What do you think forecast for Forex Market Predicting if Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton Will Win the Election

What do you think forecast for Forex Market Predicting if Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton Will Win the Election
Erdenebayar Lamjav:
What do you think forecast for Forex Market Predicting if Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton Will Win the Election
Both of them may affect on the market
No difference
I expect EUR/USD to rise to 1.13-1.14 if Trump wins the US election. A Clinton win would trigger a fall in EUR/USD to 1.0950.
Mohammad Soubra:
Both of them may affect on the market
No difference

Are you kidding me?  One of them wants to re-do/change NAFTA trade deals with the largest countries in the world which would obviously and most certainly effect currencies value across the FX market.  Totally different outcomes if Hillary or Trump get into office as they both want very very different things. 

If trump gets in, expect serious volatility especially USDMXN - given the news reports, debates, contention with Mexico that Trump has highlighted. 

Donald trump wins: Expect USD to drop in value and cause serious volatility

Hillary Clinton wins: Expect volatility, and currencies will shortly (day or two) resume there original direction prior to election. 

"Both of the them may affect on the market, no difference" = absolute nonsense