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NODE Neural EA for MT5


El trading automático debería hacerte GANAR DINERO, no hacerte sentir como si estudiaras para un examen de física cuántica.

NODE Neural EA es un Asesor Experto sencillo, fiable y diseñado para que empieces a operar con seguridad desde el día uno.

¿Qué lo hace especial?

  • Funciona exclusivamente en EUR/USD: No pierdas el tiempo con otros pares, este EA está optimizado al máximo para este símbolo.
  • Listo para operar: Lo arrastras al gráfico y empieza a trabajar.
  • Red neuronal avanzada: NODE usa inteligencia real para filtrar señales falsas y detectar oportunidades de calidad.
  • Gestión de riesgos automática: Controla slippage y spreads automáticamente.
  • Optimización inteligente: Se adapta a la temporalidad adecuada sin que tengas que hacer nada.

Resultados reales, no cuentos

  • Rentabilidad histórica mensual: +2.98%
  • Riesgo máximo registrado: 12.93%
  • Ganancia promedio por operación rentable: $5.98

¿Es para ti?

Si buscas una herramienta fiable para empezar en el trading automatizado sin complicaciones, NODE es tu mejor opción.

No necesitas experiencia previa ni grandes inversiones. Con solo $1,000 (o $10 en una cuenta tipo CENT) puedes operar de manera realista.

Empieza en minutos

NODE Neural EA es tu atajo al trading automatizado. Sin configuraciones complejas. Sin perder tiempo.

Descárgalo gratis y empieza YA.

Sobre el soporte

NODE es gratuito y ha ayudado a miles de traders a mejorar su operativa. Lo puedes usar sin restricciones de tiempo, broker o lotaje.

Pero tenlo claro: mi tiempo es limitado. No ofrezco soporte individual ni responderé dudas básicas.

  • Si esperas que alguien te lleve de la mano en cada operación, esto no es para ti.
  • Si te tomas en serio tu trading y quieres una herramienta potente sin depender de nadie, adelante, úsala y exprímela.

No necesito convencerte ni venderte nada. Este es mi regalo para traders que buscan independencia y herramientas de calidad. ¿Eres uno de ellos? Entonces, adelante.

Únete a la comunidad

Si quieres compartir ideas, experiencias o resolver dudas con otros traders, únete a nuestro grupo en MQL5 y a nuestro canal de Telegram:

Comentarios 65
Alx7xx 2025.03.03 05:44 


a short review from a beginner who had his first contact with trading 3 months ago.

I spent dozens of hours backtesting various EAs in January. Many of them then ran in demo mode.

Then finally, on January 31st, I went live :D Since then, Node has been running on my own server 24/7.

I started with the parameters recommended by the developer.

Started January 31st with €1010 at ICMarcets RAW.

Here are the results

Node made a profit of €85 in 4 weeks.

Nettogewinn gesamt: 85.57 Bruttogewinn: 192.02 Bruttoverlust: -106.45 Profitfaktor: 1.80

Big thanks to Enrique

zülfü bişirici
zülfü bişirici 2025.02.28 14:08 

indirdim ve onu 6 parite ve petrol ve altın da direk geriye dönük test yapmadan yükledim. hepsinde mükemmel sonuç aldım.şimdi gerçek hesap açıp onu kullanacağım.bu EA şimdiye kadar gördüğüm en iyi ea teşekkürler Enrique.

