Why some signal is unsubscrible?


 Like this,


and it is real.




 Like this,


and it is real.



How do you know that the signal is not available for subscription, and yet you don't know why ?

You're kidding, right ?!? 



The "Subscribe" link is greyed out (disabled). Try click on it.



Hi MarketArt,

If i interpreted your question correct the answer is: Subscription to signals with a leverage exceeding 1:500 is not permitted.



No, that's not what I meant. My original question is why the "subscribe" button for this signal is disabled and I didn't pay attention to the wording below it.

The "Subscribe" like is greyed out (disabled). Try click on it.

... and the explanation below that grayed button explain it all, that "Subscription to signals with leverage exceeding 1:500 is not permitted", which is stated in Signal Rules point IV. 2 (Any Signals created on trade accounts with a leverage exceeding 1:500 are not available for subscription.)

That's explains it. Thank you phi.nuts and Jules81!