Mykola Demko
Mykola Demko
4.9 (12)
  • Information
14+ years
demo versions
Programming languages mql4, mql5
My articles:
The Use of ORDER_MAGIC for Trading with Different Expert Advisors on a Single Instrument
Evaluation of Trade Systems - the Effectiveness of Entering, Exiting and Trades in General
How to Copy Trading from MetaTrader 5 to MetaTrader 4
Using Pseudo-Templates as Alternative to C++ Templates
Electronic Tables in MQL5
Mykola Demko
Added topic Trading probability
It's no secret on this forum that an accurate prediction is impossible (although I won't be so categorical) unlikely, hence the problem statement or rather the previously set problem time_open|direction|close time turns into opening time|direction|
Mykola Demko
Added topic Why is the normal distribution not normal?
I've heard many times about thick tails of distribution, but I still do not understand what the point is, I made an indicator which outputs bar size distribution (based on Close[i]-Close[i+1] difference) into separates, can someone explain why
Mykola Demko
Added topic Correct calculation of currency indices.
When calculating the Dollar Index and then calculating the other currencies through the Dollar Index a problem arises: the Euro Index/Pound Index is not equal to the EURGBP quote . Anyone have any thoughts on this
Mykola Demko
Added topic If MetaTrader 6 comes out tomorrow
What is important for you to retain from MT4 and MT5? What would you like to see in MT6 that is not there now
Valeriia Mishchenko
[Deleted] 2022.05.24
Mykola Demko
Added topic Wishes for the work of the forum
I closed my browser window and now I can't find what topic my last post was in, return the search for recent posts from the profile , at least theirs as it is implemented in
Mykola Demko
Mykola Demko стал бесплатным.
ViktorShnider777 2018.08.14
Доброго вам дня , торговля в прямом эфире на - iforex .xyz
Mykola Demko
Published article Self-organizing feature maps (Kohonen maps) - revisiting the subject
Self-organizing feature maps (Kohonen maps) - revisiting the subject

This article describes techniques of operating with Kohonen maps. The subject will be of interest to both market researchers with basic level of programing in MQL4 and MQL5 and experienced programmers that face difficulties with connecting Kohonen maps to their projects.

Mykola Demko
Mykola Demko
Цифровые валюты могут стать глобальным всемирным денежным средством. Но какая из них? Это будет биткоин? Может быть, какой-то из сотен клонов биткоина, улучшающих его функциональность? Одна из последних инноваций в данной области — это BitGold, цифровая валюта на основе золота. Главным инвестором этого проекта является компания Soros Brothers Investment, которой руководит сын Джорджа Сороса.
Mykola Demko
Mykola Demko
Gennadiy Stanilevych
Gennadiy Stanilevych 2014.09.09
Возможно локальные бои в краткосрочной перспективе, ложь, может и одержит верх. Но не во всей войне. Правда все равно победит!
Mykola Demko
Mykola Demko 2014.11.28
Всё зависит от горизонта предсказания. Кумулятивный эффект от маленьких побед может напрочь закрыть правду в пределах нескольких поколений.
Mykola Demko
Mykola Demko
Накрылась материнка, ушёл в нирвану, буду когда приду :)
Mykola Demko
Published article Debugging MQL5 Programs
Debugging MQL5 Programs

This article is intended primarily for the programmers who have already learned the language but have not fully mastered the program development yet. It reveals some debugging techniques and presents a combined experience of the author and many other programmers.

Mykola Demko Published product
Reviews: 7

The Period separators indicator separates time periods, specified by user. It supports all timeframes, greater or aliquot to current timeframe. In case of the incorect timeframe, the indicator modifies it to closest correct value. Additional bonus - the separation of non-standard time periods - MOON, MOON/2, MOON/4 (moon phases). The separators are plotted using the indicator's buffers. The indicator uses one graphic object for information about the progress and current bar properties. The

Mykola Demko
Published code News VLine
The script adds vertical lines on the chart at the news events.
· 2 11310 5176
Mykola Demko
Published code LRMA_Channel_trajectory
The indicator builds the trajectory of the front linear regression and standard deviation points.
· 2 9541 2739
Mykola Demko
Published article The Player of Trading Based on Deal History
The Player of Trading Based on Deal History

The player of trading. Only four words, no explanation is needed. Thoughts about a small box with buttons come to your mind. Press one button - it plays, move the lever - the playback speed changes. In reality, it is pretty similar. In this article, I want to show my development that plays trade history almost like it is in real time. The article covers some nuances of OOP, working with indicators and managing charts.

Mykola Demko
Published article Electronic Tables in MQL5
Electronic Tables in MQL5

The article describes a class of dynamic two-dimensional array that contains data of different types in its first dimension. Storing data in the form of a table is convenient for solving a wide range of problems of arrangement, storing and operation with bound information of different types. The source code of the class that implements the functionality of working with tables is attached to the article.

Mykola Demko
Published article Using Pseudo-Templates as Alternative to C++ Templates
Using Pseudo-Templates as Alternative to C++ Templates

The article describes a way of programming without using templates but keeping the style of programming iherenet to them. It tells about implementation of templates using custom methods and has a ready-made script attached for creating a code on the basis of specified templates.

Mykola Demko
Published code ZigzagColor_Channel
The ZigzagColor_Channel plots a channel by connecting the ZigZag peaks and ZigZag bottoms.
· 1 11858 3993
Mykola Demko
Published article How to Copy Trading from MetaTrader 5 to MetaTrader 4
How to Copy Trading from MetaTrader 5 to MetaTrader 4

Is it possible to trade on a real MetaTrader 5 account today? How to organize such trading? The article contains the theory of these questions and the working codes used for copying trades from the MetaTrader 5 terminal to MetaTrader 4. The article will be useful both for the developers of Expert Advisors and for practicing traders.

Mykola Demko
Published article Evaluation of Trade Systems - the Effectiveness of Entering, Exiting and Trades in General
Evaluation of Trade Systems - the Effectiveness of Entering, Exiting and Trades in General

There are a lot of measures that allow determining the effectiveness and profitability of a trade system. However, traders are always ready to put any system to a new crash test. The article tells how the statistics based on measures of effectiveness can be used for the MetaTrader 5 platform. It includes the class for transformation of the interpretation of statistics by deals to the one that doesn't contradict the description given in the "Statistika dlya traderov" ("Statistics for Traders") book by S.V. Bulashev. It also includes an example of custom function for optimization.

2469757 2016.06.08
All files write cannot be run. I have tried many times . Can you help me with this topic