[POOL] Buying profitable EA OR Subcribe to profitable signal

  • 59% (63)
  • 41% (44)
Total voters: 130

I don't buy EA anymore ever since I can coding my self, and I haven't try mql5.com signal service.

Just curiosity, which one you do, whether buying or subscribing single or multiple EA or Signal ?,  

If I buy EA(s) and later the EA(s) is not profitable anymore, or no longer supported, then I end up with unused EA(s). And so I have to buy a new profitable EA(s).

If I subscribe to signa(s)l and later the signal(s) is not profitable anymore, or no longer supported, And so I have to change my subscription to some other profitable signal(s).

BTW this pool, I think also important if you plan and have to decide whether to sell your EA in Market or just sell it's signals. 

I will rather ask for a profitable EA, if there is, and trade with it.

While the demo version of the EA you may wish to purchase is free, it's still only for 30 days and that's really only good for running backtests.

With a Signal, you can see proof of its workings over a potentially much longer period of time.

So for me, Signal is the way to go (depending on subscription cost) and maybe think about purchasing the EA later if there is one for that Signal.

I think the advantage of buying EA is that we can fully control the work of EA, whereas if we subscribe to the EA we can not fully control. The EA could have stopped at any time by the provider, and we can not do anything about it. Just my opinion.
I do agree with achidayat, and a signal is a black box while an EA, in the worst case, is a grey box. In my opinion the best case is have the source code (the white box) when possible, so you have all the potential and strategy in your hands
I edited subscribe to profitable EA to profitable signal. Sorry, please vote again. Previous voter was 23. 
Vote for signal provider!
Signal is expensive in the long run(if the charge is volume based or is charged a fixed fee of over $25 a month), can be stopped anytime and finally higher chance of missing trades if signal server has connection issues.
Agree with figurelli.
I do agree with achidayat, and a signal is a black box while an EA, in the worst case, is a grey box. In my opinion the best case is have the source code (the white box) when possible, so you have all the potential and strategy in your hands

completely agree with you. Instead f buying an EA or subscribing to a signal whether profitable or not i'll rather upgrade my trading technique to an EA and use it for trading. That is better than buying an EA that i don't know what technique its using for pacing order/for trading.