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Local Trade Copier EA MT4


Sperimenta una copia di trading eccezionalmente veloce con il Local Trade Copier EA MT4. Con la sua facile configurazione in 1 minuto, questo copiatore di trading ti consente di copiare i trades tra diversi terminali di MetaTrader sullo stesso computer Windows o su Windows VPS con velocità di copia ultra veloci inferiori a 0.5 secondi.

Che tu sia un trader principiante o professionista, Local Trade Copier EA MT4 offre una vasta gamma di opzioni per personalizzarlo alle tue esigenze specifiche. È la soluzione definitiva per chiunque desideri aumentare il proprio potenziale di profitto. Provalo oggi e scopri perché è la fotocopiatrice commerciale più semplice e veloce sul mercato!

Suggerimento: puoi scaricare e provare la versione demo di Local Trade Copier EA MT4 nel tuo account demo: qui

Incolla il file demo gratuito scaricato nella cartella MT4 >> File >> Apri cartella dati >> MQL4 >> Esperti e riavvia il terminale. La versione demo gratuita è completamente funzionante per un periodo di 4 ore alla volta, solo su conti demo. Per reimpostare il periodo di prova, vai su MT4 >> Strumenti >> Variabili Globali >> Controllo + A >> Elimina. Si prega di eseguire questa azione esclusivamente su un conto demo non critico e di astenersi dal farlo in un conto aziendale Challenge Prop.

* è necessario acquistare Local Trade Copier EA MT5 per copiare da/o su terminali MT5


Copia ad alta velocità: Ottieni trasferimenti inferiori a 0,5 secondi tra terminali MT4 e MT5 locali *.
Supporto versatile: Supporta la copia MT4>MT4, MT4>MT5, MT5>MT4, MT5>MT5 *.
Interfaccia intuitiva: Configurazione semplice in 1 minuto per un utilizzo immediato.
Compatibilità: Funziona su computer Windows e VPS Windows.
Copia flessibile: Copia tra conti reali>reali, reali>demo, demo>reali e demo>demo, su tutti i broker.
Trasferimenti multi-conto: Consente a uno o più conti trasmittenti di copiare su uno o più conti riceventi.
Dimensioni dei lotti e rischi personalizzabili: Offre una gamma diversificata di 16 opzioni per le dimensioni dei lotti e la gestione del rischio per operazione.
Copia del conto di sola lettura: Può copiare da un conto di trasmissione della password dell'investitore di sola lettura.
Moltiplicazione completa delle operazioni: Copia e moltiplica le operazioni da qualsiasi fonte, comprese le operazioni manuali.
Nessun conflitto: Consente il trading manuale o l'utilizzo dell'expert advisor senza conflitti.
Impostazioni stabili: Non perde le impostazioni se la connessione viene persa o i terminali vengono riavviati.
Alta precisione, elaborazione ridotta: Garantisce copie ad alta precisione con una potenza di elaborazione minima.
Opzioni commento: Fornisce opzioni di commento del trasmettitore e del ricevitore.
Filtraggio delle operazioni: Filtra le operazioni copiate per numero magico, simbolo, commento, numero o volume.
Controllo giorno e ora: Consente le impostazioni di controllo del giorno e dell'ora per la copia.
Copia flessibile delle operazioni: Copia operazioni long/short, vecchie/nuove, operazioni di mercato o ordini in sospeso.
Gestione del Take Profit e dello Stop Loss: Copia o meno dei livelli di take profit e stop loss dalle operazioni del trasmettitore originale.
Gestione TP/SL personalizzata: Offre varie opzioni per la gestione del take profit e dello stop loss.
Opzioni di chiusura delle transazioni: Fornisce opzioni per la chiusura delle transazioni sincronizzata e la corretta chiusura parziale sulle transazioni copiate dal destinatario.
Riapertura delle transazioni: Consente la riapertura delle transazioni del ricevitore chiuse se le transazioni del trasmettitore originale sono ancora aperte.
Gestione avanzata dei prezzi: Offre migliori opzioni di prezzo, copia inversa e livelli TP/SL originali.
Suddivisione delle operazioni: Divide le operazioni copiate automaticamente o in parti più piccole.
Controllo del rischio: Implementa il controllo massimo della percentuale di rischio per simbolo, valuta o livello di conto.
Gestione della dimensione del lotto: Fornisce opzioni relative alla dimensione del lotto minima/massima per le operazioni copiate dal destinatario.
Ignoramento dimensione lotto flessibile: Può ignorare le opzioni relative alla dimensione minima/massima del lotto del trasmettitore o del ricevitore.
Protezione dell'account: Offre misure di protezione dell'account di emergenza.
Gestione del prelievo: Implementa le impostazioni massime di prelievo giornaliero e profitto, con opzioni di pausa.
Controllo del prelievo: Nessuna copia se il prelievo del trasmettitore o del ricevitore supera un certo livello percentuale.
Opzioni di notifica: Fornisce notifiche push e-mail per le operazioni copiate o il saldo del destinatario, il capitale e i livelli di margine.
Funzionalità di compatibilità del broker: Include il rilevamento automatico e l'impostazione del prefisso e del suffisso e la mappatura di simboli speciali.
Attivazioni: Offre 20 attivazioni per l'installazione su più terminali, computer e VPS.
Modalità autocopiatrice: Compatibile con MQL5 VPS in modalità autocopiatrice.
Completamente automatizzato: Funziona come un consulente esperto automatizzato al 100%.

Apprezzerei molto una recensione positiva se sei soddisfatto del tuo acquisto. Per favore contattami per trovare una soluzione se non lo sei.

Controlla tutti i miei prodotti: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/eleanna74/seller

Contattami per supporto: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/eleanna74

#tags forex copiatrice terminale locale duplicatore commerciale duplicatore moltiplicatore ripetitore copiatrice mt4 copiatrice account mt5 aumento istantaneo della dimensione del lotto moltiplicare copia commerci copia commerciale copiatrice copia veloce ripetitore transazione copia forex copia software commerciale

Recensioni 99
Goo G
Goo G 2025.03.02 10:36 

The support is really great. Setting it up is easy and revolutionary.

MarkHamp 2025.02.07 18:19 

Words can't describe how happy I am with this software. I have used others away from MQL5 and they were subscription based models that are far more poorly performing then this. The support is first class too. I was worried about how long it may take for a trade to copy over to the receiver but honestly it's milliseconds. Message to the author. This should be at least double the price. For $50 you are giving it away :-).