f marcus
f marcus 2025.02.24 21:46 

einfach clever das Teil 👌😊

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Easy Gold is the latest addition to the BotGPT family. It is surprising and very powerful. It is ideal for beginners due to its simplicity.  There is absolutely nothing to do, it's 100% automated, simply indicate the percentage of risk you want to take per trade and the EA is ready. Whatever your capital, the EA takes care of everything. Optimized on (XAUUSD).  Unleash all the power with the professional version (AGI Gold) and its connection to the neural network, available in my store. My othe
After purchasing, you can request and receive any two of my products for free! После покупки вы можете запросить и получить два любых моих продукта бесплатно! Expert Advisor for manual and automatic trading on the trend lines of the indicator       Bollinger Bands. The Expert Advisor draws trend lines from the middle band for a specified number of candles. Important!!! - you need to test the adviser in visual mode. You may be interested in my other products: https://www.mql5.com/ru/users/vypc
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Stanislav Tomilov
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Marzena Maria Szmit
4.84 (85)
We proudly present our cutting-edge robot, the  Big Forex Players EA  designed to maximize your trading potential, minimize emotional trading, and make smarter decisions powered by cutting-edge technology. The whole system in this EA took us many months to build, and then we spent a lot of time testing it. This unique EA includes three distinct strategies that can be used independently or in together. The robot receives the positions of the  biggest Banks  (positions are sent from our database t
The Infinity EA MT5
Abhimanyu Hans
3.98 (48)
Infinity EA es un asesor experto de trading avanzado diseñado para GBPUSD, XAUUSD y AUDCAD. Se centra en la seguridad, los retornos consistentes y la rentabilidad infinita. A diferencia de muchos otros EA, que se basan en estrategias de alto riesgo como la martingala o el trading en cuadrícula, Infinity EA emplea una estrategia de scalping disciplinada y rentable basada en una red neuronal integrada sobre aprendizaje automático, tecnología basada en inteligencia artificial de análisis de datos
Gabriel Costin Floricel
4.32 (28)
SmartChoise EA: Solución de Trading Avanzada Impulsada por Redes Neuronales para XAU/USD (Oro) Un Asesor Experto (EA) de vanguardia, impulsado por redes neuronales, diseñado exclusivamente para operar XAU/USD (Oro). Al procesar datos de mercado en tiempo real, ajusta las estrategias según las condiciones actuales para una ejecución óptima de operaciones y una gestión de riesgos robusta. A diferencia de muchos EAs que dependen de enfoques martingala, SmartChoise EA emplea un tamaño de lote adapta
Golden Beast
Abdelrahman Ahmed Mahmoud Ahmed
Scalping is all about precision.  Golden Beast EA is designed to analyze price action, support & resistance levels, and market volatility to find the best trade setups. No unnecessary indicators, no random trades just a smart, calculated approach to scalping. Default settings: live signal click here $149 Price will increase by $50 every 5 sales. Final price $699. How It Works Price Action Based Entries – The EA reads raw market movement, spotting key candlestick patterns, trend shifts, and liqui
Lo Thi Mai Loan
5 (3)
EA Gold Isis – Una solución segura y efectiva para el trading de oro  ¡Promoción de lanzamiento!  ¡Solo quedan 3 copias al precio actual!  Próximo precio: $458 Precio final: $1998  SEÑAL EN VIVO  Versión para MT4 ¡Hola! Soy EA Gold Isis, el segundo asesor experto (EA) de la familia Diamond Forex Group, diseñado específicamente para operar con oro (XAU/USD). Con características excepcionales y un enfoque prioritario en la seguridad, prometo ofrecer una experiencia de trading de oro sostenible y
Quantum Queen MT5
Bogdan Ion Puscasu
4.99 (76)
¡Hola comerciantes! Soy Quantum Queen, la incorporación más nueva y muy poderosa a la familia Quantum de asesores expertos. ¿Mi especialidad? ORO. Sí, opero con el par XAUUSD con precisión y confianza, brindándole oportunidades comerciales incomparables en el brillante mercado del oro. IMPORTANT! After the purchase please send me a private message to receive the installation manual and the setup instructions. Señal en vivo 1:   CLIC Precio   rebajado   hasta el 31 de agosto.   El precio au
