profit and loss limits, with the best and least risky market strategy, without using dangerous strategies such as Martingale and hedges, etc. A specialist who has been trained by artificial intelligence for years to correctl
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Marzena Maria Szmit
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The Bitcoin Robot  MT4 is engineered to execute Bitcoin trades with unparalleled   efficiency and precision . Developed by a team of experienced traders and developers, our   Bitcoin Robot   employs a sophisticated algorithmic approach (price action, trend as well as two personalized indicators) to analyze market and execute trades swiftly with   M5 timeframe , ensuring that you never miss out on lucrative opportunities.   No grid, no martingale, no hedging,   EA only open one position at the sa
AI Golden Jet Fighter GTX MT4
Andrei Nazarets
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AI Golden Jet Fighter GTX     MT4 è un Expert Advisor (EA) semplice ed efficiente per il trading dell'oro sulla piattaforma Meta Trader 4. Utilizzando reti neurali, questo EA è progettato per lo scalping nel mercato dell'oro (XAU/USD). La strategia principale di AI Golden Jet Fighter GTX si concentra sull'identificazione di piccole fluttuazioni di prezzo e sull'apertura di posizioni per catturare profitti in brevi intervalli di tempo. L'EA analizza le condizioni di mercato in tempo reale ed ese
Quantum Emperor MT4
Bogdan Ion Puscasu
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Presentazione       Quantum Emperor EA   , l'innovativo consulente esperto MQL5 che sta trasformando il modo in cui fai trading sulla prestigiosa coppia GBPUSD! Sviluppato da un team di trader esperti con esperienza di trading di oltre 13 anni. IMPORTANT! After the purchase please send me a private message to receive the installation manual and the setup instructions. ***Acquista Quantum Emperor EA e potresti ottenere Quantum Wizard o Quantum StarMan o Quantum Gold Emperor gratis!*** Chiedi in
Neon Trade MT4
Evgeniy Ilin
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La quintessenza di un approccio comprensivo, il cui obiettivo principale è ottenere guadagni a lungo termine e realistici con rischi minimi per il trader. La base consiste in concetti di trading avanzati combinati con l'apprendimento automatico, che si potenziano efficacemente a vicenda. Un'altra caratteristica unica è che il sistema non necessita di essere ottimizzato, poiché questa funzione è gestita dai miei server. Le impostazioni aggiornate vengono pubblicate quotidianamente nei nostri can
Aura Neuron MT4
Stanislav Tomilov
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Aura Neuron è un Expert Advisor distintivo che continua la serie di sistemi di trading Aura. Sfruttando reti neurali avanzate e strategie di trading classiche all'avanguardia, Aura Neuron offre un approccio innovativo con eccellenti prestazioni potenziali. Completamente automatizzato, questo Expert Advisor è progettato per negoziare coppie di valute come EURUSD e XAUUSD (GOLD). Ha dimostrato una stabilità costante su queste coppie dal 1999 al 2023. Il sistema evita pericolose tecniche di gestion
Supply Demand EA ProBot
Georgios Kalomoiropoulos
5 (8)
Un consulente completamente automatizzato basato sui principi della domanda e dell'offerta . Per la prima volta offriamo consulenti di domanda e offerta completamente automatizzati . Il trading è diventato più semplice e ora hai il pieno controllo sulla tua strategia di trading. Utilizza un comodo pannello di controllo grafico. Ottieni un software di trading algoritmico di altissima qualità con oltre 15.000 righe di codice. Guida alla domanda e all'offerta di EA Probot Il modo migliore per com
The Infinity EA MT4
Abhimanyu Hans
3.48 (25)
Tecnologia basata sull'intelligenza artificiale con ChatGPT Turbo Infinity EA è un Expert Advisor di trading avanzato progettato per GBPUSD e XAUUSD. Si concentra su sicurezza, rendimenti costanti e redditività infinita. A differenza di molti altri EA, che si basano su strategie ad alto rischio come martingala o trading a griglia. Infinity EA impiega una strategia di scalping disciplinata e redditizia basata su reti neurali integrate su apprendimento automatico, tecnologia basata su intelligenz
