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Fast Copy For Multi Plattform Multi Account MT4


Copiatrice->Interazione dell'interfaccia comoda e veloce, gli utenti possono utilizzarla subito   ->>>> Si consiglia di utilizzarlo su computer Windows o VPS Windows


  • Impostazioni di copy trading diversificate e personalizzate: 1. È possibile impostare diverse modalità di lotto per diverse fonti di segnale 2. È possibile impostare diverse fonti di segnale per il copy trading forward e reverse 3. I segnali possono essere impostati con commenti 4. Se calibrare il lotto in base al lotto del contratto
  • Impostazioni di ordine di copia diversificate e personalizzate 2: 1. È possibile impostare diverse modalità di lotto per diverse varietà 2. È possibile impostare diverse varietà per ordini di copia in avanti e all'indietro 3. È possibile impostare segnali con commenti 4. Se calibrare il lotto in base al lotto del contratto
  • Filtraggio dei commenti, filtraggio MAGIC, filtraggio dei lotti di segnali, filtraggio dei prodotti locali
  • Impostazioni dell'orario di lavoro
  • Chiusura SLAVE sincronizzazione inversa
  • Funzione di associazione degli ordini: qualsiasi ordine può essere associato all'ordine della sorgente del segnale impostato (fare doppio clic sulla tabella per modificarla)
  • Controllo del rischio dell'account

Funzioni di base:

  • La velocità di interazione normale del copy trading è inferiore a 0,5 s
  • Rileva automaticamente le sorgenti del segnale e visualizza un elenco degli account delle sorgenti del segnale
  • Abbinamento automatico delle varietà, il 95% delle varietà commerciali comunemente utilizzate su diverse piattaforme (casi speciali come suffissi diversi) vengono abbinate automaticamente, sostanzialmente non sono richieste impostazioni manuali e la tabella di mappatura delle varietà può essere cliccata due volte per cambiare la varietà corrispondente. (La tabella di mappatura ha una funzione di ricerca rapida delle varietà)
  • 4 modalità di calcolo del lotto (1. Rapporto 2. Lotto fisso 3. Rischio di capitale adattivo 4. Rischio di rapporto di capitale del conto sorgente)
  • Modalità lotto speciale: il numero di lotto può essere calcolato in base al rischio di capitale dello stop loss (lo stop loss potrebbe essere troppo piccolo e il numero di lotto calcolato potrebbe essere troppo grande, utilizzarlo con cautela)
  • È possibile combinare a piacimento più piattaforme, più sorgenti di segnale, più terminali di ricezione (     I dati MT4 e MT5 sono interoperabili,   ma devono essere acquistati e installati separatamente   )   
  • Trasmettitore e ricevitore sono due in uno, seleziona la modalità durante il caricamento
  • Dopo aver ricevuto il segnale di riduzione della posizione, è possibile eseguire l'operazione di riduzione della posizione.
  • È possibile copiare gli ordini al contrario
  • Puoi controllare il tipo di copia e se seguire lo stop loss e il take profit
  • Fornisce 4 tipi di impostazioni della modalità di copia del prezzo di apertura (1. Intervallo di prezzo di apertura 2. Copia di un prezzo più vantaggioso del segnale 3. Copia di un prezzo meno vantaggioso del segnale 4. Nessuna restrizione sul prezzo di apertura)
  • Supporta il riconoscimento automatico della lingua [cinese, inglese]

Installazione MASTER:

  • Controllare il SEGNALE (MASTER) durante il caricamento
  • Fare clic per accendere l'interruttore di esecuzione, il verde indica il funzionamento normale

Installazione SLAVE:

  • Controllare il ricevitore (SLAVE) durante il caricamento
  • Fare clic per accendere l'interruttore di esecuzione, il verde indica il funzionamento normale
  • Se il mittente è stato caricato, l'account sorgente apparirà nell'elenco. Seleziona l'account che vuoi copiare.
  • Modalità lotto Scegli la modalità lotto di cui hai bisogno (4 modalità lotto)
  • Per i clienti senza esigenze particolari, non è necessario eseguire altre operazioni dopo questi passaggi. U Ora viene utilizzato normalmente per gli ordini di copia.

Suggerimenti per l'uso comune:

  • Un account deve caricare solo un terminale ricevente per negoziare automaticamente tutti i simboli e un account solo   deve caricare un terminale di invio per inviare tutti i segnali di trading.
  • Come aprire più MT4 o MT5? -> Trova la cartella MT4 o MT5 e copiala. Quindi apri il software MT4 o MT5 nella copia.
  • Cosa devo fare se l'ordine di copia non risponde? -> Il meccanismo dell'ordine di copia è un meccanismo senza perdite. In base al normale funzionamento, controlla: 1. La transazione automatica non è attivata? 2. C'è un problema con l'impostazione della modalità di prezzo di apertura dell'ordine? 3. L'orario di apertura dell'ordine supera il valore impostato? 4. Imposta il limite di spread (il limite di spread è chiuso per impostazione predefinita).
  • Cosa devo fare se non riesco a trovare il simbolo di cui ho bisogno nella tabella di mappatura? -> Inserisci il nome esatto del simbolo sul MASTER nella casella di ricerca. La funzione di ricerca integra due funzioni: 1. Ricerca fuzzy per il simbolo nel MASTER o SLAVE nella tabella di mappatura 2. Ricerca accurata per aggiungere il simbolo sul MASTER

(Traduzione automatica)

#tags copia segnale kopir forex software di copia copia veloce copia veloce

Recensioni 19
N O 2023.08.27 08:26 

This is definitely the best copy signal software. The authors answer all your questions and support the customers well. 这绝对是最好用的跟单软件了。作者大哥回答问题也非常及时、清楚。

Daniel El Ahel Ortiz
Daniel El Ahel Ortiz 2023.04.27 11:01 

Since the day I bought the product and I have had any questions about it has always answered me, and most important, it works really fine and is more complete the product!

XiFlood 2023.04.26 02:23 

The best copy trade program I have used. Well worth the reasonable price. Works so well, I purchased more activations. Kaijun Wang was very helpful assisting me with the extra activations and explaining what was happening. Thank you for sharing this amazing program.