¿Quieres subir de nivel o seguir en el banquillo? NODE Neural EA te permitió dar tus primeros pasos en el trading automático sin complicaciones. Pero ahora toca hablar en serio. Si ya probaste lo fácil, es momento de dar el salto a lo que realmente funciona. Te presento AXIS Neural EA , el siguiente paso en tu camino hacia un trading automatizado eficiente y rentable. Aquí nadie opera solo Cuando adquieres AXIS, no solo obtienes un asesor experto. Te unes a un sistema probado y a una comunidad
CyNeron MT5
Svetlana Pawlowna Grosshans
3.77 (13)
CyNeron: Comercio de Precisión con Innovación en Inteligencia Artificial Señales :   CyNeron Manual y archivos de configuración : Contáctame después de la compra para recibir el manual y los archivos de configuración Precio : El precio aumenta según el número de copias vendidas Copias disponibles : 5 Análisis de Instantáneas impulsado por IA: Una Primicia en el Mercado CyNeron es el primer EA en el mercado que integra inteligencia artificial avanzada en un enfoque revolucionario de comercio, ca
Golden Pharaoh MT5
Abdelrahman Ahmed Mahmoud Ahmed
5 (4)
Golden Pharaoh   is a powerful trading tool designed to enhance market analysis and decision-making. It is designed to automatically detect historical support and resistance levels, which are key areas where price action has previously reversed or paused. By analyzing these critical price zones, it identifies strong support (price floors) and resistance (price ceilings) from past market data. Once these levels are determined, the EA calculates the price difference between them to pinpoint the be
Gold One
Habib Gholamali Heidari
3.34 (41)
Gold One  MT5 Hola a todos los entusiastas del comercio de oro en Forex, Bienvenidos a nuestro robot, donde se unen a las filas de los mejores traders de oro. Con más de dos décadas de experiencia precisa en el mercado Forex, nos enorgullece presentar la última generación de robots de trading. Características:  Ideal para desafíos de empresas de prop trading. Adecuado para todos los tamaños de cuenta, incluidos los capitales pequeños. NO   Grid y   NO   Martingala 100% Totalmente automatizado
Monitoring of real trading Advisor -  https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/2264971 My other products    -      click here Keep in mind that the results on different brokers may differ, I recommend testing on your broker before using it (you can ask me for a list of recommended brokers in the PM). If you have any additional questions, write to me in the PM. A fully automatic Expert Advisor that does not require additional settings, I recommend using it with default settings, for trading on the GBPUSD
Otros productos de este autor
¿Quieres subir de nivel o seguir en el banquillo? NODE Neural EA te permitió dar tus primeros pasos en el trading automático sin complicaciones. Pero ahora toca hablar en serio. Si ya probaste lo fácil, es momento de dar el salto a lo que realmente funciona. Te presento AXIS Neural EA , el siguiente paso en tu camino hacia un trading automatizado eficiente y rentable. Aquí nadie opera solo Cuando adquieres AXIS, no solo obtienes un asesor experto. Te unes a un sistema probado y a una comunidad
¿No tienes ni idea de cómo ganar en Forex? Bienvenido al club. La mayoría de los traders entran al mercado llenos de ganas... y salen con la cuenta en rojo. ¿Por qué? Porque no tienen ni idea de qué están haciendo. Si te sientes identificado, no te preocupes: no eres el único. Pero puedes dejar de serlo. Aquí tienes la solución: LINK Neural EA Un sistema de trading automático que hace lo que tú no sabes (o no puedes) hacer: Diversifica tus operaciones en 8 pares de divisas principales. Identific
Nexus EA Forex MT5
Enrique Enguix
4.57 (14)
¿Cuántas veces más vas a ver cómo el mercado se lleva tu dinero? No sé tú, pero la mayoría de los traders tienen algo en común: Ganan un poco, se emocionan, y luego lo pierden todo en un mal día. La razón es siempre la misma: usan herramientas mediocres y creen que la suerte les salvará. ¿Te suena? Pues escucha bien, porque esto te va a doler: El mercado no premia a los ilusos. Si operas como un principiante, perderás como uno. ¿Quieres cambiar eso? Aquí está la única solución que necesitas: N
Alx7xx 2025.03.03 05:44 


