ArrayCopy. Need help with copying array.

I am not pro in MQL4.
Could someone say what is wrong with this code (I want to copy arr[] to candles[]):

class Pattern {
  Candle candles[];
  void SetCandles(Candle &arr[]{
    int newArrSize = ArraySize(arr);
    ArrayResize(candles, newArrSize);


Thanks for help!

I think here is the problem. From ArrayCopy documentation:

If arrays are of different types, during copying it tries to transform each element of a source array into the type of the destination array. A string array can be copied into a string array only. Array of classes and structures containing objects that require initialization aren't copied. An array of structures can be copied into an array of the same type only.

Seems I should use 'for' and copy my objects one by one.
Structures and Classes - Data Types - Language Basics - MQL4 Reference
Structures and Classes - Data Types - Language Basics - MQL4 Reference
Structures and Classes - Data Types - Language Basics - MQL4 Reference

Yes, 'for' cycle helped.

void CopyCandlesArray(Candle &arr_source[],Candle &arr_dest[])
   int newArrSize = ArraySize(arr_source);
   ArrayResize(arr_dest, newArrSize);
   for(int i=0; i<newArrSize; i++)
      arr_dest[i] = arr_source[i];

And also it should be implement overloading for operator "=" in 'Candle' class. Like this:

void operator=(Candle& other) {
 high = other.high;
 open =;
 close = other.close;
 low = other.low;
 time = other.time;

Issue is solved.