Sophia PRO
- Experts
- Versione: 1.0
- Attivazioni: 5
Adapt the configuration for your style of trading. If you are more aggressive or conservative, just decide, but recommended Test Before Real.
Drag to any chart and start trading automatically.
SOPHIA will follow the PRICE. Just forget about indicators that only represent what happened in the past. You may find thousands of different indicators but you may have the impression most of them are based on the same. Price moves by fundamental aspects, maybe going down from years gradually and/or fluctuating day per day, and most time is unpredictable where the price will go. Live the moment with SOPHIA! |
Please download some PRESET configuration files uploaded from comments to check or start from some configuration valid (maybe not the best one, but working as well).
Some configuration by parameters:
You can decide if trading 28 main Forex PAIRS (EURUSD, GBPUSD, GBPJPY, EURGBP, CADJPY, ...) and/or GOLD
Several Trades for an unique pair are open till total benefit reached. Example: EURUSD open positions with profits $40, -30$, 10$ if configured basket in $20 it will close all trades of this pair. |
Open positions looking at the history if it was closed with negative profit. Next trade will open LOTx2 |
Similar to DIRECT, following FIBO sequence (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, ...), if las position closed in profit, the it will open a new one with lot corresponding to two positions before the sequence. It will finish when reaching position 0 in sequence. |
Similar to FIBO, following the sequence 1, 2, 3, 4... |
Increasing lots when you close in profitable. |
Brokers are different, so always there is something to adapt. Lot correction option takes in consideration the spread to win for the next trade.
CHANGE DIRECTION OF NEXT TRADES When opening a new position it may be neccesary to change next trade SELL to BUY or opposite. When open next trade position you can configure when following the price. Also if possible to look at the history if for example when selling, historically from last closed positions it is better to
buy. |
MAX LOTs REACHED If configured the maximum lot to open when produced this situation can be decided if:
Also is possible to LOOP LOTS. Example: If Max.Lots are 10, starting from 1, it will open 1, 2, 4, 8, 8, 4, 2, 1, 1, 2, ...
EQUITY GUARD If your Equity account is less in % against your Balance will close all trades. |
SESSIONs Time allowing to open new opportunities in trade (Time related to your broker). Also consider you can configure max. spread in pips just to avoid also bad sessions when spread is high or other
circunstances the broker change the spread. |