Jose Cardenas
Jose Cardenas 2025.01.30 20:05 

This is a great tool

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Purpose: IF you are apart of a signal group or have a losing strategy this tool is perfect for you. This Expert Adviser is a Trade Copier which Copies Trades on the same account, It takes trades in the same direction or opposite direction. You can set 100% for same trade size or 200% to double up, while the same percentage rule also work for the stop-loss and take profit distances. input: Copy All or By Magic Take only new trades = False; Take same direction of existing trade or counter_direct
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Maryna Kauzova
Only 1 copies at the price of 99 USD. Last price 999 USD   EURUSD ECN - is a trading algorithm designed for trading on ECN accounts or any other accounts with small margins and small spread! EURUSD ECN trading strategy is based on historical axioms of breaking the daily price range. Why EURUSD ECN belongs to safe trading systems?! - each order has a short fixed Stop Loss - the EA will not open an order if the trading account conditions do not match the recommendations (if orders are not opened
Binary Options Copier Remote is an EA that allows to copy binary options trades between MT4 accounts at different computers. This is an ideal solution for signal provider, who want to share his trade with the others globally on his own rules. Provider can give free bonus license to 10 receivers. That means those 10 receivers can copy from provider by using Binary Options Receiver Free (no cost). From 11th one, receiver have to buy Binary Options Receiver Pro (paid version) in order to copy from
Скрипт собирает статистику по размерам свечей и сохраняет данные в файл CSV. Каждая строка таблицы - это отдельная свеча с ее характеристиками: время, направление (1 - бычья/доджи, -1 - медвежья), размер верхней и нижней тени, размер тела и полный размер свечи. Индикатор, который отбражает размеры свечей, а также построенные по этим размерам скользящие средние, можно скачать здесь . ПАРАМЕТРЫ FileName:  имя файла, в который экспортируются данные. Если оставить поле пустым, то имя файла - "Cand
Trade copier MT4
Alfiya Fazylova
4.52 (29)
Trade Copier è un'utilità professionale progettata per copiare e sincronizzare le transazioni tra conti di trading. La copiatura avviene dal conto/terminale del fornitore al conto/terminale del destinatario, che sono installati sullo stesso computer o vps. Prima di acquistare, puoi testare la versione demo su un account demo. Versione demo qui . Istruzioni complete qui . Funzionalità e vantaggi principali: Supporta la copia degli ordini: MT4> MT4, MT4> MT5, MT5> MT4, inclusi i conti di compensaz
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Virtual Collider Manual   is a trading assistant with a built-in panel for manual trading. It automatically moves a position opened by a trader in profit using innovative adaptive grid algorithm of averaging and adaptive pyramiding Know-how of the grid algorithm of averaging and pyramiding of the   Virtual Collider Manual   trading robot is based on fully automatic adaptation of all characteristics of dynamically build order grid and pyramid with actual price movement with no need for adjusting
Copy Master mt4
Evgenii Aksenov
5 (5)
Questa utility ti permetterà di copiare qualsiasi transazione da un terminale con L'impostazione Master ad altri terminali con L'impostazione Slave Allo stesso tempo, puoi scegliere quali coppie copiare, impostare la dimensione dell'ordine copiato su più parametri. Impostare il limite di perdita di prelievo o copiare solo le operazioni redditizie È possibile copiare le transazioni da MT4 o MT5 a MT4 o MT5 di altri broker Ora non sarà difficile copiare i segnali di qualsiasi esperto che lavor
Direct translation of blackcat's L3 Banker Fund Flow Trend Oscillator. Get push notifications on your phone app when a signal bar has formed. Historical signals are shown with buy/sell arrow right on the main chart. Indicator uses two data calculations to check for a cross below 25% level (a signal to go long) and above 75% level (a signal to short). For any further questions  feel free to contact me directly. Including requests for product improvements.
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PZ Trade Pad Pro MT4
5 (2)
Effortlessly calculate lot sizes and manage trades to save time and avoid costly errors The Trade Pad Pro EA is a tool for the Metatrader Platform that aims to help traders manage their trades more efficiently and effectively. It has a user-friendly visual interface that allows users to easily place and manage an unlimited number of trades, helping to avoid human errors and enhance their trading activity. One of the key features of the Trade Pad Pro EA is its focus on risk and position manageme
TradePanel MT4
Alfiya Fazylova
4.9 (86)
Trade Panel è un assistente commerciale multifunzionale. L'applicazione contiene più di 50 funzioni di trading per il trading manuale e consente di automatizzare la maggior parte delle operazioni di trading. Attenzione, l'applicazione non funziona nel tester di strategia. Prima dell'acquisto, puoi testare la versione demo su un conto demo. Versione demo qui . Istruzioni complete qui . Commercio. Ti consente di eseguire operazioni di trading con un clic: Apri ordini e posizioni pendenti con calco
The Best One Scalping Trade Panel functional manual trade panel with risk reward, auto SL by candle ( original solution), lot size calculation, one-click trading, scale in and out of trades (partial close),  Works with all symbols not just currency pairs, perfect works on DAX, NASDAQ, GOLD, ...... I earn every day during live stream on ZakopiecFX - join Me Risk by lot Risk by percent SL by points SL by Candle, Renko, RangeBar ( original solution) TP by point TP by Risk/Reward Auto Trailing by P
Il MT4 to Discord Signal Provider è uno strumento facile da usare e completamente personalizzabile, progettato per inviare segnali di trading direttamente a Discord. Questo strumento trasforma il tuo account di trading in un efficiente fornitore di segnali. Personalizza i formati dei messaggi secondo il tuo stile! Per facilitarne l'uso, seleziona tra i modelli pre-progettati e scegli quali elementi del messaggio includere o escludere. [ Demo ] [ Manuale ] [ Versione MT5 ] [ Versione Telegram ]
Take a Break
Eric Emmrich
5 (29)
The most advanced news filter on MQL market - free demo available Take a Break has transformed from a basic news filter into a comprehensive account protection solution. It seamlessly pauses any other Expert Advisors during news events or based on your custom filters, all while safeguarding your EA settings - restoring them automatically when trading resumes for complete peace of mind. Typical use cases: A single news filter for all your EAs. Stop trading during news/high volatility (+ close all
VirtualTradePad mt4 Extra
Vladislav Andruschenko
4.86 (58)
Pannello di trading per il trading in 1 clic.   Lavorare con posizioni e ordini!   Trading dal grafico o dalla tastiera. Utilizzando il nostro pannello di trading, puoi fare trading con un clic dal grafico ed eseguire operazioni di trading 30 volte più velocemente rispetto al controllo MetaTrader standard. Calcoli automatici di parametri e funzioni che semplificano la vita di un trader e lo aiutano a condurre le proprie attività di trading in modo molto più rapido e conveniente. Suggerimenti gra
Ultimate No Nonsense FX Backtester - You can Run Forward Test Simulation with this tool! Do Not Download the Demo Here, Please Read Below! Step by Step Manual Guide PDF for this backtester PDF List of Commands(Shortcuts) for this backtester Ultimate NNFX Backtester is a powerful utility tool that significantly reduces the length of backtesting process for NNFX followers.  As well as for Forex traders that operates their entries and exits at the close of a candle and manage the risk using ATR.
The Expert Advisor will help you forward all pop-up alert with screenshot from  MetaTrader 4 to Telegram channel/ group, also forward all notifications to Telegram. Parameters  -  Telegram Bot Token - create bot on Telegram and get token.  -  Telegram Chat ID  - input your Telegram user ID,  group / channel ID  -  Forward Alert - default true, to forward alert.  -  Send message as caption of Screenshot - default false, set true to send message below Screenshot  How to setup and guide  - Telegram
Vuoi diventare un trader forex a 5 stelle costantemente redditizio? 1. Leggi la descrizione di base del nostro semplice sistema di trading e  il  suo importante aggiornamento della strategia nel 2020 2. Invia uno screenshot del tuo acquisto per ottenere il tuo invito personale alla nostra esclusiva chat di trading Questo Trade Manager è l'aggiunta ideale per tutti gli utenti FX Trend che amano utilizzare una gestione completamente automatizzata delle operazioni. Rileva immediatamente le tue o
News Trapper EA
Noha Mohamed Fathy Younes Badr
4.85 (13)
Hi, all.  News trapper EA It is an expert for trading news very safe expert  Automated Trading on the news of the economic calendar. It shows stable trading during last 10  years. EA doesn't use dangerous technologies like martingale, grid. The Expert is very simple to use.      sale will end after 48 h how to install it     and set files     read the blog         after purchase contact me to add you to   VIP   channel  The program contains flexible settings for trading on the news of the econo
News Filter EA MT4
Rashed Samir
5 (1)
News Filter EA: Advanced Algo Trading Assistant The News Filter EA is an advanced algo trading assistant designed to enhance your trading experience. By using the   News Filter EA , you can integrate a Forex economic news filter into your existing expert advisor, even if you do not have access to its source code. In addition to the news filter, you can also specify   trading days   and   hours   for your expert. The News Filter EA also includes   risk management   features. MT5 Version OTHER FE
FSS Report
Bao Ying Huang
5 (1)