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Expert Advisor for MT4 Useful utility MUST have for all traders.  With 1 click button, you're able to close all your open positions. Its come with a warning pop up notification when you click to close all your trades, to avoid an accident press the button. Just press 'Yes' to confirm or 'No' to cancel it. The expert will close all your open positions no matter what pairs you currently open or directions. Just attach the expert on 1 of your chart, and you're good to go.
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Exp Swing
Vladislav Andruschenko
4.35 (43)
Utilizza il modello di una famosa strategia chiamata Swinger (Pendulum, Cheburashka) - posizionamento alternativo di ordini pendenti con aumento del lotto. La strategia consiste nel piazzare due ordini pendenti opposti. Quando il prezzo si muove in una determinata direzione, viene attivato un ordine pendente, mentre la dimensione del lotto dell'altro ordine viene aumentata. L'EA prevede tre tipologie di apertura degli ordini pendenti (TypeofTrade) Apertura automatica dopo il posizionamento (Ape
| Fully-automated Smart Money Concept (ICT) inspired trading solution with multi-strategy capabilities | Built by a grid trader >> for grid traders.  This is MT4 version, click  here  for  Blue CARA MT5  (settings and logics are same in both versions)     Real monitoring signal  -->  Cara Gold Intro Blue CARA EA   ('CARA') - short for  C omprehensive  A lgorithmic R esponsive A dvisor is a next-gen  multi-currency    multi-timeframe  EA base on the widely known (and perhapse most popular) Inn
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Order Multiplier
Benjamin Zaufall
3.5 (2)
This experts helps you with increasing your signal volume. Everytime the signal opens a trade, the experts creats a specific amount of copies of this trade. Evertime the signal closes a trade, the expert closes all the copies of the singal trade. Input parameters: - amount_of_copies: The amount of copies the expert should create - interval_in_seconds: How often the expert should look for new orders to copy or closed orders, to close copies - lot_size_of_copies: The lot size of the new copies
Harvest GOLD
Sayan Vandenhout
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By :ForextraderEanow   Green Mower 10.0                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        This EA is Famous Grid Strategy that open grid of trades with the same size (not martingale)  and make PROFIT even when the Forex price moves in the WRONG Direction
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Barbaros Bulent Kortarla
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Have you ever struggled to calculate the correct position size when trading on MT4 or MT5 from your mobile device? Often, while using clunky external calculators, you miss crucial trading opportunities or end up making costly mistakes. Our app is specifically designed to solve this problem and revolutionize your mobile trading experience. With this innovative solution, you can: Save Time: Forget about frustrating calculators. Our script integrates seamlessly with your MT4 account to automaticall
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Details of each condition Type 1. Set no use Hedging Martingale, to open the order by yourself only through the push button. TP and SL follow setting. Set Setting_Hedging =false;     Use_Signal =false;  Type 2. Semi Auto Recovery Zone You have to open the order by yourself only through the push button. If in the wrong direction and Set true on Hedging Martingale, EA will fix the order with the zone system by use Hedging Martingale Set Setting_Hedging =true;     Use_Signal =false;  Type 3. Use
The “ SG Opposit Grid ” EA works with Virtual TakeProfit(or real) - at the trader's choice. The EA looks for signals to enter the market along the trend on D1 and H1 . If the signals coincide, the EA on the working period ( М1 - М30 depends on the trader's choice) looks for a confirming pattern and opens a position in the direction of the trend. If, after opening a position, the price moves in a profitable direction, the position is closed upon reaching the virtual TProfit with a profit. If the
Robot scalper per timeframe M5. Negozia sulla coppia di valute GBPUSD. Questo robot è stato sviluppato appositamente da un'azienda di trader professionisti per il trading con la sterlina. Il robot apre approssimativamente da 5 a 15 operazioni al giorno. È meglio fare trading con broker che hanno uno spread basso su GBPUSD fino a 10 pip. Il deposito minimo consigliato per iniziare è di $ 500 o più. vantaggi: non usa martingala. non una rete. ogni operazione ha uno stop loss. bot professionale s
Grid Maestro
Ruslan Brezovskiy
Grid Maestro – un'utilità che costruisce automaticamente una griglia di ordini in base a parametri specificati: passo della griglia, numero di ordini e moltiplicatore del volume. L'apertura della prima operazione avviene premendo un pulsante sullo schermo. È prevista anche una funzione di selezione automatica dei parametri, calcolata in base all'analisi del massimo drawdown dello strumento. Caratteristiche: Funziona solo con ordini aperti premendo i pulsanti sullo schermo. Quando si utilizza la
H4 GBPUSD Trend Scalper is a trend signal scalper The EA trades according to the trend strategy using original built-in indicator for opening and closing orders. The external inputs for limiting trading on Fridays and Mondays are available. The purpose of the strategy is to use the current trend with the most benefit. According to the results of testing and working on demo and real accounts, the best results achieved by using the Н4 timeframe on the GBP/USD pair Works on MetaTrader 4 Build 971+
Ivan Simonika
We present to you a fully automated Expert Advisor designed for trading major currency pairs. The bot uses a set of its own trading algorithms and has protection against crashes. Attention! The bot only works correctly when the spread is less than 6 pips! I ask you to weigh this fact, and if you do not have the appropriate conditions for trading, this bot will not work for you! The robot controls the volume of trading positions, slippage, spread, maintains and protects open orders, can work wit
Ultra Scalper Pro
Vadim Korolyuk
3.75 (4)
Scalping Expert Advisor trades from daily support and resistance levels. Trading expert does not use indicators. Recommended use a broker with 5 signs and a low spread. To protect the account from trading during spread expansion, added parameter: "MaxSpread", in which you specify the maximum allowable spread (15-20 pips). A month opens 16-18 deals on average. Benefits: Expert always uses Takeprofit, Stoploss and Traillingstop; Expert does not use a grid or martingale system; Expert can work with
