One set forward 5 steps backwards


Of all the upgrades I've seen in the software industry in the past 30 years, this has to be the worst. When you upgrade you do not take away funtionality, you add to it. There are no traders that what this to happen. Do you listen to your true customers or not. Add heding or don't even bother as traders won't use it. The fact that no one talks about this upgrade or downgrade as it really is speaks volumes about the disappoointment to it. I'll even bet I don't get any official responeses from this post.




I think there is no going back now.   MT4 will be MT4.   MT5 will be MT5.

This is like Playstation 2 and PlayStation 3.   You want PS2 games, then get a PS2.  You want PS3 games, then get a PS3.


Will Metacorps continue supporting  MT4, that is another question?

Without Metacorp support for MT4, I believe there will be errors and bugs in MT4 that will no longer be fixed.