Say & Ask anything/everything - page 11


want to know why my signature signals for rich or Die was canceled by the moderator??

Signal canceled subscription: Subscription to "Rich Or Die" on 27/01/2013 21:45:16 21:45:16-2013.02.27 Has Been canceled.

4 hours ago
Seller profile: an moderator's comment was added to your seller profile. Please read it and reply, if necessary.


want to know why my signature signals for rich or Die was canceled by the moderator??

Signal canceled subscription: Subscription to "Rich Or Die" on 27/01/2013 21:45:16 21:45:16-2013.02.27 Has Been canceled.

4 hours ago
Seller profile: an moderator's comment was added to your seller profile. Please read it and reply, if necessary.

1. You can also ask that in here Signal : Ask & Say Anything & Everything About MQL5 Trading Signal

2. You are a signal provider. A signal provider can not subscribe to mql5 signal.

3. Go to your profile and look for seller on left side and click it. 


then I will cancel my signal provider to sign off MT5 signals provider.


I already canceled my provider signs. Please keep my subscription enabled to signals!


1. Write and ask to Service desk and wait.

2. Next time don't play around with mql5 signal or you will be banned. 


1. Write and ask to Service desk and wait.

2. Next time don't play around with mql5 signal or you will be banned. 

honestly, it was not my intention to play with mql5 signs.

I did not know that a signal provider can not sign other signs on the site

I'm sorry for what happened.


How come this guy gets away with full blown spam?

I mean, forum reward system is too rich and starts attract spammers. Just look at him! Numerous meaningless  pools, additional  "thanks reply" on every persons reply. And if that isn't enough just look on hes old topics - that shows whats he's after.

Just saying, thats unnatural behavior, interest on information ain't motivator there.


How come this guy gets away with full blown spam?

I mean, forum reward system is too rich and starts attract spammers. Just look at him! Numerous meaningless  pools, additional  "thanks reply" on every persons reply. And if that isn't enough just look on hes old topics - that shows whats he's after.

Just saying, thats unnatural behavior, interest on information ain't motivator there.

Ever since MetaQuotes create, there were, and still, are users who make a lot of comments, that - for other user - can be categorized as useless, meaningless, not informative and even downright not helpful and annoying, and also - in the past - some users did publicly complains about these comments,. but we (moderators/admins) can not categorize these comments as spam.

Don't worry about this, we can stop this sort of thing if necessary, by deleting the comments/threads/topics or even temporary restriction for the user to forum. Currently, we already delete several unnecessary comments/threads/topics from the old and new topics/threads/comments, and have apply some temporary restrictions to some users.

If you find some comments/topics/thread that you fell annoying, you can click complain link and all moderator and admin can get an early warning for it.


Hello phi.nuts,

I want to ask what is the best way to report an error/a comment on Documentation Section. For example, page on StringAdd function, in the example, variable length is not declared. Also the result of this example is weird

But the documentation claim that :


StringConcatenate() is faster and memory saving, as compared to binding strings using addition operations, because it doesn't use temporary variables of string type.

Thank you for your good work.

Edit: I see "Service Desk" on my profile page, I suppose I can post there.


Ever since...

I understand your position.

Thanks for reply.

BTW: Why don't you guys have post "likes"? I would gladly give you green cookie for this fast and informative reply. :)


When I try to submit a request for a job quote on the JOBS forum, it asks for a Metaquote ID.  When I try to find out what that is, it indicates its tied to a mobile platform.  I don't have a mobile platform.  All I want is a very simple EA in Mt4 language, which I can trade on my laptop.  Can anyone help?  Thanks,  Bruce


Hello phi.nuts,

I want to ask what is the best way to report an error/a comment on Documentation Section. For example, page on StringAdd function, in the example, variable length is not declared. Also the result of this example is weird

But the documentation claim that :

Thank you for your good work.

Edit: I see "Service Desk" on my profile page, I suppose I can post there.

1. To contact MetaQuotes, you can write to its Service Desk. Just go to your profile and click your user name and look for Service Desk on the left side.

2. About those string stuff. Sometime, we have to carefully read the mql5 reference for several times. 

There are three ways to add to string type variable : 1] Using conventional addition operation, 2] Using StringConcatenate or 3] Using StringAdd.

In your experiment of adding to string type variable, StringAdd is more faster than StringConcatenate and and they both is much faster than string addition, and you're wondering how come StringConcatenate much slower than StringAdd which does not live up with what its documentation says.

Well, here's simple explanation : StringAdd need 2 arguments and they both have to be from the string type, StringConcatenate require 2 to 63 arguments and they can be any kind of simple type (like long, integer, double, float, etc click here), conventional string addition is practically like StringConcatenateexcept that it does not have limitation in it's arguments.

As you can see, StringAdd is a winner because the argument needed is already a string, StringConcatenate is much slower because it will check if the argument(s) is NOT a string, and that, hopefully explain why string addition is a biggest loser ;)  

You know what they say, the devils is in the details ;D