iCustom adressing - page 2


thanks for the fast feedback!

I checked the following:

placed Comment(MA_handle) instead and got by using the MA_handle=iMA(NULL,0,21,0,MODE_EMA,PRICE_CLOSE);    an integer "10"

now when using / replacing


                          0.04,        // Step

                          0.5          // Maximum


or my own indicator  I get "-1"   so even the built in Parabolic isn't adressed correctly ?!

If you do not have the "ParabolicSAR" as indicator in the indicators folder (an ex5 file with that exact name), then you get that invalid handle return.

Use iSAR() instead to use the built in SAR or, if you are trying to use the indicator form the examples, you should do it like this (as a rule of thumb, you have to do that for each indicator that is in a sub-folder of indicators folder) :

int handle = iCustom(_Symbol,_Period,"Examples\\ParabolicSAR",step,maximum);

"I am not interested to invest my time."

great altruistic approach, could be a role model for the world nowadays , thank you indeed.

so the issue is clear, now.

You don't know what you are talking about.

I am probably still the one who helped most people on, I just don't want to help you