Trading Busters Bollinger
- Experts
- Benbyaanda Silvere Henri Sedric Kabore
- Versione: 2.0
Trading Busters Bollinger is a fully automated scalping robot that uses a highly effective breakout strategy, advanced money management, probabilistic analysis and advanced techniques to hedge risk.
The strategy is executed with pending orders that are automatically triggered once the price crosses the indicated levels. The pending orders are placed at the level that is determined by a sophisticated algorithm and is inspired by the famous trading busters technique.
Backtests presented in the screenshots are performed with defaults settings with NASDAQ but keep in mind that there may be better settings. Please download the free demo to perform your own tests. Neither tester nor live performance in the past ensures future results. Risk settings should not be based on backtests. Lower risks means lower possible returns.Parameters:
1. Main parameters
- Timeframe : The period of time used to identify highs and lows ;
- Start_Bars : The number of candles from which to start looking for the previous highs and lows ;
- Expiration_Hours : The number of hours of life of the pending order ;
- Magic number : This number must be unique for each EA in your account, because the EA use it to identify their own transactions (You can put any integer).
2. time parameter
- Dailyclose : If true, All orders and positions will be closed at Endtradingtime ;
- RangestarttimeHour : The hour from which the range start ;
- RangestarttimeMin : The minutes from which the range start ;
- RangeEndtimeHOUR : The hour after which the range is stopped.
- RangeEndtimeMin : The minutes after which the range is stopped.
3. Lot settings
- Lots : The number of lots to be indicated manually ;
- RiskPercent : The percentage of capital to risk for each trade (set to 0 to use Lots).
- Lotfactor : The lot will be multiplied by the lotfactor for the next stop loss order if you USEmartingale is true.
- Useaveraging : If true, the EA will open trades to recover a loss from previous trade.
- Recuperation : It is a lot multiplier for the averaging.
- RR_recup : The averaging orders risk to reward ratio.
4. Parameter of the opening trades
- shifthigh : The distance between the previous high and the the pending order ;
- shiftlow : The distance from the previous low to the pending order ;
- RR : The initial risk to reward ratio
5.Close trades settings
- min_amplitude : The range accepted minimum size;
- max_amplitude : The maximum size that the range can take.
6.Challenge settings
- Drawdown_monitoring : If True The EA will close your trade if reach the daily_drawdown percent minus 5% ;
- capital_challenge : The starting capital of your challenge account ;
- drawndown_percent : daily drawdown in percentage not to be exceeded ;
- O_drawndown_percent : the overall drawdown in percentage not to be exceeded.
- Daily_drawdown_reset_Hour : The Hour your prop firm reset the daily drawdown
- Daily_drawdown_reset_Min : The Hour your prop firm reset the daily drawdown
The EA is doing a great job. I still can't believe it is free, thank you.