This is a professional report statistical indicator, which can be counted by day, week, month, quarter, year, magic and comment, and display the growth curve. install: select "File" in your MT4 client,and open the folder "MQL4\indicators",then copy file "FSS_Report.ex4",reload MT4 and enjoy. Para List: UI_XY_Setting=21 UI_X_default=0 UI_Y_default=21 custom_title=FSS Report UI_reload_time_interval=5 report_time_from=0 report_time_to=0 filter_demo=____________symool, magic and comment, all supp
Trade Assistant Pro 36 in 1
Makarii Gubaydullin
4.95 (19)
Questo è uno strumento multifunzionale: ha più da 65 funzioni, tra cui possiamo citare alcuni come: calcolatrice della dimensione del Lot, azione sui prezzi, rapporto R/R, gestore commerciale, zone di domanda e offerta Versione demo   |   Manuale d'uso   |   MT5 L'utilità non funziona nel tester di strategia: puoi scaricare la versione demo QUI per testare il prodotto. Se hai qualsiasi domanda / idea di miglioramento o anche nel caso di trovare un bug, ti prego di contattarmi appena possibile,
RedFox Copier Pro
Rui Manh Tien
4.73 (11)
Time saving and fast execution Whether you’re traveling or sleeping, always know that Telegram To Mt4 performs the trades for you. In other words, Our   Telegram MT4 Signal Trader  will analyze the trading signals you receive on your selected Telegram channels and execute them to your Telegram to MT4 account. Reduce The Risk Telegram To Mt4   defines the whole experience of copying signals from   Telegram signal copier to mt4 platforms. Users not only can follow all instructions from the signa
Trade Copier Global
Laszlo Tormasi
5 (15)
Trade Copier Global: The name speaks for itself. This copier allows you to copy orders between MT4 terminals even if they are not installed on the same computer. Features Copying trades between MT4 terminals around the world with a short delay. Automatically recognizes symbol prefixes. Can connect many Slaves to the same Master. Supports pending and market orders. Supports partial order close (with limitations, see below) Can send messages and notifications to the Slaves from the Master Several
KopirMT4 Copy trades for MT4
Alexandr Gavrilin
4.11 (9)
The adviser has been withdrawn from sale /    Советник снят с продажи  KopirMT4 (CopierMT4) - transaction copier for the MetaTrader 4 terminal, copies (synchronizes, duplicates) transactions from any accounts (copier, copy dealers).  Supports copying: MT4 <-> MT4, MT4 -> MT5 Hedge, MT5 Hedge -> MT4 Support:  https://www.mql5.com/ru/messages/01c3f341a058d901 Why exactly our product? The copier has a high speed and is not dependent on ticks. Copy speed - less than 0.5 sec. Transactions are copi
Flash Copy MT4
Trinh Dat
5 (1)
The program is use to copy trading from MT4   to MT4 and MT5  on local PC or copy  over the Internet.   Now you can easy copy trades to any where or share to friends. Only run one Flash Server on VPS, also need allow the apps if you turn on Windows Firewall. Can not add more than 20 account copier to server, include both  MT4 and MT5 Get free Copier EA for MT4 and MT5 (only  receive signal),   download here Instants copy, speed smaller 0.1 seconds, easy to setup How to setup and guide Let read a
Trade Copier Pro
Vu Trung Kien
4.57 (14)
Trade Copier Pro is a tool to copy trade remotely to MT4, MT5 and cTrader accounts at different computers/locations over internet. This is an ideal solution for you if you are a signal provider and want to copy your trades to other receivers globally on your own rules. One provider can copy trades to multiple receivers and one receiver can get trade from multiple providers as well. The provider can even set the subscription expiry for each receiver, so that receiver will not be able to receive t
Altri dall’autore
Local Trade Copier EA MT5
Juvenille Emperor Limited
4.98 (82)
Sperimenta una copia di trading eccezionalmente veloce con il   Local Trade Copier EA MT5 . Con la sua facile configurazione in 1 minuto, questo copiatore di trading ti consente di copiare i trades tra diversi terminali di MetaTrader sullo stesso computer Windows o su Windows VPS con velocità di copia ultra veloci inferiori a 0.5 secondi. Che tu sia un trader principiante o professionista,   Local Trade Copier EA MT5   offre una vasta gamma di opzioni per personalizzarlo alle tue esigenze speci
Matrix Arrow Indicator MT5
Juvenille Emperor Limited
5 (13)
Matrix Arrow Indicator MT5   è un trend unico 10 in 1 che segue un indicatore multi-timeframe al   100% non ridipinto   che può essere utilizzato su tutti i simboli/strumenti:   forex ,   materie prime ,   criptovalute ,   indici ,   azioni .  Matrix Arrow Indicator MT5  determinerà la tendenza attuale nelle sue fasi iniziali, raccogliendo informazioni e dati da un massimo di 10 indicatori standard, che sono: Indice di movimento direzionale medio (ADX) Indice del canale delle materie prime (CCI
Heiken Ashi EA MT5
Juvenille Emperor Limited
4.94 (17)
Heiken Ashi EA MT5  è un sistema di trading automatizzato progettato per operare con le candele Heiken Ashi Classiche o Smoothed. Apre operazioni in base ai cambi di colore delle candele Heiken Ashi e consente agli utenti di personalizzare l'esecuzione degli ordini in base alla propria strategia di trading. L'EA offre una grande flessibilità, permettendo di scegliere quale candela Heiken Ashi (dalla 2ª alla 10ª) debba attivare il primo trade. Inoltre, include una funzione di limitazione della di
Rsi EA MT5
Juvenille Emperor Limited
5 (2)
RSI EA ΜΤ5   è un Expert Advisor unico e completamente automatizzato per il trading del noto ed estremamente efficiente Relative Strenght Indicator, essendo in grado allo stesso tempo di controllare il profitto e/o la perdita del tuo conto di trading a livello di paniere, per tutte le tue posizioni aperte combinate.   RSI EA MT5   ha 4 diverse strategie per il trading dell'indicatore di forza relativa, operazioni aperte sugli estremi RSI sulla barra live, operazioni aperte sugli estremi RSI sull
Japanese Candlestick Patterns EA MT5
Juvenille Emperor Limited
5 (2)
Japanese Candlestick Patterns EA ΜΤ5   è un Expert Advisor completamente automatizzato con 8 strategie integrate, basate sui ben noti Japanese Candlestick Patterns. Ha un numero unico di impostazioni che lo rendono estremamente versatile in tutte le condizioni di mercato. Questo EA viene fornito con nuovi set di file per molti simboli/strumenti, appositamente ottimizzati per gli account ECN Raw Spread ICMarkets (server con fuso orario GMT+3 con sede a New York). Potrebbero essere utilizzati altr
Basket EA MT5
Juvenille Emperor Limited
5 (5)
Basket EA MT5   è il miglior raccoglitore di profitti e il massimo protettore dell'account, il tutto in un'unica soluzione molto semplice da usare. L'idea alla base di   Basket EA ΜΤ5   è quella di poter controllare i profitti e/o le perdite complessivi del tuo conto di trading a livello di paniere, per tutte le tue posizioni aperte combinate. Offre impostazioni di take profit, stop loss, break even e trailing stop loss in percentuale del saldo del conto o nella valuta del conto (in denaro) per
Moving Average EA MT5
Juvenille Emperor Limited
5 (1)
La   Media Mobile EA ΜΤ4   è un Expert Advisor completamente automatizzato che porta il trading della media mobile a un livello completamente nuovo. La   Media Mobile EA MT4   può aprire un'operazione di acquisto quando MA si alza (colore blu MA) o una vendita quando MA scende (colore rosso MA) o può aprire una nuova operazione nella stessa direzione su ogni nuova candela, purché la pendenza la direzione della media mobile rimane invariata. Una serie di impostazioni uniche rendono questo EA estr
Heiken Ashi EA MT4
Juvenille Emperor Limited
5 (15)
Heiken Ashi EA MT4 è un sistema di trading automatizzato progettato per operare con le candele Heiken Ashi Classiche o Smoothed. Apre operazioni in base ai cambi di colore delle candele Heiken Ashi e consente agli utenti di personalizzare l'esecuzione degli ordini in base alla propria strategia di trading. L'EA offre una grande flessibilità, permettendo di scegliere quale candela Heiken Ashi (dalla 2ª alla 10ª) debba attivare il primo trade. Inoltre, include una funzione di limitazione della di
Rsi EA MT4
Juvenille Emperor Limited
4 (4)
RSI EA ΜΤ4 è un Expert Advisor unico e completamente automatizzato per il trading del noto ed estremamente efficiente Relative Strenght Indicator, essendo in grado allo stesso tempo di controllare il profitto e/o la perdita del tuo conto di trading a livello di paniere, per tutte le tue posizioni aperte combinate. RSI EA MT4 ha 4 diverse strategie per il trading dell'indicatore di forza relativa, operazioni aperte sugli estremi RSI sulla barra live, operazioni aperte sugli estremi RSI sulla cand
Matrix Arrow EA MT5
Juvenille Emperor Limited
5 (5)
Matrix Arrow EA MT5  è un consulente esperto unico che può scambiare i segnali MT5 dell'indicatore Matrix Arrow con un pannello commerciale sul grafico, manualmente o automaticamente al 100%.  Matrix Arrow Indicator MT5  determinerà la tendenza attuale nelle sue fasi iniziali, raccogliendo informazioni e dati da un massimo di 10 indicatori standard, che sono: Indice di movimento direzionale medio (ADX) Indice del canale delle materie prime (CCI) Candele classiche Heiken Ashi Media mobile Media
Manual Trade Panel EA MT4
Juvenille Emperor Limited
5 (5)
Manual Trade Panel EA MT4 è il pannello di trading più semplice e facile da usare che puoi trovare per MT4. Ha tutte le sue opzioni e funzioni in un'unica superficie, senza la necessità di aprire finestre o pannelli aggiuntivi. È un'utilità di gestione degli ordini, calcolatore del rischio, chiusura parziale e protezione dell'account, tutto in un'interfaccia estremamente comoda da usare! Utilizzando Manual Trade Panel EA MT4 puoi fare trading molte volte più velocemente e in modo più accurato
Matrix Arrow Indicator MT4
Juvenille Emperor Limited
5 (3)
Matrix Arrow Indicator MT4 è un trend unico 10 in 1 che segue un indicatore multi-timeframe al 100% non ridipinto che può essere utilizzato su tutti i simboli/strumenti: forex, materie prime, criptovalute, indici, azioni.  Matrix Arrow Indicator MT4 determinerà la tendenza attuale nelle sue fasi iniziali, raccogliendo informazioni e dati da un massimo di 10 indicatori standard, che sono: Indice di movimento direzionale medio (ADX) Indice del canale delle materie prime (CCI) Candele classiche He