Boring Pips MT4
Thi Thu Ha Hoang
4.73 (15)
Ti sei mai chiesto perché la maggior parte degli esperti consulenti non è efficace nel trading reale, nonostante la loro perfetta performance nei backtest? La risposta più probabile è Over-fitting. Molti EA vengono creati per 'imparare' e adattarsi perfettamente ai dati storici disponibili, ma falliscono nel prevedere il futuro a causa di una mancanza di generalizzabilità nel modello costruito. Alcuni sviluppatori semplicemente non conoscono l'esistenza del Over-fitting, o ne sono a conoscenza
CyNera MT4
Svetlana Pawlowna Grosshans
2.8 (15)
CyNera: Il Tuo Trading, La Nostra Tecnologia Segnali >400%:  CyNera Segnali >500%: CyNera Turbo Manuale e file di configurazione: contattami dopo l'acquisto per ricevere il manuale e i file di configurazione Prezzo: Il prezzo aumenta in base al numero di licenze vendute Copie disponibili: 4 Il trading dell'oro, uno degli strumenti più volatili sul mercato, richiede precisione, analisi approfondita e una solida gestione del rischio. Il CyNera Expert Advisor integra perfettamente questi elementi
Lo Thi Mai Loan
5 (2)
EA Gold Isis – Una soluzione sicura ed efficace per il trading dell'oro Offerta lancio Solo 3 copie rimaste al prezzo attuale!  Prezzo successivo: $458 Prezzo finale: $1998  SEGNALE LIVE Versione MT5 Ciao! Sono EA Gold Isis, il secondo EA della famiglia Diamond Forex Group, progettato specificamente per il trading dell'oro (XAU/USD). Con funzionalità eccezionali e un approccio focalizzato sulla sicurezza, prometto di offrire un'esperienza di trading dell'oro sostenibile ed efficace per i trad
Dark Algo
Marco Solito
4.77 (56)
Last copy at 399$ -> next price 499$ Dark Algo  is a fully automatic Expert Advisor for Scalping Trading on Eurusd . This Expert Advisor is based on the latest generation of algorithm and is highly customizable to suit your trading needs.  If you   Buy this Expert   Advisor you can   write a feedback   at market and   get   a second EA for   Free , for More info contact me The basic strategy of this EA is built on a sophisticated algorithm  that allows it to identify and follow market trends . T
Denis Kurnev
3.56 (45)
The   AI Gen ProX   Expert Advisor is a powerful solution based on advanced market analysis and data processing technologies. Utilizing cutting-edge algorithms for time series analysis and complex mathematical models, it ensures high accuracy in forecasts and automates trading processes. The EA is designed to combine performance and reliability, making it an effective tool for trading.   Real Time Signal GEN PRoX:  https://www.mql5.com/ru/signals/2283186 The price of the advisor will increase si
Aurum AI mt4
Leonid Arkhipov
4.63 (27)
Aurum AI – La potenza dell'intelligenza artificiale per il trading dell'oro (XAU/USD) Scopri tutto il potenziale della tecnologia nel trading! Aurum AI è un esperto consulente rivoluzionario progettato per garantire performance stabili e sicure sul mercato dell'oro. Combina la potenza dell'intelligenza artificiale, analisi precise delle tendenze e un rigoroso controllo del rischio per rendere ogni operazione il più efficace possibile. Promozione Discount - 50%. 3 copies available at a price of $
EvoTrade EA MT4
Dolores Martin Munoz
5 (1)
EvoTrade: Il primo sistema di trading auto-apprendente sul mercato Permettetemi di presentarvi EvoTrade, un consulente esperto unico nel suo genere, sviluppato con tecnologie all'avanguardia di visione artificiale e analisi dei dati. Si tratta del primo sistema di trading auto-apprendente sul mercato, operativo in tempo reale. EvoTrade analizza le condizioni di mercato, adatta le strategie e si adegua dinamicamente ai cambiamenti, garantendo una precisione eccezionale in qualsiasi ambiente. EvoT
AlphaFlow EA MT4
Dolores Martin Munoz
Alpha Flow EA: Porta il tuo trading a nuovi livelli Alpha Flow EA   è un consulente di trading all'avanguardia progettato per trasformare la tua esperienza di trading grazie a una precisione strategica, un'eccellente adattabilità e metodi avanzati di analisi del mercato. Sviluppato con algoritmi di trading proprietari e approfondimenti dettagliati sul mercato,   Alpha Flow EA   offre prestazioni eccezionali in diversi ambienti di trading, aiutandoti a rimanere sempre un passo avanti rispetto all
