Questions about mql signals - page 2

We are dealing with the problem.

Alexx, I have some ideas about this.

Initial deposit should be calculated as the sum of all transactions, including trades, up to the start date of the Signal.  In other words, the Initial Deposit would be equal to the Balance on the day the Signal was registered. This will eliminate the small or negative Initial Deposit.

Trades stats should only begin from the start date.  This will make the playing field even for all providers and provide subcribers will current stats; not some historical trades that may not be repeated again.

This can still be done because all Signals have a start date.

Other suggestions:

Filter out Signals using more than 500 leverage.  Since they are not allowed anyway, why show them in the rankings.

Filter out Disabled/Disconnected Signals after one week.  They may no longer want to be followed.

Vet the brokers properly.  Several providers are using FECH_Server but I have not found a broker with FECH as initials on any search engine.

Eliminate brokers not using standard symbols.  Non standard sysmbols are red flags for bucket shops.  They are not really connected to liquidity providers. Why force subscribers to use the same broker as the provider?






Vet the brokers properly.  Several providers are using FECH_Server but I have not found a broker with FECH as initials on any search engine.


FECH is another name for forex-swiss (don't you read the forum ?), Google that out, and you may want to read it's reviews at Forex Peace Army.


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FECH is another name for forex-swiss (don't you read the forum ?), Google that out, and you may want to read it's reviews at Forex Peace Army.


Now I know but FECH is not in the forum.  Search it and you only find this thread.  Thanks for the link, good place to look for scammers.
I signed up for a signal. MT4 running ok on VPS, tools/options/signal shows signal ok...on mql site i see some pending orders for the signal that are not showing on my mt4 account...contacted signal provider and they referred me to mql site...where can i get support?
I signed up for a signal. MT4 running ok on VPS, tools/options/signal shows signal ok...on mql site i see some pending orders for the signal that are not showing on my mt4 account...contacted signal provider and they referred me to mql site...where can i get support?
You have to write to ServiceDesk of Metaquotes.
I signed up for a signal. MT4 running ok on VPS, tools/options/signal shows signal ok...on mql site i see some pending orders for the signal that are not showing on my mt4 account...contacted signal provider and they referred me to mql site...where can i get support?

You must have known that pending orders are not copied. See buit-in Help before asking please -

Copying Trading Operations, Volume Calculation

After Subscriber's and Provider's accounts are successfully synchronized, copying of trading operations will start. This is done automatically.

Pending orders placed on Provider's account are not copied to Subscriber's account. Trade operations are copied when pending orders trigger: when a Buy Limit or Buy Stop order triggers, a buy signal is copied; when a Sell Limit or Sell Stop order triggers, a sell signal is copied.


You must have known that pending orders are not copied. See buit-in Help before asking please -

Thanks you Rosh and  Angevoyageur for your assistance