Cloner for MT4
Volodymyr Hrybachov
L'utility è progettata per clonare le operazioni sul vostro conto di trading - il programma apre un'operazione aggiuntiva con i vostri parametri. Ha la possibilità di aumentare o diminuire il lotto, aggiungere un lotto, modificare i parametri di stoploss e takeprofit, Il programma è progettato per funzionare su "PC Windows" e "VPS Windows".  Buy a cloner and get the second version for free Parametri: CLONE_POSITIONS - quali ordini clonare; MAGIC_NUMBER - numero magico; DONT_REPEAT_TRADE - se
Details of each condition Type 1. Set no use Hedging Martingale, to open the order by yourself only through the push button. TP and SL follow setting. Set Setting_Hedging =false; Set Setting_TrailingStop =false; if not use. Type 2. Semi Auto Recovery Zone You have to open the order by yourself only through the push button. If in the wrong direction and Set true on Hedging Martingale, EA will fix the order with the zone system by use Hedging Martingale Set Setting_Hedging =true; Set Setting_Tra
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Vladislav Andruschenko
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The product will copy all telegram signal to MT4   ( which you are member  ) , also it can work as remote copier.  Easy to set up, copy order instant, can work with almost signal formats, image signal, s upport to translate other language to English Work with all type of channel or group, even channel have "Restrict Saving Content", work with  multi channel, multi MT5 Work as remote copier: with signal have ticket number, it will copy exactly via ticket number. Support to backtest signal. How to
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Ultimate Trailing Stop EA
4.33 (15)
This EA Utility allows you to manage (with advanced filtering) unlimited open orders (manual or EA) with 16 trailing stop methods: fixed, percent, ATR Exit, Chandelier Exit, Moving Average, Candle High Low Exit, Bollinger Bands, Parabolic, Envelope, Fractal, Ichimoku Kijun-Sen, Alligator, Exit After X Minutes or Bars, RSI and Stochastic. The trailing stop can be either real or virtual, and you can exit fully or with a partial close percent on touch or bar close.  Moreover, you can add (overrid
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Alfiya Fazylova
4.9 (86)
Trade Panel è un assistente commerciale multifunzionale. L'applicazione contiene più di 50 funzioni di trading per il trading manuale e consente di automatizzare la maggior parte delle operazioni di trading. Attenzione, l'applicazione non funziona nel tester di strategia. Prima dell'acquisto, puoi testare la versione demo su un conto demo. Versione demo qui . Istruzioni complete qui . Commercio. Ti consente di eseguire operazioni di trading con un clic: Apri ordini e posizioni pendenti con calco
The Best One Scalping Trade Panel functional manual trade panel with risk reward, auto SL by candle ( original solution), lot size calculation, one-click trading, scale in and out of trades (partial close),  Works with all symbols not just currency pairs, perfect works on DAX, NASDAQ, GOLD, ...... I earn every day during live stream on ZakopiecFX - join Me Risk by lot Risk by percent SL by points SL by Candle, Renko, RangeBar ( original solution) TP by point TP by Risk/Reward Auto Trailing by P
Summer 40% discount ($149 -> $88) Everything for chart Technical Analysis indicator mt4 in one tool Draw your supply demand zone with rectangle and support resistance with trendline and get alerts to mobile phone or email alert -  Risk reward indicator Video tutorials, manuals, DEMO download   here .  Find contacts on my   profile . 1.   Extended rectangles and trendlines Object will be extended to the right edge of the chart when price will draw new candles on chart. This is rectangle extende
Take a Break
Eric Emmrich
5 (29)
The most advanced news filter on MQL market - free demo available Take a Break has transformed from a basic news filter into a comprehensive account protection solution. It seamlessly pauses any other Expert Advisors during news events or based on your custom filters, all while safeguarding your EA settings - restoring them automatically when trading resumes for complete peace of mind. Typical use cases: A single news filter for all your EAs. Stop trading during news/high volatility (+ close all
PZ Custom Trader EA
3 (3)
Automate your trading with any custom indicator Would you like to automate your trading using a custom indicator of your choice? This EA trades using almost any custom indicator. It offers fully customizable settings, flexible position management, customizable trading sessions and weekdays, an inverse mode and a martingale mode. All the robot needs from you are two inputs: The filename of the indicator to trade The signal buffer or the buy/sell buffers to call That's it! The signal buffer or th
Ultimate No Nonsense FX Backtester - You can Run Forward Test Simulation with this tool! Do Not Download the Demo Here, Please Read Below! Step by Step Manual Guide PDF for this backtester PDF List of Commands(Shortcuts) for this backtester Ultimate NNFX Backtester is a powerful utility tool that significantly reduces the length of backtesting process for NNFX followers.  As well as for Forex traders that operates their entries and exits at the close of a candle and manage the risk using ATR.
The Expert Advisor will help you forward all pop-up alert with screenshot from  MetaTrader 4 to Telegram channel/ group, also forward all notifications to Telegram. Parameters  -  Telegram Bot Token - create bot on Telegram and get token.  -  Telegram Chat ID  - input your Telegram user ID,  group / channel ID  -  Forward Alert - default true, to forward alert.  -  Send message as caption of Screenshot - default false, set true to send message below Screenshot  How to setup and guide  - Telegram
Auto Trade Copier
Vu Trung Kien
4.7 (90)
Auto Trade Copier is designed to copy trades to multiple MT4, MT5 and cTrader accounts/terminals with 100% accuracy. The provider and receiver accounts must be on the same PC/VPS. With this tool, you can copy trades to receiver accounts on the same PC/VPS. All trading actions will be copied from provider to receiver perfectly. This version can be used on MT4 accounts only. For MT5 accounts, you must use Auto Trade Copier for MT5 . Reference: - For MT4 receiver, please download Trade Receiver Fre
News Trapper EA
Noha Mohamed Fathy Younes Badr
4.85 (13)