FX EurUsd Robot MT4
Marzena Maria Szmit
5 (13)
The EUR/USD Multi-Strategy Trading Robot MT4 is an advanced tool designed to optimize trading by combining 3 key systems:   daily trading, volume analysis, and Fibonacci   retracement levels. This robot works by integrating these different approaches to create a more dynamic and adaptable strategy for trading the   EUR/USD pair . EA adapts to different market conditions, this makes it an ideal solution for traders looking to enhance their trading strategy with a powerful, multi-faceted approach.
Stock Indexes EA MT4
Marzena Maria Szmit
5 (1)
Stock Indexes EA is a sophisticated trading robot meticulously engineered to capitalize on the dynamics of the US30 . This expert advisor employs advanced algorithms and technical indicators to analyze market trends, identify potential entry and exit points, and execute trades with precision. A news filter has also been added to the robot, which prevents it from opening a position during important economic news , minimizing the risk. In robot, you can also specify the days and hours when the EA
Exp4 AI Sniper for MT4
Vladislav Andruschenko
5 (2)
Il nostro team è entusiasta di presentare Trading Robot, il consulente esperto di trading intelligente all'avanguardia per il terminale MetaTrader. AI Sniper   è un robot commerciale intelligente e auto-ottimizzante progettato sia per i terminali   MT4   . Utilizzando un algoritmo sofisticato e metodologie di trading all'avanguardia,   AI Sniper   incarna l'eccellenza nell'ottimizzazione del trading. Con oltre 15 anni di vasta esperienza sia nei mercati borsistici che azionari, il nostro team h
Quantum Gold Emperor MT4
Bogdan Ion Puscasu
4.82 (11)
Presentazione       Quantum Gold Emperor EA   , l'innovativo consulente esperto MQL5 che sta trasformando il modo in cui scambi la prestigiosa coppia XAUUSD (GOLD)! Sviluppato da un team di trader esperti con un'esperienza di trading di oltre 13 anni. IMPORTANTE! Dopo l'acquisto inviatemi un messaggio privato per ricevere il manuale di installazione e le istruzioni per la configurazione. ***Acquista Quantum Gold Emperor EA e potresti ottenere Quantum Trade EA gratis!*** Chiedi in privato per ma
AW Scalping Dynamics EA
AW Trading Software Limited
4.67 (12)
Robot di trading avanzato completamente automatico che funziona in base alle inversioni di tendenza. Se necessario, è possibile utilizzare una strategia a griglia. 3 tipi di notifiche integrati e blocco della posizione quando viene raggiunto il carico massimo del carrello. Le impostazioni predefinite sono consigliate per EURUSD nell'intervallo di tempo M15. Caratteristiche e vantaggi: Capacità di lavorare in due direzioni contemporaneamente Capacità incorporata di lavorare in tempo in più fasi
CoreX G MT4
Arseny Potyekhin
5 (7)
Panoramica Il CoreX G EA è un sistema di trading avanzato progettato specificamente per affrontare le complessità del mercato Forex. Sfruttando reti neurali all'avanguardia, tecnologie sofisticate di machine learning e una strategia integrata di big data, CoreX G offre una precisione e sicurezza eccezionali nel trading. Questo Expert Advisor (EA) si distingue per l'eccellenza tecnologica e il supporto clienti di alta qualità, garantendo che gli utenti ricevano sempre assistenza per qualsiasi do
Secret Impulse MT4
Eugen Funk
3.33 (18)
L'EA (Expert Advisor) apre una posizione quando il mercato inizia a muoversi durante la sessione di New York (volume più alto). In questo modo, il momentum viene mantenuto dal volume e possiamo raggiungere il Take Profit con alta probabilità in modo immediato. Segnale (292%, 10% DD):   https ://www .mql5 .com /en /signals /2274145 Entrata basata sul momentum durante la sessione di New York L'EA rileva l'impulso nascosto attraverso gli FVG (Fair Value Gaps) su timeframe inferiori. Quando l'impuls
Gold One MT4
Habib Gholamali Heidari
3.3 (10)
Gold One  MT4 Ciao a tutti gli appassionati di trading dell’oro nel Forex, Benvenuti nel nostro robot, dove vi unite ai migliori trader di oro. Con oltre vent'anni di esperienza precisa nel mercato Forex, siamo orgogliosi di presentare l'ultima generazione di robot da trading. Caratteristiche:  Ideale per le sfide delle aziende di prop trading. Adatto a tutte le dimensioni dei conti, compresi i capitali ridotti. Nessuna   Grid e   Nessuna   Martingale 100% Completamente automatizzato Questo ro
