Signals : Ask & Say Anything & Everything About MQL5 Trading Signals - page 13


1. Yes, you will receive signal in normal condition.

2. About different in volume, I will ask service desk later for clarification :(


Today (01/18/2013) existed on this site signal (SPEED HUNTER DEMO):
(for me it was the first sign after the subscription).

Orden Number: 21437416
team :2013.01.18-19: 00
Buy: 200.00
Price: 1.33048
Exit Time: 1/18/2013 19:00
Price: 1.33060
Comission: 1 400.00
Profit: 2 400.00

But this sign was not run on my account.
For this reason I am asking you these questions!




Today (01/18/2013) existed on this site signal (SPEED HUNTER DEMO):
(for me it was the first sign after the subscription).

Orden Number: 21437416
team :2013.01.18-19: 00
Buy: 200.00
Price: 1.33048
Exit Time: 1/18/2013 19:00
Price: 1.33060
Comission: 1 400.00
Profit: 2 400.00

But this sign was not run on my account.

For this reason I am asking you these questions!


You meant Friday ?.

Already answer that in here

Signals : Ask & Say Anything & Everything About MQL5 Trading Signals
Signals : Ask & Say Anything & Everything About MQL5 Trading Signals
Signals : Ask & Say Anything & Everything About MQL5 Trading Signals.
But This signal appeared after i dos The sync(synchronization)
Can you show the log of Friday ?
But This signal appeared afther I Did The Sync(sinchronization). I go wait The next day for see The signal work our dont work!
Image of The Mt4 plataform (log)our image of the internas folder where i installed The MT4. ?

Find the folder where you installed MT4. Then find Metatrader/logs folder. Get the the Friday log : 20130118.log.

Read the log before you post here, and delete any personal information from it. 


Ok one moment

I looked at the folder and the only file that has LOG is on the 2013/01/17.

so this folder has this login information with demo account.

It has no file on 18. In day 18 made the login of the my Live account but has nothing.

will be that the logs are not being saved? 


Ok one moment

I looked at the folder and the only file that has LOG is on the 2013/01/17.

so this folder has this login information with demo account.

It has no file on 18. In day 18 made the login of the my Live account but has nothing.

will be that the logs are not being saved? 

I don't know. I guess you have to wait for market open on Monday.

Cheer up, feliperimoli. 



as my Logs folder has only the 17th, the only information I have on my account  is this.

Have a message problem for the signals not being received? 



as my Logs folder has only the 17th, the only information I have on my account  is this.

Have a message problem for the signals not being received? 

I can not answer why that signal is not copied, because there's no log of it. However, you have successful synchronization, which is good.

Wait till Monday :( 


ok I go wait.

let him ask one more question:
This message on my MT4:

PinP signal to server 219ms

if I sign a VPS system PinP this will decrease?
The VPS system improves the signs of instability in the execution?