Matrix Arrow EA MT4
Juvenille Emperor Limited
5 (8)
Matrix Arrow EA MT4 è un consulente esperto unico che può scambiare i segnali MT4 dell'indicatore Matrix Arrow con un pannello commerciale sul grafico, manualmente o automaticamente al 100%. Matrix Arrow Indicator MT4 determinerà la tendenza attuale nelle sue fasi iniziali, raccogliendo informazioni e dati da un massimo di 10 indicatori standard, che sono: Indice di movimento direzionale medio (ADX) Indice del canale delle materie prime (CCI) Candele classiche Heiken Ashi Media mobile Media mob
Basket EA MT4
Juvenille Emperor Limited
5 (5)
Basket EA MT4 è il miglior raccoglitore di profitti e il massimo protettore dell'account, il tutto in un'unica soluzione molto semplice da usare. L'idea alla base di Basket EA ΜΤ4 è quella di poter controllare i profitti e/o le perdite complessivi del tuo conto di trading a livello di paniere, per tutte le tue posizioni aperte combinate. Offre impostazioni di take profit, stop loss, break even e trailing stop loss in percentuale del saldo del conto o nella valuta del conto (in denaro) per tutte
Currency Strength Trade Panel EA MT5
Juvenille Emperor Limited
5 (1)
Currency Strength Trade Panel EA MT5   è una soluzione innovativa per qualsiasi trader principiante o esperto! Porta il concetto di forza valutaria a un livello completamente nuovo, poiché lo combina con l'azione dei prezzi e può essere applicato su qualsiasi simbolo/coppia, a parte le solite 28 combinazioni delle 8 principali valute. Ciò significa che puoi scambiare la forza o la debolezza di qualsiasi coppia, comprese tutte le valute, le materie prime e le criptovalute (non gli indici). È un
Chart Symbol Changer for MT5
Juvenille Emperor Limited
5 (10)
Chart Symbol Changer per MT5   è un indicatore/utilità che ti offre la possibilità di cambiare il simbolo del grafico corrente a cui è collegato con un clic di un pulsante del simbolo sul suo pannello.   Chart Symbol Changer per MT5   ti dà la possibilità di configurare i 32 pulsanti dei simboli secondo le tue preferenze personali, aggiungendo le coppie che vuoi tenere d'occhio e scambiare di più. In questo modo non perderai mai un'occasione, perché potrai avere una visione più rapida del merca
Il Matrix Arrow Indicator Multi Timeframe Panel MT5 è un componente aggiuntivo gratuito e una grande risorsa per il tuo Matrix Arrow Indicator MT5 . Mostra l'attuale segnale Matrix Arrow Indicator MT5 per 5 timeframe personalizzati dall'utente e per 16 simboli/strumenti modificabili in totale. L'utente ha la possibilità di abilitare/disabilitare uno qualsiasi dei 10 indicatori standard di cui è composto il Matrix Arrow Indicator MT5 . Anche tutti i 10 attributi degli indicatori standard sono re
Partial Closure EA MT5
Juvenille Emperor Limited
Chiusura Parziale EA MT5 può chiudere parzialmente qualsiasi operazione sul tuo conto di trading, manualmente di una certa percentuale % della dimensione del lotto e/o del ticket di scambio o automaticamente in percentuale % del livello TP/SL per una percentuale % della dimensione iniziale del lotto in 10 livelli di take profit e 10 di stop loss. Può gestire tutte o alcune delle operazioni del tuo account, specificando o escludendo determinate operazioni con numeri magici o simboli. Suggerimen
Signal Multiplier EA MT5
Juvenille Emperor Limited
4.92 (13)
Avviso:   A causa delle recenti modifiche di MetaQuotes, ora è vietato copiare e moltiplicare le operazioni degli abbonamenti ai segnali. Di conseguenza, il   Signal Multiplier EA MT5   non può più moltiplicare le operazioni del tuo abbonamento ai segnali !!! Signal Multiplier EA MT5 non è solo un altro moltiplicatore della dimensione del lotto. Oltre a moltiplicare la dimensione del lotto delle operazioni del tuo conto tramite consulenti esperti o input manuali, monitorerà attivamente le tue o
Orca EA MT5
Juvenille Emperor Limited
Orca EA ΜΤ5   è un Expert Advisor completamente automatizzato. Il suo algoritmo avanzato basato sull'azione dei prezzi sta cercando di prevedere la direzione della candela successiva e apre (o meno) il trade appropriato. Dispone di un numero unico di impostazioni che lo rendono estremamente versatile in tutte le condizioni di mercato.   Orca EA ΜΤ5   viene fornito con file di set forniti per il 2025, appositamente ottimizzati per gli account ECN Raw Spread ICMarkets (server di fuso orario GMT+3
Manual Trade Panel EA MT5
Juvenille Emperor Limited
5 (2)
Manual Trade Panel EA MT5   è il pannello di trading più semplice e facile da usare che puoi trovare per MT5. Ha tutte le sue opzioni e funzioni in un'unica superficie, senza la necessità di aprire finestre o pannelli aggiuntivi. È un'utilità di gestione degli ordini, calcolatore del rischio, chiusura parziale e protezione dell'account, tutto in un'interfaccia estremamente comoda da usare! Utilizzando   Manual Trade Panel EA MT5   puoi fare trading molte volte più velocemente e in modo più acc
Il Matrix Arrow Indicator Multi Timeframe Panel MT4 è un componente aggiuntivo gratuito e una grande risorsa per il tuo Matrix Arrow Indicator MT4 . Mostra l'attuale segnale Matrix Arrow Indicator MT4 per 5 timeframe personalizzati dall'utente e per 16 simboli/strumenti modificabili in totale. L'utente ha la possibilità di abilitare/disabilitare uno qualsiasi dei 10 indicatori standard di cui è composto il Matrix Arrow Indicator MT4 . Anche tutti i 10 attributi degli indicatori standard sono re
Colossus EA MT5
Juvenille Emperor Limited
5 (3)
Colossus EA ΜΤ5 è un Expert Advisor completamente automatizzato che scambierà notizie ad alto impatto, con il posizionamento di ordini Buy/Sell Stop in sospeso alcuni secondi prima di ogni nuova candela, al fine di catturare qualsiasi azione violenta su entrambi i lati del prezzo. Colossus EA MT5 annullerà questi ordini Stop Pending, alcuni secondi dopo la nascita della candela, se questi non sono stati attivati. Una serie di impostazioni uniche ti aiuterà a regolare tutti i potenziali aspetti
Japanese Candlestick Patterns EA MT4
Juvenille Emperor Limited
5 (1)
Japanese Candlestick Patterns EA ΜΤ4 è un Expert Advisor completamente automatizzato con 8 strategie integrate, basate sui ben noti Japanese Candlestick Patterns. Ha un numero unico di impostazioni che lo rendono estremamente versatile in tutte le condizioni di mercato. Questo EA viene fornito con nuovi set di file per molti simboli/strumenti, appositamente ottimizzati per gli account ECN Raw Spread ICMarkets (server con fuso orario GMT+3 con sede a New York). Potrebbero essere utilizzati altri
Chart Symbol Changer for MT4
Juvenille Emperor Limited
5 (8)
Chart Symbol Changer per MT4 è un indicatore/utilità che ti offre la possibilità di cambiare il simbolo del grafico corrente a cui è collegato con un clic di un pulsante del simbolo sul suo pannello. Chart Symbol Changer per MT4 ti dà la possibilità di configurare i 32 pulsanti dei simboli secondo le tue preferenze personali, aggiungendo le coppie che vuoi tenere d'occhio e scambiare di più. In questo modo non perderai mai un'occasione, perché potrai avere una visione più rapida del mercato sul
Partial Closure EA MT4
Juvenille Emperor Limited
5 (3)
Chiusura Parziale EA MT4 può chiudere parzialmente qualsiasi operazione sul tuo conto di trading, manualmente di una certa percentuale % della dimensione del lotto e/o del ticket di scambio o automaticamente in percentuale % del livello TP/SL per una percentuale % della dimensione iniziale del lotto in 10 livelli di take profit e 10 di stop loss. Può gestire tutte o alcune delle operazioni del tuo account, specificando o escludendo determinate operazioni con numeri magici o simboli. Suggerimen
Moving Average EA MT4
Juvenille Emperor Limited
4 (4)
La Media Mobile EA ΜΤ4 è un Expert Advisor completamente automatizzato che porta il trading della media mobile a un livello completamente nuovo. La Media Mobile EA MT4 può aprire un'operazione di acquisto quando MA si alza (colore blu MA) o una vendita quando MA scende (colore rosso MA) o può aprire una nuova operazione nella stessa direzione su ogni nuova candela, purché la pendenza la direzione della media mobile rimane invariata. Una serie di impostazioni uniche rendono questo EA estremamente
Price Action Indicator MT5
Juvenille Emperor Limited
5 (1)
L' Indicatore di Azione dei Prezzi MT5   calcola il saldo del livello di forza di acquisto/vendita di qualsiasi simbolo/strumento, in base ai dati di azione dei prezzi puri delle candele passate specificate (8 per impostazione predefinita). Questo ti darà il sentimento di mercato più vicino possibile monitorando l'azione del prezzo di 32 simboli/strumenti disponibili sul pannello dell'indicatore. Un livello di forza di acquisto/vendita superiore al 60% fornisce un livello abbastanza solido per
Price Action Trade Panel EA MT5
Juvenille Emperor Limited
5 (4)
Price Action Trade Panel MT5   calcola il saldo del livello della forza di acquisto/vendita di qualsiasi simbolo/strumento, sulla base dei dati puri sull'azione del prezzo delle candele passate specificate (8 per impostazione predefinita). Questo ti darà il sentimento di mercato più vicino possibile monitorando l'azione del prezzo di 32 simboli/strumenti disponibili sul pannello dell'indicatore. Un livello di forza di acquisto/vendita superiore al 60% fornisce un livello abbastanza solido per l
Signal Multiplier EA MT4
Juvenille Emperor Limited
5 (15)
Avviso: A causa delle recenti modifiche di MetaQuotes, ora è vietato copiare e moltiplicare le operazioni degli abbonamenti ai segnali. Di conseguenza, il Signal Multiplier EA MT4  non può più moltiplicare le operazioni del tuo abbonamento ai segnali !!! Signal Multiplier EA MT4   non è solo un altro moltiplicatore della dimensione del lotto. Oltre a moltiplicare la dimensione del lotto delle operazioni del tuo conto tramite consulenti esperti o input manuali, monitorerà attivamente le tue ope
Goo G
Goo G 2025.03.02 10:36 

