
can one account to buy a subscription for more than one signal
No, can not (one MT account per signal)
you can with Signal Start

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

I'm subscribed to many signals why ?

Ken McCormick, 2013.09.28 00:30

Only one will work in your terminal. Two will not work at the same time, at least that is the way I understand it,. Go to your profile, unsubcribe from all signals, then choose the one you want to follow. If you want to try another..unsubscribe, and choose another...ect.   Also.. read up on the signal service.


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Frequently Asked Questions about the Signals service

Stuart Browne, 2016.03.29 13:30

To paraphrase what Yang May Leong said above:

One account -> Subscribe to as many signals as you want but;
One signal -> One MT account with your broker account

You can't subscribe to multiple signals with the same MetaTrader account

So if you want to subscribe to multiple signals, you only need one account, but multiple MetaTrader accounts with your broker. Your broker should make it easy to create multiple accounts under your one "master" account
