Hello Mladen, first I would like to say that you have fantastic indicators published here in the MQL5 website. Good work! Second, I would like to ask you if you could add a feature in this indicator that will generate an arrow on chart when the signal happen. Like, when the black line cross up it will generate a down arrow to indicate like a reversion and the same when the the black line cross down it generates an up arrow. Is it something that you can improve on this indicator?
Best Regards
Getting Array out of range error on this one.
These are the settings and error code is Array out of range (212,52)
I am sure I am doing something wrong here.
Getting Array out of range error on this one.
These are the settings and error code is Array out of range (212,52)
I am sure I am doing something wrong here.
Even though that is a very old indicator and in the mean time a lot have changed (including the fact that if I wrote that code today it would not look anything similar to that code), I am not having issues with the indicator
Used your settings, and used the indicator from the attachment
PS: this is the line of code causing the issue on your side :
double toscu[]; CopyBuffer(mtfHandle,0,0,bars,toscu);
That line is simply using CopyBuffer() built in function to copy values to an array. Hence : the issue is not in the code, but in the same old issue that resurfaces from time to time in some builds of mt5 (the issue of array handling in a wrong way)
Even though that is a very old indicator and in the mean time a lot have changed (including the fact that if I wrote that code today it would not look anything similar to that code), I am not having issues with the indicator
Used your settings, and used the indicator from the attachment
PS: this is the line of code causing the issue on your side :
That line is simply using CopyBuffer() built in function to copy values to an array. Hence : the issue is not in the code, but in the same old issue that resurfaces from time to time in some builds of mt5 (the issue of array handling in a wrong way)
Thank you!
I will try it out.
I am sending you a private message also.

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Keltner Channel Oscillator:
The widely known Keltner Chsnnel Oscillator in the new visual version .
Author: Mladen Rakic