Hi, all.  News trapper EA It is an expert for trading news very safe expert  Automated Trading on the news of the economic calendar. It shows stable trading during last 10  years. EA doesn't use dangerous technologies like martingale, grid. The Expert is very simple to use.      sale will end after 48 h how to install it     and set files     read the blog         after purchase contact me to add you to   VIP   channel  The program contains flexible settings for trading on the news of the econo
RedFox Copier Pro
Rui Manh Tien
4.73 (11)
Time saving and fast execution Whether you’re traveling or sleeping, always know that Telegram To Mt4 performs the trades for you. In other words, Our   Telegram MT4 Signal Trader  will analyze the trading signals you receive on your selected Telegram channels and execute them to your Telegram to MT4 account. Reduce The Risk Telegram To Mt4   defines the whole experience of copying signals from   Telegram signal copier to mt4 platforms. Users not only can follow all instructions from the signa
Comprehensive on chart trade panel with the unique ability to be controllable from mobile as well. Plus has a library of downloadable configuration, e.g. exit rules, extra panel buttons, pending order setup and more. Please see our product video. Works with all symbols not just currency pairs. Features On chart panel plus controllable from free app for Windows, iPhone and Android Built-in script engine with library of downloadable configuration, e.g. add 'Close All Trades in Profit' button, exit
Flash Copy MT4
Trinh Dat
5 (1)
The program is use to copy trading from MT4   to MT4 and MT5  on local PC or copy  over the Internet.   Now you can easy copy trades to any where or share to friends. Only run one Flash Server on VPS, also need allow the apps if you turn on Windows Firewall. Can not add more than 20 account copier to server, include both  MT4 and MT5 Get free Copier EA for MT4 and MT5 (only  receive signal),   download here Instants copy, speed smaller 0.1 seconds, easy to setup How to setup and guide Let read a
Trade Copier Pro
Vu Trung Kien
4.57 (14)
Trade Copier Pro is a tool to copy trade remotely to MT4, MT5 and cTrader accounts at different computers/locations over internet. This is an ideal solution for you if you are a signal provider and want to copy your trades to other receivers globally on your own rules. One provider can copy trades to multiple receivers and one receiver can get trade from multiple providers as well. The provider can even set the subscription expiry for each receiver, so that receiver will not be able to receive t
Trade Copier Global
Laszlo Tormasi
5 (15)
Trade Copier Global: The name speaks for itself. This copier allows you to copy orders between MT4 terminals even if they are not installed on the same computer. Features Copying trades between MT4 terminals around the world with a short delay. Automatically recognizes symbol prefixes. Can connect many Slaves to the same Master. Supports pending and market orders. Supports partial order close (with limitations, see below) Can send messages and notifications to the Slaves from the Master Several
Draw Agent
Omar Alkassar
Draw Agent è progettato come un modo bello e innovativo per creare e gestire tutte le analisi dei grafici, gli scarabocchi, le note e altro ancora. Questo strumento fornisce un metodo di disegno a mano libera, per trattare lo spazio del grafico come una lavagna e disegnare a mano. Questo strumento di disegno a mano libera ti consente di disegnare sui grafici MT4/MT5, al fine di contrassegnare o evidenziare gli eventi sul grafico. È uno strumento utile se ti piace   disegnare manualmente le onde
2025 happy new year -50% discount ($199 -> $99) Advanced trading tool: One click smart orders that execute under your conditions Developed by trader for trading community:  position size calculator (lot size), open position after price action, strategy builder, set and forget trading, mobile notifications... Risk Management -  Risk percentage position size calculator, gain percentage, target risk reward ratio, spread and commissions are included in calculations 7 Advanced order types   - Set a
Chart Logic
D Armond Lee Speers
Chart Logic is here!  Chart automation for MT4: put your Ideas into Actions! Chart Logic is an EA for MT4 that lets you automate actions on your charts.  You define "conditions" and 'actions"; when all the conditions are true, then all the actions are triggered.  Conditions can refer to a wide range of observations, about account information, candle data, technical indicators, key levels, price, time, market data, trades and so on.  And actions can send alerts/notifications, open/close/modify tr
Ultimate Trade Copier
5 (1)
This trade copy utility allows you to instantly and seamlessly replicate and synchronize unlimited orders from multiple master accounts to multiple slave accounts on your local machine. You can create custom channels (or portfolios) with advanced filtering capabilities to copy from multiple master accounts to multiple slave accounts. Moreover, you can tailor these channels with a range of lot sizing and trade condition options to ensure that copied trades outperform the original source. You can
Altri dall’autore
Copiatrice->Interazione dell'interfaccia comoda e veloce, gli utenti possono utilizzarla subito       ->>>> Si consiglia di utilizzarlo su computer Windows o VPS Windows Caratteristiche: Impostazioni di copy trading diversificate e personalizzate: 1. È possibile impostare diverse modalità di lotto per diverse fonti di segnale 2. È possibile impostare diverse fonti di segnale per il copy trading forward e reverse 3. I segnali possono essere impostati con commenti 4. Se calibrare il lotto in base
K Trade Assistant MT5
Kaijun Wang
4.36 (11)
Assistente: Trade Assistant-MT4 (clicca per scaricare) Trade Assistant-MT5 (clicca per scaricare) Si prega di leggere attentamente le istruzioni per l'uso. Nozioni di base: Supporta la selezione e il cambio della lingua (attualmente supporta cinese e inglese)           Riconoscimento automatico della lingua Supporto       tasto di scelta rapida apertura e chiusura       associazione, utilizzare i tasti di scelta rapida per aprire e chiudere rapidamente le posizioni...       chiusura tasto
Pivot trading: 1.pp pivot 2. r1 r2 r3, s1 s2 s3 Necessary for traders: tools and indicators Waves automatically calculate indicators, channel trend trading Perfect trend-wave automatic calculation channel calculation , MT4 Perfect trend-wave automatic calculation channel calculation , MT5 Local Trading copying Easy And Fast Copy , MT4 Easy And Fast Copy , MT5 Local Trading copying For DEMO Easy And Fast Copy , MT4 DEMO Easy And Fast Copy , MT5 DEMO Cooperation QQ:556024" Cooperation wechat
