Signals : Ask & Say Anything & Everything About MQL5 Trading Signals - page 30



Trade provider ticket#1584480 opens 13/Feb/2013, still open, but my trade  ticket#8387941 which was OPENED 13/Feb/2013, was closed at a LOSS! This is a TOTAL mismatched of which trades were closed.

NOTE: there were THREE GBPUSD trades being opened,

provider ticket#=1584480, GBPUSD (BUY), open 13/Feb/2013, @ 1.55430 (still running), my ticket# 8387941 (open 13/Feb/2013, closed 18/Feb/2013) WHY, this is a mismatched, coz provider DID NOT CLOSED THIS TRADE

provider ticket#=1640363, GBPUSD (BUY), open 18/Feb/2013, @1.54669 (closed), my ticket#=8550968, open 18/Feb/2013, still open

provider ticket#=1651320, GBPUSD (BUY), open 19/Feb/2013, @ 1.54641 (still running), my ticket#=8584954, open 19/Feb/2013, still open

NOTE: Provider CLOSED 18/Feb/2013 TRADE which was opened at 18/Feb/2013, but MT4 closed my EARLIEST trade without matching back the opened trade transaction # against the provider and just did a a FIFO closure. Since it closed my 18/Feb/12013 trade, it then "Realised" that provider still has 2 opened trades, thus open it again as per the open price of provider's 13/Feb/2013 trade EP of 1.55430, (my ep=1.54685). This was the ticket#=8550968 in my MT4. It should have closed this and ticket#8387941 should have REMAINED opened!!!

PS: Mt4 is making me loss $ for no reason and for inability to match open trades with closed trades trade for trade as there was NO counter transaction stamp against provider and subscripers acct#

Additional details

provider =Trade Aholic!tab=trading



1. Can you tell me the time (hours and minute) your trades were closed? and can you ask FXOpen, the size of spread at the time your trades were closed ?.

2. The provider is using fix lot 0.01, but we know subscriber can not have fix lot. Your broker has 50 % stop out level and signal provider has only 25 %, so I wonder if you hit margin call because signal provider ticket 1584480 Buy GBPUSD still open at loss. Please, right click your trades history and select comment see if there any explanation for the closed trades.



1. Can you tell me the time (hours and minute) your trades were closed? and can you ask FXOpen, the size of spread at the time your trades were closed ?.

2. The provider is using fix lot 0.01, but we know subscriber can not have fix lot. Your by InstantSavings">broker has 50 % stop out level and signal provider has only 25 %, so I wonder if you hit margin call because signal provider ticket 1584480 Buy GBPUSD still open at loss. Please, right click your trades history and select comment see if there any explanation for the closed trades.

ITS not a margin call, the trade that was supposed to be open was closed on FIFO basis. I am giving up on this MQL signals. I am making Metaquotes tech staff lifes more difficult and likely I will become personal non grata if I continue throwing at them my "design" ideals. Its not that it doesnt work, its just that MT4/5 has to prove more stability and more logical way of handling signals b/w provider and subscriber b4 this service becomes attractive. I have got a good signals service with 1 yr outstanding track record and there is NO need to host the trade copier. The signal provider works with the broker to send signals directly into my MT4 and deduction is ONLY upon success of guarantee pips (performance), otherwise nothing is deducted (I chose to deduct using funds inside my trading acct, instead of thru PayPal, etc since PayPal etc services deduct commission + ex-rate differences b/w my local bank acct and USD, whilst my trading acct is USD, and signals are charged in USD, so at least on paper there is no lost for me and NO commission also)

BTW: Phi, I got good news. here's the request I sent to MQL to improve the mapping, security etc and reply



We are not going to  change the mapping rules at the moment .

But we  will implement  the matching of Subscriber's available symbols with traded symbols of the signal both on the web site and in the terminal.

Best regards, Rashid Umarov



I subscribed to a signal provider which has "XD" as suffix for his symbol, eg, AUDUSDXD. MT3 automatically DISABLED my auto-trading (under the signal tab "Enabled Realtime signal subscription), when the symbols dont matched. I had all the "symbols" traded by provider, but MT4 was NOT intelligent to map only the first 6 characters for currencies. Brokers (or those that I know of) used suffixes NOT prefixes (for those that dont maintain the standard convention).

