Cloud sync errors - page 5


Clock, are history processing error and infinite loop occured on your own agents?

If yes open service desk incident please and keep agents' logs


Clock, are history processing error and infinite loop occured on your own agents?

If yes open service desk incident please and keep agents' logs

No, as I always said: no problems at the local or at remote agents, only cloud.

But there it is not specific to one of the servers.


No, as I always said: no problems at the local or at remote agents, only cloud.

But there it is not specific to one of the servers.

Ok. We're working on determination of slow cloud agents


Ok. We're working on determination of slow cloud agents

Hi Stringo,

That's great news.

Will the work you're currently doing on the cloud agents also be looking at the issue of why multiple SymbolInfoXXX() calls in an Expert causes a Cloud agent to throw a "endless loop error..."? As I mentioned in a previous post on this forum thread, requesting that a cloud agent have minimum specs (e.g. large memory) within an Expert, only significantly decreases the number of "endless loop error..." errors - it doesn't actually stop the errors completely (as the test Expert I posted on page 3 of this thread proves).