Necessary for traders: tools and indicators Waves automatically calculate indicators, channel trend trading Perfect trend-wave automatic calculation channel calculation , MT4 Perfect trend-wave automatic calculation channel calculation , MT5 Local Trading copying Easy And Fast Copy , MT4 Easy And Fast Copy , MT5 Local Trading copying For DEMO Easy And Fast Copy , MT4 DEMO Easy And Fast Copy , MT5 DEMO 砖图 Renko PRO->>>   The display of the brick map on the main map. The Renko chart ideally r
K Trade Assistant
Kaijun Wang
4.64 (11)
Assistente: Trade Assistant-MT4 (clicca per scaricare) Trade Assistant-MT5 (clicca per scaricare) Si prega di leggere attentamente le istruzioni per l'uso. Nozioni di base: Supporta la selezione e il cambio della lingua (attualmente supporta cinese e inglese)           Riconoscimento automatico della lingua Supporto       tasto di scelta rapida apertura e chiusura       associazione, utilizzare i tasti di scelta rapida per aprire e chiudere rapidamente le posizioni...       chiusura tasto
Questo indicatore è un indicatore per l'analisi automatica delle onde perfetto per il trading pratico! Caso... Nota:   non sono abituato a usare nomi occidentali per la classificazione delle onde a causa dell'influenza della convenzione di denominazione di Tang Lun (Tang Zhong Shuo Zen), ho chiamato l'onda base come   penna   e la banda dell'onda secondaria come   segmento   At allo stesso tempo, il segmento ha la direzione del trend. La denominazione   è principalmente segmento di trend   (que
Assistente: Trade Assistant-MT4 (clicca per scaricare) Trade Assistant-MT5 (clicca per scaricare) Si prega di leggere attentamente le istruzioni per l'uso. Nozioni di base: Apertura e chiusura rapida delle posizioni, apertura e chiusura delle posizioni con un clic, inserimento degli ordini con un clic Commercio con linea di trazione Slittamento/spostamento automatico Simboli vicini Profitto protetto Sposta SL Proteggi SL di coda Controllo del rischio dell'account L'ombra dell'ordine Aggiun
Necessary for traders: tools and indicators Waves automatically calculate indicators, channel trend trading Perfect trend-wave automatic calculation channel calculation , MT4 Perfect trend-wave automatic calculation channel calculation , MT5 Local Trading copying Easy And Fast Copy , MT4 Easy And Fast Copy , MT5 Local Trading copying For DEMO Easy And Fast Copy , MT4 DEMO Easy And Fast Copy , MT5 DEMO Advanced Bollinger Bands: 1. The Bollinger rail will change color with the direction" 2. The
Necessary for traders: tools and indicators Waves automatically calculate indicators, channel trend trading Perfect trend-wave automatic calculation channel calculation , MT4 Perfect trend-wave automatic calculation channel calculation , MT5 Local Trading copying Easy And Fast Copy , MT4 Easy And Fast Copy , MT5 Local Trading copying For DEMO Easy And Fast Copy , MT4 DEMO Easy And Fast Copy , MT5 DEMO MACD is called Convergence and Divergence Moving Average, which is developed from the double e
Pivot Trading 4
Kaijun Wang
5 (5)
Pivot trading: 1.pp pivot 2. r1 r2 r3, s1 s2 s3 Necessary for traders: tools and indicators Waves automatically calculate indicators, channel trend trading Perfect trend-wave automatic calculation channel calculation , MT4 Perfect trend-wave automatic calculation channel calculation , MT5 Local Trading copying Easy And Fast Copy , MT4 Easy And Fast Copy , MT5 Local Trading copying For DEMO Easy And Fast Copy , MT4 DEMO Easy And Fast Copy , MT5 DEMO Strongly recommend trend indicators,   auto
KDJ Index For MT5
Kaijun Wang
4.29 (7)
Necessary for traders: tools and indicators Waves automatically calculate indicators, channel trend trading Perfect trend-wave automatic calculation channel calculation , MT4 Perfect trend-wave automatic calculation channel calculation , MT5 Local Trading copying Easy And Fast Copy , MT4 Easy And Fast Copy , MT5 Local Trading copying For DEMO Easy And Fast Copy , MT4 DEMO Easy And Fast Copy , MT5 DEMO "Cooperative QQ:556024"  "Cooperation wechat:556024"  "Cooperative email:556024@qq.com" Strong
KDJ Index 4
Kaijun Wang
5 (4)
Necessary for traders: tools and indicators Waves automatically calculate indicators, channel trend trading Perfect trend-wave automatic calculation channel calculation , MT4 Perfect trend-wave automatic calculation channel calculation , MT5 Local Trading copying Easy And Fast Copy , MT4 Easy And Fast Copy , MT5 Local Trading copying For DEMO Easy And Fast Copy , MT4 DEMO Easy And Fast Copy , MT5 DEMO "Cooperative QQ:556024"  "Cooperation wechat:556024"  "Cooperative email:556024@qq.com" Strong
Necessary for traders: tools and indicators Waves automatically calculate indicators, channel trend trading Perfect trend-wave automatic calculation channel calculation , MT4 Perfect trend-wave automatic calculation channel calculation , MT5 Local Trading copying Easy And Fast Copy , MT4 Easy And Fast Copy , MT5 Local Trading copying For DEMO Easy And Fast Copy , MT4 DEMO Easy And Fast Copy , MT5 DEMO 砖图Renko PRO->>> The display of the brick map on the main map. The Renko chart ideally remove
Necessary for traders: tools and indicators Waves automatically calculate indicators, channel trend trading Perfect trend-wave automatic calculation channel calculation , MT4 Perfect trend-wave automatic calculation channel calculation , MT5 Local Trading copying Easy And Fast Copy , MT4 Easy And Fast Copy , MT5 Local Trading copying For DEMO Easy And Fast Copy , MT4 DEMO Easy And Fast Copy , MT5 DEMO Advanced Bollinger Bands: 1. The Bollinger rail will change color with the direction" 2. The
Indicators are for trend followers! A trading system constructed by three moving averages. Trade with the trend and let profits run. Necessary for traders: tools and indicators Waves automatically calculate indicators, channel trend trading Perfect trend-wave automatic calculation channel calculation , MT4 Perfect trend-wave automatic calculation channel calculation , MT5 Local Trading copying Easy And Fast Copy , MT4 Easy And Fast Copy , MT5 Local Trading copying For DEMO Easy And Fast Copy ,
Necessary for traders: tools and indicators Waves automatically calculate indicators, channel trend trading Perfect trend-wave automatic calculation channel calculation , MT4 Perfect trend-wave automatic calculation channel calculation , MT5 Local Trading copying Easy And Fast Copy , MT4 Easy And Fast Copy , MT5 Local Trading copying For DEMO Easy And Fast Copy , MT4 DEMO Easy And Fast Copy , MT5 DEMO Can set the cycle for other varieties of K line graph covered this window, fluctuations obser
KTrade Fibo For MT5
Kaijun Wang
4.67 (3)
Necessary for traders: tools and indicators Waves automatically calculate indicators, channel trend trading Perfect trend-wave automatic calculation channel calculation , MT4 Perfect trend-wave automatic calculation channel calculation , MT5 Local Trading copying Easy And Fast Copy , MT4 Easy And Fast Copy , MT5 Local Trading copying For DEMO Easy And Fast Copy , MT4 DEMO Easy And Fast Copy , MT5 DEMO Fibo: from KTrade 1. Automatically calculate and analyze the band. -> Get the desired band 2.