Considerations for further improvement
1) MT4 will mapped the currency symbols first 6 characters (thus AUDUSDxd=AUDUSD, AUDUSD.fx=AUDUSD, etc)
2) Internal mapping will also consider common symbols eg GOLD=XAUUSD (brokers that used GOLD as symbol refers to USD not EUR). Similarly Silver=XAGUSD
3) 2nd step confirmation process for subscription to signals. 1st step agree to terms of service (as of current no changes)
2nd step, mapping and checking of all valid symbols. Display appropriate message, eg,
"All mapping and verification is successful. If this is a fee based subscription, your payment will be deducted. Free signals have not cost. Click Ok button to confirm subscription, or cancel button to re-select another signal provider"
"Not all symbols can be mapped, please refer to the Journal tab or Journal log for more information. Click Ok button to re-select another signal provider or cancel button to exit the subscription"

I subscribed to a provider with "XD" suffix (even though I had all the symbols) system disabled my trading and deducted my payment (froze) my credits immediately, yet did not automatically unsubscriped me. When I click "my subscription" it still shows that I am subscribed to this provider. This is illogical and silly
4) ONLY freeze the payment from subscribers when all checks are done during the 2nd step confirmation process

5) Besides 2nd step confirmation, once this is confirmed for a subscriber, eg, provider said that his strategy is to trade Major Pairs, 3mths later he decided to add exotics to his EA. This will result in un-synchronizatio between subscribers and provider and auto trading is disabled. Yet trader may still be charged FULL month regardless. AFTER 2nd step confirmation, provider CANNOT add another symbol to his trading acct if synchronization of this symbol will cause some subscribers acct to be disabled from trading. This has to be implemented and enforced on the provider.

To help the provider, he should have traded at least 3mths on demo (so that he could decide what symbols works well with his EA or what other symbols he wanted his EA to work), before allowing LIVE trading. After which ALL symbols that he traded on his demo will be the available symbols he trade for LIVE accts to prevent subscribers acct from disabling. This is to be fair to subscribers.

If this is difficult to implement, issue a warning to both provider and the relevant subscriber when synchronization fails occurs and disallowed the trade until subscriber has un-subscribed from his services. That is subscribers had to unsubscribed, paid for the partial/portion of used period, then resubscribe to another provider. This is FAIR to both subscribers and providers.

This is only for symbols that are NOT in subscribers list, eg, provider was trading EURUSD, GBPUSD, after 3 mths add EURPLN and subscriber dont have this symbol (those existing subscribers that is), trade is disallowed on providers acct and error message pop up with alarm and log into Experts log and journal log on providers acct,

Log into journal log on subscribers acct, and error message pop up with alarm. Emails are sent to both provider and ALL affected subscribers. Subscribers decide whether to cancel or continue. If there is a cancellation, portion/partial deduction (based on used days) is charged and paid to providers

If provider changes his mind, then everybody continues, otherwise this symbol is disallowed until all affected subscribers have cancel the subscription. The decision should have a time limit eg 30 calendar days (not trading days) on both provider and subscribers. If after 30 days the provider does not trade this symbol again, its reset to zero, and when he does, the cycle begins. Trade is disabled ONLY for affected symbol NOT for others non affected symbol. That is within the 30days, provider cannot trade this symbol and recommended that he update his signal page to inform subscribers that he intends to add this symbol to his trading strategy, so that subscribers can easily decide whether to follow him or cancel.

PS: FYI its not possible to check thru 30+ pages worth of history or download into Excel to start to sort out the various symbols just to ensure that I had same symbols as provider. Its best to implement 2nd step confirmation, or even to include a summary of instruments traded (WITH) the suffixes as in the MT4/5 statements. Its also sometimes impossible for subscribers to open same broker acct as provider.

Eg Forex navigator, has PAMM lite-forex (manager's acct) which has the symbol "XD". I can open a liteforex acct but why should I open a PAMM manager's acct? It doesnt make sense for the average trader. Some providers had Russian based broker which has NO outlets in Australia/UK/USA and I still don't speak Russian,  This is also a valid for USA traders who are restricted by NFA rules and some brokers cant sign on USA citizens.