The support is really great. Setting it up is easy and revolutionary.

Juvenille Emperor Limited
Risposta dello sviluppatore Eleni Anna Branou 2025.03.02 11:16
Thank you for your 5-star review! I'm glad you found the setup easy and that you’re happy with the support. I’m always here to help if you need anything. Wishing you great success with Local Trade Copier EA!
MarkHamp 2025.02.07 18:19 

Words can't describe how happy I am with this software. I have used others away from MQL5 and they were subscription based models that are far more poorly performing then this. The support is first class too. I was worried about how long it may take for a trade to copy over to the receiver but honestly it's milliseconds. Message to the author. This should be at least double the price. For $50 you are giving it away :-).

Juvenille Emperor Limited
Risposta dello sviluppatore Eleni Anna Branou 2025.02.07 18:27
Thank you so much for your amazing review! It truly means a lot to hear how happy you are with Local Trade Copier EA. I’ve put a lot of effort into making it fast, reliable, and affordable, so knowing it exceeds your expectations is incredibly rewarding. I really appreciate your kind words about the support as well! Wishing you continued success in your trading!
R Esposito
R Esposito 2025.01.30 22:55 

L'utente non ha lasciato alcun commento sulla valutazione.

Juvenille Emperor Limited
Risposta dello sviluppatore Eleni Anna Branou 2025.01.31 08:45
Hello and thank you for your 5 star review for the Local Trade Copier EA! This issue occurs because you have multiple Local Trade Copier EAs attached to multiple charts in the transmitter or receiver terminals, causing the same trade to be copied multiple times. How to Fix It: 1. Ensure you have only ONE Local Trade Copier EA attached to ONE chart in the transmitter account. You can attach it to any chart of any symbol, and it will copy all trades from all symbols. 2. Ensure you have only ONE Local Trade Copier EA attached to ONE chart in the receiver account. Attaching multiple receiver LTCs on different charts without proper filtering can lead to trade duplication. 3. Restart both your transmitter and receiver MT4/5 terminals to reset any stuck configurations. 4. Follow the setup process outlined in the quick setup video below. Pay special attention to the second part after 1:30 if your brokers have any suffixes.
Refer to the third part for instructions on copying special symbols. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYI4xazOMFo If after checking these steps you still experience issues, send me full screenshots of your transmitter and receiver terminals with the Market Watch windows open, along with your receiver settings as a set file so I can review them and assist further.
Jose Cardenas
Jose Cardenas 2025.01.30 20:05 

This is a great tool

Juvenille Emperor Limited
Risposta dello sviluppatore Eleni Anna Branou 2025.01.30 20:57
Thank you very much for your excellent review for the Local Trade Copier EA, Jose!
Michael Arthur Schorr
Michael Arthur Schorr 2025.01.07 20:39 

Best solution for copying your trades across multiple platforms and accounts dev is indredible!!! helpful and goes the extra mile to make sure you ahve a working product!

Juvenille Emperor Limited
Risposta dello sviluppatore Eleni Anna Branou 2025.01.08 18:10
Michael, I truly appreciate your amazing review! It means so much to me that you find my Local Trade Copier EA the best solution for copying trades. I’m always here to go the extra mile and ensure everything works perfectly for you. Thank you for your kind words and support!
Taki Tsaklanos
Taki Tsaklanos 2025.01.02 13:21 

Unprecedented support. Very stable EAs. I love the long term vision of the developer (steady long term accumulation of profits) combined with the care about her clients. One of the most reliable and competent people I have worked with in this industry.

Juvenille Emperor Limited
Risposta dello sviluppatore Eleni Anna Branou 2025.01.02 13:45
I’m deeply touched by your warm hearted comments and appreciation, Taki! Receiving such praise for my support from a professional like you truly means the world to me and is the greatest reward for my efforts. Thank you so much for this wonderful review!
CHUN KIU CHEUNG 2024.11.04 18:07 

The author is really very helpful! I encountered some issues while purchasing a product, and the owner patiently assisted me in resolving them, which made me feel very at ease. Plus, the quality of the products is outstanding and exceeded my expectations. Overall, I am very satisfied with this shopping experience and highly recommend it to everyone!

Juvenille Emperor Limited
Risposta dello sviluppatore Eleni Anna Branou 2024.11.04 18:52
I'm delighted you had such a positive experience with your Local Trade Copier EA, Chun! I’m glad I could assist you in resolving the purchasing issues and make the process easier for you. Knowing that the product quality exceeded your expectations means a lot to me. Thank you for recommending it to others, I truly appreciate your support!
Drtikol44 2024.11.04 11:12 

This software is superb. When I wasn't able to set up something the developer was happy to log to my VPS via share screen and fix it. Superb support!

Juvenille Emperor Limited
Risposta dello sviluppatore Eleni Anna Branou 2024.11.04 17:33
I am really grateful for your excellent review and warm hearted comments! It was my pleasure to assist you with the issues you had and please do not hesitate to contact me again for anything else you may need.
NN 2024.10.14 18:16 

I used to use another trade copier, but the developer made so many updates that it interrupted my trading experience, and there were other things I didn’t like or couldn’t do. One day, I chose to get this amazing "Local Trade Copier EA MT4." The support is really helpful, and the product is amazing and easy to use. This is by far the most reliable copier I’ve tried. Highly recommended for anyone looking to sync multiple accounts effortlessly!

Juvenille Emperor Limited
Risposta dello sviluppatore Eleni Anna Branou 2024.10.14 20:05
Thank you so much for your wonderful review! I am thrilled to hear that you're enjoying your Local Trade Copier EA and that it has made your trading experience smoother and more reliable. I am always committed to providing not only a great product but also excellent support, so it's fantastic to know that it has made a difference for you. If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to reach out. Wishing you continued success with your trading!
Hiteshkumar Shah
Hiteshkumar Shah 2024.09.30 14:44 

Would like to show my appreciation for the support provided by Eleni - had an issue as was not copying and Eleni contacted me straight away and sorted the issue. Great service for a great product. Thumbs up to Eleni from a client who has purchased two products.

Juvenille Emperor Limited
Risposta dello sviluppatore Eleni Anna Branou 2024.09.30 14:58
Thank you so much, Hiteshkumar, for your kind words and for taking the time to share your experience! I'm really happy to hear that you’re pleased with both the Local Trade Copier EA and the support provided. It's always my priority to ensure everything runs smoothly for my clients, and I'm glad I could help resolve the issue quickly. Your continued trust in my products means a lot to me. If you ever need further assistance, don't hesitate to reach out.
JuanDhavid_1984 2024.08.15 01:20 

I want to thank the creator of such excellent copy and congratulate him for his excellent support and attention to customers, he always responds to messages and is always willing to help and advise us with any problem. A thousand and one THANKS... I highly recommend him. 100%

Juvenille Emperor Limited
Risposta dello sviluppatore Eleni Anna Branou 2024.08.15 09:51
Thank you so much for your kind words and excellent review! I'm thrilled to hear that you're happy with the Local Trade Copier EA and the support I've provided. It means a lot to know that my efforts to help and advise are appreciated. Your recommendation and enthusiasm truly motivate me to keep delivering the best service possible. A thousand thanks to you as well!
juan.pastrana122ver 2024.07.03 14:27 

L'utente non ha lasciato alcun commento sulla valutazione.

Juvenille Emperor Limited
Risposta dello sviluppatore Eleni Anna Branou 2024.07.03 14:40
Thank you very much for your great review and feedback Juan! I am very happy that you are experiencing impressive copying speeds and it was my pleasure to help you with your setup. Please do not hesitate to reach out again if you every need anything else.
Hardik K Chapla
Hardik K Chapla 2024.06.24 08:53 

Local Trade Copier EA MT4 is a popular tool for copy trading, known for its fast execution speed. If you're considering using a copy trader, it's important to carefully research different options and understand the potential risks involved in copy trading before making a purchase.

Juvenille Emperor Limited
Risposta dello sviluppatore Eleni Anna Branou 2024.06.24 09:05
Thank you very much for your excellent and detailed feedback and review Hardik! I really appreciate that you have taken the time to share your experience with the Local Trade Copier EA. Please contact me if you ever need any help.
Boon Ping
Boon Ping 2024.06.20 19:11 

Very User Friendly and very good customer service and assist, thanks

Juvenille Emperor Limited
Risposta dello sviluppatore Eleni Anna Branou 2024.06.20 19:35
Thank you very much for your great review and feedback for your Local Trade Copier EA! Please do not hesitate to contact me if you ever need anything else, I am always happy to help.
Daniele Camerano Spelta Rapini
Daniele Camerano Spelta Rapini 2024.06.15 08:32 

Great value utility and great support for trading daily activity. Thanks for the very high level of professionalism and dedicated support.

Juvenille Emperor Limited
Risposta dello sviluppatore Eleni Anna Branou 2024.06.20 14:48
Thank you so much for your kind words and your excellent reviews Daniele! I’m delighted to hear that you find value in your Local Trade Copier EA and appreciate the support. Providing professional and dedicated assistance to users is my top priority. If you ever have any questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out. Happy trading!
Robert Torres Jr
Robert Torres Jr 2024.05.20 04:51 

I have been trading 1 Transmitter and 12 Receivers. Not only is it lightning fast, it has an incredible amount of features which gives me an edge on my trading strategies.

Juvenille Emperor Limited
Risposta dello sviluppatore Eleni Anna Branou 2024.05.20 09:20
Thank you so much for your fantastic review Robert! I am thrilled to hear that Local Trade Copier EA for MT4 is exceeding your expectations. It's great to know that you're finding the speed and features beneficial for your trading strategies. If you have any suggestions or need further assistance, don't hesitate to reach out. Happy trading!
ferashirvan1 2024.04.26 10:38 

Great Tool,User Friendly,Even Though I Was Making Some Mistakes,Runing MT4 On different Brokers Accounts,Miss Eleni Corrected Me And She Did Instal The Tool Remotly By Anydesk.Very Fast Responce.Thank You Again.

Juvenille Emperor Limited
Risposta dello sviluppatore Eleni Anna Branou 2024.04.26 10:52
Thank you very much for your kind words and great review for your Local Trade Copier EA MT4! I am always happy to help and please do not hesitate to contact me again if you even need anything else. Happy trading!
cafeconleche77 2024.04.23 19:35 

Excellent product. Bundle of features. Best of all is the time and effort given by the developer to resolve any issues. BTW i have tested all the best reviewed "local" copiers on mql5 and this is by far the best!

Juvenille Emperor Limited
Risposta dello sviluppatore Eleni Anna Branou 2024.04.23 21:01
I'm truly grateful for your kind words and your excellent review! It's fantastic to hear that the Local Trade Copier EA MT4 has exceeded your expectations. Your satisfaction and trust are invaluable motivators for me to keep refining and enhancing the product. Thank you for choosing my EA, and please don't hesitate to reach out if you ever need assistance.
arminattari 2024.04.19 13:18 

works smooth

Juvenille Emperor Limited
Risposta dello sviluppatore Eleni Anna Branou 2024.04.19 16:23
Thank you very much for your great 5 star review for the Local Trade Copier EA MT4!
SuhSha1 2024.03.12 22:21 

After three weeks of running Trade Copier to copy trades from my MT5 to MT4 I can give a relevant and honest review. As a quite inexperienced user I had problems with basic things, but Anna always answered promptly and was extremely helpful and patiently guided me through. Even connected via Anydesk and set the receiver as per my requirements. Haven't experienced so friendly author before. The product has everything, what one can think or would need, even closing trades on Friday as this is the request from prop firm. And many other features, that wouldn't be expected, but the author thought of everything. Not to mention, that it's running stable and without any delays. Thank you, Anna for all your support. HIGHLY HIGHLY RECOMMEND!