Indicators are for trend followers! A trading system constructed by three moving averages. Trade with the trend and let profits run. Strongly recommend trend indicators,   automatic calculation of wave standard   and   MT5 version of automatic calculation of wave standard Necessary for traders: tools and indicators Waves automatically calculate indicators, channel trend trading Perfect trend-wave automatic calculation channel calculation , MT4 Perfect trend-wave automatic calculation channel
Questo indicatore è un indicatore per l'analisi automatica delle onde perfetto per il trading pratico! Caso... Nota:   non sono abituato a usare nomi occidentali per la classificazione delle onde a causa dell'influenza della convenzione di denominazione di Tang Lun (Tang Zhong Shuo Zen), ho chiamato l'onda base come   penna   e la banda dell'onda secondaria come   segmento   At allo stesso tempo, il segmento ha la direzione del trend. La denominazione   è principalmente segmento di trend   (que
Necessary for traders: tools and indicators Waves automatically calculate indicators, channel trend trading Perfect trend-wave automatic calculation channel calculation , MT4 Perfect trend-wave automatic calculation channel calculation , MT5 Local Trading copying Easy And Fast Copy , MT4 Easy And Fast Copy , MT5 Local Trading copying For DEMO Easy And Fast Copy , MT4 DEMO Easy And Fast Copy , MT5 DEMO The homeopathic indicator is also called the CCI indicator. The CCI indicator was proposed
Necessary for traders: tools and indicators Waves automatically calculate indicators, channel trend trading Perfect trend-wave automatic calculation channel calculation , MT4 Perfect trend-wave automatic calculation channel calculation , MT5 Local Trading copying Easy And Fast Copy , MT4 Easy And Fast Copy , MT5 Local Trading copying For DEMO Easy And Fast Copy , MT4 DEMO Easy And Fast Copy , MT5 DEMO The homeopathic indicator is also called the CCI indicator. The CCI indicator was proposed
KTrade Fibo
Kaijun Wang
4 (1)
Necessary for traders: tools and indicators Waves automatically calculate indicators, channel trend trading Perfect trend-wave automatic calculation channel calculation , MT4 Perfect trend-wave automatic calculation channel calculation , MT5 Local Trading copying Easy And Fast Copy , MT4 Easy And Fast Copy , MT5 Local Trading copying For DEMO Easy And Fast Copy , MT4 DEMO Easy And Fast Copy , MT5 DEMO Fibo: from KTrade 1. Automatically calculate and analyze the band. -> Get the desired band 2.
Necessary for traders: tools and indicators Waves automatically calculate indicators, channel trend trading Perfect trend-wave automatic calculation channel calculation , MT4 Perfect trend-wave automatic calculation channel calculation , MT5 Local Trading copying Easy And Fast Copy , MT4 Easy And Fast Copy , MT5 Local Trading copying For DEMO Easy And Fast Copy , MT4 DEMO Easy And Fast Copy , MT5 DEMO Strongly recommend trend indicators,   automatic calculation of wave standard   and   MT5 ver
Donchian通道(唐奇安通道指标)是用于交易突破的最古老、最简单的技术指标之一。   一般来说,唐奇安通道的宽度越宽,市场波动就越大,而唐奇安通道越窄,市场波动性也就越小 。此外,价格走势可以穿过布林带,但你看不到唐奇安通道的这种特征,因为其波段正在测量特定时期的最高价和最低价。 交易实用必备工具指标 波浪自动计算指标,通道趋势交易 完美的趋势-波浪自动计算通道计算 , MT4版本 完美的趋势-波浪自动计算通道计算 , MT5版本 本地跟单复制交易 Easy And Fast Copy , MT4版本 Easy And Fast Copy , MT5版本 本地跟单复制交易 模拟试用 Easy And Fast Copy , MT4 模拟账号运行 Easy And Fast Copy , MT5 模拟账号运行 唐奇安通道指标计算: 唐奇安上阻力线 - 由过去N天的当日最高价的最大值形成。 唐奇安下支撑线 - 由过去N天的当日最低价的最小值形成。 中心线 - (上线 + 下线)/ 2   唐奇安通道信号   唐奇安通道常用作突破指标。它提供了两种主要类型的突破信号,一个是上阻力线或下支
XM Channel
Kaijun Wang
4 (1)
The market price usually falls between the borders of the channel . If the price is out of range, it is a trading signal or trading opportunity . Basically, Fit Channel can be used to help determine overbought and oversold conditions in the market. When the market price is close to the upper limit, the market is considered overbought (sell zone). Conversely, when the market price is close to the bottom range, the market is considered oversold (buy zone). However, the research can be used to
The market price usually falls between the borders of the channel  . If the price is out of range, it is a trading signal or trading opportunity. Basically, Fit Channel can be used to help determine overbought and oversold conditions in the market. When the market price is close to the upper limit, the market is considered overbought (sell zone). Conversely, when the market price is close to the bottom range, the market is considered oversold (buy zone). However, the research can be used to
Necessary for traders: tools and indicators Waves automatically calculate indicators, channel trend trading Perfect trend-wave automatic calculation channel calculation , MT4 Perfect trend-wave automatic calculation channel calculation , MT5 Local Trading copying Easy And Fast Copy , MT4 Easy And Fast Copy , MT5 Local Trading copying For DEMO Easy And Fast Copy , MT4 DEMO Easy And Fast Copy , MT5 DEMO MACD is called Convergence and Divergence Moving Average, which is developed from the double e
Necessary for traders: tools and indicators Waves automatically calculate indicators, channel trend trading Perfect trend-wave automatic calculation channel calculation , MT4 Perfect trend-wave automatic calculation channel calculation , MT5 Local Trading copying Easy And Fast Copy , MT4 Easy And Fast Copy , MT5 Local Trading copying For DEMO Easy And Fast Copy , MT4 DEMO Easy And Fast Copy , MT5 DEMO Can set the cycle for other varieties of K line graph covered this window, fluctuations obser
Necessary for traders: tools and indicators Waves automatically calculate indicators, channel trend trading Perfect trend-wave automatic calculation channel calculation , MT4 Perfect trend-wave automatic calculation channel calculation , MT5 Local Trading copying Easy And Fast Copy , MT4 Easy And Fast Copy , MT5 Local Trading copying For DEMO Easy And Fast Copy , MT4 DEMO Easy And Fast Copy , MT5 DEMO Strongly recommend trend indicators,   automatic calculation of wave standard   and   MT5 ver
Donchian通道(唐奇安通道指标)是用于交易突破的最古老、最简单的技术指标之一。 一般来说,唐奇安通道的宽度越宽,市场波动就越大,而唐奇安通道越窄,市场波动性也就越小 。此外,价格走势可以穿过布林带,但你看不到唐奇安通道的这种特征,因为其波段正在测量特定时期的最高价和最低价。 交易实用必备工具指标 波浪自动计算指标,通道趋势交易 完美的趋势-波浪自动计算通道计算 , MT4版本 完美的趋势-波浪自动计算通道计算 , MT5版本 本地跟单复制交易 Easy And Fast Copy , MT4版本 Easy And Fast Copy , MT5版本 本地跟单复制交易 模拟试用 Easy And Fast Copy , MT4 模拟账号运行 Easy And Fast Copy , MT5 模拟账号运行 唐奇安通道指标计算: 唐奇安上阻力线 - 由过去N天的当日最高价的最大值形成。 唐奇安下支撑线 - 由过去N天的当日最低价的最小值形成。 中心线 - (上线 + 下线)/ 2   唐奇安通道信号   唐奇安通道常用作突破指标。它提供了两种主要类型的突破信号,一个是上阻力线或下支撑线
N O 2023.08.27 08:26 

