Automated Trading Championship 2012: Ninth Week, Time for Some Drawdown


As you may have already guessed from the title, the current Championship leader JPAlonso has slowed down a bit. His equity level has decreased down to $70 000. Everything is relative, of course, as we have already got used to huge profits of the competition leaders. 600% of the deposit within two months is a truly great result. If you have not read the interview with Juan Pablo Alonso Escobar yet, we recommend that you do that, as it has turned out to be very exciting.

Automated Trading Championship 2012: Ninth Week, Time for Some Drawdown

Interesting changes have occurred at the second, third and fourth positions within the last week: honzour has moved to the second place (from the fourth one). Only $10 000 are separating him from the leader now. FIFO has become the third (though he was second), while 26405 has dropped down to the fourth place from the third one.

The full text of the news can be found on the Championship's website - Ninth Week, Time for Some Drawdown.