When do I get paid from my agents?



I'm new here, and I've read a lot of info.

I'm running a couple of agents and I got lots of Jobs done, but still got 0.00 in my profit.

Can someone tell me why? 

Am I doing something wrong?




I have no idea.
As I see - you registered 9 hours ago so may be - too early?
Asd I understand - registered users only can use it.

Did you read this article?

Speed Up Calculations with the MQL5 Cloud Network

And this website (this is the key website for agents):

Distributed Cloud Network
incl this link https://cloud.mql5.com/ru/help

All details about your job as agent should be written in your Profile - Agent

Distributed Computing in the MQL5 Cloud Network
Distributed Computing in the MQL5 Cloud Network
  • cloud.mql5.com
Connect to the MQL5 Cloud Network (Cloud Computing) and earn extra income around the clock — there is much work for you computer!

Thanks for your respond,

I know I'm new here , but I don't want to share my CPU usage for free.

 The "Speed Up Calculations with the MQL5 Cloud Network" talking about the software, but I've downloaded the "Tester Agent", according to the articles it the same.

 I can see in my Profile all my agents, but with no profit..   \:

Maybe it is because I don't have tasks under Profile->Agents->Tasks ?

and what do you mean by "registered users only can use it" ?  I though that if I can write msgs I am registered already...

Thanks again! 


May be - no one used your agent.


This link too:


All charges for calculations run in the MQL5 Cloud Network are made at the end of the day, ...

Questions Concerning Payment for Participation in the MQL5 Cloud Network
Questions Concerning Payment for Participation in the MQL5 Cloud Network
  • cloud.mql5.com
Questions concerning payment for participation in the MQL5 Cloud Network - distributed computing network
The earnings are too small i tested before with two agents and earned something like $0.0000002 after leaving my computer and a vps on for hours maybe your earnings are sub two decimal places so they arent displayable but they are there. Its best if you have access to numerous computers i.e. it teacher at a school so you can install secretly then you can earn good from it.
For current days agent jobs, they will get paid next day around 6:00 pm US eastern time.

I will use Cloud for optimization and backtesting 2 EAs for this forum so - will see how much credits will be deducted from my profile.
Because I optimized without cloud yesterday - I spent whole the day.

Besides, Igorad created EA for this thread
PriceChannel Parabolic system
and hе sent EA to me by email.
But to upload this EA to the thread - I should optimize this EA
for at least some parameters. And if without cloud - I will spend the weeks for that :)
So, will see ...


For current days agent jobs, they will get paid next day around 6:00 pm US eastern time.

Agree with you!

I have i7, ram 8G, 2.2Ghz run 20h/day took 0.01usd :))


Payments are made once per day around 3-4pm PST. 

Thank you all ! :)

Yes I've got paid 0.03 for 1 day..
