Trend Lime
- Indicatori
- Maryna Shulzhenko
- Versione: 1.0
- Attivazioni: 5
With the development of information technologies and a large number of participants, financial markets are less and less amenable to analysis by outdated indicators. Conventional technical analysis tools, such as the Moving Average or Stochastic, in their pure form are not able to determine the direction of the trend or its reversal. Can one indicator indicate the correct direction of the future price, without changing its parameters, in the history of 14 years? At the same time, not to lose adequacy in case of sideways market movements? Yes maybe.
An indicator was developed that has a sufficiently powerful and effective mechanism for adapting to changing market conditions. The new leading trend indicator from the Trend Lime development team uses adaptive four-level anti-aliasing. We follow the signal and make decisions. The indicator is redrawn only on the zero candlestick, so decisions are made after the candlestick closes with a new signal, and the signal remained on candlestick # 1. For buying or selling, look at the signal sign, + this is for selling, - for buying. And the higher the digital value, the stronger the signal.