Telegram 4 MQL - A .NET library for exchanging messages between Metatrader and Telegram - page 2


The site is online again. But I made a successor library that is available here: If you have any further questions let me know.

Thank you for the great library . I've some questions questions I noticed in V2 you have replaced some or all of the older functions with new ones ! now all functions returns string as JSON format Is it true ?!!! do you know any library for mt that can parse the JSON format so I can know the returned value of the function . second question is the library a .NET  so with the new MT implementation I no longer need to declare the functions after the #import keyword ?

last question

Do you have any idea on how to make this library to work for MT4 I tried to import it using the #import keyword just like MT5 , I first tried not explicitly declaring the functions just like the new MT5 release and surprisingly the Editor was able to recognize the functions inside of the dll with the :: operation , but it failed to start , I then tried to declare all functions inside of #import Keyword in the old way and it didn't work also ! so  is this library for MT5 only or the MT4 doesn't support .NET 


Hello budy, how are you?

I was using a version of your 2016 library to send messages on my telegram channel through metatrader5

but yesterday afternoon the messages stopped being sent .... Did something happen with the Telegram4Mql.dll library ??

Can you help me? Thank you

Same for me. Now this mistake?



Hello budy, how are you?

I was using a version of your 2016 library to send messages on my telegram channel through metatrader5

but yesterday afternoon the messages stopped being sent .... Did something happen with the Telegram4Mql.dll library ??

Can you help me? Thank you

Hi helciobtc,

the problem is that Telegram changed the way they treat traffic secured by TLS < v1.2 -> They do not allow it anymore. So the 2016 (telegram4mql) version and the new (mql.telegram) version have this issue. After the weekend I will write a fix vor the newer version. As far as there is enough time I will also update the older version. Sorry for the inconvenience...

Kareem Abdelhakim:

Thank you for the great library . I've some questions questions I noticed in V2 you have replaced some or all of the older functions with new ones ! now all functions returns string as JSON format Is it true ?!!! do you know any library for mt that can parse the JSON format so I can know the returned value of the function . second question is the library a .NET  so with the new MT implementation I no longer need to declare the functions after the #import keyword ?

last question

Do you have any idea on how to make this library to work for MT4 I tried to import it using the #import keyword just like MT5 , I first tried not explicitly declaring the functions just like the new MT5 release and surprisingly the Editor was able to recognize the functions inside of the dll with the :: operation , but it failed to start , I then tried to declare all functions inside of #import Keyword in the old way and it didn't work also ! so  is this library for MT5 only or the MT4 doesn't support .NET 

Hello Kareem, sorry for the late reply. 

Yes, the V2 uses JSON in all of their responses. It is more strict/straight forward and better to adopt by other libraries etc. than the old format. Handling JSON: Have a look at It is MT native. 

Yes, you do not need to #import the functions any longer. It is a feature MT introduced last year. That made it much easier for me to write tests etc.

The MMM libraries (Telegram and Mail) are only intended to work with MT5 because it is much easier to deal with (no import directives, no seperate DLLs for x86/x64, ...). So I decided not to support MT4 anymore. Also because Metaquotes anounced that MT4 is now legacy.

MMM | Working with Responses
Every time you call a function of a module you will earn a generic response in JSON format. The structure is explained in the wiki. To handle the response it is recommended to parse the JSON string that is returned. The most basic thing you might want to do is to check if the operation was successful. Therefore you need to check the isSuccess...

Hi helciobtc,

the problem is that Telegram changed the way they treat traffic secured by TLS < v1.2 -> They do not allow it anymore. So the 2016 (telegram4mql) version and the new (mql.telegram) version have this issue. After the weekend I will write a fix vor the newer version. As far as there is enough time I will also update the older version. Sorry for the inconvenience...

Hi Steven, I opened the issue on GitLab. Please Let us know if you can fix it, Thanks a lot!
stev_io :

Hi! I have the same problem when you roughly make a fix to a newer version of Telegram4Mql.dll ?

And where can I download the corrected version?

Galina Finogeeva:

Hi! I have the same problem when you roughly make a fix to a newer version of Telegram4Mql.dll ?

And where can I download the corrected version?

Hi Galina, I hope that I will find the time this weekend but I cannot primise it to you. There is currently not much spare time left to support the old libraries. The newest version of MMM MQL Telegram (MT5 only) is fixed.



Yes an Update for the mq4 library would be awesome ;)

Thank you for all your work.

Yes an Update for the mq4 library would be awesome ;)

Thank you for all your work.

That would be awesome.