CyNeron MT4
Svetlana Pawlowna Grosshans
3.8 (5)
CyNeron: Trading di Precisione incontra l'Innovazione dell'IA Segnali :   CyNeron Manuale e file di configurazione : Contattami dopo l'acquisto per ricevere il manuale e i file di configurazione Prezzo : Il prezzo aumenta in base al numero di copie vendute Copie disponibili : 5 Analisi istantanea guidata dall'IA: Una prima sul mercato CyNeron è il primo EA sul mercato a integrare un'IA avanzata in un approccio rivoluzionario al trading, catturando ed elaborando istantanee dettagliate delle cond
The Matrix Mind AI MT4
Pool Quintal Carlos Alejandro
The Matrix Mind AI: Un Nuovo Standard nel Trading Forex The Matrix Mind AI è un consulente di trading innovativo progettato per ampliare le possibilità nel mercato Forex. Basato su modelli di fattorizzazione matriciale, analizza in profondità i dati di mercato, rileva schemi nascosti e offre opportunità uniche per lo sviluppo di strategie. Segnale Reale: https ://www .mql5 .com /en /signals /2277247 Offerta Prezzo: Prime 7 copie:   399 $ Prezzo successivo:   499 $ Caratteristiche Principali di
Chaos Algo Trading EA
Stefano Frisetti
3.67 (3)
DESCRIZIONE Con l'utilizzo del CHAOS ALGO TRADING EA, trading automatico, non dovrai piu' indovinare la direzione dei prezzi , ma potrai prendere profitto dalle oscillazioni, in qualsiasi direzione esse avverranno. Il CHAOS ALGO TRADING EA e' stato creato per AUTOMATIZZARE il TRADING CON LA STRATEGIA DEL CHAOS , lasciando al TRADER solo la decisione di quando attivare la STRATEGIA e quando scollegare l'AUTOTRADING. Questo EA funziona in AUTOLEARNING , quindi puo' andare avanti da solo senza int
Altri dall’autore
Super Trend pro
Sara Sabaghi
4.2 (5)
Super Trend Pro  Its simple. as you see in product picture you can find out how it work. We Use Several MA and use Statistics and Probability inside the code to draw nice, great and pure Trend Detection. Do you like it? Yes me too Here, Super trend pro with 100% non-repainting indicator Input Parameter is clear and simple. Inputs Period 1 --------------------------->>>> Use for mathematical calculating Period 2 --------------------------->>>> MA Period Indicator Type ------------------->>>> Use
Flow Trend
Sara Sabaghi
5 (3)
Flow Trend Flow  trend is designed to detect the market trend with special calculation and a combination of Bolinger band and statistical moving period to detect the market trend without frequency change and fault. This indicator is designed with simple parameters to use fast and easy and helpful tools to trade in a pure direction and set your SL/TP with this indicator cloud system.
Ziwox Fundamental Trader Ziwox Fundamental Trader è un assistente di trading che aiuta i trader dei mercati finanziari a prendere decisioni intelligenti informate dai dati informativi di EA. Questo EA utilizza fonti online per raccogliere le informazioni necessarie come la distorsione fondamentale delle valute, il rapporto del sentimento dei trader al dettaglio su una coppia, le previsioni della banca e dell'istituto, i dati del rapporto COT e altri dati in un complesso pannello EA. In breve,
Night Theft
Sara Sabaghi
5 (2)
What is Night Theft? When Market is in Rest of the night, when all Banks, all market actors in a nice sleep WE ARE WORKING JUST in this Time WE USE a lot of statistical analysis and Super Smart Trend catcher to detect the trend and theft the price at the night We trade on special hours of GMT | 20 PM until 2 AM We use Intelligent Smart algorithm to recover loss orders to profit orders. Test EA on backtesting, See the sweet result and Enjoy this EA Features: If your order is in loss, Ea has a re
Telegram Signal pro
Sara Sabaghi
4.88 (8)
What is it? Think about it, you can send all the orders/positions info to your telegram channel or group to create your community or VIP signals on telegram. Position info means this EA forward all of your new positions open details (Open price, Open time, Position Type, position Symbol and volume), positions changes ( SL or TP modifying or pending price changes) and position close (Close price, profit or loss, position duration time) and also EA Send NEWS alert (Economic calendar event) on your