Going forward, MT4 has a lot to look forward to and I still love MT4 (even though MT5 is now abt 1yr old). Please dont phase out MT4, its simple to operate and sufficient for beginners and even those that trade a lot.

Kind Regards

Just read the signal rules ( point IV.2 says "Any Signals created on trade accounts with a leverage exceeding 1:100 are not available for subscription."
hi moderator i have tried to subscribe to signal on mql5,but trade is not copying,when i subcribe i notice that u can only give your acc no ,were am i suppose to write my investor password ,i think the absent of my investors pass which i dont see the space to write it may cause this pls give suome instruction sir
the investor pass,would it be in the same box were the acc no will be because there is only 2 box ,one for broker, and the other for login,will the loging be acc no +investor pass
hi moderator i have tried to subscribe to signal on mql5,but trade is not copying,when i subcribe i notice that u can only give your acc no ,were am i suppose to write my investor password ,i think the absent of my investors pass which i dont see the space to write it may cause this pls give suome instruction sir

the investor pass,would it be in the same box were the acc no will be because there is only 2 box ,one for broker, and the other for login,will the loging be acc no +investor pass 

 No need for password, MQL5 signal directly copy trade to your broker without the need for password. If you can't subscribe, what the log in journal tab says ? 

Whether you want to subscribe to MT4 or MT5 signal, please read this


ITS not a margin call, the trade that was supposed to be open was closed on FIFO basis. I am giving up on this MQL signals. I am making Metaquotes tech staff lifes more difficult and likely I will become personal non grata if I continue throwing at them my "design" ideals.[Not really :) ] Its not that it doesnt work, its just that MT4/5 has to prove more stability and more logical way of handling signals b/w provider and subscriber b4 this service becomes attractive [I agree]. I have got a good signals service with 1 yr outstanding track record and there is NO need to host the trade copier. The signal provider works with the broker to send signals directly into my MT4 and deduction is ONLY upon success of guarantee pips (performance), otherwise nothing is deducted (I chose to deduct using funds inside my trading acct, instead of thru PayPal, etc since PayPal etc services deduct commission + ex-rate differences b/w my local bank acct and USD, whilst my trading acct is USD, and signals are charged in USD, so at least on paper there is no lost for me and NO commission also) [Care to share, ymleong ?, that should be good example for MQL5 signal]

BTW: Phi, I got good news. here's the request I sent to MQL to improve the mapping, security etc and reply



We are not going to  change the mapping rules at the moment . [Because the error only happen to some subscriber, but not all of them]

But we  will implement  the matching of Subscriber's available symbols with traded symbols of the signal both on the web site and in the terminal. [Good]

Best regards, Rashid Umarov



I subscribed to a signal provider which has "XD" as suffix for his symbol, eg, AUDUSDXD. MT3 [?] automatically DISABLED my auto-trading (under the signal tab "Enabled Realtime signal subscription), when the symbols dont matched. I had all the "symbols" traded by provider, but MT4 was NOT intelligent to map only the first 6 characters for currencies. Brokers (or those that I know of) used suffixes NOT prefixes (for those that dont maintain the standard convention).

Considerations for further improvement
1) MT4 will mapped the currency symbols first 6 characters (thus AUDUSDxd=AUDUSD, AUDUSD.fx=AUDUSD, etc)
2) Internal mapping will also consider common symbols eg GOLD=XAUUSD (brokers that used GOLD as symbol refers to USD not EUR). Similarly Silver=XAGUSD [That will be prone to error]
3) 2nd step confirmation process for subscription to signals. 1st step agree to terms of service (as of current no changes)
2nd step, mapping and checking of all valid symbols. Display appropriate message, eg,
"All mapping and verification is successful. If this is a fee based subscription, your payment will be deducted. Free signals have not cost. Click Ok button to confirm subscription, or cancel button to re-select another signal provider"
"Not all symbols can be mapped, please refer to the Journal tab or Journal log for more information. Click Ok button to re-select another signal provider or cancel button to exit the subscription"

