What are the Advantages of mt5 - page 2


What are some advantages mt5 platform have over mt4 trading platform?

To me i think  hedging is disabled in mt5. why?

There are several brokers who take a different approach to enable hedging. For example some broker have two currencies for one. So instead EURUSD, they have - say EURUSDa and EURUSDb. If we buy EURUSDa, then we can hedge it by selling EURUSDb and vice versa. To close it, we do usual by open different position.

You can search for that broker in many forum such  http://www.forexpeacearmy.com/public/forex_broker_reviews and http://www.forexfactory.com/forumdisplay.php?f=74

Forex Currency Trading Broker Reviews By Forex Traders Page 1
Forex Currency Trading Broker Reviews By Forex Traders Page 1
  • www.forexpeacearmy.com
Learn Forex trading brokers secrets and find the very best foreign exchange broker. Share your experience with the currency trading community.

thanks very much. your comments really mean something to me and help me.



There are several brokers who take a different approach to enable hedging. For example some broker have two currencies for one. So instead EURUSD, they have - say EURUSDa and EURUSDb. If we buy EURUSDa, then we can hedge it by selling EURUSDb and vice versa. To close it, we do usual by open different position.

You can search for that broker in many forum such  http://www.forexpeacearmy.com/public/forex_broker_reviews and http://www.forexfactory.com/forumdisplay.php?f=74

Here for example https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/6318#comment_213122. Please read the whole thread and look closely at the name of EURUSD over there.
buy and sell one another cancel each other
buy and sell one another cancel each other
  • www.mql5.com
My goal is to open a buy order while a sell order, is this possible?
Thanks ones again
Hedging for me it does not matter, I am calm
Hedging for me it does not matter, I am calm
You'requiet right buy all advantages and disadvantages of this mt5  platform should be made known to newbies.

What are some advantages mt5 platform have over mt4 trading platform?

To me i think  hedging is disabled in mt5. why?

True, hedging in MT5 is not possible. As others have discussed, the non-hedging issue is a total of show stopper.

MT5 Pros
OOP Programing 

MT5 Cons
No Hedging
The whole deals and orders thing is just too clunky. I could not even (easily) see the entry and exit price of a trade in the account history tab.
This platform satifies the USA / NFA rules regarding no hedging. MetaQuotes need to realise there is a whole world outside of the USA.
I was under the impression that MetaTrader was a platform to trade Forex, now they are trying to please everyone with Multi-Markets. (not a wise move by MQ)


If / when MT4 is discontinued then i will just use TradeStation or other plaforms. I have deleted my demo / test versions of MT5 and will not bother looking back at it unless these issues are addressed.

There was a vote on Forex Factory asking "Do you use MT4 or MT5" and there were
26 votes for MT4 and 0 votes for MT5

I have to say that MT5 "appears" to be a slick platform, however for a professional forex trader there are too many drawbacks to make it viable.

If MT5 was a true upgrade from MT4, retaining the existing features then that would be great. I wont hold my breath for this to happen though.

TripleHeinz said above "but it's good to be NFA compliant" - All i can say is that i am in the UK and I dont care for the NFA. (There is a whole world outside the USA as i already mentioned)
When MT5 starts moving your order entry levels around when you have multiple pending / orders then you'l understand why its a nightmare platform and go back to TradeStation :) 

I hope MetaQuotes realise that MT4 is where there bread and butter comes from, where as MT5 is just costing them wasted time and money. 

Overall i am throughly disappointed with the whole MT5 debacle.
Debacle - noun "a complete collapse or failure."

/end of justified rant.


The best way by brokers is offer symbols_xx (e.g. from EURUSD_01 to EURUSD_99) so you can buy EURUSD_01 and EURUSD_02 and sell EURUSD_03 and EURUSD_04.

 For some broker, EURUSDB means EURUSDbid and EURUSDA means EURUSDask, see: https://fxtrade.oanda.com/community/forex-forum/topic/15009956/?page=1#post-9706833 

In topic https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/6318, maybe EURUSDL means EURUSDLite, i can't buy or sell it in demo account. 

Forex Forums | OANDA
Forex Forums | OANDA
  • fxtrade.oanda.com
Well, it's pretty easy. Did you download the whole tick data of a ticker from 2004 to 2010? The whole file is 2GB large, I think. So unzip it. And in case of EURUSD for example call the file EURUSD.csv. Then split it intro 100 MB pieces or less than 100MB. Yes, you will have a lot of files but loading the whole few GB file into AB could cause...

MT5 Pros
OOP Programing

More Time Frames
Better and quicker backtest
News on chart

MT5 Cons

No Hedging

You can use Virtual Order Manager
I agree wit all your coments ,nigelxx