Juvenille Emperor Limited
Risposta dello sviluppatore Eleni Anna Branou 2024.03.13 04:32
Thank you so much for taking the time to share your experience with your Local Trade Copier EA MT4. I greatly appreciate your kind words and I am very happy to hear that you found my support helpful and the product features comprehensive. It was my pleasure assisting you, and I'm glad we could tailor the settings to meet your specific needs. If you ever have any further questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out. Thank you once again for your support and recommendation!
Rispondi alla recensione
Versione 4.10 2024.04.18
!!! I strongly advise you to make this update with no open trades on the receiver account side, when all receiver copied trades have been closed !!!

The Local Trade Copier EA for MT4/5 has undergone a major update, featuring numerous fixes, improvements, and additions. It's crucial to implement this update across all your MT4/5 terminals. However, ensure there are no open trades before updating. Wait until all previously copied trades have been closed.

The copy engine and the recording of copied trades have been completely overhauled in this new version. It's essential to note that this updated version will not be compatible with any older versions of the Local Trade Copier EA MT4/5.

To reiterate, update Local Trade Copier EA MT4/5 in all your MT4/5 terminals only when there are no open trades on the receiver account side and after all receiver copied trades have been closed.

1. The 'Transmitter Comment' setting now includes a new option: typing the symbol % will include the magic number of the original Transmitter trade as a comment on the copied trade in the Receiver account.

2. In the 'Magic Numbers to Copy' and 'Magic Numbers Not to Copy' settings, you now have the option to specify whether to copy or not copy variations of magic numbers that contain a specific number. For example, if you enclose a magic number within parentheses, such as (14), the EA will either copy or not copy any trades containing '14' in their magic number (like 214 or 3146). Additionally, you now have the option to copy or not copy a range of magic numbers using the format 'first-last'. For instance, entering 3245,100-200,0 will determine whether the receiver copies or not trades with the magic number 3245, trades with magic numbers ranging from 100 to 200, and manual trades.

3. In the 'Comments to Copy' and 'Comments Not to Copy' settings, you now have the option to specify whether to copy or not copy variations of comments containing a specific part.
For example, if you enclose a comment within parentheses, such as (Expert), in this setting, it will determine whether the receiver copies or not trades containing 'Expert' in their comment (like Expert 12, Expert 20, Expert 35, etc.).

4. A new 'Transmitter Server Offset Hours' setting is now available, which determines the time difference between the transmitter's Marketwatch time and the receiver's Marketwatch server time in MT4/5. This setting addresses issues that may arise in transmitter and receiver accounts with different Marketwatch server times, particularly when using the 'Copy Current Trades', 'Copy New Trades', 'Copying Expiration in Seconds', and 'Copying Delay in Seconds' settings in the receiver account.

5. A new 'Min Distance in Points for Same Symbol/Direction Trades/Orders' setting is available that restricts the copying of market trades or pending orders with the same symbol and direction based on their proximity to each other. Its purpose is to prevent the copying of numerous and closely spaced trades/orders involving the same symbol and direction.

6. A new 'Proportional by Free Margin' lot size type is introduced. With this feature, trades from the transmitter account will be copied onto the receiver account(s), with a lot size proportional to the receiver account(s) free margin only.

7. A new 'Risk per Trade in % of Free Margin' lot size type is introduced. With this lot size type, each receiver copied trade will risk the desired percentage of the receiver account free margin when the applied SL is hit.

8. In the 'Copying from Symbol Trade/Order Number' setting, it is now possible to configure separate settings for individual symbols. For example, if you input 2,GBPUSD3,USDJPY4 the receiver will copy trades/orders for all symbols starting from the second trade/order onwards. Specifically, it will copy GBPUSD trades/orders from the third trade/order onwards and USDJPY trades/orders from the fourth trade/order onwards.

9. In the 'Maximum Risk % per Symbol' setting, you can now configure separate settings for individual symbols. For example, if you input 2,GBPUSD3,USDJPY4 the receiver will copy trades/orders for each symbol with a combined risk of up to 2%. Specifically, it will copy GBPUSD trades/orders with a combined risk of up to 3% and USDJPY trades/orders with a combined risk of up to 4%.

10. A new 'Maximum Risk % per Currency' setting is now available. This setting enables you to establish a percentage-based limit on the cumulative risk associated with all trades/orders copied for the same currency. If the total risk for that currency reaches this predefined limit, the copying process will temporarily pause. For example, if you input 2 into this setting, the receiver will copy trades/orders for each currency with a combined risk percentage of up to 2%. You can also customize settings for individual currencies. For instance, if you enter 2,EUR3,GBP4 the receiver will copy trades/orders for each currency with a combined risk percentage of up to 2%. Specifically, it will copy EUR trades/orders with a combined risk percentage of up to 3% and GBP trades/orders with a combined risk percentage of up to 4%.

11. In the 'Synchronized Trade Closure' setting now there are these options available: True: Automatically closes or deletes copied market trades and pending orders on receiver accounts immediately after the corresponding original trades/orders on transmitter accounts are closed or deleted. False: Receiver trades/orders remain open or pending even after their corresponding transmitter trades/orders are closed or deleted. True for Market Trades Only: Receiver market trades will be closed only if the corresponding transmitter positions are also market trades at that time. True for Pending Orders Only: Receiver pending orders will be deleted only if the corresponding transmitter positions are also pending orders at that time. True for Same Trade/Order Type: When a transmitter market trade is closed, the corresponding position in the receiver account will be closed if it's also a market trade. Similarly, when a transmitter pending order is deleted, the corresponding receiver position will be deleted if it's also a pending order. However, if the receiver position differs (e.g., market trade vs. pending order), it will not be affected.

12. Now, you can close all receiver copied market trades and delete all receiver copied pending orders separately, at different times, using the updated 'Close All Copied Market Trades' and 'Delete All Copied Pending Orders' settings.

13. In the 'Emergency Trade Management' section, a new 'Maximum Daily Profit' option has been added. This feature allows you to close all receiver copied trades if a desired daily profit, either in percentage of balance (or equity) or in money, is reached. This setting operates similarly to the existing 'Maximum Daily Drawdown' setting.

In conclusion, it is crucial to implement this update across all your MT4/5 terminals, ensuring that there are no open trades before updating. Wait until all previously copied trades have been closed.

This new version includes a complete overhaul of the copy engine and the recording of copied trades. It's important to note that this updated version will not be compatible with any older versions of the Local Trade Copier EA MT4/5.

To reiterate, update the Local Trade Copier EA MT4/5 in all your MT4/5 terminals only when there are no open trades on the receiver account side and after all receiver copied trades have been closed.
Versione 4.0 2023.09.18
Fix of issues.
Versione 3.90 2023.09.09
Local Trade Copier EA MT4 had a major update with many fixes, improvements and additions and I strongly advise you to make this update with no open trades on the receiver account side, when all receiver copied trades have been closed.

1. ​A new 'Maximum Receiver Account Magic Numbers' setting has been added, that represents the maximum number of different magic numbers that can be present in the receiver account, including trades initiated by other EAs or manual trading. This setting is useful when you have multiple receivers across different charts in the receiver account, each with different magic numbers, but you only want to copy a specified number of them simultaneously.

2. A new 'Maximum Receiver Account Symbols' setting has been added, that represents the maximum number of different symbols that can be present in the receiver account, including trades initiated by other EAs or manual trading. This setting is useful when you have multiple receivers across different charts in the receiver account, each copying different symbols, but you only want to copy a specified number of them simultaneously.

3. From now on, if you set Copy Current Trades=false, trades that were opened on the transmitter side outside of the copying hours will not be copied to the receiver account when copying resumes.

4. A new 'Retry Attempts in Seconds' setting has been added, that when it is set to 0, Local Trade Copier EA MT4 will continuously attempt to copy a trade if it is not copied instantly, for any reason (such as the market being closed or insufficient funds). If you specify a larger number of seconds, for example 30, the receiver will attempt to copy the trade every 30 seconds.

5. From now on, when the 'Keep Original TP/SL Distances' setting is enabled, Local Trade Copier EA MT4 will adjust the TP/SL levels based on the differences in open price. For example, if a buy transmitter trade at 1.08700 with a 1.08900 TP and a 1.08500 SL is copied to the receiver side at 1.08720, the TP will be 1.08920, and the SL will be 1.08520. This adjustment applies to both normal and reverse copying.

6. Three new lot size types have been added. When 'Same Lot Size' lot size type is selected, Local Trade Copier EA MT4 will copy the receiver trades with the same lot size as the original transmitter trades. When 'Multiplier by Balance' lot size type is selected, Local Trade Copier EA MT4 will use the 'Multiplier by Balance' setting for calculating the multiplier that will be used for the receiver copied trades as follows. If the receiver account balance is $10000 and the 'Multiplier by Balance' setting is 1000, the multiplier that will be used for the receiver copied trades will be 10 (10000/1000). When 'Multiplier by Equity' lot size type is selected, Local Trade Copier EA MT4 will use the 'Multiplier by Equity' setting for calculating the multiplier that will be used for the receiver copied trades as follows. If the receiver account equity is $10000 and the 'Multiplier by Equity' setting is 1000, the multiplier that will be used for the receiver copied trades will be 10 (10000/1000).

7. A new 'Automatic Split of Copied Trades' setting has been added, for automatically splitting receiver copied trades when the lot size about to be copied exceeds the maximal volume allowed for the specific symbol/instrument. For instance, if a 25-lot BTCUSD trade is about to be opened on the receiver side, and the maximal volume for BTCUSD in the receiver account is 10 lots, the receiver Local Trade Copier EA MT4 will split it into two 10-lot BTCUSD trades and one 5-lot BTCUSD trade, in order to comply with the maximal volume limitation.