I subscribed to a provider with "XD" suffix (even though I had all the symbols) system disabled my trading and deducted my payment (froze) my credits immediately, yet did not automatically unsubscriped me. When I click "my subscription" it still shows that I am subscribed to this provider. This is illogical and silly [and ruthless. I say if there's problem copying, then subscriber should not be charged at all]
4) ONLY freeze the payment from subscribers when all checks are done during the 2nd step confirmation process [Only deduct fee, for successful copy of signal, whether it's a loss trade or not]

5) Besides 2nd step confirmation, once this is confirmed for a subscriber, eg, provider said that his strategy is to trade Major Pairs, 3mths later he decided to add exotics to his EA. This will result in un-synchronizatio between subscribers and provider and auto trading is disabled. Yet trader may still be charged FULL month regardless. AFTER 2nd step confirmation, provider CANNOT add another symbol to his trading acct if synchronization of this symbol will cause some subscribers acct to be disabled from trading. This has to be implemented and enforced on the provider. [1. Not necessary needed if MQL5 signal can correctly map different symbol.   2. That will be difficult for signal provider. It's better that if signal Provider add new symbol, it will not copied if subscriber's does not have that symbol]  

To help the provider, he should have traded at least 3mths on demo (so that he could decide what symbols works well with his EA or what other symbols he wanted his EA to work), before allowing LIVE trading. After which ALL symbols that he traded on his demo will be the available symbols he trade for LIVE accts to prevent subscribers acct from disabling. This is to be fair to subscribers. [1.To be fair, any signal provider that provide paid signal, should use live account and not demo.   2. The problem is in copying signal of MQL5 signal service, not on signal provider]

If this is difficult to implement, issue a warning to both provider and the relevant subscriber when synchronization fails occurs and disallowed the trade until subscriber has un-subscribed from his services. That is subscribers had to unsubscribed, paid for the partial/portion of used period, then resubscribe to another provider. This is FAIR to both subscribers and providers.

This is only for symbols that are NOT in subscribers list, eg, provider was trading EURUSD, GBPUSD, after 3 mths add EURPLN and subscriber dont have this symbol (those existing subscribers that is), trade is disallowed on providers acct and error message pop up with alarm and log into Experts log and journal log on providers acct,

Log into journal log on subscribers acct, and error message pop up with alarm. Emails are sent to both provider and ALL affected subscribers. Subscribers decide whether to cancel or continue. If there is a cancellation, portion/partial deduction (based on used days) is charged and paid to providers

If provider changes his mind, then everybody continues, otherwise this symbol is disallowed until all affected subscribers have cancel the subscription. The decision should have a time limit eg 30 calendar days (not trading days) on both provider and subscribers. If after 30 days the provider does not trade this symbol again, its reset to zero, and when he does, the cycle begins. Trade is disabled ONLY for affected symbol NOT for others non affected symbol. That is within the 30days, provider cannot trade this symbol and recommended that he update his signal page to inform subscribers that he intends to add this symbol to his trading strategy, so that subscribers can easily decide whether to follow him or cancel.

PS: FYI its not possible to check thru 30+ pages worth of history or download into Excel to start to sort out the various symbols just to ensure that I had same symbols as provider. Its best to implement 2nd step confirmation, or even to include a summary of instruments traded (WITH) the suffixes as in the MT4/5 statements. Its also sometimes impossible for subscribers to open same broker acct as provider.

Eg Forex navigator, has PAMM lite-forex (manager's acct) which has the symbol "XD". I can open a liteforex acct but why should I open a PAMM manager's acct? It doesnt make sense for the average trader. Some providers had Russian based broker which has NO outlets in Australia/UK/USA and I still don't speak Russian,  This is also a valid for USA traders who are restricted by NFA rules and some brokers cant sign on USA citizens.

Going forward, MT4 has a lot to look forward to and I still love MT4 (even though MT5 is now abt 1yr old). Please dont phase out MT4, its simple to operate and sufficient for beginners and even those that trade a lot.[MT5 is in 4th years]

Kind Regards

Ymleong, I have read this 4 times and (try to) answer them. If you find anything that is not clear, please let me know.

