BUG - Notifications: not enough space for notification ...



I know that high frequency notifications will fill and crash queue.

My use case is that I have 16 charts running on 1 minute chart and signals sometimes happen from multiple charts at once.

I know there is some limit on sending per second or minute, but it seems that the platform is not designed for fault tolerant recovery (i.e. when a fault happens e.g. too_many_messages). It should fail to send those messages in that time period but continue to function correctly when normal rate of messaging is restored.

Instead I get error Notifications: not enough space for notification ...

After this platform does not work any more to send notifications.

How do you clear the queue?

"Send less" is not an answer.

How do you clear the queue? e.g restart platform, clear config file, or call some function flush_queue?

It appears that restarting does clear queue, but is there a way to clear it programmatically?




Hi George,


Did you ever get a solution (programatical) for this? I have the same problem 


close your MT4 platform and logon again and rerun your test.

geodepe: "Send less" is not an answer.
  1. Send less (per message and per minute) is the answer. Perhaps you should read the manual.
    Strict use restrictions are set for the SendNotification() function: no more than 2 calls per second and not more than 10 calls per minute. Monitoring the frequency of use is dynamic. The function can be disabled in case of the restriction violation.
    SendNotification - Common Functions - MQL4 Reference

  2. I suggest you lock a mutex before using the function, wait  six seconds after the send before unlocking it. Problem fixed.
    Prevent EA from opening trades at the same time across 2 or more pairs? (Steve) - MQL4 and MetaTrader 4 - MQL4 programming forum

hi - I have the same issue with my indicators - they generate alerts that are not being transfered to me as emails because of this "not enough storage for emails" issue. Does anyone know if these automated indicator alerts can be pushed through to my android device as notifcations? Or can the notifications functionality only be used for standard MT4 events such as opening and closing trades? thanks in advance for any help. Neil
hi - I have the same issue with my indicators - they generate alerts that are not being transfered to me as emails because of this "not enough storage for emails" issue. Does anyone know if these automated indicator alerts can be pushed through to my android device as notifcations? Or can the notifications functionality only be used for standard MT4 events such as opening and closing trades? thanks in advance for any help. Neil

This is not the same issue as this topic is about notifications (to mobile device) and not emails. I am not aware of any restriction on email, maybe it is not documented. Is there any error number in the log ?

Yes notification can be used for any event, but it needs to be coded.

Same issue here screenshot attached. how to fix this? 

Alain Verleyen: I am not aware of any restriction on email, maybe it is not documented.

IIRC, the maximum limit on emails, is just like SendNotification, “no more than 2 calls per second and not more than 10 calls per minute.” Add a Sleep(6) after the SendMail and wrap a mutex around both.



I know that high frequency notifications will fill and crash queue.

My use case is that I have 16 charts running on 1 minute chart and signals sometimes happen from multiple charts at once.

I know there is some limit on sending per second or minute, but it seems that the platform is not designed for fault tolerant recovery (i.e. when a fault happens e.g. too_many_messages). It should fail to send those messages in that time period but continue to function correctly when normal rate of messaging is restored.

Instead I get error Notifications: not enough space for notification ...

After this platform does not work any more to send notifications.

How do you clear the queue?

"Send less" is not an answer.

How do you clear the queue? e.g restart platform, clear config file, or call some function flush_queue?

It appears that restarting does clear queue, but is there a way to clear it programmatically?



Just close the platform and restart, but make sure you clear journal before closing

Hi All, has anyone found a resolution to this problem?

This has created a lot of unsuccessful trading as I now miss all the alerts, could someone recomend a resolution that works?

Alain Verleyen:

This is not the same issue as this topic is about notifications (to mobile device) and not emails. I am not aware of any restriction on email, maybe it is not documented. Is there any error number in the log ?

Yes notification can be used for any event, but it needs to be coded.
Hi Alain - have you managed to resolve this issue mate?