8. A new 'Split Copied Trades in Parts of' setting has been added, that allows you to divide your receiver copied trades into smaller parts, each below a specified lot size, in compliance with any restrictions imposed by your broker, typically applicable to prop firms, regarding the maximum lot size for opened trades in your receiver account. For instance, if you input 0.15 into this setting and a 0.7 lot trade is about to be copied into the receiver account, it will be copied as four 0.15 lot trades and one 0.1 lot trade.

9. A new 'Custom Symbol Fixed Lot Sizes' setting has been added, that allows for different fixed lot sizes to be applied to various symbols, thereby overriding the universal fixed lot size specified in the receiver settings. For example, if a 0.2 fixed lot size is set universally, and you input EURUSD0.15,GBPUSD0.3 in this setting, the copied trades for EURUSD will use a 0.15 fixed lot size, while GBPUSD trades will use a 0.3 fixed lot size. All other symbol trades will be copied with the universal 0.2 fixed lot size setting.

10. A new 'Copying from Symbol Trade/Order Number' setting has been added, that allows you to copy trades/orders for all symbols, starting from a point later than the first trade/order. For instance, if you enter 4 into this setting, the Local Trade Copier EA MT4 will refrain from copying the initial three trades/orders of each symbol from the transmitter account to the receiver account. Instead, it will commence copying from the fourth trade/order onward. In the event that any trade/order with the same symbol as the first three transmitter trades/orders is closed, the counting will reset, and the receiver will resume counting the number of trades/orders, only considering the still open transmitter trades/orders.

11. A new 'Maximum Risk % per Symbol' setting has been added, that enables you to establish a percentage-based limit on the cumulative risk associated with all trades/orders copied for the same symbol. If the total risk for that symbol reaches this predefined limit, the copying process will temporarily pause. Please note that this setting applies only to receiver copied trades with an applied Stop Loss. If you enter a non-zero value in this setting, it will prevent any trade/order without an applied SL from copying to the receiver account.

12. A new 'Maximum Account Risk %' setting has been added, that allows you to set a percentage limit on the total risk of all receiver copied trades/orders. Copying will pause if this limit is reached. Please note that this setting applies only to receiver copied trades with an applied Stop Loss. If you enter a non-zero value in this setting, it will prevent any trade/order without an applied SL from copying to the receiver account.

13. The 'Synchronized Trade Closure' setting will now enable you to specify whether you want to automatically close all copied trades or delete pending orders placed by the Local Trade Copier EA MT4 on receiver accounts immediately after the corresponding original trades on the transmitter accounts are closed or deleted, separately.

14. A new 'Closure Better Price' setting has been added, with the option to determine whether receiver copied trades should be closed at a better, worse, or the same price compared to the transmitter trades when they close, as per your configuration. Warning: Enabling this option may result in missing the closure of a receiver copied trade completely, if the market moves rapidly against you, potentially leaving an unmanaged trade.

15. A new 'No Copying if Transmitter Drawdown %>' setting has been added, that allows you to temporarily halt the copying of new trades to the receiver account if the current drawdown in the transmitter account exceeds a specified level. Copying will resume once the drawdown in the transmitter account improves beyond the value set in this setting. For example, if No Copying if Transmitter Drawdown %>=20 the Local Trade Copier EA MT4 will cease copying new trades to the receiver account if the transmitter's current drawdown surpasses 20%. Copying will resume when the transmitter's drawdown falls below 20%.

16. A new 'Copy Only if Transmitter Drawdown % per Symbol>' setting has been added, that allows the user to copy trades for each symbol from the transmitter account to the receiver account only when the combined drawdown of all transmitter trades for that specific symbol exceeds a specified threshold. For example, if Copy Only if Transmitter Drawdown % per Symbol>=2 the receiver account will start copying the transmitter's trades for each symbol only when the combined drawdown of all trades for that symbol in the transmitter account surpasses 2%. Once this condition is met, all transmitter trades for that symbol will be copied. If the combined drawdown for those symbol trades in the transmitter account subsequently falls below 2%, new transmitter trades for that symbol will not be copied until the combined drawdown for those symbol trades rises above 2% again.

17. The 'Maximum Daily Drawdown' setting can now be calculated based on your receiver account's balance or equity as of 23:59:59 the previous day, allowing you to choose between a percentage or a specific amount, offering greater flexibility.

** I strongly advise you to make this update with no open trades on the receiver account side, when all receiver copied trades have been closed. **
Versione 3.80 2023.04.24
Local Trade Copier EA MT4 had a major update with many changes and additions and I strongly advise you to make this update with no open trades on the receiver account side, when all receiver copied trades have been closed.

1. Copy Long/Short true/false settings are now applied correctly to pending orders too.

2. Split Copied Trades in Parts setting works smoothly now, overriding maximal volume issues on the receiver accounts.

3. Maximum Number of Copied Magic Numbers and Maximum Number of Copied Symbols settings have been added, that allow to copy only a certain number of magic numbers or symbols at the same time on the receiver accounts.

4. Add/Subtract Points in TP/SL Levels settings have been added that can add or subtract certain number of points in the TP/SL levels of the original transmitter trades on the receiver copied trades.

5. The option not to copy transmitter trades to the receiver side if these don't have an applied stop loss level, has been added.

6. A Copy Market Trades=true/false setting has been added, allowing the user to copy only pending orders and not market trades.

7. Copying Delay in Seconds and Closure Delay in Seconds settings have been added, that allow the user to copy and close the transmitter trades to the receiver side with a certain number of seconds delay.

8. All lot size types that were previously calculated based on the account's balance can now also be calculated based on the account's equity.

9. A Reopen Closed Copied Trades setting has been added that allows the user to reopen receiver closed copied trades instantly or at the opening price if these are still running in the transmitter side.

10. Take profit can now be applied on the receiver copied trades based on risk/reward ratio of the copied stop loss.

11. New automatic partial closure settings have been added, that allow the user to close automatically and partially all receiver copied trades at 3 % take profit and 3 % stop loss levels for 3 % levels of the copied lot size.

12. Finally, a new Maximum Daily Drawdown % setting has been added that will close all receiver copied trades and pause copying until the next day, when it is reached. This will allow users to work with LTC on prop firms more effectively.

** I strongly advise you to make this update with no open trades on the receiver account side, when all receiver copied trades have been closed. **
Versione 3.70 2023.01.21
Fix of an issue with lot size rounding.
Versione 3.60 2022.12.22
Fix of an issue.
Versione 3.50 2022.12.19
Local Trade Copier EA MT4 had a major update with many changes and additions and I strongly advise you to make this update with no open trades on the receiver account side, when all receiver copied trades have been closed.

1. The opening/placement of copied trades/orders has been changed, applying TP/SL levels along with the trade opening. This will make trade copying even faster and will allow LTC to be used smoothly with prop firms.

2. The copy time settings format has been changed, allowing to put time periods that copying will be allowed, excluding specific times. For example if a user wants to pause copying 1 hour before and 1 hour after the NFP announcement on Friday (GMT+2 time) he can put Copy on Friday=00:00:00-14:30:00,16:30:00-23:59:59 and that way LTC will copy up to 14:30, then will pause copying until 16:30 and will copy normally again from 16:30 till midnight.

3. Take Profit and Stop Loss Multipliers have been added that will give the user the opportunity to increase or decrease the copied TP/SL levels of the original transmitter trades. These multipliers are 1 by default in order to copy the original TP/SL levels, but if the user puts for example Take Profit Multiplier=1.5 and Stop Loss Multiplier=2 the receiver copied trade will increase the applied take profit level by 150% and the applied stop loss level by 200%. In other words a 100 points transmitter TP will be copied as a 150 points receiver TP and a 200 points transmitter SL will be copied as a 400 points receiver SL.

4. Opposite Logic has been renamed Reverse Copying and a new Keep Original TP/SL Distances has been added that if it is true will apply the original transmitter TP/SL levels in points on the receiver opposite trade, but reversed of course. For example until now if a buy transmitter trade was opened with 100 points TP and 200 points SL, the opposite receiver trade was copied with a 100 points SL and 200 points TP, in order the receiver trade to close at the same time with the original transmitter trade. Now with Keep Original TP/SL Distances=true LTC will apply the original 100 points TP and 200 points SL on the receiver copied trade.

5. Two new lot size types have been added, Risk per Trade in % of Balance and Risk per Trade in Money. When any of these are selected the lot size of the receiver copied trades will be such that when the original SL is hit the receiver copied trade will lose a predefined by the user % of receiver account balance or a sum in money. These 2 new lot size types will work only if the receiver copied trades have a SL level of course, otherwise they can't be calculated properly.

6. A new Split Copied Trades in Parts setting has been added, which is 1 be default, giving the opportunity to copy the receiver copied trades in many lot size parts, overcoming brokers limitations in this area. If your broker has a small maximum lot size limit or the market liquidity is thin and you can't open large trades with their original lot size, you can split your receiver copied trades into smaller parts. If for example Split Copied Trades in Parts=3 a 1 lot transmitter trade with a Multiplier=1 lot size type setting in the receiver side, will be copied as three 0.33 0.33 and 0.34 trades.

7. Two new Ignore Transmitter Lot Size Below and Ignore Transmitter Lot Size Above settings have been added that will allow the user to filter the transmitter original trades by their lot size and to be copied or not on the receiver side.

8. Partial closure has been re-coded and will work perfectly and smoothly on the receiver copied trades from now on, exactly as it works on the transmitter side. Also partial closure can now be turned off if the user puts Apply Partial Closure=false in the receiver side settings.