There's 2 parties that's responsible in executing (open, close, delete, modify) any trades from MQL5 signal, that is MQL5 signal service and subscriber's broker. You should ask (by email if possible) for clarification from these 2 parties about trades in your account. 

i want to subscribe the signal of EAnum2 , this is the link : , i test it on a lot of demo account , even the same broker with EAnum2 , but all of the copied trade i got is loss and on the EAnum2 account is win , so what is the problem is it ?

Ymleong, I have read this 4 times and (try to) answer them. If you find anything that is not clear, please let me know.

There's 2 parties that's responsible in executing (open, close, delete, modify) any trades from MQL5 signal, that is MQL5 signal service and subscriber's broker. You should ask (by email if possible) for clarification from these 2 parties about trades in your account. 

Hi Phi,

Regards the signal services, I am on few days, ROL! but I am quite excited abt this, coz signal provider allows me DIRECT connection to their Master trade copier and its directly "mapped" into my MT4 acct. Only issue (small), is to open Axitrader acct. Its kinda of like PAMM, but better cos theres the guarantee pips. NO guarantee pips, no charges for the signals! NEAT! Basically,

1) <edited>

2) <edited>

3) <edited>

4) <edited>

5) <edited>

6) <edited>

7) You set your own risk/lot allocation (Grips: only can set either risk percent, that is, used your capital compared to signals provider capital and multiplied by this %), eg, 2 means 2x, or capital percent, eg compared your capital vs provider, if provider is $5000, you have $500, then provider opens 1lot, you open 0.1lot. Or LOT multiplier. This can be dangerous, coz u dont care abt the provider's or your capital. Provider opens 1lot, your multiplier is 2, meant u open 2 lots

8) depending on the package u chose, signals charges accordingly deducted at end of period according to pips guarantee for that package, eg for 1 mth, eg, 400pips guarantee, then if at every end mth, u got >=400pips, ur acct is deducted automatically this $. NO NEED for liberty, PayPal etc deposit, register whatever nonsense. NO performance NO CHARGES. So if u had 398pips, too bad for provider, he got ZERO, coz ur package guarantee 400pips (C what I meant)

FYI, I got some fants indicators (Freeware) which I am testing  with MANUAL trading (5 out of 6 wins!) and turning into EA. Just completed my 1st specs. A tad expensive (for the coding) but I know from the provider's stats (ie provider of those indicators) its working and lots of fab reviews in FPA (hopefully u know who they are). FPA do vet reviews make sure from genuine users and not spam by providers or using non customers to leave good reviews, etc. So that site is worth exploring. I got this signals service from their LIVE (signal provider's) trading acct posted to Myfx (verified) and their demo at FPA. Cant say anything yet, but so far no losses and provider is careful with only 10 open trades and he manages his trades carefully, NO NEW trades are opened until at least one is closed, then a new trade is open to replace it.

Axitrader has got good spreads but comparing to FXOPEN their spread is typically still abt 0.3-0.5pips more even when FXOPEN charged me with commission for their ECN acct. ECN is still the lowest spreads esp when u are with true style ECN provider like finfx, fxopen, icmarkets. All these have 2nd level price levels and I had personally seen myself gaining at least 0.2-0.5pips against my ex-provider with Think Forex using trade copier. Although the amt seems small esp with small capital and small lots but over time, this can translates to thousands and with larger traders, just go figure. <edited>

PS: I got the EA programmer by making sure he got at least 5 stars review. Of coz I could specify instead of contact him and let ppl bid for the job, but I really dont want that sort of management on my side.

PPS: God forbid this became a MQL signal, no offense meant! You need to pay for VPS and for that stupidity of closing trades FIFO, NO THANKS! And more stupidity of not able to accomodate change in % of capital to affect NEW trades, not able to accomodate subscribers to copy provider's PENDING trades! PLATFORMLESS is the new way to trade. YA! Yi-Ha, Bring it on! More such services required IMHO

i want to subscribe the signal of EAnum2 , this is the link : , i test it on a lot of demo account , even the same broker with EAnum2 , but all of the copied trade i got is loss and on the EAnum2 account is win , so what is the problem is it ?

Please contact Service Desk and ask for explanation.

Service Desk can be found in your profile page. Just go to your profile by clicking your user name and look for Service Desk on the left side. 


 I did asked who, but I did not asked how. Let's follow forum rules shall we ?

