Do MetaQuotes want to promote Market or not? - page 2

I think it would be better if a reprimand or a warning by a moderator, delivered via private message, like most in other forums. So it does not degrade the image of a member, especially members who have contributed to the forum. Please consider my suggestion.
I think it would be better if a reprimand or a warning by a moderator, delivered via private message, like most in other forums. So it does not degrade the image of a member, especially members who have contributed to the forum. Please consider my suggestion.

yes, i agree with you.

If a waning had delivered via private message to songsong, i think he would not post such a topic. hehe~

song_song 2012.11.16 09:21 

You have some 40 products and I only delete one of your product from the forum and yet you going mad and upset.

Don't say me mad, i'm not. you break the rule.

I break no rule, you did sound mad, but I delete that - and sorry for that.

achidayat 2012.11.16 10:13 
I think it would be better if a reprimand or a warning by a moderator, delivered via private message, like most in other forums. So it does not degrade the image of a member, especially members who have contributed to the forum. Please consider my suggestion.

I usually do that, sending a PM and delete the comment - however - please note - other moderator may not doing the same.

I was the one who delete song_song product link comment. I did that before other forumer complain about being sold in forum, but I was busy yesterday that I didn't had a chance to PM song_song. When I was about to PM him, I saw this topic, so I have to reply here. 

Thanks for suggestion, I hope other moderators reads and apply your suggestion in forum. 

luenbo 2012.11.16 10:22

yes, i agree with you.

If a waning had delivered via private message to songsong, i think he would not post such a topic. hehe~

Or instead writing a topic, song_song should clarify to me why his comment was deleted.

Hi song_song,

phi.nuts is not the only one that has "empty" achievement. My rating is smaller than yours, but if you look at my achievement, I got all those rating from writing in the forum. My ratings and achievement doesn't come from selling anything and I don't plan to sell anything.

I have about 430 comment in forums (!author=onewithzachy), you only have 230 comments. Some of my comments are helping other forumer with mql5 codes for free. I can say, that my rating mostly came from helping other, by solving mql5 codes and help other to understand mql5 code - not by selling to other.

My first mql5 code in the forum is here, I was helping phenix to convert OrderSend command from mql4 to mql5. If you see there, admin Rosh also helping me and phenix with some code.

I also helped achidayat with some lot calculation (, but I decided not to continue helping him with martingale lot calculation  - not interested with martingale lot calc (and btw, I have to apologize to achidayat, for my remark the other day. I was not thinking straight and being disrespectful). I don't know if my help there, really helped achidayat, but at least I tried to help.

I helped marsoin06 converting mql4 to mql5 in here and I made mistake and nobody helped us for a month.

There you have some of it, but this is not about me, this is about helping other people understanding mql5 codes. 
I go through all your 230 comments there. You asked lot of questions for your self, but I don't see your comments that explaining or writing mql5 codes for other to help other forumer understand mql5 codes, only less than 5 comments that can be classified as helping with mql5 function, but without any mql5 codes. 

But you did try to sell :

You even tried to sell to a banned member,

I have to write this, because you're not the only one who visit this forum and because the other day, when I replied luenbo in here, you replied with your product - read luenbo reaction there.

Most every one in this forum hate being treated like that. Did you ever care how other people feeling being sold like that ?

Here is another example, but not by you,, lion999 was asking a question and Trintoro replied by asking him to go to job section, please read reaction from lion999, gbmitte, and mikesomething there. Again everyone hate being treated like that.

The forum is named for a reason, and the reason is to understand mql5 programming language. Did you ever try to explain some mql5 codes, to other forumer, so they understand the codes ?.

I think you really don't care whether a forumer understand mql5 codes or not, if you see a question in forum that match your product, you immediately reply with your product. That way, you misuse the forum, for your own benefit, because you don't help other understand mql5 codes and programming.

Don't misuse the mql5 forum, let and keep the forum become a place for learning and solving mql5 code together, and not becoming commercial place. Commercial place have it's own section in both and in MT5, so please stay there.

Keep mql5 forum for a place to learn mql5 - not for commercial place. Don't missuse it.


Hi song_song,

phi.nuts is not the only one that has "empty" achievement. My rating is smaller than yours, but if you look at my achievement, I got all those rating from writing in the forum. My ratings and achievement doesn't come from selling anything and I don't plan to sell anything.