a short review from a beginner who had his first contact with trading 3 months ago.

I spent dozens of hours backtesting various EAs in January. Many of them then ran in demo mode.

Then finally, on January 31st, I went live :D Since then, Node has been running on my own server 24/7.

I started with the parameters recommended by the developer.

Started January 31st with €1010 at ICMarcets RAW.

Here are the results

Node made a profit of €85 in 4 weeks.

Nettogewinn gesamt: 85.57 Bruttogewinn: 192.02 Bruttoverlust: -106.45 Profitfaktor: 1.80

Big thanks to Enrique

Enrique Enguix
Respuesta del desarrollador Enrique Enguix 2025.03.03 07:02
Freut mich zu hören, dass du in so kurzer Zeit gute Ergebnisse mit Node erzielt hast. Wenn du die Parameter weiter optimierst und anpasst, kannst du noch mehr herausholen. Mach weiter so!
Bendle2004 2025.02.28 22:07 

El usuario no ha dejado ningún comentario para su valoración

Enrique Enguix
Respuesta del desarrollador Enrique Enguix 2025.03.01 10:08
What a great review and so much super valuable information.
Papa74 2025.02.28 17:42 

Hello comme d'habitude, système grid qui fonctionne parfaitement dans une période normale, mais qui met le compte à mail lors d'une tendance marquée et soutenue Néanmoins, ca vaut le coup de travailler le sujet rentable sur 7 jours de suite, et aujourd'hui, il a perdu tous les gains de la semaine > Normal puisqu'il parie sur un retour Si on est d'accord pour un DD important, alors, ca fonctionnera .. sauf si la tendance est marquée sur plusieurs jours Il ne pourra pas rétablir le compte Bravo quand même et merci pour cet ea gratuit

Edit: 28 € out of €1,000, about 2.8% DD not 0.28%

Enrique Enguix
Respuesta del desarrollador Enrique Enguix 2025.03.02 11:27
Recommended deposit: €1000 Current drawdown €28. Drawdown percentage 2.8%. It's not the system, it's who uses it and how they use it.
zülfü bişirici
zülfü bişirici 2025.02.28 14:08 

indirdim ve onu 6 parite ve petrol ve altın da direk geriye dönük test yapmadan yükledim. hepsinde mükemmel sonuç aldım.şimdi gerçek hesap açıp onu kullanacağım.bu EA şimdiye kadar gördüğüm en iyi ea teşekkürler Enrique.

Enrique Enguix
Respuesta del desarrollador Enrique Enguix 2025.02.28 18:20
Güzel sonuçlar aldığını duymak harika. Gerçek hesapta bol kazançlar dilerim!
f marcus
f marcus 2025.02.24 21:46 

einfach clever das Teil 👌😊

Enrique Enguix
Respuesta del desarrollador Enrique Enguix 2025.02.25 04:16
Genau, direkt auf den Punkt und ohne Umwege. Effizient, praktisch und unkompliziert. Genau so, wie es sein soll. Weiterhin viel Erfolg beim Trading!
GuadaFX 2025.02.22 16:45 

NODE Neural EA for MT5 is an outstanding Expert Advisor, offering a stable and efficient trading experience on EUR/USD. After extensive testing, I can confirm that it delivers consistent results with well-balanced risk management. The EA is fully automated and requires no complex setup, making it accessible for both beginners and experienced traders. The neural network effectively filters out false signals, improving trade accuracy. In my testing, I achieved more then 3% weekly growth with moderate risk, showing its reliability in real trading conditions. NODE Neural EA stands out as one of the best free EAs available. It provides a seamless trading experience without constant adjustments. A great tool for traders looking for efficiency and consistency. Thanks to Enrique for making this available.

Enrique Enguix
Respuesta del desarrollador Enrique Enguix 2025.02.22 17:02
Your review highlights the strengths of NODE Neural EA well. It’s built for traders who want a stable, automated experience without the hassle of constant adjustments. The fact that you achieved over 3% weekly growth with moderate risk reinforces its effectiveness within its intended scope. While it’s optimized solely for EUR/USD, its simplicity and neural filtering make it a solid entry point for traders exploring automated strategies. If you're looking to expand beyond a single pair and enhance diversification, AXIS Neural EA could be the logical next step in refining your trading approach.
Ismael Rodea
Ismael Rodea 2025.02.22 01:50 