 Let's not forget, that MQL5 signal service serve many broker and not single broker.

ymleong 2013.02.26 14:11 

Ymleong, I have read this 4 times and (try to) answer them. If you find anything that is not clear, please let me know.

There's 2 parties that's responsible in executing (open, close, delete, modify) any trades from MQL5 signal, that is MQL5 signal service and subscriber's broker. You should ask (by email if possible) for clarification from these 2 parties about trades in your account. 

Hi Phi,

Regards the signal services, I am on few days, ROL! but I am quite excited abt this [hope, not too early to review ?], coz signal provider allows me DIRECT connection to their Master trade copier and its directly "mapped" into my MT4 acct. Only issue (small), is to open Axitrader acct. Its kinda of like PAMM, but better cos theres the guarantee pips. NO guarantee pips, no charges for the signals! NEAT! Basically,

1) <edited>

2) <edited>

3) <edited>

4) <edited>

5) <edited>

6) <edited>

7) You set your own risk/lot allocation (Grips: only can set either risk percent, that is, used your capital compared to signals provider capital and multiplied by this %), eg, 2 means 2x, or capital percent, eg compared your capital vs provider, if provider is $5000, you have $500, then provider opens 1lot, you open 0.1lot. Or LOT multiplier. This can be dangerous, coz u dont care abt the provider's or your capital. Provider opens 1lot, your multiplier is 2, meant u open 2 lots [This can be safely done because, it using the same broker]

8) depending on the package u chose, signals charges accordingly deducted at end of period according to pips guarantee for that package, eg for 1 mth, eg, 400pips guarantee, then if at every end mth, u got >=400pips, ur acct is deducted automatically this $. NO NEED for liberty, PayPal etc deposit, register whatever nonsense. NO performance NO CHARGES. So if u had 398pips, too bad for provider, he got ZERO, coz ur package guarantee 400pips (C what I meant) [C stand for cool for subscriber, cruel for provider :). Here's the trick, the provider says he guarantee 400 pips when actually he made 500 pips on average].

FYI, I got some fants indicators (Freeware) which I am testing  with MANUAL trading (5 out of 6 wins!) [for how long period ?, try a year at least] and turning into EA. Just completed my 1st specs. A tad expensive (for the coding) but I know from the provider's stats (ie provider of those indicators) its working and lots of fab reviews in FPA (hopefully u know who they are)[FPA used to be named Forex Bastard]. FPA do vet reviews make sure from genuine users and not spam by providers or using non customers to leave good reviews, etc. So that site is worth exploring[true]. I got this signals service from their LIVE (signal provider's) trading acct posted to Myfx (verified) and their demo at FPA. Cant say anything yet, but so far no losses and provider is careful with only 10 open trades and he manages his trades carefully, NO NEW trades are opened until at least one is closed, then a new trade is open to replace it.

Axitrader has got good spreads but comparing to FXOPEN their spread is typically still abt 0.3-0.5pips more even when FXOPEN charged me with commission for their ECN acct. ECN is still the lowest spreads esp when u are with true style ECN provider like finfx, fxopen, icmarkets. All these have 2nd level price levels and I had personally seen myself gaining at least 0.2-0.5pips against my ex-provider with Think Forex using trade copier. Although the amt seems small esp with small capital and small lots but over time, this can translates to thousands and with larger traders, just go figure. <edited>

PS: I got the EA programmer by making sure he got at least 5 stars review. Of coz I could specify instead of contact him and let ppl bid for the job, but I really dont want that sort of management on my side.[You should let other programmers to bid, that way you know their approach. Many programmers will say anything to please the requester and to get the job deal, while actually they probably need some little more education on programming. Many programmers also threat requester to leave a good feedback and good rating for the programmer before giving the final job, that's how the rating came.] 

PPS: God forbid this became a MQL signal, no offense meant! [It will be offensive if MQ does not want to learn from this] You need to pay for VPS and for that stupidity of closing trades FIFO, NO THANKS! And more stupidity of not able to accomodate change in % of capital to affect NEW trades, not able to accomodate subscribers to copy provider's PENDING trades! PLATFORMLESS is the new way to trade. YA! Yi-Ha, Bring it on! More such services required IMHO