Trade Copier Local
Sara Sabaghi
4.38 (13)
This tools is simplest Trade Copier that use your local pc to store your position list. Fast, Simple We dont have complicated files. Just this EA, with 2 mode. Master Mode to store your positions And Client mode to copy all the position from local storage. Its free tools, for unlimited usage, and unlimited Metatrader and unlimited account number. Enjoy Inputs: Mode > To select Copier Mode. Master Store your positions, and client mode copy the stored positions Slipage > To protect taking new pos
Fundamental Trader
Sara Sabaghi
4.8 (15)
Ziwox Fundamental Trader Ziwox Fundamental trader è un assistente commerciale che aiuta i trader dei mercati finanziari a prendere decisioni intelligenti informate dai dati informativi di EA. Questo EA utilizza fonti online per catturare tutte le informazioni necessarie come la distorsione fondamentale delle valute, il sentimento del rapporto dei trader al dettaglio in tempo reale su una coppia, le previsioni di banche e istituti, i dati del rapporto COT e altri dati in un pannello EA complesso
Ziwox COT report
Sara Sabaghi
5 (1)
What is The Commitment of Traders (COT)? The Commitment of Traders (COT) report is a weekly publication of net positions in the future market that is released on Fridays by   CFTC commission. It is an outline for the commitment of the classified traders as commercial traders, speculators (non-commercial traders), and non-reportable traders. We use this report to understand the dynamics of the market. The commitment of commercial traders is not important for us because they take a position to he
Trend Scalp Pro
Sara Sabaghi
3.2 (20)
Brief Many traders don't trust robots... they Just use technical analysis and make manual orders. So what happens if this technical analysis for make the best decision, working AUTOMATIC!   Yes. We do that. What is it? the Trend Scalp pro Trend Scalp Pro   is achieved from 10 years of experience and research on thousands of strategies, By combining them to make Real Smart Robot.   TSP  is an EA that uses the several Ind inside the EA and Super Trend Line   to find out the sensitivity situation
Order Squeeze
Sara Sabaghi
5 (1)
Order Squeeze Easy to use indicator to predict the market movement with calculated HIGH important levels. These levels are calculated in the lowest time frame with candle details. Ind calculates the quantity of market tick, volume per tick, and orders per candle. So with this statistical data, you catch the important price levels that supply and demand in the market are attractive for sellers and buyers. Institutes and banks trade with huge order lots and they need a lot of sellers for their BU
Trade List
Sara Sabaghi
ZIWOX TRADE LIST Description: Feeling weary with your small screen? and you need to close your trade list tab to have a larger perspective of chart? Require better management of your trade list? such as win rate, risk/reward ratio? Its a simple tools, but usefull. consolidate your trade list, active positions, opened positions and pending orders onto a distinct chart embellished with refined visuals. It contains with a lots of usefull information. Feautures: List your trades and positions sort
Don't forget to send a message after buying (not renting) to add you to our VIP group for free. (tips, trade idea, community) Live OrderBoook, Another high-level tool by Ziwox Order Book An order book is an electronic list of buy and sell orders for a specific asset, organized by price level. It provides real-time data on market depth, showing the amount of pending orders including the specific levels at which they have set their stop loss and take profits . This tool is crucial for traders as
Ziwox Global Economy Tools What are the Ziwox Global Economy Tools? The Ziwox Global Economy Tool is a comprehensive solution for forex traders, providing historical economic data and index charts for the most critical countries in global trading. Designed to enhance trading decisions, this tool allows you to easily access, analyze, and visualize key economic indicators from countries like the EU, US, GB, CA, AU, NZ, JP, CH, CN, IT, DE, FR, BR, MX, ZA, SG, HK, IN, NO, KR, ES, and SE. Traders can
forexmania 2024.07.09 01:53 