I have about 430 comment in forums (!author=onewithzachy), you only have 230 comments. Some of my comments are helping other forumer with mql5 codes for free. I can say, that my rating mostly came from helping other, by solving mql5 codes and help other to understand mql5 code - not by selling to other.

My first mql5 code in the forum is here, I was helping phenix to convert OrderSend command from mql4 to mql5. If you see there, admin Rosh also helping me and phenix with some code.

I also helped achidayat with some lot calculation (, but I decided not to continue helping him with martingale lot calculation  - not interested with martingale lot calc (and btw, I have to apologize to achidayat, for my remark the other day. I was not thinking straight and being disrespectful). I don't know if my help there, really helped achidayat, but at least I tried to help.

I helped marsoin06 converting mql4 to mql5 in here and I made mistake and nobody helped us for a month.

There you have some of it, but this is not about me, this is about helping other people understanding mql5 codes. 
I go through all your 230 comments there. You asked lot of questions for your self, but I don't see your comments that explaining or writing mql5 codes for other to help other forumer understand mql5 codes, only less than 5 comments that can be classified as helping with mql5 function, but without any mql5 codes. 

But you did try to sell :

You even tried to sell to a banned member,

I have to write this, because you're not the only one who visit this forum and because the other day, when I replied luenbo in here, you replied with your product - read luenbo reaction there.

Most every one in this forum hate being treated like that. Did you ever care how other people feeling being sold like that ?

Here is another example, but not by you,, lion999 was asking a question and Trintoro replied by asking him to go to job section, please read reaction from lion999, gbmitte, and mikesomething there. Again everyone hate being treated like that.

The forum is named for a reason, and the reason is to understand mql5 programming language. Did you ever try to explain some mql5 codes, to other forumer, so they understand the codes ?.

I think you really don't care whether a forumer understand mql5 codes or not, if you see a question in forum that match your product, you immediately reply with your product. That way, you misuse the forum, for your own benefit, because you don't help other understand mql5 codes and programming.

Don't misuse the mql5 forum, let and keep the forum become a place for learning and solving mql5 code together, and not becoming commercial place. Commercial place have it's own section in both and in MT5, so please stay there.

Keep mql5 forum for a place to learn mql5 - not for commercial place. Don't missuse it.


Hi onewithzachy..I agree with you, this forum is used to understanding mql5 programming language.. Btw it's been long time I don't see your comment..
Hi onewithzachy..I agree with you, this forum is used to understanding mql5 programming language.. Btw it's been long time I don't see your comment..

Hi Biantoro,

How are you doing, I'm fine BTW. I have to re-write my EA for both MT4/5, unfortunately, it takes longer than I expected :(. Though, a friend of mine - who once visit and live shortly in your country - say that I am a prone to rubber watch  (a "jam karet" - if I'm not mistaken the translation), and "like the sound of firecracker" (I'm not so sure with this one).

Whatever, though. I'll write again later - months later :D



Hi Biantoro,

How are you doing, I'm fine BTW. I have to re-write my EA for both MT4/5, unfortunately, it takes longer than I expected :(. Though, a friend of mine - who once visit and live shortly in your country - say that I am a prone to rubber watch  (a "jam karet" - if I'm not mistaken the translation), and "like the sound of firecracker" (I'm not so sure with this one).

Whatever, though. I'll write again later - months later :D


Hi onewithzachy, I'm fine..( but my trading not so fine :D). Your translation about "jam karet" is right, and I think your friend is right about you when he say "like the sound of firecracker":D.

There are other forumers who trying to sell his/her products in forum, which I have to delete :D.

I just read the Market rules  especially point IX. "Termination of Service without prior Notice in Case of Serious Violation of Terms of Use" with sub point 1. "Any actions that threaten the operation of the service for other users." 

The way I see it, this forum is a free service for everyone - not just user of MetaTrader, and there also forum rules point 5. Posting of advertising messages, spamming and flooding are forbidden.

Even though posting as a seller in forum is not clearly defined, it's indirectly threaten the forum as a free service to user and a violation of forum rules above.

Of course, we are in a forum, so I open and welcome to any discussion about this. 

Rules of Using the Market Service
Rules of Using the Market Service
General Provisions and Conditions of Use service MQL5 Market