Doerk Hilger
Doerk Hilger
  • Information
8+ years
demo versions
I have programming experience since 30 years with Assembler, Basic, C and C++, released many articles about programming, wrote books, got a honory title for informatics and worked as a lecturer in the past.
Currently I am focusing on Metatrader MQL5, especially object oriented programming and front end design.
Doerk Hilger
Added topic MQL Service EA for custom symbol - how to?
Hi, besides EAs and indicators, there is this service-thing. I remember I read somewhere, that such can be used to support custom-symbols. Is this possible? What I would like to to is to restrict a given symbol, like EURUSD , and then restrict it to
Doerk Hilger
Added topic Access violation read (0x00000070), "Incorrect casting of pointers" etc. with Indicators
Since Build 1380, also with the current build 1400 we face this issue in MT4 that occurs either when changing the timeframe of an indicator or when terminating the indicator within the code. This is is clearly a BUG in MT4.  That we talk about a
Doerk Hilger
Added topic Commandline version of MetaEditor.exe buggy - needs far too long to open a file after a while
Since the latest builds, at least since 3802 of MT5, the commandline execution of MetaEditor does not work proper anymore. The MetaEditor.exe can be executed with the parameter of the file to be opened in the editor. When the editor is already opened
Doerk Hilger
Added topic Freezing charts - Error 4203
Hi, its frequently that we have to deal with frozen charts. Any function like ObjectGetInteger(), even ObjectName() or similar, then needs seconds to return and the error code is always 4203.  The error code makes no sense at all, since
Doerk Hilger
Added topic What happened since Build 2755? (Chart freezing - bug not resolved since 2 years!)
Since two years we are facing the same bug in MT5 which wasn´t there before. 2755 was the last build which made no problems, all builds afterwards come with the same issue. There must have been a general change within the task management of
Doerk Hilger
Added topic Two years later - still the same problems in the Editor (Build 2755 > 3521)
Hi MetaQuotes, I was sticking to Build 2755 for almost two years coz it was the most stable version, until I was forced now to update the latest build, since a connection to most of the brokers was not possible anymore. Now I have to use MT5 Build
Doerk Hilger
Added topic How to overload the subscripting assignment operator '[]=' ?
Hi all, the example is generic, since I have no idea how to overload the indexed assignment ... does anyone know how to do? class CIntArray         {          int
Doerk Hilger
Added topic Global initialization failed - Build 1340
Hi, got that message, just like that. 1. Compile with 1330, execute with 1330 - works 2. Compile with 1330, execute with 1340 - works 3. Compile with 1340, execute with 1340 - error I found this topic already with a very much older version of MT4
Doerk Hilger
Added topic Skipped constructor with ArrayResize() - Bug?
Hi, this is a bug, right? The constructor should always be excecuted, also with ArrayResize. When changing struct to class, it works in both cases, struct works only with first case, not when using ArrayResize() struct CA    {   
Doerk Hilger
Added topic Long to char array - where is the bug?
Hi, I need to store a long or ulong value into a char array. Therefore I split the value into pieces of 8 bit and store these parts into 8 elements of a char array. Following macro is used:    #define L64_TO_UCHAR(value,array,pos) {
Doerk Hilger
Added topic MQL-Obfuscator
I created an obfuscator for MQL (encryption of source code) for my own purposes and would like to know, if there is any kind of a general/common interest. The obfuscator works so far without problems, but surely has some restrictions which would
Doerk Hilger
Added topic Static var empty - how is this possible?
Please see the picture. Debugger is at line 1233 and values for cats and f are an empty string. Actually impossible. And of course the if-statement returns false.  When I change the code like that, that I set var f manually/explicitly, its
Doerk Hilger
Added topic Assignment operator / default return value - possible?
Is there any way to define with operator overloading, that a class returns a kind of a default value? class CInt    {    public : int value ;       public : void operator
Doerk Hilger
Added topic Build 2875 - Huge issues!
Since 2875/2860: * Time until debugging starts <> 40 Seconds, whereby it needs 21 seconds to compile. Builds before 2860 need 3 seconds (all without optimizations - of course) * Chart freezes just like that when using indicators and EA same
Doerk Hilger
Added topic MT5 2860 - Huge issues!
Hi, since plenty of our clients reported problems, such as chart freezes, non updating prices, especially problems when using EA and indicators in one chart, we decided to setup the last build within our development environments too.  In my
Doerk Hilger
Added topic TickValue with EURUSD includes exchange rate?
Hi, The specifications in general are as shown in the picture. The focus should be on Profit-currency, which is USD. This means, EURUSD  traded with 1 lot means a change of 10 USD per pip. To calculate the final change per pip with the given
Doerk Hilger
Added topic Encountered an improper argument - Compiler Error
What the hell is that? Never saw before, but since today, it comes up when compiling an indicator, no further information, nothing.  Thx ... 
Doerk Hilger
Added topic How to debug OnDeinit() when chart was closed?
Hi, as I see, there is no chance to debug the OnDeinit() when the chart is getting closed by the user by clicking the "X" at the right upper corner of the chart window. The debugger does simply never execute the function, while the live-code is
Doerk Hilger
Added topic OnTrade/OnTradeTransaction - Are deal results always async?
Hi, since some time I am facing the issue, that after a position was closed/partially closed the deal database does not provide valid results - and this happens only with live accounts, never with demo accounts and only from time to time. Means
Doerk Hilger
Added topic MetaEditor crashes when typing "_"
Some time ago I been creating a video which showed that the editor is taking much too long time when using var-names or functions with are leaded by a double underline, such as "__myfunction". The latest build of MT5/editor freezes immediately when I