Help! re Metatrader 5 toolbars on Mac

I dragged my timeframe toolbar accidentally and now I can't put them back in their default place, please help thanks!

I am not using Mac so I have no idea about specific situation with this case sorry ...

You mean: timeframe toolbar as on Menu (View - Toolbars - Timeframes)?
So, you can try to find this toolbar and move ti to the right place by the mouse ...

Sergey Golubev:

I am not using Mac so I have no idea about specific situation with this case sorry ...

You mean: timeframe toolbar as on Menu (View - Toolbars - Timeframes)?
So, you can try to find this toolbar and move ti to the right place by the mouse ...

Hi Sergey, yes but on Mac they are just hovering around the screen even when I drag them with the mouse. Not sure how to put it back to their default place on the actual toolbars. Haha just really annoying, thanks very much for the response!
I dragged my timeframe toolbar accidentally and now I can't put them back in their default place, please help thanks!
In Windows help these keyboard shortcuts: Left mouse button pressed + ( "ctrl" or "alt" or "shift").