Versione 2.9
Conferences are equivalent to speeches for the news filter.
Versione 2.8
News sites have become more stable (pay attention to the MT5 version, there is an MQL5 calendar there, which eliminates breakdowns).
Versione 2.7
The site for the news filter has been changed. Find the new site in the product description and add it to the terminal settings.
Versione 2.6
The news site is back up and running.
Versione 2.5
Added parameters.
"Total_deals_with_one_currency" - the maximum number of simultaneously open positions with the same currency (not a pair, but a currency); positions with magic numbers from "Line_Magics" are taken into account; valid for values greater than 0; this parameter limits the opening of the first position and does not limit the opening of averaging positions.
"One_currency_for_one_direction_only" - if "true", then "Total_deals_with_one_currency" considers only the same trading direction for each currency.
Positions AUDCHF BUY, AUDJPY SELL are open.
Received a signal to open AUDNZD SELL.
With parameters
"Total_deals_with_one_currency" = 2,
"One_currency_for_one_direction_only" = "false",
AUDNZD position will not be opened as there are already 2 AUD positions.
If in the parameters "One_currency_for_one_direction_only" = "true", then the AUDNZD SELL position will be opened, since the AUD currency in the SELL direction is only in one open position (AUDJPY SELL).
Versione 2.4
Fixed a bug in the calculation of "Multiplier_of_Min_minutes_pause" and "Multiplier_of_Min_pips_between_positions" parameters.
This update does not affect sets and profiles, the settings remain the same.
How to update in order not to reset the settings of Expert Advisors on open charts.
1) Save your current profile (tab "file" -> "profiles").
2) Switch to another profile (for example, the default profile).
3) Update the experts in the terminal (via the market).
4) Open your profile (saved in step 1).
This can be done even if you have open positions.
Versione 2.3
Fixed news filter.
Versione 2.2
The following has been added to the EA parameters.
1) Time not to close deals. The time at which only real TP and SL are valid.
By default, these parameters set the rollover hour time, so if you want to use it, then just Use_Not_Closing_Time=true.
2) Do not open deals on new currency pairs if there are 2 deals or more for some pair (you can set any number of deals): Total_deals_for_one_symbol_so_as_not_to_open_new_symbol = 2.
Versione 2.1
Added grid and martingale parameters:
- Use_Grid_mode;
- Multiplier_of_trade_Lot;
- Signal_Only_for_First_Transaction;
- Min_minuts_pause_between_positions;
- Multiplier_of_Min_minuts_pause;
- Min_pips_between_positions;
- Multiplier_of_Min_pips_between_positions;
- Close_positions_at_percentage_of_loss.
And added parameters for correcting the calculation of the trading lot:
- Lot_calculation_based_on - lot calculation based on balance or equity.
- Lot_calculation_with_rounding - use rounding when calculating a trading lot (more aggressive lot calculation, to accelerate the increase in balance).
Versione 2.0
Added two parameters that are used in sets and make closing deals more efficient.
Minimum_Pips_at_Profit_2 - the minimum number of profit points for closing a positive transaction, which starts from "number_of_H1_bars_to_activate_MPP2" (0 - disabled);
number_of_H1_bars_to_activate_MPP2 - number of the hourly bar after opening a deal, from which "Minimum_Pips_at_Profit_2" starts to operate (0 - disabled).
Versione 1.9
"GMT_Offset" worked incorrectly for brokers with server time other than + 2/+ 3 GMT.
Now EA works correctly on any brokers.
There are no changes in the EA's logic.
Versione 1.8
Total_deals_of_line_magics_for_one_symbol - the maximum number of open positions for the current symbol with magic numbers from "Line_Magics"; valid for values greater than 0;
Total_deals_of_line_magics_for_all_symbols - the maximum number of open positions for all symbols with magic numbers from "Line_Magics"; valid for values greater than 0;
Line_Magics - line of magic numbers of positions; if empty, then the number of open positions is calculated for all (any) magic numbers.
Versione 1.7
Fixed bugs in the code.
Minor changes in the parameters, so after updating the expert, be sure to use the updated sets/profile.
Versione 1.6
Number_Minutes_and_Closing_Max_Bar - the number of minutes from the opening of trading on Monday, after which the position will be closed if the price is maximum (0 - disabled);
Number_Minutes_and_Closing_Medium_Bar - the number of minutes from the opening of trading on Monday, after which the position will be closed if the price is not lower than the average value (0 - disabled);
Versione 1.5
1) Added parameters:
"Minimum_Pips_at_Profit" - the minimum number of profit points for closing a positive transaction;
"Close_Loss_only_by_SL" - closing of negative trades only by StopLoss (virtual or real).
2) The news history for the strategy tester replaced by 2019 ("NewsFilter").
Versione 1.4
1) Added another type of calculation of the volume of trading lot.
2) The news history for the strategy tester is updated until May 19, 2019 ("NewsFilter").
Versione 1.3
1) Completion of algorithms, correction of the found mistakes.
2) The history of news for the strategy tester is updated to December 31, 2017 ("NewsFilter").
Versione 1.2
1. A large set of convenient settings for flexible optimization of the EA in different operation modes:
==== STRATEGY ====
Breach_else_Channel - if "true", then the "Breach" strategy is used; if "false", then the "Channel" strategy is used;
Use_Block_A - enable/disable block A;
Parametr_A_1 - parameter A1 for optimizing block A (range of values: from 1 to 25);
Parametr_A_2 - parameter A2 for optimizing block A (range of values: from 1 to 25);
Use_Block_B - enable/disable block B;
Parametr_B_1 - parameter B1 for optimizing block B (range of values: from 1 to 25);
Parametr_B_2 - parameter B2 for optimizing block B (range of values: from 1 to 25);
==== TIMING ====
GMT_Open_Trade_Hour - hour to start opening trades, GMT;
GMT_Open_Trade_Minute - minute to start opening trades, GMT;
Period_Open_in_minute - time duration for opening trades in minutes;
GMT_Open_Pause_Hour - hour to start a pause in opening trades, GMT;
GMT_Open_Pause_Minute - minute to start a pause in opening trades, GMT;
Period_Pause_in_minute - pause duration in minutes
Sunday_Trade - enable trading on Sunday;
Monday_Trade - enable trading on Monday;
Tuesday_Trade - enable trading on Tuesday;
Wednesday_Trade - enable trading on Wednesday;
Thursday_Trade - enable trading on Thursday;
Friday_Trade - enable trading on Friday;
2. Loaded a news archive (01.01.2015 - 20.08.2017) for testing with the news filter enabled:
Use_NewsFilter - use the news filter;
Pass_of_News_else_Trade_at_News - if "true", do not open trades in the specified time intervals with news; if "false", open trades only at the specified time intervals with news;
Versione 1.1
1) The algorithm is improved.
2) Field for entering dates for skipping.