This is definitely the best copy signal software. The authors answer all your questions and support the customers well. 这绝对是最好用的跟单软件了。作者大哥回答问题也非常及时、清楚。

Kaijun Wang
Risposta dello sviluppatore Kaijun Wang 2023.08.28 13:32
Thank you.
Daniel El Ahel Ortiz
Daniel El Ahel Ortiz 2023.04.27 11:01 

Since the day I bought the product and I have had any questions about it has always answered me, and most important, it works really fine and is more complete the product!

XiFlood 2023.04.26 02:23 

The best copy trade program I have used. Well worth the reasonable price. Works so well, I purchased more activations. Kaijun Wang was very helpful assisting me with the extra activations and explaining what was happening. Thank you for sharing this amazing program.

消消黑眼圈 2023.04.05 15:20 


Iurii Zachirov
Iurii Zachirov 2023.03.13 14:57 


khadeer786 2023.01.16 15:55 

Hi need help purchased Copy Fast but its take 8 sec, 2 sec for master to send Please check many issues: 1) I don't know which order from master is mapped to which order 2) Also on timings its taking more than 30 seconds to 2 minutes for orders to copy Please help me with configuration or could you refund me Attached the zip file with screenshots

I changed the platform and loving this tool

Kaijun Wang
Risposta dello sviluppatore Kaijun Wang 2023.01.16 17:00
1. First of all, the copy order time is very fast. Generally, within 1 second, the biggest delay comes from the server’s billing speed. You can check the order delay at the sender. Some special platform observation accounts will delay the order. This Because of the platform, our software can only guarantee that the order will be followed at the moment the order is generated.
2. For refund, you need to find MQL5 staff, I do not have any authority .
To put it simply, the 8sec displayed on the master is the difference between the time when the order can be seen by you on the observation account and the time when the order was actually placed. This delay is not normal, because we have many customers, and we also encounter In the past, there was a 30-minute delay between the order of the observed account and the billing of the actual account. Take a look at the delay of your current platform server. The delay time displayed is designed to monitor whether the platform is a fraudulent order, so that customers can know the difference between the time when the platform shows you the order and the real transaction time of the order.This time difference is generated before the copying (before the copying, there is a delay in detecting whether there is fraud on the platform).
Do you understand it?
Xiao Qin
Xiao Qin 2022.09.16 18:16 


dashfx1 2022.08.04 15:28 

The tool is very handy, user-friendly, and straightforward; it copies the trades really fast. The creator's support is the best, always willing to help with rapid communication; if I could give them more than five stars definitely, I would do it.

Lin Kai Wang
Lin Kai Wang 2022.03.02 07:39 

非常好用,复制速度很快并且功能强大,绝对是同类型里最好用的,开发人员的回复也很快,有问必答,帮忙解决了各种使用的问题。非常感谢! Very easy to use, copy speed is very fast and powerful, is absolutely the best in the same type of use, the developer's reply is also very fast, there are questions to answer, to help solve a variety of use problems. Thank you very much!

chenzuidongfeng 2022.02.15 14:13 

L'utente non ha lasciato alcun commento sulla valutazione.

ccjsjzjh 2022.02.10 14:30 

Very Good,非常好用,作者对提出的问题及时进行了优化,并且有问必答。

Ccqwe 2022.02.10 12:49 

L'utente non ha lasciato alcun commento sulla valutazione.

Vera 2022.02.10 11:00 

L'utente non ha lasciato alcun commento sulla valutazione.

朕平 林
朕平 林 2021.10.15 13:33 

The copy MT4 is very good,and The developer is happy to help you 總之就是好用拉,熱心

Peng Jin
Peng Jin 2021.08.17 06:51 

L'utente non ha lasciato alcun commento sulla valutazione.

AndreySigitov 2021.08.16 09:51 

L'utente non ha lasciato alcun commento sulla valutazione.

