How to Start with Metatrader 5 - page 27



EURUSD Technical Analysis 08.12 - 15.12: Bullish Breakout?

newdigital, 2013.12.12 12:41

Just want to ask the members who are creating (and will create) technical analysis threads - please make your first post of the thread by doing some presentation for example - with chart, with text, if external text so it should be acccompanied with your text and so on. Just look at the first post of this thread as an example (by the way - i am not using external sources for my technical analysis threads).

I understand that some of you are not a specialists to be pofessional to make technical analysis - we all are learning here and sharing the knowledge ... but please understand - if you are setting/arranging/designing the first post of the thread so you are the setting the fashion of whole the thread and settings the level of the discussion on your thread.

Just a suggestion



I am new to MT5 and I am having some troubles to get started. When I want to call help topics with F1 in MetaEditor I get a message "Failed connect to".

Can someone helpe me with that please?

Thanks and regards



I just pressed F1 now - and automatic updates came asking me to update help files. I pressed "ok". It was updated and F1 is working for now.

may be - you have some problem with internet? ... or MT5 is not connected with MQ server?


I just pressed F1 now - and automatic updates came asking me to update help files. I pressed "ok". It was updated and F1 is working for now.

may be - you have some problem with internet? ... or MT5 is not connected with MQ server?

It got to be something like that. Though when switching to the "Code Base" tab and rightclick to download an indicator it works. And in the Metatrader itself I see a connection symbol in the right bottom corner but also got some connection error message as well.

I already reinstalled the MT5 but the problem still persists.


It means - your MT5 is not connected to MQ server. Do you have similat one on the right? :


You can open demo account on MetaQuotes demo, check the connection (see the image above) and press F1 :

Documentation on MQL5: Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Environment State / Account Properties
Documentation on MQL5: Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Environment State / Account Properties
Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Environment State / Account Properties - Documentation on MQL5

It got to be something like that. Though when switching to the "Code Base" tab and rightclick to download an indicator it works. And in the Metatrader itself I see a connection symbol in the right bottom corner but also got some connection error message as well.

I already reinstalled the MT5 but the problem still persists.

In MT5 in   Tools > Options > Community  did you enter your correct  mql5 forum User ID (Login) and Password ?

It means - your MT5 is not connected to MQ server. Do you have similat one on the right? :

Yes, as you can see from the link in my post above it is 24.6 / 0.0 Mb. This is a demo account from ActiveTrades.

Regarding opening MetaQuotes demo, when I go to open new account, it doesn't show a MetaQuotes demo server to select from. Do I have to download a new MT installation from Metaquotes?


Yes, I did. Checked it twice.

Documentation on MQL5: Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Environment State / Account Properties
Documentation on MQL5: Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Environment State / Account Properties
Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Environment State / Account Properties - Documentation on MQL5

Yes, as you can see from the link in my post above it is 24.6 / 0.0 Mb. This is a demo account from ActiveTrades.

Regarding opening MetaQuotes demo, when I go to open new account, it doesn't show a MetaQuotes demo server to select from. Do I have to download a new MT installation from Metaquotes?


Yes, I did. Checked it twice.

It's not needed to download an other MT5 for Metaquotes. You can open a demo account within your current platform. You simple have to add Metaquotes-Demo server to your list of server. Anyway, it's not mandatory to use a demo from Metaquotes to have F1 help file to work. Your issue isn't very clear. Can you post a screenshot of what you get when you hit F1 key in MetaEditor ?