I'm using this great EA on a two digit Broker with low spread. This EA is very adaptive we only need to change the parameters. The support has a five star quality. Kind regards from switzerland Yves Atteslander

Sara Sabaghi
Risposta dello sviluppatore Sara Sabaghi 2024.07.09 16:09
Thank you, Yves! We're glad you're enjoying the EA and our support. Happy trading from Switzerland!
keithlim123 2024.05.06 12:47 

I applied this EA on two MT4 brokers on XAUUSD chart, same timeframe, same settings. On broker A, it says "fund sell, technical sell". On broker B, it says "fund buy, technical buy". So which is the truth? As a result of this discrepancy, one MT4 account is doing counter-trend trading and heavily layering martingale now and facing huge drawdown. Chances are, the account gonna get wiped out. This is not the first time my account has gone busted as a result of this EA. So this EA in my honest opinion, has poor performance.

Alfredo Idalgo
Alfredo Idalgo 2023.03.15 12:20 

%220 gain from March 2022.. Awesome!

Abraham Usman Asanji
Abraham Usman Asanji 2023.02.06 10:33 

too bad expert advisor!!!!! it blow up my account. Its stupid it keep on opening trade against the trend.

Sara Sabaghi
Risposta dello sviluppatore Sara Sabaghi 2023.02.07 15:35
How much was your account?
Did you use our settings? Did you use our recommendation?
Our live signals represent what we have to offer. no blow no crash!
Inyoman Setiasa
Inyoman Setiasa 2022.08.09 05:22 

great EA mantab...

Sara Sabaghi
Risposta dello sviluppatore Sara Sabaghi 2022.08.11 09:56
Thank you for your review. hope you enjoy it
Epsilon Hogas
Epsilon Hogas 2022.08.08 17:51 

Author is doing very best to improve the ea and always listens to others opinions through survey, i appreciate his attitude and skill while crafting this ea

Sara Sabaghi
Risposta dello sviluppatore Sara Sabaghi 2022.08.11 09:55
It's our pleasure. thank you for using our tools and thank you for your review
Raul Rodriguez
Raul Rodriguez 2022.08.08 17:17 

Great EA.. just follow instructions and dont get overgreedy.. you will be fine

Sara Sabaghi
Risposta dello sviluppatore Sara Sabaghi 2022.08.11 09:55
Thank you for your comment. best regards
Mina Malk
Mina Malk 2022.08.01 06:45 

Don't buy this Expert , I lost 10k$ with using it ... this expert is very bad , and you will burn your money be careful

Sara Sabaghi
Risposta dello sviluppatore Sara Sabaghi 2022.08.01 13:49
I'm sorry about that my friend. We have several set files that help you to trade with your trade style. if you like to trade without loss use BB set file without a safe close system.
please backtest the EA with our set file to find out the diferences
Chin Wei Toh
Chin Wei Toh 2022.07.21 15:10 


Mariano Visco
Mariano Visco 2022.07.07 18:04 

this EA makes very strong martingala...so you MUST have a very big account to survive its drowdawn...not for sure the 500€ balance you can see in the signal! in fact the signal has been burnt and I had alarge losses on my account. TERRIBLE EA, DO NOT BUY IT...CAN'T UNDERSTAND WHY IT IS RATED SO HIGH!