🌟 A Masterpiece in Automated Trading – The Best Free EA! 🌟 I have been using NODe Neural EA extensively, and I must say—it is truly a set-and-forget trading bot! Unlike many other EAs that struggle in different market conditions, this one is incredibly reliable across all scenarios. 🔹 Smart Grid Trading & Consistent Profits The trade logic is exceptionally intelligent, especially with the grid trading strategy. Over the past month, I have tested it and achieved outstanding results: ✔ ~3% weekly growth with a 0.01 lot size. ✔ ~15% weekly growth with a 0.1 lot size (though you need to monitor drawdowns carefully). ✔ My $1,000 demo account doubled in a month using the aggressive settings. ✔ Live trading results have been similarly impressive after two weeks! 🔹 Fully Automated & Safe Default Settings One of the best aspects of NODe Neural EA is its perfectly balanced default settings. It requires minimal tweaking, making it ideal for both beginners and experienced traders. Whether you want a safe, steady income or a high-risk, high-reward approach, this EA delivers. 🎯 Final Verdict: A True Work of Art! For me, this is hands-down the best free EA on the MQL5 marketplace. It offers exceptional win potential, is completely automated, and is brilliantly designed to handle market fluctuations. I highly recommend it.

Enrique Enguix
Respuesta del desarrollador Enrique Enguix 2025.02.22 08:07
If you liked NODE, wait until you try AXIS Neural EA for MT5. More pairs, better validations, and finer risk control. Perfect for taking your automated trading to the next level.
mohammed Saad
mohammed Saad 2025.02.21 12:28 

El usuario no ha dejado ningún comentario para su valoración

Enrique Enguix
Respuesta del desarrollador Enrique Enguix 2025.02.21 13:16
بمبلغ 1130 دولارًا في حساب حقيقي، عند استخدام NODE Neural EA، يبلغ متوسط العائد الشهري حوالي 2.98٪. وهذا يعني أنه يمكنك توقع حوالي 33.67 دولارًا شهريًا، ولكن تذكر أن العوائد قد تختلف حسب ظروف السوق. إذا كنت تبحث عن تنويع أكبر وعوائد أعلى، يمكنك التفكير في AXIS أو LINK، حيث يعملان على المزيد من أزواج العملات ويستخدمان استراتيجيات أكثر تقدمًا.
Observadormk 2025.02.21 10:43 

Muito bom. Obrigado.

Enrique Enguix
Respuesta del desarrollador Enrique Enguix 2025.02.21 13:17
Fico feliz que tenha gostado.
Gilbert Rodrigues
Gilbert Rodrigues 2025.02.19 23:06 

não funcionou comigo, nao fez entrada. ou eu nao sei como liga-lo. pode me ajudar?

Enrique Enguix
Respuesta del desarrollador Enrique Enguix 2025.02.20 05:10
And you ask for help by posting a one star review?
Daniel Esteban Bolano Perez
Daniel Esteban Bolano Perez 2025.02.16 19:47 

excelente aporte, esa red neuronal de verdad funciona, solo ajuste un poco lo de lot multiplier, y si que es rentable, gracias!

Enrique Enguix
Respuesta del desarrollador Enrique Enguix 2025.02.19 21:05
Me alegra saber que la red neuronal te ha funcionado bien y que con pequeños ajustes has logrado rentabilidad.
kcox 2025.02.15 21:10 

Great free EA, but it does not contain AI! It is rather a smart hedge strategy. The default settings will likely blow small accounts because the step size for the grid is way too tight compared to the daily range of the EURUSD pair. That said, if you know how to optimize this robot with premium data and choose robust settings, you can trade it right away on a live account. You can also test different timeframes and pairs to diversify risk!