Xin Yuan Zhang
Xin Yuan Zhang 2021.08.12 06:07 


Kaijun Wang
Risposta dello sviluppatore Kaijun Wang 2021.08.12 06:13
chenxingyijiu 2021.08.09 14:17 

L'utente non ha lasciato alcun commento sulla valutazione.

green mnnkey
green mnnkey 2020.12.02 15:04 


Kaijun Wang
Risposta dello sviluppatore Kaijun Wang 2020.12.02 15:32
Rispondi alla recensione
Versione 20.8 2025.02.14
净持仓模式下-> 手数倍率 功能
Versione 20.7 2024.11.29
Versione 20.6 2024.11.04
Versione 20.5 2024.08.27
Versione 20.4 2024.07.31
Versione 20.3 2024.07.29
添加功能,反向同步 跟单账户平仓信号 到发送端

Versione 20.2 2024.07.06
Versione 20.1 2024.06.28
Versione 19.9 2024.06.24
Versione 19.5 2024.05.27
Versione 19.2 2024.03.27
对多账户个性化设置中, 指定注释设置增加自定义字段自定义填充信息
1.注释中输入 ${ticket} 意思注释里添加 为信号源订单的订单号
2.注释中输入 ${account} 意思注释里添加 为信号源的账号
3.注释中输入 ${magic} 意思注释里添加 为信号源订单的魔术号
4.注释中输入 ${comment} 意思注释里添加 为信号源订单的注释
可以任意组合 且输入其他个性化注释内容
Versione 19.1 2024.03.21
Versione 18.9 2024.03.02
Versione 18.8 2024.02.28
1.绑定订单 跟随止盈止损 位置调整
2.增加注释 信号单MAGIC
Versione 18.7 2024.02.26
2.增加几种映射模式,①强映射模式(原方案) ②弱映射模式 仿人工操作的MAGIC = 0 ③若映射模式, MAGIC为单策略EA
3.绑定订单增加 跟随止盈止损选项 (请自行校验绑定的品种 选择是否开启)
Versione 18.6 2024.02.22
Versione 18.5 2024.02.20
修复在高DPI下 发送端面版缩放变大的问题
Versione 18.3 2024.02.17
1.特殊品种替换增加 **none** 关键词,可以替换成空品种,意思就是信号源匹配到特殊品种 可以替换为空品种 不参与交易
2.按品种指定多样化交易方式中,增加按合约校准手数,方便一种场景 在同时跟单ABC信号源的时候,ABC信号源有某些品种分别对应了不同的合约大小产生了手数的差异, 此功能不了解别用,慎用!!!!!!!!!!
Versione 18.2 2024.01.24
注:本功能在熟悉使用场景后再选择是否使用,场景:在跟单过程中我们会同时使用到3个平台的信号源,但是三个平台的某些合约,比如指数合约他的合约大小都是不同的,在不同的合约大小下下的订单的手数和实际仓位存在差异,比如A平台1手的盈亏实际上接收端是0.1手的盈亏,B平台1手的盈亏实际上接收端也是1手,C平台1手的实际盈亏可能是接收端对应10手. ,总结就是会根据 合约大小校准手数,当品种都存在有差异的时候,这个校准的风险会非常大,请谨慎勾选使用.)
Versione 18.1 2023.10.06
Versione 17.8 2023.08.21
Versione 16.8 2023.08.07
6 ....
Versione 15.8 2023.07.20
Versione 15.6 2023.06.12
Versione 15.5 2023.05.16
Versione 15.3 2023.05.08
Versione 15.1 2023.05.05
Versione 13.78 2023.04.23
Versione 13.68 2023.04.23
Versione 11.68 2022.08.05
注意: 为了防止手数计算过大,可在MORE>>>设置 里设置最大最小手数.
Versione 11.28 2022.08.01
Versione 11.18 2022.07.30
2 >>>>
Versione 10.18 2022.05.22
Versione 10.1 2022.04.20
Versione 9.82 2022.03.12
Versione 9.81 2022.03.05
Versione 9.62 2022.02.09
Versione 9.6 2021.12.28
Versione 9.5 2021.12.19
Versione 9.3 2021.12.07
2.新增-特殊品种指定设置功能->>>①可以针对品种设置跟单手数倍率/自适应等模式,②倍率/风险/固定手数 ③正反跟单个性化设置
Versione 9.2 2021.11.13
Versione 9.1 2021.11.12
Versione 8.88 2021.10.29
Versione 8.87 2021.10.07
Versione 8.86 2021.09.03
Versione 8.83 2021.08.27
Versione 8.82 2021.08.27
Versione 8.81 2021.08.21
1.更新因价格限制而不跟单 WARNING 提示
Versione 8.63 2021.04.21
Versione 8.6 2021.04.06
Versione 8.5 2021.03.27
>>>> 新增语言设置,Language settings......
Versione 8.3 2021.03.26
1.CPU I/O优化
Versione 8.1 2021.03.11
Versione 8.0 2021.03.04
1.低版本请升级.. 跟单逻辑升级
Versione 7.10 2020.12.19
Versione 7.0 2020.12.17
Important update
1.This account order is bound to the specified signal order.and Follow the signal order to close the position.
2.Risk control....
3.Filter and Ban for Signal orders lots.
4.Special designated magnification, special designated fixed lot, special designated comment
Versione 6.1 2020.12.11
Versione 6.0 2020.12.11
Versione 5.986 2020.12.02
Versione 5.985 2020.12.02
Versione 5.982 2020.11.30
Versione 5.981 2020.11.26
>>>>>>>>>>>>>信号列表 自动刷新..在未开启跟单的情况下
Versione 5.98 2020.11.25
Versione 5.96 2020.11.11
Versione 5.1 2020.11.02
Versione 5.0 2020.11.02
add, order detail table
Versione 3.20 2020.11.01
1. select limit for lots max
2. select limit for lots min
Versione 3.10 2020.11.01
Versione 3.0 2020.11.01
add ->
1. WorkingTime Control......
2. specified multipliter/riskfactor to different accounts....
Versione 2.10 2020.10.30
Versione 2.0 2020.10.30
Add 4 tables, you can filter to prohibit or only allow specified comments or MAGICs
Versione 1.20 2020.10.27
Upgrade and update the reopen bug.......
Versione 1.10 2020.10.27