Sara Sabaghi
Risposta dello sviluppatore Sara Sabaghi 2022.08.01 13:02
In the new version, we have several strategies with several set files. safe method keeps you safe from big DD and other strategies available for those who want to trade with high risk and high gain
Our safe method strategy closed martingale when the trend changed.
ninatjeuw 2022.07.06 16:54 

i wish there was zero star for this kind of product. the excavator is one hell of a junk. it belongs to any junkyards instead of mql market. it tried to make few cents by making up to 80% drawdown. eventually it blew up my account. the risk/ratio is so pathetic.

Medaka 2022.06.15 14:45 

I was interested in this EA, but I'm not good at English. Oh? $ 150? I got it in a hurry! Great EA! And I learned the importance of money management. This artistic EA is programmed not only to collect money in front of you, but also to not lose money. Steadily and surely! Thanks to Sara!

Sara Sabaghi
Risposta dello sviluppatore Sara Sabaghi 2022.06.21 12:56
We are really happy with our customers satisfied. thank you for your review and thanks for using our tools.
fernique jean francois
fernique jean francois 2022.05.13 11:13 

Excellent performance great EA

Sara Sabaghi
Risposta dello sviluppatore Sara Sabaghi 2022.05.20 00:02
Thank you very much for your review.
Happy Scalper
Happy Scalper 2022.05.04 04:24 

This EA should be Illegal. LOL Wish you would have designed this EA years ago. Finally making stable profits. I love gold! Best EA ever developed, period! Worth 5 times what you are asking. Thank you for changing my life for the better Sara. Happy trading everyone! PS...Still using Night Theft and Fast in Fast out.

Sara Sabaghi
Risposta dello sviluppatore Sara Sabaghi 2022.05.06 18:16
Thank you for your nice review. I'm happy with your satisfaction. Wish you the best, lock and money
Sathit Sukhirun
Sathit Sukhirun 2022.04.08 04:21 

Good Ea

Sara Sabaghi
Risposta dello sviluppatore Sara Sabaghi 2022.04.09 11:55
Thank you for using our EA, and thanks for review
Neris Gonzalez Martinez
Neris Gonzalez Martinez 2022.03.13 18:55 

Ok, this EA is like a very patient, cold and calculating human. I like the way it is. Just be sure to follow the developer instructions, with the right amount AND RISK MANAGEMENT you can make good Profit. Really, very safe EA, just follow the developer instructions.

Sara Sabaghi
Risposta dello sviluppatore Sara Sabaghi 2022.03.13 21:14
Thank you, dear Martinez, Thanks for using this EA, and thanks for your review
Jwinter 2022.03.10 11:15 

This EA is godlike. The growth is good with not much dd. You can accelerate it by "manual trading mode" as long as you have more than enough capital. And the author is helpful with fast reply.

Sara Sabaghi
Risposta dello sviluppatore Sara Sabaghi 2022.03.11 12:46
We are happy to see such a review like this. Thank you for using our tools and thanks for your review
Chen Huai An
Chen Huai An 2022.02.25 11:44 

maintain low DD

Sara Sabaghi
Risposta dello sviluppatore Sara Sabaghi 2022.02.25 11:47
Thank you for your review and thanks for using it
yandearta95 2022.02.16 11:18 


Sara Sabaghi
Risposta dello sviluppatore Sara Sabaghi 2022.02.17 12:23
Welcome to using an EA with News filter and FOMC meeting day
kouassi Djaha
kouassi Djaha 2022.02.16 07:34 

