TMA Trend Following Bot
- Experts
- Wade C Hunt
- Versione: 1.31
- Aggiornato: 23 agosto 2023
- Attivazioni: 5
Il TMA Trend Following Bot, basato sul bot di The Moving Averages, questa strategia si è rivelata redditizia sul suo canale YouTube. Il TMA Trend Following Bot è una strategia di trading basata sui trend. Come illustrato da The Moving Average sul suo canale YouTube, questo bot, se ottimizzato, può avere risultati seri, e li ha persino pubblicati sui suoi account di sfida. Imposta la dimensione del lotto, la dimensione SL e TP, la finestra di trading e il periodo EMA e sei pronto per partire! Imposta i file nei commenti.
I was so impressed by Silver Bullet EA that I also bought this TMA EA to add to my portfolio of EAs. Wade has gone out of his way to give that extra support and he is more than willing to customize his EAs according to your specific needs and provide you with the appropriate set files, he is continually developing his EAs and these EAs of his are really flying under the radar, I would really recommend people to try them, you will not be disappointed and the prices are so reasonable compared to the ridiculous prices being offered on the Marketplace by other EAs that just do not deliver anywhere near the same results.