Automated trading vs manual trading - page 2

Let me declare off the bat that I have been coding for a while now and I therefore have a bias towards EAs, however there is a strong case for manual trading. These days strategy tester reports are not worth much but what counts are trader logs from a live real account. On a very popular website that allows traders to broadcast/FTP their signals, the most impressive equity curves of the popular systems there are by manual traders. In fact in a recent contest published on that site the winners who returned more than 10000% in a little over 2 months, were trading manually. (At least am sure one of them was)

There is a certain intelligence that a human brings to trading  that perhaps no EA can,! I don't know I guess the jury is out there but developing a good EA involves more than just placing buy and sell orders.

Hi ssn, I do agree with you that trading manually is so or more competitive as an automatic trading system (despite the fact that I and others are working hard to change this scenario).

And this happens because trading is an infinity complexity problem, and in such cases you have to create heuristics. Computers are very good executing heuristics, but I think human traders still have the highest potential to create new heuristics.

Maybe someone can say that high frequency has been territory just for robots. OK, that's right, but who knows if the best strategies really need such speed?

In my opinion, precision and the best heuristic are more relevant than speed and volume.



Interested in the EAs

But being in NZ time zones etc

What I am after is there one can work on  a micro account to start

No money out,just grow the account

Can get a VPS with Go markets broker

So what is everybody using



Interested in the EAs

But being in NZ time zones etc

What I am after is there one can work on  a micro account to start

No money out,just grow the account

Can get a VPS with Go markets broker

So what is everybody using


Were do you go to find out about the EAs

Am I in the right forum

If anybody knows about these EAs let me know



Does anybody reply to questions in here


Which EAs?

  • If free EAs so try to make a search in CodeBase
  • or you can find some commercial EAs in the Market

Hello Traders

Being new here

The problem is getting started

lots of free ones

Best to start there

Or buy one an get better service,up dates etc

being in NZ time zones etc

Which one is popular


Hello members

Anybody using EAs from this site

I am using MT4

Just trying to weed through the info an getting no were fast

If I am in the wrong part of the forum let know



Does anybody here use EAs

The idea is to weed out the ones that are lemons and do not work.

The idea is to start going through the ones that do work

How do we move forward

It would make sense to use an E A  that lots of people have proven success

or good support.

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