No support. EA doesn't work

Sara Sabaghi
Risposta dello sviluppatore Sara Sabaghi 2022.08.08 16:13
EA dos not work? No support? You just message me 2 hours ago :) Be patient bro
Rispondi alla recensione
Versione 3.0 2023.09.21
// 1. Bug fixed
Versione 2.9 2023.09.19
// 1. FOMC news filter bug fixed
// 2. US10Y data updating from Ziwox
// 3. News impact bug fix
// 4. performance improvement
Versione 2.8 2023.05.22
Ver. 2.8
1. Minor Bug fixed (merge US10Y?yield download and update function together)
2. Add options to switch fundamental and technical strategies.
3. Add a new strategy. Master, with high-frequency trade
4. Comment Fundamental and technical side to find when EA is ready to trade
Versione 2.7 2023.04.28
1. add threshold for US10Y and Real yield
2. Minor bugs fix
3. Add more Draw Down control option
4. Add option for FOMC and NFP news filter
Versione 2.6 2023.03.15
US10Y data fixed
Versione 2.5 2023.02.21
1. Investing.com get data bug fixed
Versione 2.4 2023.02.17
1. Mix signal. You can take inverse positions with new signals (trade buy and sell together)
2. Auto Close function can separate the buy position and sell positions to close
Versione 2.3 2023.02.17
1. Bug fixed for drawdown control check
2. Bug fixed for Real Yield download
3. Bug fixed for Auto Close value change
Versione 2.2 2023.02.12
1. News wait time changed
2. Add new strategy, Trend Flow
3. Default setting set to Old strategy (Super Trend). But some parameters changed to have better performance
4. Bug fixed and better performances for strategies
5. Bolinger Band Strategy Removed (Low performance)
Versione 2.1 2022.08.18
// Ver. 2.1
// 1. parameter changed for Better Performance
// 2. Bug fixed
// 3. Safe Martingale Threshold added
// 4. Safe martingale immediately closes the positions with any sign of trend change
Versione 2.0 2022.07.26
// Ver. 2.0
// 1. Bug fixed
// 2. Better performance and some parameters changed to better profit
// 3. Default setting set for old strategy
Versione 1.9 2022.07.19
// Ver. 1.9
// 1. Bug fixed for + - auto close
// 2. Bug fixed for shoing the VIX details
Versione 1.8 2022.07.18
// Ver. 1.8
// 1. BUG fixed for New Bar detect
// 2. Performance and faster backtest speed
Versione 1.7 2022.07.16
// Ver. 1.7
// 1. Panel setting save on local file
// 2. Close type, separate Buy and Sell or close all
// 3. Default risk set to 0.5%
// 4. New Strategy added, Now gold movement predicted with Real yield (iShares TIPS Bond ETF) and VIX
// 5. Trend indicator changes
// 6. Maximum martingale position limited to 5
// 7. if trend changes again of our positions, all of them close
// 8. You can change the panel size from inputs
Versione 1.6 2022.05.01
// 1. Add alert (Metatrader notif and Email) for Drawdown
// 2. Add Drawdown limit in $ and percentage
// 3. You can use the Drawdown control type, When the Drawdown limit reaches Close all positions or Stop taking new positions
// 4. A custom comment is more flexible. Full info Comment or Summary Comment
// 5. Add new features to Stop taking a new position or close an open positions on Weekends
// 6. Add Maximum order Lot for Martingale positions
Versione 1.5 2022.03.31
1. BUG fixed for US10Y data shows on pannel
Versione 1.4 2022.02.16
// 1. News source link changed
// 2. EA Default parameter changed
// 3. You can keep the martingale multiple numbers to 1
// 4. Please change the HTTP to HTTPS for ec.forexprostools.com link address
// 5. You cann use EA them (color chage in alert)
Versione 1.3 2022.01.30
// Ver. 1.3
// 1. You can keep the Martingale lot steps in 1
// 2. You can change the font size of the panel
// 3. US10Y Customized Threshold
// 4. Bug fixed for news title alert
Versione 1.2 2022.01.03
// 1. Bugfix - Stop trading if US10Y has an error
// 2. Alert you are US10Y, not downloaded
// 3. Alert for high spread
Versione 1.1 2021.12.07
1. Better performance
2. Bugfix