Enrique Enguix
Respuesta del desarrollador Enrique Enguix 2025.02.15 21:19
Thanks for your review, Just an important clarification: a neural network is not the same as full AI. Neural EA uses neural networks to make trading decisions based on market patterns, but it is not a general AI. Regarding the default settings, you’re right—they are designed as a starting point and may not be ideal for small accounts without adjustments. Optimizing with premium data and fine-tuning the settings is key to getting the most out of it. We’re glad to hear you’ve explored different timeframes and pairs to diversify risk. Thanks for sharing your experience! 🚀
Harry Davis
Harry Davis 2025.02.15 12:58 

WHATEVER YOU DO.... dont be fooled by these systems without stop losses! I've ran many backtests on similar systems where they look fantastic but without stops, and the system placing a never ending amount of trades, the time will come when market price runs away from an open trade entry price and CANT BE RECOVERED. I just had a back test bank of $1828 wiped out by $1619 drawdown(open trade without stops) trade right at the end of the back test, with a HUGE DROP in balance/equity! I dont know why people peddle these silly systems, as much as the programmer is extremely accomplished. DONT LOSE YOUR BANK ON THIS, ITS SUPER DANGEROUS!! If any of you need proof I'll happily send you spreadsheet back test report and screen shot. The capital letters simply emphasise what people need to know, get over it! With backtest drawdown I experienced like that I'm hardly ever likely to forward test, just too risky, and who'd want to run a system for a year to have the bank wiped out at the end. And I will trade smart, just not with your system. Had the same happen to me for real with Center EA, funny how you removed that EA!!

Enrique Enguix
Respuesta del desarrollador Enrique Enguix 2025.02.16 10:04
Harry, first of all, avoid writing in all caps—your opinion isn't more important than anyone else's, and in written language, all caps are just shouting. We got your point without the screaming. Now, about your concern: yes, systems without stop losses can be risky (In the same way that systems with stop loss are also), but backtesting isn’t the same as live trading. A strategy’s effectiveness depends on multiple factors, including risk management, market conditions, and how it's actually implemented. Dismissing something as "silly" just because it didn't work in your test setup might be a bit shortsighted. Trade smart, not loud.
144374805 2025.02.15 05:38 

Amazing EA. Tested on 2 Roboforex Demo accounts, with the following settings: TEST no. 1 Starting Balance: 100 K Leverage 1:500 Lot 1.0 Take Profit 300 point other parameters as original After 10 days of trading: Max DD 6.04% Winrate: 62,7% Profit factor 1.91 Total Net Profit 8.5% of the original Balance !!!!!! HUGE RESULT !!! Test no. 2 Starting Balance: 100 K Leverage 1:30 Lot 1.2 Take Profit 400 point Max allowed spread: 20 other parameters as original After 4 days of trading: Max DD 1.63% Winrate: 71% Profit factor 2.70 Total Net Profit 3.1% of the original Balance !!!!!! Highly recommend !!! Thanky you and congratulation for the developer.

Enrique Enguix
Respuesta del desarrollador Enrique Enguix 2025.02.15 08:37
Thank you for sharing your experience and for the great feedback! We're glad to see that the EA has performed so well in both tests. The low DD and high profit factor show its stability and efficiency.
DerdVader 2025.02.12 18:28 

El usuario no ha dejado ningún comentario para su valoración

Enrique Enguix
Respuesta del desarrollador Enrique Enguix 2025.02.12 18:52
Thank you for your feedback! Node is a simple and free EA without drawdown control. You can manage this with equity guardians—there are plenty out there. Our Nexus EA does have loss control, and AXIS and LINK will soon integrate it too. Stay tuned!
Shuaib Kolabhai
Shuaib Kolabhai 2025.02.11 16:39 

Good day Enrique, thanks for the awesome robot. I am currently using the Node on eurusd i would like to know which robot from your premium selection is best to use on Gold xauusd and Bitcoin BTCUSD

Enrique Enguix
Respuesta del desarrollador Enrique Enguix 2025.02.13 05:51
Hey! Glad you're enjoying Node. I don’t work with gold (XAUUSD) or Bitcoin (BTCUSD), so I don’t have a bot optimized for those assets. My focus is elsewhere. If you’re looking for something in that space, you might need to explore other options. Let me know if you have any questions about Node or related strategies!
SRK Saini
SRK Saini 2025.02.10 12:26 

I just downloaded it and am testing it, but how can I change the lot size? There are some options available to change the settings, but they are not working. Please suggest a solution.