9. Until now the user of LTC could apply its own TP/SL/BE and trailing SL levels in points onto the receiver copied trades. Now new TP/SL/BE and trailing SL levels in money have been added, making it easier to apply your desired TP/SL levels in account currency. These new levels in money will not work with the new Risk per Trade in % of Balance and Risk per Trade in Money lot size type settings, because its not possible to calculate the lot size and stop loss in money at the same time for a given copied trade. One variable of them has to be fixed.

10. A new Closing Copied Trades in Minutes setting has been added, that will allow the user to close each receiver copied trade after a certain number of minutes.

11. A No Copy if Transmitter Drawdown %> has been added that will allow the user to copy the transmitter original trades on the receiver side, only if the transmitter account has reach a certain drawdown. For example if No Copy if Transmitter Drawdown %>=5 the receiver account will start copying the transmitter trades only when the transmitter account drawdown exceeds the 5% level. If it does all transmitter trades will be copied, if later the transmitter drawdown goes below 5% new opened transmitter trades will not be copied until the transmitter drawdown goes above 5% again.

** I strongly advise you to make this update with no open trades on the receiver account side, when all receiver copied trades have been closed. **
Versione 3.40 2022.11.10
Fix of an issue with Better Price setting.
Versione 3.30 2022.11.09
Fix of an issue with CPU efficiency and other improvements.
Versione 3.20 2022.10.31
Local Trade Copier EA MT4 will now enable automatically only the symbols that are about to be copied on the receiver account.
Versione 3.10 2022.10.29
Local Trade Copier EA MT4 has been updated with the following improvements:

1. Comments to Copy and not to Copy settings have been added, to filter the receiver copied trades by the transmitter comment.

2. A new Lot Size Type option has been added, the Lot Size per 1000 of Balance, that allows you to apply your desired lot size based entirely on the receiver account's balance size.

3. Total Symbol Copied Trades and Total Account Copied Trades settings have been added, that give the option to limit the receiver copied trades by number.

4. A Max Drawdown % from Balance High setting has been added, that can close all receiver copied trades and disable copying when a certain drawdown value has been reached from the highest level of receiver account's balance.

5. A No Copying if Drawdown %> setting has been added that gives the option to suspend copying new trades on the receiver account if the current drawdown exceeds a certain level. Copying will resume when the drawdown level improves above the inserted value in this setting.

6. Closing of receiver copied trades due to basket or emergency account protection settings will be done following the FIFO rule from now on, making the Local Trade Copier EA MT4 FIFO compatible.
Versione 3.0 2022.08.14
Hello dear friends,

Local Trade Copier EA MT4 has been updated:

1. New Basket settings in Money have been added to close all receiver account copied trades, when the desired Basket TP/SL in Money levels have been reached.

2. An issue with Better Price Difference in Points has been fixed and now Local Trade Copier EA MT4 applies the correct open price and TP/SL levels when Better Price is used, even when Opposite Logic is true or Pending Orders are placed.

Please update your Local Trade Copier EA MT4.
Versione 2.90 2022.06.03
Local Trade Copier EA MT4 has been updated with the following additions:

1. A Receiver Comment setting has been added, that gives the user the option to print the desired comment on the receiver account copied trades, overriding any transmitter comment.

2. Better Price option now allows the input of negative values, giving the use the opportunity to copy transmitter trades onto the receiver account, when a certain level or profit has been reached on the transmitter opened trades.

3. A Close All Copied Trades on certain day and time option has been added, that allows the user to close all receiver account copied trades at a specific day (or very day) and time.

4. Prefix and Suffix of the Transmitter Account settings have been added that make the copying from brokers with non dot prefixes and suffixes (like mEURUSD or EURUSDm) much easier. Automatic mapping of dot prefixes and suffixes (like r.EURUSD or EURUSD.r) continues to work as before.

For more details on these new settings please read carefully the settings/inputs guide: https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/745681
Versione 2.80 2022.05.01
Small fix.
Versione 2.70 2022.05.01
Local Trade Copier EA MT4 has been updated with the following additions:

1. An extra option has been added to the Transmitter Comment setting, now the user can type the symbol @ in the transmitter side setup and the trade ID of the transmitter trades will be printed as a comment in the receiver copied trades.

2. An Allow TP/SL Manual Change true/false setting has been added that when it is true allow the user to modify the TP/SL levels of the copied receiver trades, after the transmitter TP/SL levels have been applied.

3. Finally Total Symbol Copied Volume and Total Account Copied Volume settings have been added, that give the user the opportunity to set total lot size limits for the receiver copied trades on symbol and account level.

For more details on these new settings please read carefully the settings/inputs guide: https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/745681
Versione 2.60 2022.04.04
Fix of a Copying Expiration in Seconds issue.
Versione 2.50 2022.03.24
Addition of a Minimum Volume Step setting to allow the copying of smaller than 0.01 lot sizes, for example binary volatility indexes.
Versione 2.40 2022.03.08
Local Trade Copier EA MT4 has been updated with the following additions:

1. Magic Numbers to Copy setting has been added to make it easier to copy some magic numbers only, without the need to exclude all others in the Magic Numbers Not to Copy setting.

2. Symbols to Copy setting has been added to make it easier to copy some symbols only, without the need to exclude all others in the Symbols Not to Copy setting.

3. Copying Start Time and Copying End Time settings have been added, to allow time control of copying onto the receiver account.

4. Copy on Monday to Sunday true/false settings have been added to allow control over the days copying is allowed to the receiver account.

5. Maximum Spread in Points settings has been added to filter the copying of trades onto the receiver account, based on spread.

6. A Better Price Difference in Points setting has been added to make it possible to open copied receiver trades with a certain number of points improvement in opening price. For example if the transmitter buy open price is 1.08800 and this setting is 50, the receiver copied buy trade will be opened at 1.08750.

7. Custom Symbol Multipliers setting has been added, to allow different multipliers for various symbols, overriding the universal multiplier applied in the receiver settings. If for example a 2 multiplier has been set and in this setting you put: EURUSD3,GBPUSD4 the EURUSD receiver copied trades will be copied with a 3 multiplier and the GBPUSD trades with a 4 multiplier.

8. Minimum and Maximum Copying Lot Size settings have been added, to allow control over the minimum and maximum lot size that will be copied onto the receiver account. If for example you have a Maximum Copying Lot Size=5 setting and a receiver trade is about to be copied with a 7.50 lot size, it will be limited and opened as a 5 lots trade.

9. Ignore Copying Lot Size Below and Above settings have been added, to allow control over the size of trades that the user may not want to copy over the receiver account. So any size below or above these settings will NOT be copied at all.

10. Finally the option to use Virtual/Hidden TP, SL, BE and trailing SL levels has been added, to allow the user to hide these levels on the receiver account. There is also an option to show these virtual levels on chart, but this is only possible to the chart the Local Trade Copier EA MT4 is attached onto.
Versione 2.30 2022.02.10
Fix of an issue with updating the open price of pending orders on the receiver account side, that didn't work properly.
Versione 2.20 2022.02.09
Fix of a bug.
Versione 2.10 2022.02.02
Fix of a bug with opposite logic.
Versione 2.0 2022.01.27
Fix of an issue with copying of binary volatility indexes.
Versione 1.90 2022.01.21
Addition of Proportional Multiplier lot size calculation in Lot Size Types of the Local Trade Copier EA MT4. This new algorithm calculates the lot size of the receiver copied trades based on the balances of the transmitter and receiver account with an extra multiplier that can increase or decrease the final copied lot size. The Proportional Multiplier value has been also added in the settings.
Versione 1.80 2021.12.07
Minor fix.
Versione 1.70 2021.12.06
Local Trade Copier EA MT4 was updated with the following improvements:

1. Partial closure algorithm was updated in order to address some issues and now works smoothly in all cases.

2. A Use Copying Expiration in Seconds: true/false option was added in order not to get in the way of copying current/already opened trades and missed trades that weren't copied after a network disruption.

3. Transmitter account apostrophe ' suffix will now be mapped automatically as all other prefixes/suffixes.

4. When both transmitter and receiver accounts use the same prefix/suffix, mapping will be done automatically, without the need of any special setup in the receiver account side.

5. 20 extra Special Symbols have been added, so a total of 30 Special Symbols are now available for cases of symbols and instruments that can't be mapped automatically or through the Prefix/Suffix of the Receiver Account setting.
Versione 1.60 2021.10.11
Fix of an issue.
Versione 1.50 2021.09.17
Improvements and addition of the option to have the original comment of the transmitter trade copied to the receiver account. Now the Transmitter Comment setting has 3 options: to leave it empty and that way there will be no comment on the receiver side, to write your own comment and that will be printed in the comment section of the receiver copied trade or type # and this will copy the original comment of the transmitter trade to the receiver account.
Versione 1.40 2021.09.02
Versione 1.30 2021.07.28
Addition of the Account Take Profit Equity setting. This is the equity amount of the receiver account over which the Local Trade Copier EA MT4/5 will close all open trades and disable copying. This must be a higher level than current equity.
Versione 1.20 2021.07.27
Addition of transmitter account comment. Now the comment of each copied trade will come from the transmitter account side and not the receiver.
Versione 1.10 2021.07.26
Local Trade Copier EA MT4 was updated with the following additions:

1. Certain symbols can be excluded from copying onto the receiver account (Symbols not to Copy).

2. Trade, daily and emergency notifications can now work independently.

3. In the daily and emergency equity notifications, multiple times and equity levels can now be entered, separated by commas (for example 00:00,12:00 or 8000,12000).

4. The EA Comment was replaced by an automatic comment option, that prints the Transmitter account number in the receiver account's comment section (for example: Copied from #123456).