Actually, I want to understand the logic on which this EA is working because I noticed that it takes very few trades. When there was a high profit, the trade didn’t exit, but it exited at very small margins.

I ran this EA on gold, but on other pairs, its quick trade execution capability didn’t seem right to me. If you have any solution related to this, please let me know.

Even after increasing the lot size, the lot size is not increasing. Please suggest what we should do.

Enrique Enguix
Respuesta del desarrollador Enrique Enguix 2025.02.11 06:33
Node has very few parameters to modify. I'm sure you'll find one called "Selection of Lot Size". Node is for EUR/USD, not for gold.
aqwa 2025.02.09 15:10 


Enrique Enguix
Respuesta del desarrollador Enrique Enguix 2025.02.10 14:33
TW7 DIGITAL 2025.02.09 13:59 

El usuario no ha dejado ningún comentario para su valoración

Enrique Enguix
Respuesta del desarrollador Enrique Enguix 2025.02.09 20:18
Thank you for your kind words and valuable feedback! We'll consider adding start/stop time settings for better automation. Regarding the gain limit issue, we'll investigate and fix it. Appreciate your support! 🚀
jeremy.pamy 2025.02.05 07:22 

The bot is great already made some profit today, the only problem is. there is no visible take profit or stop loss on MT5. And my broker is very strict on that, wish I can add this EA to my live account. Author is there something that can be done about this I really want to continue using it

Enrique Enguix
Respuesta del desarrollador Enrique Enguix 2025.02.05 07:42
Of course, they’re very strict. Brokers love seeing where you place your StopLoss and TakeProfit. And what they love even more is hunting them down. That’s exactly why my products will never display targets on the chart. My suggestion: change your broker.
Respuesta al comentario
Versión 1.3 2024.12.08
Esta versión ofrece al usuario un mayor control sobre la operativa del EA al incorporar parámetros adicionales ajustables. ¿Por qué Node tiene tan pocos inputs? La mayor parte de la operativa del EA se basa en una red neuronal, lo que minimiza la necesidad de intervención del usuario. Se recomienda utilizar la configuración predeterminada para el EUR/USD para obtener los mejores resultados.
Versión 1.2 2024.12.03
👋 Hello everyone!

I want to share a little anecdote with you about an error I recently encountered in our Expert Advisor (EA) and how I fixed it. 🛠️

🔍 The Problem
I was conducting some tests and noticed that the terminal was slowing down more than expected during historical backtesting. Upon investigating, I discovered that a function I had created, Display_Info(), was executing even when it shouldn't.

🤦‍♂️ What Did I Do Wrong?
The logic I used to control when Display_Info() should execute was incorrect. Initially, the condition I implemented was:

if(ShowInfo && (!MQLInfoInteger(MQL_OPTIMIZATION) || (MQLInfoInteger(MQL_VISUAL_MODE))))
I thought this would ensure that the function only executed during live trading or historical backtesting in visual mode. However, the logic allowed Display_Info() to run in undesired contexts, such as during optimizations or non-visual tests, which caused the terminal to slow down.

🔧 The Solution
After carefully analyzing the issue, I adjusted the condition to ensure that Display_Info() only executes in the correct scenarios:

if(ShowInfo &&
(!MQLInfoInteger(MQL_OPTIMIZATION) && !MQLInfoInteger(MQL_TESTER)) ||
✅ Result
Performance Improvement: The terminal no longer slows down during optimizations or non-visual tests.
More Accurate Calculations: Display_Info() now only runs when it is truly necessary, ensuring the accuracy of historical profit calculations.
Versión 1.1 2024.12.02
En esta actualización, se ha mejorado la función myOrderSend para optimizar la compatibilidad con una mayor variedad de brokers, especialmente aquellos que requieren la especificación explícita del tipo de llenado (type_filling) al enviar órdenes de mercado. Estas mejoras buscan reducir errores durante la ejecución de órdenes y asegurar una mayor estabilidad y fiabilidad en las operaciones automatizadas.